at 1030 this morning I fell off the back step. So here's what I need to know, how do you know if somethings broken or just twisted? The pain in my knee is unbearable, it hurts even more if I try to put weight on it, or try to straighten it. It's also pretty swollen, I've heard that means nothings broke. Plus how do you break you knee? i've never heard of that, but I don't want to go to emerg. either unless I have to
charlie, even the best of Doctors can guess, but unless you have bone through skin, it is just a guess. Best to go see your Dr, or ER Dr and get an x-ray order. It may show up with joint damage too, that is just the thoughts of an Arthritic!
I personally hope it's just a twist! Hope you feel better very soon!
Wishing you well,
Agree very much with SK. And what caused you to fall off that step in the first place? Did your knee give out on you?
I know that my knee hurts as much as what you're saying, thanks to fibro, but for it to happen all at once, after a fall is certainly suspect. Do you have any urgent care places you could go to instead of the ER? I guess you could wait a day or so and see if your knee improves but I'm guessing it's not going to.
I would recommend icing it, although it may be too late for ice to help. Like SK, I hope you've just twisted it. But you should check to make sure that your fall wasn't due to a problem with the knee in the first place.
Good luck and feel better soon.
Thanks SK. It's very difficult to get an appt. with my family doc, they have a screwy system. Also I was hoping to avoid the emerg. during flu season. It's bad enough on normal days. The pain is much worse now, and my thigh bone has a sharpe pain too now. If it gets any worse I'll go to the hospital. A twist would be best. Thanks again, Charlie :)
Charlie, I’m so sorry you fell & worse that you injured your knee… Ice it the first 24 hrs, 20 min on & 20 min off, if it swollen and you can’t put weight on it, your most likely going to need an x-ray, does your area have like urgent care centers ? It’s a stand alone site that you can go to if you can’t get into see your dr. , but it’s not an emergency, you can google it to find one close to your home. In NY they are on every corner,& usually there is much less wait time than an ER.
But I would get it checked out
Hugs & blessings