I need help please!

Has anyone been on Lyrica and had it change their usual behavior? We went to Walmart last night because I wanted chocolate. We went and picked up a few things and I also grabbed a dozen mix n match donuts and our cashier spoke very little english and when he got to the donuts he rang them up as 12 singles which was twice the price as the dozen and I told him he rant it up wrong because it should be the dozen price and he just kept saying 12 yes as I tried to explain the difference and he could not understand so I asked him to get a manager or someone to come and help him and he could not understand that either and so my husband said lets just go to a different line and the guy started yelling about paying so we went back over and tried to explain we were going to a different line and he could not understand. Finally I snapped and I went off, which is very uncharacteristic of me. I yelled that I needed someone to get a manager to help this guy and there were like 4 cashiers that were standing like 10 feet away chattering and not doing anything and still not helping and I yelled would someone get a manager or come and hep this man push the right button so we can get the hell out of this god forsaken store. I really felt bad about it but not until several hours later and then I just started crying because I felt so bad. It is not like me at all. Is this the meds can anyone tell me? I really need help because if it is the meds I need to get them changed i can not be treating people that way.

Hi, I’m sorry to hear of your distressful situation. It is possible for the mood change to be a side effect of your medication or perhaps your frustration or pain speaking. Medications affect everyone differently. You may want to consider discussing this with your doctor as it is concerning to you.

Hello Nn. I can not say that in all the years I have used a variety of meds that I have had any personality changes but I think meds can affect people in different ways . I do suggest , if you not already done so to talk with your doctor about this . All the best and

Hi Nmoon,

I'm so sorry to hear you had such a hard time last night. It could be the meds. Have you gone to Medline Plus and looked up your meds? I've found really good info about my meds there. If you decide to look them up have a pen and paper handy to write down any questions you think of. This way when you talk to your Dr. about the meds you have a better idea of what he needs to know. Also my rhuemy told me that 8 Tramadol a day is the maximum dose that can be used and the only thing I could use for break thru pain is Arthritis Strength Tylenol. I hope you get some answers Monday.

Gentle Hugs,

Dottie S.

Thank you everyone, I did call my doctor and his nurse said for the time being to continue taking my meds as prescribed and that it could be my body adjusting. I go in for a follow up appointment on the 9th and they will reevaluate at that point if needed. But since I have only been on the Lyrica for less than 10 days he wants to see if it will level out, apparently in most people it does after 2-3 weeks. I will give it a shot, I guess in the meantime I just need to avoid going out in public so I do not react like this again. I honestly do not know what came over me. I did write a letter of apology to that cashier and sent it to walmart, I can only hope they give it to the poor guy, he held is composure very well and my reaction was uncalled for and unacceptable.

I think that needs could be the culprit, or it is possible that you are/were exhausted and frustrated and had a bit of melt down. When I’m in tons of pain, i’m a jerk. And I just can’t really help it. I try not to go places or talk to new people when I’m feeling “off.” Overall, don’t beat yourself up about it. Good luck!
