I am Proud of the Brave ones

I am still having chronic pain, from my fibromyalgia, and my anxiety and depression are going thru the roof. I feel like a coward. I cry alot, because its just not fair.

I am so sorry my story brought tears to your eyes. I don't like to upset people.

I feel like just giving up, and I'm scared. I am having panic attacks, you see I'm at the point, I cant even file for disability, because of my anxiety and depression. Keep praying something will help me get through this.

The other day going to work, I almost pulled out in front of a big truck, not intentionally, but it was scary, yet in my I thought of horrible things, like, would it had really mattered. I know that was wrong. Pray for mr please.

Hello Joni,

I will certainly pray for you, because I know how much you suffer. But pleas do not apologise for anything, crying and feeling emotion is good. Kelly has given great advice, and thank-you Kelly for the lovely things you say about this community, but it is true.... people are always here for you. We all need to try and find the positives in life, accept this tricky condition and work with it. For me, that is how this site helps. I really think something like mindfulness might work for you, if you haven't already tried it. Also I do believe that by always being 'in the battle', you are never going to win the battle. please go back to your Doc and see if your meds need adjusting, it sometimes takes a while to get them right, and then it might not be for ever. I really wish you well, and please let us know how you are getting on

Take care, Anne

Joni, what’s your current regimen for managing your Fibro? It’s likely you may need to explore different meds and/or incorporate cardio exercise such as aquatherapy as you can tolerate. Managing Fibro takes a whole body approach. I also think you may want to consider counseling for the anxiety and depression. I know your near miss wasn’t intentional, but your thoughts surrounding it are concerning. Depression is insidious and can turn for the worse unexpectedly. Continue to reach out here as you need as well. We’re all here for you.

Hi . Sending you lots HUGGGGGGGGGGS

I’m new to this group but Joni when I read your post my heart sunk, I never used to join support groups because I didn’t think it would help much I was obviously looking at the wrong ones! I will say that the people on here seem to be very sincere and that’s so awesome! That being said I’m only in my early 40’s but I’ve learned that everyone has a story that you can learn something from. Unlike others I use comic relief to get me through my days, never to make fun of anyone but I need to have a positive outlook somehow. To state that you’re not brave is simply not true! You get out of bed every day, you get dressed, you go to work good or bad day that is being brave! I keep waving the white flag and still waiting for life to ease up. I do believe theverything suggestion of talking with someone is a great idea. Some think it means you’re weak or a failure, I think it’s a smart, positive path to start. You never know where or who it will lead you to! I am so very sorry that you feel the way you do but you must be your own advocate. I learned that from taking care of my parents who adopted me when they were 45 yrs old and from the age of 11 I took care of them due to different illnesses. In the end I took care of both with hospice my mom in 95’ and my dad in 05’ I was married for 15 yrs, never was on my own prior to that and 6 yrs ago left with 4 kids in tow. The anxiety of how to be alone was awful and to raise 4 kids on my own. That’s just examples…I learned the hard way how to survive and you don’t realize how strong you are til you have no other choice but to be. I will pray for strength and comfort for you.