Can someone give me some advice on how to handle my 37 year old daughter. She judges me because I have to take pain meds for this fibro among other ailments. She has grown up and gotten a good education. She is a computer programmer for a big hospital. She also makes a very good living.
My problem is that she, like I said, judges me and condemns me because I have to take my meds. Mind you, I do not abuse them. I am very careful with them. I rarely talk to her or see her. She lives about 70 miles away from me.
I am going through a divorce and my soon X texted me yesterday and said that he and my daughter were going to have me committed somewhere. Well, you can imagine how well I took this. My husband knows we do not get along, and for him to drag her in to our problems, is just unforgivable.
So I call her immediately after the text and confronted her. She goes in to this big spill about how I stagger around and slur my speech! Sure, I'm clumsy. I bump into things and I do have trouble walking straight sometimes, but it isn't because of drugs! I take 2 Lorcets, 2 Xanax, and about 3 Soma's a day. She never asks me how I feel today and if I bring up how much pain I am in to her, she just ignores. She thinks it is all in my head!
My father disowned my siblings and I after my mother died and it almost killed me. I always worshiped my father. And now she is doing the same thing to me as he did!
She used to be such a kind and loving person. She would carry dogfood around in her car to feed strays when she saw them.
I am at my wits end. All she does is stress me out when I do talk to her or see her. I can't stand to be around her and her husband. She bit----- on him all the time. I bet she tells him when to breath. And she has the nerve to complain that he drinks too much. I would have already booted her butt out the door. Her husband is not even a man anymore. The main thing that hurts is I have an 8 year old grandson by her, and he is a brat, no one wants to have him around. Instead of whipping his but, she tries to use phycoligy on him and it's not working. (sorry for my spelling)
I am at the point to where I am going to have to end our relationship, as bad as I hate to. I have tried talking to her, but it only ends up an argument. She thinks she knows more than anyone. She has no friends where she works. Maybe it is because she has the habit of correcting someone in public when they misspell, or mispronounce a word. I swear, I didn't raise her to be like that.
Does anyone have any ideas, please help me!!