Fibro Dr Recomendation's in Chicago Area?

A little over a week ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I have been in pain for years but a few months ago it started spreading and becoming excruciating. My wife talked me into going to my general practitioner doctor to find out what's going on. After blood work and tests I found out it's fibromyalgia and doctor put me on medication that isn't helping. I'm scared and worried. I'm glad I found this site. My wife is 8 months pregnant and I don't want to let her know how much pain I'm in and that I'm scared because of the pregnancy. I am having a hard time finding a fibromyalgia doctor. I have spent countless hours on Google trying to find one. It's very confusing. There are so many doctor review websites and each doctor has one or two reviews. Some doctors are neurologists and others arthritis. Can someone please post or message me what website's you used to find your doctor and what criteria I should be paying attention to when searching? I'm worried I'll find a quack. Also if someone knows of a good doctor in the Chicago area that would help even better. I would even be willing to drive a few hours if necessary. My primary care doctor thinks he can handle this but I really think someone who handles this on a regular basis would be better. I live in the northwest suburbs of chicago to be more specific on location to find doctor. Thank you for all these posts for me to read through for questions I have. I hope someday I can help someone when they get diagnosed.


One thing I would suggest you do is search for a Rheumatologist. Look for one that treats Fibromyalgia... and most do but some do not. if you have a University Hospital begin looking there... and sometimes calling and asking a Dr. to refer a Rheumatologist that treats Fibro. Call several Drs. offices and ask if they know a good one who treats Fibro. See what that turns up. Then Google those names and call them... ask straight up if the Dr. is Fibro. Friendly. ask what kind of treatment does the Dr. provide and also if they do functional capacity ratings...I have a GREAT Rheumy but he does not do functional capacity ratings...I found him by doing an online search and read that he started a fibromyalgia support group... That told me he is fibro friendly and I made the appointment... I asked to be checked for fibromyalgia when I made the appointment. When I went in for my visit I had a journal of my pain and noted how it effects my daily life I had copies of medical records where I had been to other Drs. and all the test results... My first appointment I was in the office well over 2 hours...but it was worth it because he took his time going through my records and then doing the tender point check...So do your homework and be ready to have a long visit. Well maybe and maybe not... I just know My Rheumy takes his time with all new patients. So I know now when I am sitting in the waiting room for a long time , he has had a new patient and I do not get upset about the wait.

I hope you find my response helpful. Just make sure you feel comfortable with your treatment and if you do not... go elsewhere. Keep in mind that you pay them for their service and if you are not happy with the service provided fire that one and go to someone else. ALSO... just so you are taken seriously... tell the Dr. straight up that you do not want Narcotics... you want answers and relief. If you find Dr. Right and you feel the need for something stronger for pain visit that at a later point. My Rheumy prescribed Norco for me a couple months ago and I have only taken 2...but I have other things that cause me pain besides Fibro. and I only take the Norco. as a last resort.

Huggs, Belinda

Thank you so much for the advice. It will help in my quest to find a good doctor. I will let you know how it goes.