Getting weaker & more tired

Sorry i haven't posted in a while!!! Been going through alot.. Really missed the site. Lately i have been getting weaker & more tired than ever.. I have quit work going to sign up for disability.. But i do a couple little things and i need a nap. My husband is off work right now too which makes it more difficult on me to rest. Im always getting whats wrong? What hurts now & so on is anyone else like this? I cant get to the dr. right now because i have no insurance hope to again soon. Im currantly not on any meds.

I'm upset hearing that you can't go to the doctor to check out these changes. That's really disappointing. I will say that yes, fibro does bring these changes to me, and I'm going thru it currently, thanks to the change in weather. But I can't say if that's what's going on with you and I sure wish you could get checked up to be certain.

I'm sorry, Chelle, that you had to quit your job. It's quite a rotten situation to be in, having no funds or insurance coming in as you wait for and hope for disability insurance. I hope you can get a very timely positive answer, Chelle. It's definitely a good sign that the government does accept fibro as a legitimate disability.

But yes, fibro sure does make you tired and weak! Arrrgh, yes, yes, yes. I was hoping to try to get a second part-time job for a few hours but I'm just exhausted when I get home, so it's seemingly unlikely. It's annoying, to say the least. i can only imagine how you must be feeling, having to leave your job due to the fibro. It seems so unfair that we suffer not only a lot of pain but so much fatigue as well.

Hi, I have not been on for awhile because I cannot stay up for longer than 15 min and I have to lay down , this started last week , so I went to my dr and he said that it is what it is not much he can do. My problem is what if my iron is low or any number of other things are wrong how would we know and he saids I am not ready for a blood test...he always tells me to do research for him and when I do , he saids don't believe everything you read!! I cannot win or change dr live in a small town in rural canada. take care vicky

Hi Chelle!

So nice to hear from you! Missed you!

Oh my, I know this is hard to deal with without meds. Hope you can get this straightened out very soon, we all need regular medical care! Good food and good rest is the best advice I can give you.

My husband has stopped asking, he knows just by looking at me! Perhaps you could try sending him on an errand when you need to rest, give him something that needs doing or getting that will allow you some rest time!

Please stay in touch.

Wishing you well,


Thanks everyone for the advice! its very helpful to be back on here with everyone to be able to be with people who can relate. I hope everyone is well. I love hearing from everyone:) My fibro family!

Don't be a stranger!

Oh, I'm so sorry, Vicky! My gosh. It must be so, so frustrating!

Sounds like you need another doctor, if you ask me. Is it really impossible to get another doctor?

I mean, he refuses to do blood tests on you? Why? Does he not believe you? What if you have some issues that need to be addressed that would show up in the blood work? This is not good. At the very least, maybe you could bring someone from the medical community to your next appt. to help you get thru, like a nurse? Or even your husband, if you have one (sounds like this doc. might listen to a man or a medical person better, sad to say.)

Hope you are feeling a bit better. Take care of yourself and get your sleep.



i am so sorry to hear this. i was wondering if u have looked into free clinics or clinics that work on a sliding scale. your local hospitals should have a list for you. i know that cymbalta and lyrica both have programs that will give u the meds free of charge u just need to fill out a form then the dr signs it and writes a script and u send it in. that would cover the expansive meds. as far other meds walmart and target mave a great $4 list and if u pay $20 at walgreens u get savings for a year. i hope this helps and u can get to a dr and get some meds that help.

i do know that if u r sleeping alot and not really doing much u will get weak. i went through a stage where i slept so much it was a chore to just take a shower. then after the shower i needed a nap. i had to force myself to get up and out of the house. i didnt really do much just made sure i got my blood moving for awhile. it didnt happen over night but i did begin to regain some strength. i know its gotta be tough right now. but hang in there we r here for u