Home from the hospital

I finally got to come home from the hospital. I am very tired but getting better. Thank you all again for the prayer, good wishes and the support.


YAY!! Hope your recovery goes well and that you can get lots of rest!! *Hugs*

Oh Purple, I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were in the hospital because I've been off for a week or so. SO glad to hear that you're getting better! I guess the hospital visit was fruitful. Please stay on the road to recovery. I'm sure you still need more rest so take care and get whatever you need. You're a super person and also a great moderator. We'll definitely miss you here; I know I will. I always learn from your responses. But it's your turn to take a break and get well.

Hugs and hopes for a good recovery,


glad you are home.yay.. sending loving, healing prayers!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxooxxo

Hi butterfly,

I'm so very glad to hear that you made it out of there! FINALLY! I bet you hugged your home when you got there! I'm sure you still need to rest and recover!

Wishing you well, and sending some love,


God speed your rest and recovery! So glad you are home...there's no place like it!

PeacenLove Always~Laurel

Praise the Lord!!! I have been praying every night. Prayers will continue as you get better and better!

Gentle Hugs, Kimberly :)

All my best to you . Feel better soon. !!! Take good care of yourself .

Be kind to yourself and get the rest you desperately need. Glad you’re out.

So glad ur doing better take care and god bless