Good morning, I hope I am still welcome, have been gone for a while

I have a question I hope someone has experienced or knows what may cause it.

First I was carrying in some groceries on my left arm 2 days ago. Last night and now again today, I have a pain the shoots down my left leg, almost like a pinched nerve. It's more annoying than anything but could carrying in groceries maybe caused it?

I have so much stress right now. I have had my van in for repair 3 times, first a fuel filter, then some kind of sensor for the fuel, and finally a fuel pump. All within the last month.I have been able to save some money back for taking the kids on a vacation, but now I had to get into that to pay the repair bills. I still need a water pump before we go...that is....if we go. It would have been our first vacation together..ever. I want to take them up to Duluth MN. I love it there and I know they are going to have fun. So now I am seriously penny pinching to still be able to go. I have had a constant headache for almost a week, one that you know is there, but just can't seem to shake it.

I am also looking at getting a 3 bedroom apt so the kids can have their own bedrooms. I am going to try to get them to drop the rent for another $10 for a 2 year lease. I hate moving, but my daughter is 13 and my son is almost 9. Their room is partitioned off with 2 sheets of 2 inch styrofoam wedged between the celing and floor. It works for now, but it won't much longer.

I also had to dip in the vacation money to pay my renters insurance, my car insurance is due next week and my tabs on the van in about 5 weeks, just before we are supposed to leave.

I feel like I am just sitting here complaining, but I think I just have to get it out. The thought of disappointing my kids again breaks my heart. They are looking forward to going. I already have our room reserved in Canal Park, so we don't have to drive to see the ships. I have told them how cool it is there, now I wish I would have kept my mouth shut.

So now, my fibro is really rearing it's ugly head. It feels like I have knots in my upper back, my joints hurt, even when just sitting. My elbows feel like they are on fire. The constant headache, and I don't have much of an appetite, and really have to force myself to go out, or to do basic cleaning in the apartment. I would just as soon stay in bed curled up with my pillows and sleep. Everything that they say I have is showing up, my anxiety is high again, when I do sleep, I dream so much and they seem to be so real. I can't make a decision to save my butt. Concentration...what is that? ha ha

I am going to post some pictures, I have found some new ones that I hope you will like as much as I do.

I am sorry I haven't been here much, seems like everything is coming at me one right after the other.

Love ya


Hi Dawn,

Oh I know, it always hits us at the wrong time! Hopefully you will still get to go even if you have to make it shorter than planned! Everyone needs to have something to look forward to, it helps us to be able to keep putting one foot in front of the other!

I hope it all works out well for you and that you can get some relief!

Wishing you well,


Thank you SK, at least the van will be almost brand new under the hood lol

Gentle Hugs
