I was told full body vibration is good for us. not only for pain management but to increase bone density and can help keep muscles strong?

Amazon has these machines, which used to be thousands, for around $200.

I am hoping an online friend will let me use her machine before I buy, but wanted to know if anyone has used one and to what benefit it was.

Hi, Lyra,

I've never heard of it but I decided to look around on the internet. I found a study done of women with fibro. They were broken down into 3 groups, those who did exercise with full body vibration (FBV,) those who did just exercise (EG,) and a control group (CG,) that did neither. Pain and fatigue were significantly reduced in the group using exercise with vibration (FBV.) The other two groups had no change in pain levels. The FBV group showed significantly lower pain and fatigue scores at the 6th week compared to the CG. No significant differences were found between the EG and CG.

So yes, according to the three women in the FBV group in this study, the full body vibration machine did significantly help with fibro pain and fatigue but not stiffness or depression. I'm including a link to the study so you can look at it if you wish: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18990045

You could also look up the user reviews for the machine on Amazon. Or Google "full body vibrations fibro" or "full body vibrations ratings" (or reviews.)

Good luck with this and please let us know if you get the machine and if it helps you. It does sound promising.


I am hoping to be able to use this for my kid with CP, she is a quad and adult sized so I am not sure. Maybe I can get the guys that do tree trimming to come rig up a suspension for her.

Thank you Petunia for all the research you did on this topic for Lyra. It is also beneficial for the rest of us. And you also included the link to the study. I have wondered if this FBV would be beneficial for me because I am a person who does not exercise. I'm so glad to know that study was done and the results proved that it was beneficial.

Thank you also to Lyra for researching the machines and finding that the price is down to $200. I thought they were still $1500. The difference in price makes it more reasonable to consider.

Thank you to both of you ladies.

Gentle hugs


You're welcome. Like you, I'm not an exerciser. And like you I wonder if the machine would be helpful. The study seemed to indicate success, although only 3 women were included in the machine and exercise part of the study, which is frustrating. Still...it's worth a long thought.