I'm new: fibro and ms

Hi all.

Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis in 2005.

I’ve had pain all over for many years. I chalked up all my pain to my MS. About 5 years ago, my neck began it’s journey of almost daily pain. I’ve had a facet injection which didn’t help and now do trigger point injections that seem to decrease some pain but it is short lived.

Other pains - knee, wrists (which i believe is all tendonitis), inner elbows, inner legs at knees etc.

I saw the Rheumatogist rececently and she diagnosed me with fibro (finally, I have an answer!).

I immediately felt relief knowing, followed by frustration and sadness as now I have yet another “diagnosis”. MS, Fibro, tendonitis, bi-polar.

Current meds, copaxone for ms, effexor, back on gabapentin after a few years. Heat makes my MS worse, but from what I’ve read, it helps fibro. ugh!

I have a very supportive husband, so I’m very grateful.

Hello everyone!


Hello Kimmers,

I’m sorry too hear that you have MS and fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed in 2003 with fibromyalgia and arthritis. I am taking Celebrex for the arthritis. And Lyrica for the fibro. And I have good and bad days. It is awesome to have a understanding husband. My hubby can be understanding sometimes. But there are times when he doesn’t seem to understand my flare ups! Fibromyalgia can be depressing because you don’t get to do all the things you use to anymore. I’m so happy to fine this online group because it’s nice to be able to talk with someone who understands what we go through on a daily basis. I pray for All too have better days and more pain free days. Have a blessed and awesome day!

Shirley :revolving_hearts:

Kimmers, it helps people support you if they know where you are: resources differ greatly from place to place.

You say you are from “Dixon”. Where’s that? What country? You can easily add the information to your profile by clicking on your avatar (upper right) and then on the “gear thingy”.

Welcome to our community! I think you will find many people here who know exactly what you are going through.
