Everything HURTS

OK, this is definitely going to be a venting post, so if anyone wants to bow out now and not listen to me kvetch I totally understand.

But today has been an especially difficult day, and its only just begun. It started out with me waking up to an extreme gnawing pain in my legs, then that quickly spread to my ribs. Let me just say that sitting up when your ribs are having a tug of war match definitely leaves you breathless and in extreme pain. So I managed to get myself out of bed, I had to call out from work today even because the pain is just too strong. Every time I breathe in its a new adventure in pain. For heaven's sakes, as ridiculous as this is going to sound, I feel like even my hair and fingernails hurt. Everything just HURTS today. Is anyone else feeling the same way today? Can anyone relate?


I can relate. I have had days like that before. I am currently in a lot of pain in my low back, Sciatic nerve and hip joints. I recall days waking up or trying to go to sleep when EVERYTHING hurt, like you are describing. I call it our bodies "freak out" mode. I remember having headaches so bad that I wanted to rip my head off because my teeth and eyes were throbbing. On days like this, I find that a hot bath sometimes works. I get the water as hot as I can tolerate it and it calms my "freaking out" nerves sending pain signals. Have you tried a hot bath? It seems to reduce the nerves to feeling nothing but the hot, calming water and stops them from screaming for a little while. You can stay in the bath and reheat the water as long as you need to. I've also had to miss work and stay home on occasion. Have you tried going to sleep? Do you have any medication like a muscle relaxer or sleep medication that you can take to help you sleep through it? Sometimes sleep is the best remedy.

You are in my thoughts,


Thanks for your reply, Sara.

I don't know exactly what is making me flare so horribly this morning, probably just from being overworked, I had to call out this morning because the pain is just too horrid.

I have considered taking a bath but my water heater isn't that great so by the time I get into the bath it is just warm, not really as hot as I would like it. I am considering (when I have the money) just getting a gym membership somewhere so I can use their swimming pool and hot tub. I do appreciate your advice though, and if I could I would be sinking down to my nose in a bath tub full of hot water right now.

I've been there many times. It's a HORRIBLE feeling! There were MANY days that I couldn't get out of bed. The thing that helped me the most (after a HOT shower) was putting a pillow between my legs. Sure hope you feel better!!! LOTS OF GENTLE HUGS YOUR WAY!!!

Hi Ahava, I am truly sorry you are having a bad day. Sometimes when I am in a flare and in bed, I will try to engage in a book or an online game. It helps take my mind off the pain some. I also play calming music and I use scents, especially lavender. Lavender air freshner, lavender body mist, lotion, candles, etc. It seems to help calm my overactive nerves down. I also like to take a hot bath - I hope you are able to get that gym membership / spa / pool access. Sleep is also a great thing, a lot of times just sleeping will help calm down the flare. I sure hope you are feeling better - GREAT days ahead! Hugs. Michelle


I hope you can get a gym membership. A hottub would be very helpful : ) And you could soak in it as long as you needed to. I've talked to my husband about investing in a hottub in the future because I wouldn't have to constantly warm up the water and the jets are great. We are planning to get one sometime, when we can afford it. I hope you are feeling better today and I'm sending good thoughts your way.



Ahava31 said:

Thanks for your reply, Sara.

I don't know exactly what is making me flare so horribly this morning, probably just from being overworked, I had to call out this morning because the pain is just too horrid.

I have considered taking a bath but my water heater isn't that great so by the time I get into the bath it is just warm, not really as hot as I would like it. I am considering (when I have the money) just getting a gym membership somewhere so I can use their swimming pool and hot tub. I do appreciate your advice though, and if I could I would be sinking down to my nose in a bath tub full of hot water right now.

Hi Ahava, I sure hope you are feeling better! I am sending positive thoughts and hugs your way.

Thank you all so much for taking the time to respond. That really means a lot to me, especially when I am feeling isolated and in horrible pain. Hope everyone is having a very low pain day!

Blessings and prayers