Hi JM, and thanks for writing.
It surely sounds like you may be suffering from depression. You know, depression can manifest in many different ways. I myself get extremely irritable, nasty and feeling blaaaaaaaaaaaaah. And I can't concentrate on anything or hold my tongue when I'm depressed. THANKFULLY there are meds that help depressed people get through our struggles. If you have this feeling that you're depressed, then I would say go with your gut and get it checked out. It's just amazing how anti-depressants can improve our lives, as I'm sure you know.
Do you also have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Have you discussed this possibility with your doctor? If not, then maybe you're doing too much and causing yourself to get overly tired. Or maybe you're stressed, which is coming out as exhaustion. But, you know, fibro really does demand a lot of energy from us. And a lot of us need to nap in the afternoon.
Oh, here's another possibility, one that made a big difference in my exhaustion: Do you have a sleep disorder? If you do, chances are that it's affecting your sleep, which, in turn, causes exhaustion. I found out that I needed a C-PAP and once I had it, I was able to stay awake most of the time in the afternoons. Which is kind of too bad because then I'm more aware of the pain again. Can't win, eh?
Many fibro people also get migraines. I don't know why but they do. Obviously, exercise is one of the triggers for your migraines. Is there any kind of exercising that you can do that doesn't cause migraines? It might be worth your while to post this as a separate topic on the discussion board to see if any other people have suggestions for you. You could also try at a migraine board.
TMJ - darn! How awful to have it so bad that you can't talk much! Do you have a mouth guard? Does the TMJ also play into the making of the migraines? I mean, if you're tightening up your muscles while you exercise, maybe the TMJ is set off from the tightening of the muscles, thus causing the migraine. Just a thought.
I hope that some of this has helped a bit. Please feel free to come back and get more of your fibro frustration off your chest. It honestly does help. And no, you're not a ghost, not here or not at your home either. And I'm sure your husband and child would strongly agree that you're a real, living, vital person who's just very ill.
Gentle hugs to you,