Has anyone tried a pain management doctor?

My mom has been seeing one for years for neck and back issues and she seems to have a good outcome with injections.

I know that having Fibro is different from her issues, but my pain has been so intense for the past few days, I'm jumping out of my skin. I went to see my daughter in college and am paying for the trip now. Having to work isn't help either.....UGH...I JUST WANT TO HIDE IN A CORNER AND CRY!

I'm hoping that this new GP I go to next week will get me on something. The depression is getting worse as the pain is getting worse. If I thought it would do me any good to go to the ER I would...just for a little relief.

My next rhuemy appt. is Dec. 2 and I think I may talk to him about a pain mngmt dr. I have both fibro and auto immune disease. My lower back is getting worse day by day. Standing for 10 min loading the dishwasher causes extreme back pain. Sometimes my lower back is so stiff I feel like a 2x4 and bending over feels like someone trying to snap that 2x4. OUCH!!

I go to pain management for my neck issues funny thing is though she refuses to accept that I have FM …so make sure you do your homework before you decide on pain management …