Has anyone here ever had to under go ankle ligament repair surgery? At the beginning of September I was doing some yard work (on one of my good days of course) and fell in a hole. I ended up spraining my ankle. As my doctor kept referring to it "it is a really legit sprain" haha. I guess I fully tore two ligaments and partially tore every other one. I have been on crutches and using a boot trying to heal my ankle naturally. My specialist thinks I may need surgery as it is not healing quickly. They keep telling me my fibro should not be affected nor should my ankle be affected by my fibro. I'm not so sure I believe that is true. It seems like everything takes longer to heal and causes more pain then it should. And of course, they give me that funny look like I am drug seeking when I ask for more pain management. I am worried about the possibility of surgery and how it will affect me. Anyone been through this?
I am just recovering from a broken foot. I was panicked thinking I might have to have surgery, but didn't. I am so sick of the doctors giving us an attitude about pain meds. It's gotten horrible.. Luckily though, I only needed extra for the first week. Good luck.
I have had three knee surgeries in the past 2 1/2 years. Fibromyalgia effects the whole body. My symptom
have come on rapidly since my surgeries. I now have wide spread deep ache with intense sharp pain at
my pressure points. I have chronic tendonitis and bursitis. In the past year I have developed RLS, chronic fatigue
headaches, hair loss, IBS, urinary urgency with leakage, heavy burning and stinging in my arms and kegs,
insomnia, fibro fog, anxiety, depression, irratibility. I'm on Paxil, Sevella, Zolpidem, clonazopam, Omeprazol,
and Prazocin. Get advice from a rhumatologist, I'd also recommend a good pain clinic that takes a whole
body approach to your care. I also see a chronic pain psycologist every week and highly recommend it. Never hesitate
to ask for a 2nd opinion.
I have not had that surgery, but I have had several others since I've had fibro. I haven't felt they affected my fibro at all. None of my surgeries were in the least related to fibro--a knee operation and three trigger finger releases. I have always been slow to heal, so I may simply not have noticed the difference.
Gentle Hugs, Kimberly :)
I tore a tendon in the middle that goes around the outside ankle bone. I couldn't walk on my foot cause I couldn't flatten it. Doc put the tendon back in place like a rubber band (didn't hurt). Then had a "tight" cast on for 3 weeks and it healed completely.
Another time had a needle removed from the bottom of my foot. They just gave me a light IV anesthetic. I wore a boot for two weeks with a dressing and it actually healed in 3 days. No pain
It's kind of a wait and see game.
Good luck. And, make sure you ask for pain medicine if you need it.
You got to hold on.
I have not had ankle surgery, but I just had a knee replacement surgery two weeks ago. My Rheumatologist told me to make sure that everyone--nurses, surgeon, anesthesia--knew about my fibro and my current pain relief methods. I spent one more night in the hospital that there patients normally do because I needed to make sure that my pain was under control. I took things from home--extra pillows, ect. to make sure that I was comfortable in the hospital and I made sure that all the nursing and PT people knew about the fibro.
I had a left ankle repair surgery to repair torn tendons and ligaments and remove bone fragments from a broken bone. It was an intense surgery and recovery time. At that time I was not aware I had fibro even tho I had been diagnosised with it by a doctor in a report after my car accident 5 years earlier but didn’t tell me about it.
Anyway, I cannot speak to whether or not I feel my fibro was affected since I didn’t know I had fibro at that time. However I did have 2 surgeries back to back 2 years ago which DID affect my fibro. They threw me into a flare that lasted a year. The recovery time was tripled for the first surgery and then the second surgery was when I flared. I spent a year in bed…
Please don’t let this affect your decision to have the surgery or not. The ankle repair was necessary. I only have some lingering arthritis from time to time. But I could hardly walk prior to surgery. So if your doctors recommend it…then I recommend it.
I haven’t had ankle surgery but I have had nine knee surgeries. My recovery time is usually 2-3 times longer than the average person, my doctors have said this is due to the fibro. Pain management is difficult I find when already being in pain meds for everyday pain control. I have found nurses and some doctors think we don’t need more pain meds bec of what we already take. This has been a struggle I have encountered with procedures. I had one surgery and the doctor assumed I took my pain meds and for whatever reason he thought that would be enough for pain control. Well it certainly wasn’t, I became hysterical from the level of pain. Once they realized I had my chest opened up without pain meds the doctor gave me meds and apologized many times during my stay.
From my personal experiences I found having a pain specialist who worked out of the hospital the surgery was at helped. My pain doctor could advise what was required.
I wish you luck, it is difficult
Susan I am not aware that Fibro has anything to do with healing. However have you been checked for diabetes which can effect it. I have been trying to get an accurate diagnosis for my problems for a long time. I finally went to a Dr rheumy that is doing research in Syracuse,NY and he immediately ran a lot of blood, urine tests as well as a full suite of X-rays. I have had terrible stinging pain in my joints and muscles. He diagnosed me with pseudogout and prescribed Colchiscine which is helping. I also found out that many of us that have been diagnosed with fibro also can have other problems such as arthritis of various types. As far as the pain meds the doctors seem to be afraid of the DEa however they have sent letters to doctors involved with prescribing narcotics and have been very clear on the doctors responsibilities. The doctors should adequately run the prescribed tests etc and give rationale in the patients records of why they are prescribing narcotic meds and rhe doctors are not to withhold the meds from patients Using the DEA as an excuse. If you go to the DEA .gov site you should be able to download this guidance to show your doctor. Good luck.
A decade ago I had an accident and crushed the nerves in my left foot. It was so painful I decided to get the surgery. This was after I listened to the neurologist and hobbled around on it for a year. I decided to try the a newly hired 'micro neurosurgeon" who felt he had a 95% of repairing it. I was told by a older neurologist in the area it was not a repairable injury.If I were to do it again I would have gone to Modesto where they were a larger number of neurologists. They couldn't both be right, polar opposites in fact. My injury was not repaired, and to this day it flares my FMS. I should have listened to the neurologist instead of the younger, 30 yr old new Dr. hired by our hospital. Within 6-8 weeks of my surgery the micro neurosurgeon that did my surgery was arrested and his office closed down, his license was revoked and he left town. The neurosurgeon was being sued by many people but at this point I had just been released from the hospital with double bacterial pneumonia, and a months in the hospital I had be mediflighted to 2.5 hours away. We lived in Sonora for 30 years and have moved 3 years ago to be nearer (basement apartment-nice) to my son and his family.
Does your Dr. feel there will be more damage done if the surgery isn't don't sooner? Will insurance allow a second opinion? The thing that causes the FMS to flare is the pain from my foot, although I have a wonderful NP that has me on pain medication to help with it. I've been on this medication for over a decade and very grateful for it. I'm so grateful that I don't get the "funny looks." Maybe it's because I'm 68. In Utah most patients don't use their Dr.s ie: GP-FP-Internist as I did in California, which was much more convenient. I'm grateful I've found some place to go where everyone in the waiting room is doing the same thing as I am. Some people don't like using pain clinics, it makes them feel looked at differently. The NP's and Dr.s are very knowledgeable and keep a much closer check on meds given out than when I was in CA.
I know I haven't been of much help, just be very sure the surgery is what you want to do. And, get a second opinion or third if possible. I know I made a mistake.
I do hope that you'll stay in touch with the group on the decision that you make.
Best of luck to you, it's not an easy decision.
Hero1939 said:
Susan I am not aware that Fibro has anything to do with healing. However have you been checked for diabetes which can effect it. I have been trying to get an accurate diagnosis for my problems for a long time. I finally went to a Dr rheumy that is doing research in Syracuse,NY and he immediately ran a lot of blood, urine tests as well as a full suite of X-rays. I have had terrible stinging pain in my joints and muscles. He diagnosed me with pseudogout and prescribed Colchiscine which is helping. I also found out that many of us that have been diagnosed with fibro also can have other problems such as arthritis of various types. As far as the pain meds the doctors seem to be afraid of the DEa however they have sent letters to doctors involved with prescribing narcotics and have been very clear on the doctors responsibilities. The doctors should adequately run the prescribed tests etc and give rationale in the patients records of why they are prescribing narcotic meds and rhe doctors are not to withhold the meds from patients Using the DEA as an excuse. If you go to the DEA .gov site you should be able to download this guidance to show your doctor. Good luck.
Hi Clenway5
Sorry to hear of your accident. I fell of my bicycle and broke my ankle. I had moon boot for 6 weeks but couldnt support myself on crutches so ended up in a wheelchair for a week. It took a while for ligaments and fracture to heal but all ok now. I have had three lots of surgery in my life and have fibro for 40 years and I am convinced that if surgery is forthcoming that we make sure we have suitable (strong) pain relief. It’s a very difficult time and you will need support if possible and to be positive as much as you can. Hope this helps. All the best Mary (Australia)
I had achillies surgery in 2012 after being in a boot for a ur, cuz no oneknewwhat was wrong. They took a ligament from my big toe for it, I could not put ANY weight on it for two weeks. Then a cast for a month.
The Dr did tell me fibromyalgia patients did not do as well.
My stitches wre infected, but they put the cast on anyway. I had a hole in my heel!
This past April I had total R knee replacement. That Dr said the same thing about fibro, and not healing as fast. He was good about the pain meds.
I have not had surgery although I have problems with my si joints , and have been looking into an si fusion in doing some research about the surgery I came across a case study in which it was indicated that patients with the chronic pain issues such as Fibro not be approved by insurance companies for this surgery , so whether that means it actually affects our Fibro or not I’m not sure or if it’s just experts throwing a conclusion without actual real research , I know this really doesn’t help you, I would say each persons body is different and heals differently with and without Fibro.
Thank you so much everyone for sharing your experiences and advise. You all have been a big help. I really am blessed to have so much support! I will definitely be speaking with my surgeon about stronger pain management and more realistic expectations for recovery. I am always cautious about pushing for pain meds and accommodations but it seems like it may be time to be my own advocate. I will definitely consider seeking a second opinion as well. I am seeing my surgeon this upcoming week, and I am very nervous to see what he says. Definitely hoping for some understanding from him. I will update y'all as soon as I know what's coming my way :)
Hey everyone, I am still amazed by all the support on this topic. Just wanted to share a quick update. I am STILL trying to heal my ankle. My surgeon put off surgery at my request and instead referred me to Physical therapy. It is tougher then I could ever imagine. Who knew making a stupid little circle with my foot would be such a challenge! I am FINALLY walking without any support devices, even though it is at a snails pace. They think they may be able to get me to about 90% functionality. I have met a few great women while there who are also fibro warriors. It is fantastic to work with people who finally understand this condition and it's challenges. My PT is incredible and entirely understands my limitations. Every time she asks me about my overall pain and pushes me only as far as I can go. She is even suggesting various stretches and light exercises to get the rest of my body moving when a flare hits. It is all slow going but still progress!
strong text
I fell, missing my 2 bottom steps on my back deck. Most of my weight on my R. Foot & I tumbled over. I thought for sure my R. Foot & Hip were broken, as I couldn’t get up. Had to crawl to bang on side of the house so my husband could hear me & come help me. Very long 3 year story, so I will try to shorten it up. * was diagnosed W/Fibro 1990 *
Off to ER, X-rays nothing broken or fractured, sent home, with boot shoe. IN EXTREME PAIN , can barely turn over in bed, Ice packs, Heating Pad. Fortunately, to have some pain meds, as at the time I had Severe Cluster Migraines 3 times a week & was given 20 Lortab* Monthly… So back to the ER & this time the Dr. had a CAT or ankle & hip.
I was told NOTHING was wrong. For 2 1/2 L-O-N-G years I became worse, and saw 5 different doctors in my home town including 1 Orthopedic that did a Bone Scan. All said NOTHING WRONG My family Dr. had moved 250 miles away, due to our local Hospital. EVERYONE, still talks about this hospital, & says they would not take there DOG to it.
So, I gather my records & X-rays and make the 500 mile round trip to see my OLE family Dr.
He spots one of the main problems right away. One of the x-rays shows a fracture very clear, but after 2 1/2 years I have something else going on and he does not no what it is. So he gets me into Mayo Clinic in 2 weeks.
I have several problems they find after 1 1/2 weeks, I won’t go into all of the tests, but I have RSD from the fall which I am sure most of you know is very painful, as it turns the part very hot & red. I was drinking 1 gallon or more of Ice water daily. And I was to go see this Orthopedic Dr as soon as I returned home. As a tests showed a lighting up, in my ankle area, where my family Dr. saw the fracture on the one Drs. X-ray.
I made my appointment, with this very good Ortho Dr, 75 miles from me, I did not know what he was going to do, BUT he squeezed my ankle area & I just about came off of the table. He said I am so sorry Mrs. . M. But do you realize you could have and still could loose your leg? You need surgery right away, your Achilles Tendon has been ruptured for quite some time. Fast forward, I had the surgery, they have to send some of the fluid off to be tested.
Tests came back…From the fracture not being treated for SO LONG I have developed a MICRO BACTERIA, & the Bad Part, I need 3 different Antibiotics to treat it by>>>> IV Therapy for 9 MONTHS by an Infectious Disease Doctor.
The problems is I can’t do this at home. I will have to go into a nursing home to have it done by IV …
So I go see the Infectious Disease Disease Doctor, I Beged, & Beged some more. And he did let me stay home & just take 2 Antibiotics by mouth for 9 LONG Months.
I did go back to the 5 DRs with my X-Rays to let them know what they had cause me to go threw & would not even give me an aspirin for the pain because I had 20 Lortab per month for my Migraines.
I never even thought about a Law Suit… but they must have as the one Dr. when I went to pick up my X-ray he had wanted to re-over look it had simply disappeared. I went back & asked where the 1 x-ray of my package of films was at?
Oh it must still be over at the hospital, well I went to the hospital, they could not find it …
That was 3 Plus Long years of being So very Sick after a fall and having Fibro, & I have never been the same.
As it ruptured disks in my back, which led to a back fusion surgery, that failed after 1 year, & Osteoporosis is in my spine
Lumbar and T Levels & the fusion Hard wear is breaking up.
Just wanted to add my story, be careful ladies, I never realized, what all could happen out there with these doctors.
Take care every one, Yes I am new to this group, & glad I have joined.
I broke my right ankle on the right pokie bone March 13th. The ankle specialist told me that with my Fibro it would take at least 12 wks for it to mend, & at least 6mos to be fully back to normal. I had to borrow my Dad’s spare walker, because I have Vertigo & a walker is safer for me to get around then it would be with crutches. I followed her recommendations, 4 weeks walking with no weight on booted foot, compression, elevation, cold gel packs for throbbing & use the pain Med my Primary had 'scripted for the Fibro. Then 2 wks no weight & I could then walk with full weight, wearing boot & could use or not use walker. 2nd day of full weight, I fell. I sprained the left tendons on my right ankle. I am back to No weight , etc, etc, etc. I see her again on the 7th. My Dad is 98 & he walks Faster than I. ARRRGH. Could you get a 2nd opinion? Or find yourself a surgeon that understands Fibro? Or maybe have the surgeon talk to a Fibro specialist or have him/her read about Fibro? Oh WAIT Better Yet Have Him/Her Join This Site!!! Light & Love M