Feeling sick of this

Hi x been in a flare 3 days now nefopam slightly taking edge of , its hitting my hips and shoulders and wrist oh and legs are pulsing and hot , rushing all the time , going to see urologist beggining of march as bladder plays up , fibro has alot to answer for . My son has been given the goahead for his knee op so any time soon , I hope my body behaves for then , if not just take my tablets and keep warm whilst at the hospital , or get into the bed next to him , ha . Just needed to vent warm hugs to every 1 tc x

Just a quick idea to share. I had TERRIBLE bladder and kidney issues. I was seeing all sorts of urologists auro/gyn. At 34 I was leaking urine randomly, experiencing constant bladder infections bladder irritation. No one could quite figure out what to do. After keeping a food diary for other reasons I y chance noticed that I was eating a lot f nightshade vegetables. I saw that the symptoms got worse after a meal like eggplant parmesan- eggplant and tomato are BOTH nightshades. I eliminated ALL nightshades from my diet. Google will quickly give you a list. It took weeks for my bladder and kidneys to calm down. I drank tons of water and alas…slowly it all stopped! For me personally potatoes are the worst! I went months without any offending veggies. Now once in a while I will have chilies or tomato. My bladder always is irritated within an hour or so after. I find myself feeling I need to go constantly if I don’t give in to pyridium to stop the spasms. I urge you to try this! My rheumatologist says this is VERY common in fibros. I also notice some improvement in my day to day pain. I have been flaring since Thursday and had tomatoes two nights.My husband defrosted pre done meals and well…can’t be pucky when I am to miserable to cook. I am careful to eat anti-inflammatory foods daily. Blueberries, ginger, turmeric are good examples. The later two I take in pill form for consistency. My oatmeal today is full of blueberries and I avoid gluten and sugar at all costs! Good luck! Hope this helps…

I am feeling quite a bit better for the moment- hope you have a good day soon. Hugs!

Hello, my name is Lisa . I understand about being sick of it all, I too am right there with you. Last night for me was the same and I understand . I hope your feeling better with the flare up soon. : ( if you want to ever talk you can put in a friend request. K ? Lisa

Hi, I’m Terri and I am sick of it too. Have been in a flare for about a week, and mine too is affecting my hips, back, and legs are driving me crazy. It doesn’t make it any easier when loved ones around you are sick of it too. I hope your flair doesn’t last too much longer! Feel better soon.

Hi Angie - Sorry about your flare-up!! It was strange that you mentioned you were going to see a Urologist. Since I have had my FIbro, I have gotten more UTI infections as well. I don't know if there is a relation to the two. But I always get this when I am in the middle of a flare-up. No Fun!! Love, Laurie

Hi ang,

I hope you are keeping warm, and feeling a bit better. Hopes and prayers for your son's surgery are coming your way! It's always good to hear from you!

Hi Angie - I am wishing speedy recovery for your son after his knee surgery! You have a lot on your plate right now. Try to take it easy - although I know this is easier said, than done. Good luck on your Doctor visit!! Love, Laurie

I was diagnosed several years ago with Interstitial Cystitis. A lot of people with Fibro also have this condition unfortunately. Just another thing for us to deal with. As PaytonsMom mentioned there are certain foods that can aggravate your bladder especially tomatoes, citrus fruits, coffee, etc. If you search for it on the internet there is quite an extensive list of foods to avoid. Of course not all foods will bother everybody so you have to do a trial and error with your foods and find out which ones to avoid. I found it has helped me greatly with bladder problems to avoid certain foods.

Good luck and hope you and your son are feeling better soon.

I am so sorry that you are going through this, especially just before your son has knee surgery. Do you have a walker or wheelchair that you can use for yourself on his surgery day? I just had nasal/facial surgery, and I recommend using one of those to pack some extra seating that is comfortable. Also bring some fuzzy blankets - for your back and for your legs. It's cold in those hospitals!

I think if my son were about to go into surgery, it would put me into a flare. Pre-op runaround did that to me, and it didn't even involve my own child. Be good to yourself, and know that I am sending you special, gentle ehugs!

Ty guys for your replys it means alot , just want this flare to calm down , its snowing again so staying in pjs and keeping warm , big warm hugs to everyone xx

Good plan!!!

Hi Angie,
Sending big hugs and prayers your son does well, and thats it’s not to hard on you !
Stay warm , lots of fluid, great idea to keep food diary to see what aggravates that bladder
Hugs & blessings

Hi again, I believe we spoke a couple of days ago. Were you the one sho told me about d-ribose and how helpful it's been? Sue