
Hi folks! I’m Dot, a new member to this forum, but far from new to fibro. In fact, I think I may have help invent it! LOL I had fibro way back before there were TV commercials & meds like Lyrica to legitimize this awful condition. I was told to literally get my head examined because they couldn’t find anything wrong with me. Oh well, I’m sure most of you have had a similar journey. But I wanted to bring up this matter if inflammation because I am one, giant ball of inflamed tissue. I use powerful Rx meds for the pain (thank you, Doc M) but I wouldn’t get through a day without ibuprofen in addition. My doc is always telling me I’ve got swollen ankles. I don’t know how he can tell with all the fat on them, but he says he can tell. And I know inflammation is a huge part of my daily agony because anti-inflammatory meds do wonders for me. However, I get heartburn & sometimes, ringing in my ears, so I’m nervous about it. I wonder if anyone else seems to have chronic inflammatory problems and if you’ve had success with anything. Nice to meet you all, by the way :slight_smile:

I have bursitis in my hips (inflammed bursa), and was recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my neck. And this week I finally found out why my feet hurt so much at the toe joints; I have metatarsalgia, although I do not overuse my feet and I have capsulitis in my does joints. Both of these are inflammation. I get tendonitis in my wrists which is inflammation. You would think that with all the inflammation, that it would show up in my blood work, but it all comes back pretty normal. Huh? It is said that fibro does not cause inflammation or damage to joints, muscles or other tissues.
However, researchers are constantly debating the issue of inflammation. Some researchers have found inflammatory markers.
Recent studies are showing inflammation in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), which is different from inflammation in the whole body (like with rheumatoid arthritis). Molecules in the immune system called cytokines have been found to show an extensive evidence of inflammation that researchers are calling an immune dysregulation tied to central sensitization (other central sensitization disorders are irritable bowel, temporomandibular joint disorder, non-cardiac chest pain, neuropathic pain, headache, restless legs, and others). I guess there may be some overlap in our immune system?

Very interesting! Thank you for that info. I have never believed that fibro is not degenerative to some extent and excuse me but my symptoms are much worse now than even a few years ago. If In inflammation is not a cause of or a part of fibromyalgia, it is a crazy coincidence how many women have trouble with both. Of course, they may discover in time that fibromyalgia is an inflammatory disorder. Thanks for assuring me I’m not the only one. Feel better!

Im glad you found this support group. I get comfort in knowing i can open this site and b with others who understand my symptoms and we can chat openly.
Lori D

You can try going to the “Complementary Therapies” section. Make certain that you speak with your PCP & Pharmacist Before you try anything. Or you can type in the Search Box for Ginger, Sweet Cherries or Turmeric. Maggi.

I’ve been researching fibro the last few months as my pain worsened & my quality of life lessened. The pain in one knee & in my back created mobility issues. My Dr ran blood work & it showed a slight deficiency in Vitamin D, but no inflammation appeared to warrant seeing a rheumatologist. She prescribed Duloxetine 60 mg which helped immediately with my pain. I’m obese & know that losing weight would be beneficial by taking pressure off my knees, back, feet, etc. but have been so depressed overall that eating was the only thing I looked forward to. Last weekend I finally decided to try just one thing, just take one step instead of diving into a diet that would require a huge change. I gave up sugar. It’s day 5 without sugar, & I’m too wary to believe the difference in the way I feel can be attributed to being off sugar for such a short amount of time, but yesterday, for the first time in at least a year, I was pain free. I could walk without pain in my knee & back. Last night, I was able to turn over in bed without pain in both arms—especially elbows—& in my right shoulder. We’ve probably all read about how toxic & inflammatory sugar is, but to actually feel the difference this quickly is mind boggling to me. As I said, I’m a little skeptical to attribute being pain free to being off sugar, but I haven’t done anything different. Sugar is addictive so I know it will be a struggle to not eat it anymore, but when I think of the trade off, if I can have a quality life again—not sitting all day in a recliner, not having any stamina because of the pain—I can’t imagine going back. These last 2 days of being pain free from inflammation feel miraculous to me. If you decide to give up sugar to see if it relieves your inflammation, I would like to hear what your experience—or anyone’s experience is like.

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