Good thoughts and prayers requested

Hi all. My husband is having total knee replacement surgery on Wed March 9. He has a few other health issues which makes me way more nervous. I am not sure that I will go home to sleep that night . I have a small bag of things packed that I may need . I won’t leave unless I know he is safe . Please keep good thoughts, vibes , frequencies and prayers . I appreciate it very much .

My very best wishes for you and your husband, suzie. Huggggs! Please let us know how everything goes.

Thanks so very much . I will let you know as soon as possible. I hope you are managing as well as can be or better!
Much love and as always -

Hello suzie,

You will be in my thoughts and prayers, and I will keep my fingers crossed too. Wish you and your husband well, for a safe and speedy recovery.

Take care, Anne

Thanks very much Anne
I wish you well also.

Praying for your husband today. Also praying for you to have comfort during this. I know how much anxiety goes with it. Many blessings… Dyana

Thanks very much Dyana for kind words.

How are things, Suzie? I'm thinking of you and your DH.


Hi Seenie />
Rough first day after surgery but we knew it would be ! I slept in his room and I wil tonight as well. Got a nice recliner , pilow , sheet and pillow . I am being held up by angels !!! That’s the only way to describe it !!

But a bit too tired to write more now !! I hope you are doing well or better.!!!



Hello Suzie,

Good to hear from you, sounds pretty comfy at the hospital, good, important to keep your strength up. Amazing what we can do in time of real need. Hope your hubby starts to feel better soon, as I'm sure he will, and that he will have a new lease of life! But take care of yourself too.

Take care, Anne

Thanks so much for your kind words . I really appreciate it very much . He will be transfered to the rehab hospital tomorrow( Sat) . I will get over their later to bring him clothes and things he needs . I will be there for lunch and dinner together . The food in these facility usually stinks big time plus we like to eat together .across the street there is a very good deli that has a very good hot and cold salad bar so can get some good eats there. Also a Subway sandwhich place .So the eats will be good. And I would like to see

What and how they will do the exercise and see how he is coming along. Well I am good and tired as I slept in his room the last two nights . I came home this evening and had a lovely shower ! Lol I hope you are doing as well as can be or better!!



How’re you and the hubby faring, suzie? Big hugs!

Hi Suzie, I hope you and your husband are doing well. I am sending you lots of hugs!!