Excruciating Pain After A Fall

I've had two bad falls this winter, one where I really hurt my hip and had partially disjointed the wing, that was about 3 weeks ago and exactly a week ago I fell, hitting 5 steps with my tail bone and elbow really hard. May I say, I dislike winter with a passion, all it does is create more pain. Now I am stuck in bed in excruciating pain n my low back/bum, a week after my fall with a drivers road test in 6 hours and had to contact teachers due to missing a quiz and participation period. I have a heating pad there, I have massaged and I have to get it better n 6 hours! Why the heck a week after a fall can I barely walk when wednesday and thursday I could?????? How can I do my road test for my license in this much pain?

Any suggestions on a quick remedy that will last 40 minutes, take me out of pain, not cause a seizure and allows me to drive with no impairment?

Sounds like you need to either see your doc or go to the ER. If you fell a week ago and you're having such severe pain you can't get out of bed, I would worry that you may have done something serious when you fell.

I'm sorry, I can't help you with a quick remedy. I don't think there's anything that will take all of that pain away, and especially not anything that won't impair you.

Good luck.


I was at my physio on wednesday and she felt it and said the bones were fine and moving proper, just the muscles are grumpy (clearly she isn't in pain cause grumpy... way too nice a word).thanks, I think if it's still this bad monday I'll head to the ER.

Thanks! Hugs!


Can you reschedule your test? You should get checked out, I fell about a month ago and I'm not getting better so I have an appt on Monday for an x-ray. Don't wait, if you can't move or get out of bed you need to make sure you haven't broken or cracked something. Hope everythings ok, hugs Charlie :)

I sadly can't reschedule, I would have had to reschedule 24 hours in advance so I sadly need to go. Any ideas for relief? What have you been doing?


My complete sympathy for what you are going through, Shawna! I just took a bad fall myself and was in the ER for 7 hours.

Unfortunately time is the only thing that will help you to get over this! A combination of rest and movement, too much rest will make you stiff, too little rest will make healing harder and longer.

Going to the ER may be the only thing to get you out of the test as far as rescheduling the test! I don't know this for sure, but there must be a clause for something of this nature, even In Canada! ha! That was not meant as an insult, just that it seems like such a harsh rule for such a liberal country!

Need to make sure you haven't broken, chipped, or cracked a bone! The ER is the place to go, my friend! Please keep us updated.

Wishing you well;,

Love and hugs,


HI Shawna - I wish I could help you. It sounds like you are doing everything possible to relieve the pain. Do you have any pain meds?? I am worried about you and you need to rest and not worry about what you need to do. I know this is easier said than done! Can you afford to take a little break until you feel better? I am so sorry about your fall though. I fell really hard about 2 months ago. I fell on my left Hip (of course I would fall on the one hip that hurts the most!!), along with my elbow and then got thrown backwards and my head hit the wall really hard. This was, I think, the worse fall I have had since my Fibro, which started 32 years go. Lately, I am getting really clumsy and dropping things as well. Please take care of yourself. Mostly, as I always say to people in this group, DON"T push through your pain. It makes it worse. Believe me when I say this. Because I learned the hard way! Take care - ok?? BIG Hugs!1 Laurie

Thanks SK! Start off with... failed the test... take it again on the 15th! Next ERs upset me, I did one the weekend before last and so if it's still this bad on monday I'm calling my doctor and getting an xray at the nearby clinic as that is less waiting in the end. I had seen my physio on wednesday and she moved it around and sad that nothing was broken or abnormal just the muscles..

Thank Laurie I am taking the weekend to rest except tonight, tonight is my Moms birthday and we are doing family at Red Lobster! Mmmmm! I am going to see if my boyfriend and parents can over the weekend help me out with bringing down food and what not due to the stairs being so bad.

Hugs, Shawna

HI Shawna,

Sorry about the failed test! Hopefully you will have gotten over this by then! Anything like this that we have to deal with just aggravates what already ails us!

I know about the ER wait, really I do. There were at least 2 other falls there, the night I went, one elderly man went off a ladder face first and was really mashed up! Lots and lots of flu patients! So they wanted to know it I had it, had been around it. NOPE!

Glad you had your PT check you out, they usually know it something is broken. My PCP is out of the country until I see him on the 11th. If I have any more trouble, I'll call my Rheum and see if he will look at me! You are far too young to be falling, but in the tundra, ice is everywhere!

Be careful!

Shawna - Happy Birthday to your Mom!! If you are not tired or too sore, I hope you have a wonderful evening! You won't like me telling you this, but I hate Fish!1 LOL My daughter used to work at the Red Lobster and she made really good tips! Now she is a vetenarian! Just relax and know that when you get home, you can pamper yourself and hopefully sleep through the night!1 Love, Laurie


Sorry about the failed drivers test but don't see how you could pass it in that much pain. But much admiration to you for trying anyway!

Meanwhile, please DO go to the doc on Mon. if you are still feeling this badly. It's possible that you did break something and the physio is wrong. I hope not. It could just be the fibro.

Thankies! She had an awesome birthday lol! We got her a tablet and she is loving it! And the scallops, shrimp and lobstr I have was awesome but my boyfriend is like you and does not enjoy seafood lol! I have a line up of many new shows to watch (desperate housewives, suits, private practice and once done I'll use netflix, lots of deliveries of food to me downstairs by others have already been determined and I have a pretty good set up downstairs! Next.. I need a microwave!

Hugs and love, Shawna

Thanks SK!

Lol! The tundra comment is priceless, many laughs for it. I hope that you can get checked out soon. I am just setting myself up for a restful weekend and getting better for Monday and practising driving even more! :) Monday I'll get my sore bum to the doctors if it's anywhere near the pain I am in now.

Hugs, Shawna

Thanks Petunia,

I am upset but not too angry about the failed test but I'll practise for the next 2 weeks to be sure I do well. I will certainly go to the doctor on Monday if I'm still so sore.


Sadly, nothing much I can do. Pain meds aren't doing too much, keeping my feet up and wrapping my legs in an electric throw feels nice. But as soon as I stand or sit in a normal chair it's very painful. I'm so sorry I can't help, I hope you are ok. By now you've went for your test? How did you make out? Get better soon, hugs Charlie :)

That's why I put off going when I fell, flu season. I would've been there for hours. In hind, sight at this point, I wish I'd gone. By the way we don't live in the tundra, you're thinking of Alaska, LOL. Charlie :)

HI Shawna - You sound a lot better compared to that last time I emailed you.. I agree with you though, I LOVE ''Desperate Housewives"" as my daughter, Kim never misses it. If she has to be somewhere, she will tape it! Can you imagine living living in a community like that. All the gossip swirling around you? Good grief! They would know everything about me. I also like Netflix too. When I see all that's going on in the Desperate Housewives and the problems they have, I would rather stick with my Fibro instead! LOL Love, Laurie

Hey, it's hard to pass it the first time. I remember being PETRIFIED over hitting the curb during parallel parking in my test. Meanwhile, my son said he didn't even have to do that part of the test cause no one does it in his area! So I think you'll do fine the second time around. Just think about the tips they gave you as to what needed some improvement. Again, I admire you, learning to drive and doing it when you have fibro. But then again, it does beat walking!'

And how are you feeling, btw? Are you still in excruciating pain? That's not good if you are and not even sure it'd be fibro.

Wishing you luck,


Yes, I am still in excruciating pain and just doing all I can with heat and rest for my back, my boyfriend is being awesome with getting me stuff and he even carried me up the stairs! :) I have the next one on the 15th and am going to practice after my back and bum feel better. Thanks so much Petuinia!

Hugs, Shawna