Hello everyone. This is my first post here. I have had fm for 5 years. When i was first diagnosed, it was a bit of a relief that someone finally took me seriously about my pain. I had went for about 7 months from dr to dr, xrays, ct scans, the works, before i finally found a dr who also had fm and knew right away what i was suffering through. At the time, i had 7 months old twins. They think that my traumatic csection recovery is to blame for my fm rearing it’s head. My mom and great grandmother also has/had it. So, i was put on neurontin and tramadol, switched to lyrica after about a year and tramadol just for flare ups. I got pregnant with my next baby 2 years later. I stopped all of my meds and didn’t have very many issues for the next 2 years. Fast forward to 15 weeks ago. I had my 4th and final baby. I started getting small flare ups just a couple of weeks after he was born. It wasn’t anything i felt like i couldnt handle and i was sure that it would go away. Well, it got better, and then 3 weeks ago, i had a super bad kidney infection, so bad that i was peeing blood. The day after i went to the dr for that, i started having the worst flare up of my life… and it hasn’t stopped. I went to the dr 1.5 weeks ago and asked to be put back on my meds. It’s a different dr than before bc i moved out of that state. This dr put me back on the lyrica, but no pain meds or anything. I called him back today and told him that i wasn’t getting any relief. I am aware that lyrica is not magical and takes time to work, but what am i supposed to do until it does?! I can’t afford to go to a pain dr and none of the ones here take medicaid. How do you deal with bad flare ups with no pain meds? I can barely lift my baby without crying, i want to just rip my clothes off most of the time from the skin sensitivity, i sleep, but not restful sleep bc i wake up crying at night. I am feeling so depressed. I just want this to end. I just want a little relief, but I can’t afford to go anywhere that would give me pain meds and my dr can’t. I’m not like suicidal, but i do feel myself going down this dark hole of despair. I just want one pain free day. I want to feel normal again…
I take my Neurontin and Tramadol. The doctor can increase the strength of the Neurontin for your needs. Lyrica, didn’t work for me .I also see a therapist for the depression. You’re not alone, keep trying different thing until you find a regimen that works for you. God Bless.
My FM also runs in my family.
I’ve had it all my life, but wasn’t diagnosed until 7 years ago.
Through each extra stressful situation, sickness and trauma in my life the fm has took its toll on me and gotten worse.
My advice to you is, pace yourself, do what you can. I know that it is hard with 4 children. But find a way.
I don’t know all your circumstances. If you have insurance, married or what. If you have any insurance, I’d run, to the hospital and get some pain meds, ASAP, but I gather, you’ve thought of that.
Get a NEW DR, immediately, you NEED pain meds!! Someone will help!!
I don’t even know how u possibly have fibro and have kids, I couldn’t do it. No way, no how. Try and get some help for yourself. Apply for disability, but right now, find a church, someone to help w/ the kids, a therapist, Family Service.
You can’t do this alone. Just pace yourself and do a little at a time. Perfection is way overrated. You have an illness, to my mind , that is as bad, as cancer, its just not recognized that way. wishing you the best… You can take Ibufron, 800 mg, yeah I iknow its not much, but up to 3-4 x a day…
add some nightquill for sleep…IF you have someone to get up, for the kids…Maybe, but I’m NOT a nurse… ok… ask your own dr… do hot baths help, w/ Epsom salts?? They’re cheap. I go outside and scream sometime, that helps, seriously. get a new Dr… asap HuGS!
Hello Chelseaf,
I also take Lyrica I just started a week and a half ago. But I also take Tramodal with mine. I have arthritis also so for that I’m on Celebrex. I can see a difference since I have been taking the Lyrica. I have muscle pain and joint stiffness. My heal hurts from a plantis I pray I spelled that right. I was on neurontin and diclofenac. But now I’m trying the Lyrica and Celebrex so I pray I can see big relief so I can get back into the gym. It’s hard to go workout when your in pain. I pray that you can find a doctor that will take your Medicaid. Because I don’t see how your making it without pain medicine also. Sometimes before I got on Tramodal I would use Goody powders or aspirin. I have a question about the Lyrica? Have you ever drank any kind of alcohol while on the Lyrica? I did when I was on the Neurontin and didn’t have any problems. When you google it they saw the same as Lyrica do not drink with it. I sometimes like a glass of wine or mixed drink
. But I was just asking if anyone have did so and was there any side affects from it. My doctor told me it was ok to have a glass of wine
. But I wanted to ask anyone here if they tried it. I pray that everyone here will have more pain free days. And a more peaceful and joyful life style. Have a blessed and awesome day!
Please try to take it easy on yourself – you’ve had a really important job the last few years, making new life, and it takes it’s toll. And a new baby? You’d be worn out, even without fibromyalgia! Also, please remember that your hormones are ALL OVER THE PLACE and trying to get back to the you of you after childbirth – they will settle down, and you will feel better.
Physically carve out some time for you, where you can lie down on the bed, with a wet washcloth on your face, naked under a sheet, if those clothes are bugging you, and just breathe! (maybe even nap!).
Ummm, no pain meds? Whew, that’s tough. Daily, I take topamax for chronic daily headaches/migraines (it is the only thing that has ever worked for me) and that’s it. If I’m having a bad body pain day, I’ll do ibuprofen as needed, or Tylenol. And maybe a tramadol at night if it’s a really bad day.
I am a BIG fan of our indoor jacuzzi bathtub (it is also very nice for reconnecting with your spouse – a relationship saver). I’m in that thing every night. In a pinch – use the bathtub – it might help your pain. I used to take my infant son in the bathtub with me, when he was fussy. It always calmed him down. You might have to ask your sweetie to come take the baby from you, so you can have some alone time though, and it is hard to get out of the slippery tub, with a slippery baby!
I also love my heating pad – I got this after I had my hysterectomy and I have a loving relationship with that hot lil sucker! I take the cover off of it, and blast it on my back while I binge watch Netflix. I developed scar tissue a few months after my surgery, and have to have another surgery to get it removed, and that heating pad works wonders!
Please try to take it easy on yourself.