Hey all, sorry I haven't been on in ages. Life has been pretty hectic lately, and I have been left pretty exhausted from working so much.
But I wanted to come on here and ask how you all are, and if there is anything I can pray about for you today. I know not everyone believes in prayer, but even if you are just venting that is fine.
I hope everyone is having a pain free day (or minimum pain).
Blessings and prayers!
Hi Ahava31,
I'm glad you had a chance to let us know how things are going. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers for things to slow down so you aren't so exhausted.
I do have a request for prays for my daughter-in-law, Staci. She has MS and had a severe bout with it last week and still doesn't have her sight back in her one eye. She did see her Dr and he gave her some meds but when she went to get them a car drove thru the plate glass windows of the pharmacy almost hitting her. Thankfully she was able to jump out of the way. Needless to say she really could use prayers.
Please let me know if you have any thing specific I can pray for you.
Gentle hugs,
Dottie S.
Thank you both! Yes the holidays definitely kick up stress and business for work, but praise God He is good always.
And I will absolutely be keeping your daughter in law in my prayers, Dottie. That must have been really scary!
Take care of yourselves, and thank you for taking the time to post! 
Blessings and prayers for both of you. And thank you for praying for me as well!