Need some prayers and thoughts of support to get me through today

It has been a super hard couple of weeks for me. I won't even go into that now. I have Trigeminal Neuralgia, and had a really bad bad flare up yesterday. I had no choice but to go out and get a few things done. Once I got home, it hit me HARD! I was supposed to go bring my Dad a TV he needed, as we have just moved him to another home, and he is without a TV. He needed csome clothes as well. As most of his clothes did not make it with him. Then, my daughter can't find her flute issued from her school. If it is lost I have to replace it. That is a few hundred I don't have. All of this while I am in undescribable pain! Anyhoo, my Mom has Fibro too, and was telling me "just take a nap and you will feel better". she meant well, but with my TN, I knew it would get worse. And it did. My mouth swelled up like I had grapes in it too. finally, around 10:30, it calmed down. I still barely slept. Now, I must go to work. It is prom day, and I have to take care of a few girls. I am so dizzy! Any prayer warriors- please pray!


I am known as a prayer warrior among my friends. I will be praying for you today. Please keep us updated.

Happy to pray for you.


Good thoughts and prayers going out to you, and all others with TN, you have my support!



Oh my gosh! What a day! I'm sorry about your mouth! I had no idea that TN could do that to you. I hope today wasn't as bad. Oh, and that your daughter found the flute. Boy, do I remember those days and how my son always lost things that I struggled to replace. How is it that kids can be so careless with their things at times?

I'm guessing that you were swamped with work today too, with the prom and all. So please try to get some rest tonight or tomorrow because your mom's right that you're gonna need that rest or else.

I'm glad the TN did calm down at least. It really sounds horrible! My prayers are with you.



praying for you, trusting the Lord to help you thru all this stuff your dealing with. I pray that God will show someone a cure for fibro, soon. Blessings Sue.

I ended up having to leave work early, once I had no more appts. I just finished up my sis a home. I went to sleep at four and got up a few times but mainly slept til six this morning.
No luck yet on the flute.
Today I still have pain and swelling with redness I am hoping no one notices. Another booked up day. More prayers please!!!


Now it is Sunday-I have survived the worst! I started feeling better at work yesterday, and I have had a decents nights sleep. After this past crazy week, I am glad it is over!

Thank you all soooo much for your thoughts and prayers!

Hi I feel for you I really do. The TN is the worst pain I know. I had to come home from work with it. too recently and have not got back yet. Currently have two week line from Dr as my pulse rate was so high with pain Dr concerned about strain put on heart he has referred me to cardio.Due to see him on Wednesday. wont allow me back to work just yet. Hope you feel better soon.


I just saw your post blueeyedgirl. You've got my prayers, gladly. I'm glad you'll get some rest now. I know TN is a bear to deal with. you've got lots of friends praying. Keep up the good work.

Dear Lord of Mercy and Father of Comfort,
You are the One I turn to for help in moments of weakness and times of need. I ask you to be with your servant in this illness. Psalm 107:20 says that you send out your Word and heal. So then, please send your healing Word to your servant. In the name of Jesus, drive out all infirmity and sickness from her body. Amen


Monday morning-----I really crashed hard again last night and I am making friends with my couch today, walking is hard. I am not sleeping well at all. I havent been able to give you all my latest update either in all the chaos of the last few days. I went to see a Urologist to see what we needed to do about my incontinence issues. Ill be getting a mesh implanted. The cool thing is that this mesh will be made from my own body tissue. I just have to go theough a few more tests first. In the meantime, the doctor prescribed something for frequent urination to get me to be able to sleep through the night ( I am up every hour to go), so far, it is not working.

My pain meds have been changed too, which may be the cause of these hard last wo weeks. I am now on MS Contin ER. Seems to be doing ok over this last week, but I am going through the percocet for flare ups too fast.

I am just beat! Then I have my mom being dramatic and needy, who I am keeping at an arms length too.

I just wish I could sleep through the night for a few nights, that would sure help. Ive been a zombie for the last few weeks.

I skipped PT today, just in order to be home.

Thanks again everyone!!!!!
