Frustrating insomnia

So last night the Restoril my dr just prescribed seemed to work wonders - tonight not so much. Took it almost 2.5 hrs ago and sleep has not come. I’ve spent most of the time reading but have gotten to the point where I needed to vent. Gotta be up at 5:30am (it’s now almost 2am where I am) for work. I can tell that the Restoril has slowed my reaction times and I’m walking like I’m in knee deep mud but no sleep. Guess I’ll go back to reading and listening to the cold wind blowing outside. Thanks for listening to me vent :slight_smile:

Oh no Killian. sorry to hear this. The Restoril has yet to help me. I did sleep for 11/2hrs tonight and woke up feeling drunk as a skunk, bumping into things, tripping over my feet and it has taken almost an hour not to feel this way. No more Restoril for me. I hope it works better for you but most of all I hope you get some sleep before work, Hugs, Robin

I thankfully got a few hours but not enough. Apparently I also took the Restoril too late as I feel like you were just describing - drunk, and uncoordinated. Luckily I only have a 5 hour shift today!

Have a great day :)