I really NEED a good day

I have gone through a three day stretch of pain level 10. I need some prayers or something. My body is not handling this well, at all.
I know you all understand. How can so many of us suffer with this debilitating hell? I haven’t been this down for a while. I know my stress level is a little high, but not bad. I just don’t know what to do. I can’t think straight and my fuse is really short.
I would love to go to a spa for two days and have a week off. What a dream. We have a hard time paying bills with me working my tail off. I am really having a tough time.
Please keep me in your prayers like. you are all in mine.

Praying for you.

Prayers heading your way…went through same thing not too long myself. There is a light at end of the tunnel I promise! I know it does not seem that way. Very gentle "hugs"
Take care

Oh mommyslove

I am so sorry that you are going through this most painful stressful patch. Yes indeed we reach the point where we just can't think anymore.

I will most certainly pray for you..

Are you familiar with the poem Footprints? In this poem Jesus walks beside us every day and when the going gets really tough like you are now experiencing, then He carries us because we are no longer able to walk ourselves. So, now, in your darkest hour know that He is carrying you.

Gentle hugs
