How do you answer "How are you today?" When you feel awful?

I have such a hard time answering someone that innocently asks me “how are you today”? At work on Monday morning everyone is asking the same thing and I want to say I feel awful but it just doesn’t seem right. I say “OK” and move on… It is so hard to keep it all inside when you are feeling pain all the time. Lately even my so called “good” days are just that the pain is reduced from yesterday but it is still there. I have no days without pain now and I am taking so many meds and herbals… I am tired all the time and could fall asleep at my desk at work every day… I just want to crawl out of my own skin but cannot! Does anyone else feel like this?:grimacing::scream:

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I always just say, “I’m ok.”

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Me too, always “ok” or “not bad”. Just plugging along…

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“Not too bad, considering!” (and a big grin on my face) is one of my favourites.
Seenie from ModSupport

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Hi Elaine,

I know just how you feel, I always used to just say OK but I was diagnosed shortly after starting my current job and we all started at the same time as a new team so I’ve been completely open (for the most part), I told them when I was diagnosed and tell them when I’m having a bad day.

I’ve introduced them to a few terms so they know how I feel without me having to feel like I’m moaning at them for ages each time.

You’ll recognise the typical phrases, “The fog’s got me today” and such so they know what I’m feeling without having to go into details.

I’m not sure whether this was the right move or not yet to be honest, it’s easier not having to pretend but I worry that some people will be concerned and others will think I’m “on that again” but I figure if everyone know’s what I’m going through they can only hurt me intentionally so I know where I stand.

Sorry about the long post, I’m new to the site and really need to talk about this stuff.

Hope you’re having a good day :slight_smile:

Siân xx