Taking a long time to heal

Hello to all my fibro family. i know i have not been on in a long time. I was admitted to the hospital dec.23 and i was in there till Jan.1st. i had surgery on the 25th for endometrisos. i also had test to look in my my colon and stomach were they found uncers from taking too many nsid's. i was poked and prodded way too much. i was on heavy pain killers and was out of it most of my stay.

I am very sorry for leaving you all in the dark. i still dont feel good. the pain from surgery and the ulcers is still kinda intence at times. i am on quite a few meds including three antibotics and 2 meds for the ulcers.

I have to return to work monday. i am hoping that since my job doesnt require alot out of me i will be ok. except for making bottles and changing diapers i can pretty much just sit and relax. if i hold the baby while she sleeps i can get her to take a long nap which means i can rest too. i am that by having 2 more days to rest and recover i will feel better. i will also have tuesday off. i only work 4 days a week and right now my schedule is mon,wed,thur,fri.

while my holiday was spent alone in the hospital and also in surgery i hope every one else had a great time with their family and friends. i could of had visiters but i told my family that just because i was stuck in the hospital they didnt need to be. i did have my mom and grandma bring up gifts along with other visiters.

i hope to do my best to respond to any post on this discussion. if there is a delay its because i am not up to being on line.

i look forward to getting back on and responding to others post and chatting with friends.

thank you all for your support and prayers.

Hi Lady, We sure have missed you. I hope you are doing some what better. You have been through so much these past few months. I hope you get better real fast and Ill call sometime tomorrow. Glad you are home, xoxo Robin

thanks i look forward to your call

Hi Steph, I just lost a long note to you … Ugh
Anyway I’m so glad you are on the mend
I hope you gets lots of rest this weekend, and that the baby takes Long naps next week :slight_smile:
You have been through a lot, seems quick to be going back to work
Take it slow, it takes time for our body to recover from all that stress, both physical and emotional
Thinking about you
Hugs & blessings

Hi, hope you feel better soon! I hope they were able to get some of the endometriosis out of there and that it helps you! I have it too, and it can be extremely painful.

Wow, Eeyoreluver, you have been though so much these last few months. I am thankful that they were able to find and fix some of the problems and hopefully this will lead to improved over all physical and mental well being. You are a strong person to survive all this and I know you will thrive. I am very glad that you posted as I was wondering about you. Hugs, MB

tthanks Dee. i am not crazy about going back to work i would love to have one more week to heal but i just started this job a few weeks before Christmas and i dont want to lose it.

sorry about the lost note that has happened to me many times and i have no idea what i do to make it disappear. i dont have a stressful job. and the work is very light so i think i will be ok. i will keep u updated.

thank you Lori. as far as i know i am cleaned out as far as endometriosis is concerned. this is my 3rd surgey in 10 years for it.

i am so sorry that u suffer with this painful problem too.

thank you so much. i knew that i probably had many worried friends on here and that i needed to let u all know how i was doing. i am hoping that now that i have had the sugrery and found out about the ulcers i can heal. i really think that i have been having pain from these ulcers for a long time. i am just really happy that they were found before any major damage damage was done to my body.

i hope all is well with you. i hope we can chat soon.

I am doing as well as can be expected, I think. It’s a struggle every day, as you know, but I am making it. And I started yoga. You should see this bumbling, uncoordinated, clumsy girl trying to do the poses. Very funny! And that is why I choose to do it at home with a DVD instead of going to a class. No one can see me at home! LOL. I hope you had a good night and got some sleep. Sleep as much as you can right now- it is good for healing. Hugs, MB

i think that i did too much this weekend. i had my 4 year old nephew and sat. night we went to my sisters for dinner. it was nice b/c my oldest nephew took care of the 4 year old but even with that i think i over did it by going over there, and on sunday i took my bff to the grocery store. it was soo painful to walk i was taking the pain pills like candy sun.

then i didnt sleep by maybe 2 hours sun. night so i ended up sleeping 12pm-6pm on monday. i still felt tired when i got up but i figured that i should get up and eat dinner then go to bed around 10pm like i usually do. i was very tired and in some pain when going to bed i took the pain meds and laid down with my heating pads after a nice long hot shower. i was so tired i figured i would fall right asleep. after 2 hours of toosing and turning i just got up. i had some toast and watch a little tv. its now 2am.

i am really hoping that after i write this i can go to bed and fall right to sleep. that will give me a little over 4 hours of sleep. i had to take more pain meds after getting up. i am now dreading going back to work. Jayden my four year old nephew was really not much work and i didnt have to cook or clean up after him and i still feel like i am in more pain. i do know that part of it could of been the little shopping sunday.

if i wasnt a nanny i would just call in tomorrow. i cant really do that. yes i am sure they will come a time where i just cant work and will not be able to provide much notice. but not showing up just cause i am not sleeping and still kinda sore from surgery i would feel reallly bad.

i guess i will know in a few hours just how bad the day will be. i am hoping that i will get back on schedule and sleep tomorrow night. but what if going back after 2 weeks is too soon and i end up in horriable and i cant sleep due to pain tues, night?

my surgery was very simple and i should be ok to return to work but i am thinking that with fibro a 2 week recovery is not enough. i am so confused as too what to do. if i lose this job my mom will be more stressed than she is now and be on my back about not working. BUT i am afraid that if i push myself like i know i will if need be this week i will end up in much worse shape.

i know this may sound crazy but i didnt tell the family i work for that i had surgery or was even in the hospital. i was afraid that if i did then i might lose the job so i figured i would wait till i went back to tell them. the only reason for telling them tomorrow is that it will most likley be very clear that i dont feel great and if i am in alot of pain come 4pm there is now way i can hide it. when i dont feel good for any reason my face shows it. i cant hide it even though i can lie about how bad i really do feel. when i have a fever my cheecks get bright red like a sun burn. my mom and bff tell me sometimes before i even realize i have one.

part of me is thinking what if working is just not going to work out for me unless i have a job where i can work when i can and feel free to not work when i feel i cant. i dont know any job that would be that flexiable. i dont really have computer skills i have to look at the keybored when typing. i did become pretty fast at typing this way from writing papers in college. i was home schooled so i didnt have any type of real computer training.

i will let u know how it goes tomorrow after work if i dont come straight home and pass out for the night.

thanks for reading this it was way longer than i inteanded


I am so glad that this was finally taken care of! What a relief, Steph! Take your time, don't expect to be well in a day after you were ill from this for such a long time. I think it takes us longer to get over things than for healthy people so don't be too hard on yourself. Be careful what you eat, allow your stomach to heal.

I am very relieved for you, now I pray you heal completely.

Love and hugs,


That is great advice thank you SK. My 1st back was not so bad except that I only got about an hour of sleep. I also found out pjs are way more comphy on my tummy. I hadn’t had real clothes since my last day I worked before Christmas.
Well I am about to pass out. So I better get some sleep while my body will let me.