Warm water Therapy and FLARE

Hey Y'all!!! Today was my third session of water therapy and I am whooped!!!! Even before the session I was having pain. Now I am just completely drained... fighting to stay awake. My legs are so weak...pain in various places. I believe our goal is to put me in a FLARE and work through it. My thing is I have no idea what a flare actually is. I think I know...as I can look back the past 2 years and say I have been in a major flare at least 4 times... those would last for for a while and I would run to drs trying to figure out what was wrong and then after a surgery or antibiotics I would begin to feel better for a while then it would come back...

Anyways can y'all help me out by telling me about your flares? I am doing my best right now to not just crawl into my bed and the Hubby is driving me nuts as usual...lol... he loves irritating me. I just want to relax and be in a quiet place. I just want to have a better understanding of a flare verses something else.

Great question as I have been wondering this myself… I think it’s when your pain and the rest of your Fibro symptoms seem to increase steadily then last for a period of time then decrease putting you right back to your normal level of discomfort (Ha!). Of course, if you’ve never had this happen it’s hard to tell if you’re flaring or getting worse or experiencing new symptoms or something unrelated to your Fibro… my present dilemna.

Feel better, hon.


Thanks Laurie, I believe I have gone through several flares before being diagnosed or at least by the way you describe it ... ...That helped me have a better understanding. I do hope you are not getting worse and you find relief soon.

Huggs, Belinda

You too, Belinda.
P.S. Love your Southern “y’all”!

Lovett, I believe you are right about the repetitive motion. I know when I was doing land therapy I stopped going because my pain increased greatly... (undiagnosed) Every time I went I was hurting in another place until I just stopped telling him where I hurt because I thought he would think I was crazy...I do believe you hit the nail on the head.

I made a connection to the antibiotics long before I was diagnosed...just something that I noticed and even mentioned to my Husband. I honestly felt better....that should be another Discussion. I hope that Dr. gives you a script. I actually have several kinds of antibiotics in my medicine cabinet...and a script for Flagyl in my purse. Hummmmm maybe I should give it a try... I just did not want to begin taking an antibiotic until I went to my Gyn. appointment tomorrow. My Gastro Dr. prescribed the antibiotic... I guess he thinks I have an infection in my gut somewhere...anywho I am holding out for tomorrow. I hope tomorrow helps answer my bladder issues.

I wonder if they have studies antibiotics with Fibro? How do we suggest that?

LOL Laurie...I am making it my signature thing...Y'all have a wonderful evening!!!

Hi Belinda,

I am so sorry to hear that you are suffering. Sending you hugs!!! It took me a while to get a handle on what was a flare and to identify when I was having one. To me a flare is an increase in my symptoms, such as pain, fatigue, gut issues, fibro fog and just general feeling like crap!! I can get short term flares that last a few days and longer ones that have lasted for a several weeks, which make me wonder if this is a new normal for me rather than a flare that will go away. It is hard to tell as some people have reported flares lasting several months. I think when people start experiencing new symptoms they should always have them checked out by the medical professional, as it is easy to just think it is a new symptom of fibro when it could be the start of another medical ailment. I say better to be safe than sorry. I hope you feel better soon, sending you more hugs!!