Extremity Weakness/Pain

Does anybody experience arm pain or weakness when doing simple chores or trying to curl or blow dry their hair? Or do you experience any leg pain or weakness when walking up a flight of stairs? It doesn’t take much for my arms and legs to be pain or even be weak lately.


Hi Treamnm,

Yes, I experience both. The arm pain/weakness came upon me after the leg pain/weakness. It makes it hard to type and carry groceries and other things that I used to do with great ease. And leg pain - my knees get horrid in the wintertime, almost locking up. They feel like they are encased by concrete and weigh a ton. Man, it's hard to walk up a flight of stairs, no matter what time of the year it is! Yep, this is fibro.

Resting helps. I have to take breaks when typing and can only carry two moderate grocery bags up the front flight of stairs. But you do what you can do and find ways to work around the fibro. My sister carries up the heavy stuff, but if she goes away, I think I'd rig up a pulley system so I could put the groceries in a basket and then pull them up to the porch. That or just eat out! :-)

I wish I could tell you that in time the weakness will go away, but with fibro it doesn't. We have to deal with these deficits as best as we can. And don't forget that tried and true and trusted Scarlett O'Hara-ism: "After all, tomorrow is another day" Or "I'll think about that tomorrow." Yeah, works for me!

That's a good, sensible solution, avenk! I never thought of it because my hair is short and I can't blow it dry due to a dandruff problem. But jeez, you came up with a perfect solution in one sentence when I couldn't in a bunch of sentences!

Please let us know how the exercises help. I really want to know if there are any that do help us.

Hi Treamnm,

I also experience the same weakness in my arms and legs. I had to stop doing stairs awhile ago. I can't walk very far at all and I am lucky if I can stand a minute or two. I finally had to start grocery store only when my husband was available to carry the groceries into the house, so now he does the shopping. I put away as much as I can. I start with frozen foods first, then refrigerated foods then I take a rest and sometimes he has to finish it for me. So you are right, this is no fun at all. But know you are not in this alone. As long as we have this group none of us are alone.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Jackie S

Yes. My elbows, wrists and hands are worse than my legs and feet most of the time. It affects what I prepare for meals. If there is a jar to open or plastic to pull apart I might as well forget it. Heavy dishes and pans are hard to lift or hold. If I sit down on floor its hard to get back up so I learned not to do that. I want to try tih Che. Not sure how its spelled. When I can remember I am going to get a yoga dvd and start that. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Take care

Absolutely! Fibro weakness is so extreme. The only thing I could compare it to before I had fibro was when I had pneumonia or just after I gave birth. We also usually have to rest before and after having a shower, and have to use a shower seat while in the shower. Dressing/grooming is much harder since I got Fibro.

I had to get an assistive device because i cant walk even 200 ft without my legs wanting to collapse well one gives faster the other can go just a bit further but thats just pride and mental strength and resolve screaming at myself that I will not fall infront of all these people find somewhere to sit but if i cant find a place and the second leg gives and there is no cart to hold me up Ill fall and my knees absorb the inpact and it feels like i landed in a bed of nails and it feels that way for weeks .. but who knows maybe its just the way this thing progresses

Yes, I can completely relate to what you are saying. My arms ached so bad the other day after brushing my teeth. That was a first! Maybe it’s the weather?

It doesn’t take much for my arms and legs to get tired. I worked in the ER and I work 10 hour shifts. When I work I have to push around a computer on wheels that is very hard to steer and is quite heavy. By end of shift at 8:30pm I am so tired. My arms and legs hurt so much at night when I get home.

Hi Trea,

I have those very symptoms daily , I'm not positive that it is due to Fibro, as my nuerologist just confirmed peripheral nuerology. sometimes my arms and legs feel as tho they weigh a thousand lbs. I have had this for a long time so who knows it may be a mixture! Hope the pain eases for you! Gentle hugs jackie

I get this feeling all the time, like my limbs weigh more than the rest of me. Just this morning it was difficult to drive because my arms felt so weak and that’s becoming a more frequent experience for me.

Oh Yes - this is ongoing for me. Some days folding a load of laundry takes me a while. Sweeping and mopping floors is an all day affair on Saturday, have to do it in sections. Sometimes my back feels so weak when I am washing dishes. The only way I have found to deal with all of this is to pace myself.


I have to alternate activites when doing my hair because I cant hold my arms up :/

and walking up stairs is hard for me to. I have a mild oxygen delivery deprivation and it really effects me.

I get really winded, headach and pain escilates, and I usually have to stop a lot.

Also...my teeth hurt...I know its weird but it is what it is.....