I'm home

What a beautiful post! I hope that Katie has read it and found comfort in it, as well as the other posts. You really offer some fantastic advice and I hope it helps her in her darkest hour. I think that this sort of depression hurts even worse than fibro and I'd chose fibro over it. I'm hoping that her stay is helping her past her dark times and all of our words will also help her to get well.

So true! Been missing you MB. You’re both such lovely people and people are blessed to have you in their lives. Depression is so hard to live with but you are so strong and you know that you will pull through. I’m sure you have hundreds of times. Just remember that it is your illness that is making you feel and think like that. Life is hard especially with the fibro but know that you are beautiful on the inside and out and that outshines any negative feelings you have.

Aww Katie. . . .hugs your way!! We are always here for you!! get better!!


I do tbelieve you are MUCH wiser than you know.

KATIE -Please, keep up with the postings so we all have the opportunity to be there beside you and help keep you strong through all of it. I promise " this too shall pass."

Well not much has changed with me. I’m recovering as far as I can tell. I dunno lately I just want to stop taking everything and just deal with the hand I’ve been dealt. I know it’s crazy, but I just hate the fist full of pills I take every day.

I would imagine they are trying to see which ones will help you. Like everything it's finding the right med at the right dose. I get tired of the pills, but honestly look forward to my shot of Enbrel, it really helps the arthritis. It doesn't make me as well as I want to be, but I can tell it's shot day! Never thought I would look forward to a shot! ha!

Chronic illness, injury, pain, change the brain, change everything, just that alone is a boat load to deal with!

If it were me, I think that I might try to get as much out of it as I could, so I wouldn't have to go back! I know that is easier said than done, but just know most of us are feeling the same way, we're just somewhere else feeling that way!

We're here for you, and miss you!



Katie twice I have been hospitalized due to depression. The pills they give you are not easy to take because of all the side effects. I hated them too. When I look back on those dark times, I concluded that there are times in our lives when the burdens on our backs become too heavy to bear alone so it is necessary for us to be hospitalized and medicated and removed from the world..........and in your case in a group home for awhile. It's hard for us to see that we are making any progress at all. That's why we need to be moderated by trained staff. But we do improve and then comes a time when we feel(or the trained staff feels) that we can enter the world again stronger within and more able to take back the reins of our lives.

We are here to listen and to support you. Please keep us updated.

Wisdom and kindness speaks! Rachel we are so lucky to have you! Katie, we want you well!

Thank you for this. It’s just hard at the moment to see an end to all the struggling.

Hello Katie It's great to hear from you again even if you don't feel that you have anything positive to tell us. I have also been hospitalised for depression twice so I can speak from personal experience when I say that the fact that all you can see is the ever darkening clouds at the moment is part and parcel of depression. But one day you will begin to feel differently. It is slow but it is sure. You probably won't notice it right away but it will come. I know how hard it is hanging in there when you are feeling as you do but you can do it. Just like living with fibro, you need to remember that you only need to deal with is one day at a time. It is natural to worry about tomorrow or some vague time in the future when you might be better. But it is hard to see any different future when you are depressed. So just remember that all you have to deal with is today. Tomorrow can take care of itself. Thank you for sharing your feelings with us. We are all here for you.

Just give it time Katie. With depression you just can't rush the healing.

It will heal given time.