Feel like a failure!

Thanks Wendy for understanding. Its very hard to believe how much fibro can cost us in terms of relationships, jobs, friends, family and support!

I am one of those people that believe we are to learn and grown from what happens in our lives. I am still trying to figure out what I should be learning from having fibro.

It has been almost two years since losing my job due to health problems and it has been so hard in so many ways. Loss of income, friends, support and a feeling of self worth.

Some days I just dont want to move, but I know this is not a healthy answer. I try to remember what I do have. I am blessed in so many ways.

We will continue to support one another in love and kindness. Lifting each other up on bad days and listening with an understanding that others cannot provide. Simply because they would have to "feel it to believe it". (my favorite saying) Lol

Gentle Hugs, Tina

YW....I lost my job in January and lost my bf, friends and family. It sucks that people would rather give up on you than try to understand....I don't move somedays either and I know it is not healthy but sometimes you have no choice. Take care and I hope it gets better for you too

Hi LizR!

Good to hear from you! Yep, we surely do have to 'adapt'! Have to be proud of each accomplishment!

I am fortunate that my husband has a lady come in once a week and do my floors, I cannot use a vacuum, broom or mop anymore, so this is a great help to me. But even with this help it is still hard to keep up! So much for past standards!

Hope you are having a good day!
