
I have always been told that the best diet to use is Weight Watchers because it doesn’t require you to eliminate any one element of your diet, such as carbs or fat. Instead it teaches you how to control your portion sizes and gives you credit (extra points each day) for exercising. You also don’t have to buy any meals or ‘supplements’ and just between you and me, after you sign up and get the info about points and stuff you don’t necessarily have to continue with meetings and weigh-ins. I did the program a few years ago and along w/ a significant thyroid med issue, I was able to lose 40 pounds. I must confess that I gained a lot of it back but that was my fault and the fact that my thyroid med was finally where it should be. I only went to a few meetings, mostly because of convenience. My sister (who doesn’t have Fibro) has been doing Weight Watchers recently and it works really well for her. She mostly does biking and walking for exercise in the warmer months but now that it’s getting colder she uses the exercise programs from the Wii and X-box. Those are great because they offer a lot of variety and various settings for various abilities.

Personally I think any diet that has you cutting anything out to the extreme, or exercising to the extreme that it causes more pain is no good. I definitely need to get some motivation to lose weight again. I’m somewhat above average height at 5’ 10.5" but I’m well beyond 250# and that’s not good at all!

Good luck with whatever you decide to do. Take care of yourself.

Gentle hugs,