I was diagnosed in May with Fibromyalgia but I’m pretty sure I had it long before that. In the last month it seems my symptoms have gotten worse and last longer. My jaw is now starting to hurt occasionally and now my arms seem to hurt all the time along with a burning sensation. Is it normal for Fibromyalgia to progress quickly or is everybody different?
Hi Trea,
I believe it depends on each person. I have a friend who was diagnosed with Fibro way before I was, I was diagnosed in 2008, and you would not even know she has it. She gets some aches and pains once in a while, takes a couple ibuprofen and she is good to go. I on the other hand use a cane, walker or wheelchair
Depending on how far I have to go. I can't shop anywhere unless the store has electric carts. I do have an electric cart but I do not have a carrier for my car. So that is why I think it depends on the person.
I hope yours does not get too bad. I would not wish this on anyone!
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Jackie S.
Hi Trea, I am sorry to hear that you are suffering with new symptoms. Big hugs to you. I think the progression of fibro is different for each person, and some people may get more frequent flares that are more intense than other people. It is just what it is. Perhaps the most important thing here is to be dialoging with your health care person, for pain management and other ideas to minimize your discomfort. Let them know what your new symptoms are, when they started and their intensity. Sometimes the combination of the right meds, dosage, and lifestyle changes can help you get some relief. And try using the discussion search box with key words, like “jaw pain” and “burning sensation”. I believe you will find some similar experiences by other members, and maybe some new solutions to try. I hope that what you are experiencing is just a flare and that it will settle down soon. Hugs!!!
Hi Trea
It is different for everyone. You could be having a bad flare. Remember to speak with you doctor about new symptoms.
Yes the jaw pain is,i had it for a long time..I think myself now looking back that its gritting your teeth because of the pain and that causes t.m.j pain..Its been many yrs now since i had that problem..But i can remember my jaws being so fatigued that it was hard to talk little on eat..Hang in there it will eventually go away..G.B wayne
Hi Trea,
I really think it depends upon the person, the type of work they are doing, the stress they are under, etc. I had just the back pain for about 3 years before I started noticing elbow and knee pain but they didn't get bad until another 3 years. Then everything seemed to crash at once. Maybe you're at the crash level, or maybe not. You may be having a flare and it may diminish and go away for awhile.
Can you get to a dentist for your jaw? I think that many of us with fibro grind our teeth a lot at night, hence jaw pain. That plus TMJ. http://www.webmd.com/oral-health/guide/temporomandibular-disorders Or it could also be a problem with your neck (spasms, etc.) I do suggest that you go to your doctor to have it checked out and maybe a dentist as well. A dentist can make you a mouth guard (expensive) to keep you from grinding the teeth, if that's your issue.
I hate to say it but yes, arm burning is a typical fibro symptom. But please, I'm no doctor and am only saying my opinions, based upon my experiences. Like you, I get the jaw pain and the burning arms. And yeah, in my case, they seem to be related to the fibro.
Please hang in their Trea. This can seem so overwhelming at first. But there are good people on here who will help you out so your illness will seem less overwhelming. After awhile, I get blase to the pains I already know about. I guess it's a coping mechanism but it does help.
Hugs to you,
Yes I feel that everyday some part of my body hurts more than the day before
This I am saying from personal experience that it absolutely progresses as it will start and spread to more ares and different symptoms will occur..but eventually you will level off and most all of the funky arms burning, hands tingling, toes stiff and painful etc. will go away period.You will then have moderate pain along with flares..But for the most part the weird unexplainable symptoms will more than likely stop after a long period,hang in there and life will be better.....G.B wayne
Wayne, thank you for saying this. It's comforting to know. You are a superstar for giving us this hope!