I just saw a neurologist 2 days ago, and from reading comments about others, for my first comment is every neurologist is different, lol. Mine didnt poke me at all. We did talk for 2 hours though about my symptoms and her diagnosis. btw it took me 2 YEARS to get in to see her. she diagnosed me with basilar migraines. She does not think fibro is a disease but a condition. And if i could get a proper sleep and get my fixable physical problems dealt with( ie carpal tunnel and spinal stenosis), lose some weight, regular exercise, my fibro would disappear. Im rather confused I must say. I dont know how my dizziness and other vertigo symptoms are migraine related. But boy, she could tell me just about every symptom i suffer from. She says I should have a sleep study done, yay. My mind is so foggy lately I have a hard time retaining thoughts and information. God I hate this. My carpal tunnel surgery should be on the 15th hopefully but I dont know if i will still have a gp by the time that surgeon arrives and gets the referral., LOL. I had a doctors apt with my gp, but it was cancelled and rescheduled for 330 the next day., when i went to the new appointment they told me it was for 315 not 330,and too bad so sad then 2 days later i get a $50 bill for the missed appointment. I wrote on the bill when they pay me for the 2 cancelled appointments in the last month, that I had to schedule someone to cover me at work for, and still pay them for, then I will pay the $50. But as it stands they owe ME money, not the other way around. I do not understand why they think THEIR time is more important than mine. IT ISN'T. I have to take time off, which loses me money, for them to make money. Sooo anyways, I dont know if they are going to give me any more appointments. I had asked for a new dr, and was told there was only 1 taking patients, and I had to read and sign this agreement before he would "consider" me. Oh and I had to do that there, I wasnt allowed to take it out of the building. Some of the things I remember from this "agreement" were:
appointments to be made 2 weeks in advance
appointments would be no longer than 20 minutes, if HE thinks they will go over, then HE will rebook me for a follow up to continue the discussion.
he does not prescribe narcotics, unless you are dieing or suffering from a debilitating disease
if you come to him already on a narcotic he will be taking you off it.
there will be a charge for forms that have to be filled out, ie drivers medical, sick letters etc..
there will be a charge for all and any missed appointments.
there are 2 nurse practioners in the building and if you need to see someone with something they can deal with, you are to go to them, not make appointments with him.
I read it and handed it back and walked out. What the hell is going on with doctors now? I thought they were paid to treat us, their patients, for any and all medical issues What happened to the family doctor? All these new doctors they are bringing in are so uncaring, and only concerned about how many $$$ they can make and getting you in and out as fast as possible. The neurologist that I saw 2 days ago for the first time showed more care and concern and actually LISTENED to me, than my gp of 2 yrs. Go figure. Anyways, I am frustrated and feeling hopeless.