Extreme, immediate reaction to pain or stress- anyone else?

Thank you everyone. OMG- allergic reaction. I didn't even consider that. Seeing him again Wed to have the crown put on. No shots- I'll grit it out.

As to the panic episode- you all nailed it. I had a panic reaction and am seeing a therapist, was then also. Diagnoses: Emotional breakdown (not nervous breakdown). I've had several mainly triggered by these hearings.

Take anti-depressants already. Seeing psychiatrist for med coordination.

In terms of pain- BLOOD PRESSURE TEST- hurts like hell now. Never used to bother me. Just in last year. I have concluded I am continually in flare-up now due to stress of this wrongful termination. I never would have thought I could be a person who could be so abused in the workplace without realizing it. I just attributed things to flare-ups due to whatever. Now I know he was a bastard.

Thank you all- and please know that you can tell me anything without me taking it personally. It all is a learning process. Direct email: ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Never- it's a learning process for us all. See my long reply. BTW- dentist told me to change to Sensadyne instead of Colgate when he saw how swollen the inside of my cheeks were. Working better than the BIotene spray.

Linda..please find out what was in the needle so you know what you are allergic to. maybe there is another med they can give. You should not have to be in pain if you do not need to.

Are you an MD or dentist because I think you hit it right on the head of the nail. I know the crying jag was an emotional breakdown now. But OMG- allergic reaction to the injection. Didn't think of that.

Anyone feel more pain from blood pressure test? Hurts like hell now.

Thank you for the compliment. I am a physician assistant but can't work now because of the lovely fibro plus Rheumatoid arthritis on the side-Ha. But I was lucky to have worked for 10 years in internal medicine/ special needs. I did so love my career and pray that God will bless me again with something in medicine.

I think you are already doing something in medicine. By helping to understand reactions, from your experience and knowledge, you are helping all of us. I thought I knew all about fibro but apparently there is still much to learn.

Any other drug reactions that seem to be common?

Petunia, ill ask my doc about this. I never used to have problems with being used as a pin cushion when I went in for the lidocain/B12 shots but after awhile I had commented on it hurting and she told me what it was but for the life of me I can’t remember right now.

Thank you for the nice words. I want to make a clarification. There is a big difference between an allergic reaction and an adverse effect from a drug. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference. If this were a true allergic reaction you would develop anaphylaxis which is difficulty breathing, flushing ( face gets red and warm), rash, sense of choking, palpitations( feeling your heart beat)....your blood pressure would drop and you might pass out. These things would happen quickly (usually) but would usually require oxygen right away. Did the dentist or staff seem overly concerned, tell you to lie flat or ask you about any of the above symptoms? The more I think about it, this could have been an adverse reaction-which is nothing to laugh at-but maybe not as severe. The injection dentists use usually have lidocaine and epinephrine in some combination. True allergic reactions are rare, but adverse reactions can be seizures, cardiac arrest...you would have some of the symptoms you reported. But they should still have been watching you carefully and perhaps having oxygen ready. The drugs they gave to you work for the things i mentioned above, but given the lack of oxygen use and the way they just gave you those pills and told you to give it ten minutes makes me wonder if they thought you were having a panic attack--valium is a good and quick drug for that and compazine will calm the stomach, but the potassium pill is confusing me.

Sorry for the long response but I do not want to give the wrong info. Please try and find out what they were thinking was going on and why they gave u those drugs.

Good luck


I took the drugs because I carry them with me. I know that fibro causes potassium leaching and I take supplements because of it. Its an automatic response for me to take potassium when I shake. THe diazepan was to calm the shaking and the fear and the compazine- I was nauseus. I plan to take a benedryl before I go next time.

Do you have lots of pain when your blood pressure is taken also?

no, i guess this means i am lucky? Ha

Went today to get crown, no anesthia needed. However the gause pad they put in my mouth, which they swore had nothing on it, stuck to the floor of my mouth. My tongue started to go numb, the gause felt like metal spikes in my mouth. THe roof of my mouth is now dried to the point of it will need to shed off. The numbness turned into dizziness, nausea, tight chest, pain in the chest plate.

Checked out, panic attack they said. I think there had to be something on the gauze.

I have all notes on my record now- both at the dentist and for my dr/kaiser. It was epi and lidocaine in the original injection.

Wow Linda...you need to stay away from all dentists!!!! SO sorry for all this. Did u ask them what they thought about your attack last week? I know u said these were ur meds but since they work for some of the adverse reactions of epi/lido, how do u know there is no problem with this anesthetic?

I always compare that build-up feeling before we hulk out to a 'brain itch'. Sometimes music does it, sometimes babies crying at work does it, sometimes it's just standing up too long at work that makes me break down, but I can always feel it coming on, and if I don't get away from the stimulus and breathe and just calm myself down I end up freaking out and having a panic attack or flare (or both) right then and there.

I think that the *anticipation* of pain can also drive us to tears. Examples: at the dentist you were likely expecting some pain from the shot or just pain from them scraping your gums like they always seem to do. That anticipation caused you to tense without knowing it, and eventually your stress system got overworked and you broke down. Same with the hearing, except you were expecting *emotional pain*. That anticipation makes the actual pain hurt even more.

I could have written this post. This is me to a T. I even carry propranolol with me everywhere.

great insight...thanks

You are so right about the anticipation making the pain worse. Even just thinking about the pain triggers pain, so I try not to think about the pain throughout the day. The accumulation of stimuli certainly gets overwhelming for me, so I need to avoid it before it reaches the breakdown point. Sometimes the intense pain cannot be controlled but I've managed to control my pain somewhat by not letting me brain perceive it. I know the pain is there in my body but I trained my brain not to accept those signals. It doesn't work all the time (esp. with TN pain) and it doesn't last more than a few hours, so I need to practice more.

Thank you for the support. This group is both educ and full of warm fuzzies.

He gave me a syringe to take to dr for allergy testing.

I use meditation when I need that calming. This is the first problem with the dentist during more than 6 yrs with fibro.

Well, I guess that is good. Do u have an allergist? I hope you do not need any dental work soon. I would hate the thought of going through it without any anesthetic meds