Info on Fibromyalgia from the American College of Rheumatology

Here are some things you may not know about Fibro, and why you should be seen by a Rheumatologist.

Interesting information, in my case the rheumatologist diagnosed fibromyalgia, 2 years after my GP, and then referred me back to my GP for treatment which this article indicates. It appears that rheumatologist s in the US are often actively involved in treatment. I would be interested in knowing what happens in other parts of Canada.

My GP insists that a Rheumatologist is included in my care, and I am glad of it. They work very well together, along with my Chiropractor, which is a blessing! My GP still suspects additional autoimmune/connective tissue diseases. Sometimes these illnesses take time to fully show up too, surprised you are not still seeing one at least yearly, but socialized medicine may not be set up that way, but surely your GP would send you back if he has any suspicions.

She recently referred me to a private fibromyalgia and Pain clinic, it apparently takes a lot of time to get in. The doctor in charge has apparently, according to his bio and research on the net, been working with fibro for years. If that doesn’t work out, I’ll go back and get her to refer me to a rheumatologist. think she is at a bit of a loss partially because of other chronic conditions I have. We may find our doctors working more closely together since under new provisions in BC, they will actually get paid to talk to each other.
I really can’t complain about our medical system, as it’s always come through for me.

Glad to hear your medical care is working for you! That is just great news!

That new provision should make a huge difference in everyone's care! Someone in a government is actually 'thinking', making sense, that will make a difference! Hope it rubs off on the rest of the world quickly!