It's 6:00 AM and I've had maybe 2 hours sleep. I'm in a full body flare. My go to cream isn't working and my stomach hurts from too many Tramadol. A friend and I went to an aquatics class yesterday. The pool was heated, there was some great music and it was a lot of fun. I had so much energy after that we went shopping( one store only). I came home vacuumed and took a nap. A pain In my hip woke me up then I couldn't put pressure on my legs to get up. So I've been awake alternating between the heating pad , Tramadol and pain cream. This morning it's moved to my hands and toes and I'm having jitters. Was it the aquatic class? The shopping and vacuuming? All of the above? I felt so good after the class. I hate spending a Sunday in bed. What a waste! I'm feeling depressed and getting angry
I can feel your pain, I too did too much yesterday and am paying for it today. It is depressing to have so much pain after a good day and I too get angry that I can not do what I once could. I am going to take it easy today and pray that tomorrow will be better. I hope you will be feeling better too.
Thank you NCGAL63. I was about to give up aquatic classes but I think I'll just be careful next time.
It probably was everything combined. That was A LOT for a person with fibro to do in one day. I try to do one two-hour thing when I'm out, as otherwise it's just too much. Some people do get flares from aquatics classes. Was it your first one? Maybe next time just do the class, then go home. I know that it's a drag to have to whittle down your schedule so much but I
I find that doing too much will make me miserable for a day or two afterwards.
Try SalonPas patches. They're available in stores and help me quite a bit. Hope you feel better tomorrow!
I hope you are feeling better. I wouldn’t give up the class just yet. I have found trying different combinations of activities and length of time in doing the activities helps me to get the right balance so I can keep participating without the flare. I am not always successful, but it keep on trying. Smiles!! And I think sometimes other triggers can play a part as well, like the weather or an underlying stressor. It sounds like you had so much fun, maybe just trying what Petunia suggested and see your reaction. Wishing you the best. Huge hugs!
I am so sorry to hear all this:( I really hope your doing better.
Stairs are really good exercise for us, apparently. I think they keep our leg muscles in shape, as opposed to losing function from them by non-movement of them. Four flights = a very unpleasant next day! But good for you for making it up all of them; I have breathing problems/asthma now that I have fibro and get out of breath from doing ridiculously easy things. Four flights of stairs would kill me. But you're ex-military and that keeps you tough.