
I told my orthopedic surgeon--"Pain changes who you are" It's so wearing on your body & mentally. You just want it to go away & you're not able to do that.

I find looking at something funny on TV or computer is very helpful & it takes your mind "somewhere else" to a better place!

Aaawww - Mrs.K - your husband sounds awfully sweet! (Smile). I worked for many years at the Humane Society - and even though, unfortunately I was laid off about 6 years ago - I have to say it happened at the right time. I was in pretty bad shape then, physically, and the Fibro was progressing. Walking the long halls every day at work, bending, lifting animals, working in the surgery unit and standing for hours was just getting too much for me. Also, because of the Fibro, lack of sleep has always been consistent for me - but yet, I was on time every single day for work. I would come home - eat very little and just collapse into bed.

I loved my job, thus the reason I didn't want to contemplate even the thought of quitting. My son, Jason had been urging me to slow down - but I wouldn't listen. Even the Doctors were after me to do the same. So, now I can't even think about working anymore. Other disorders have cropped up since then and I just have to be very careful now. I become unbalanced at times - sometimes falling. I still keep busy, but at my own pace. Had to learn my limitations. Laurie

Personally, I have found that is a little of each! I get cranky because I hurt, and then because it keeps me from doing what I want to do, then because I have to take the meds. to help allieviate .the pain! So I think it goes around in rings, and each plays on the other so it must be a little of each

And finding your own pace is instrumental in dealing with fibro ----- the body definately lets you know when you over step your capabilities.

I'm an animal lover since a child. They give you such joy & comfort. Sorry you were laid off but it sounds like you would have to have quit soon because of fibro . Wondering if you could do fostering a dog till they find a forever home. That helps keep you around what you love the most. I did it for a few yrs.----along with my husbands help , & it was so rewarding! Because of now needing knee & hip replacement, along with the fibro has made me have to give it up. I have 2 dogs & a cat---one dog trained to pads, the other needs taking for walks, which I can't do anymore now.

Keeping the mind outside of myself is most helpful. Finding this site has been good for me also because I don't feel like Fibro is taken seriously or understoon by most people.

You are "right on the Money" in describing pain , irratability & moods. I don't think anyone

can understand it ---especially when you look like a healthy person on the outside. I find I

try to stay to myself when I get so adjitated from the pain----don't know if that's good or not .

Pain and lack of sleep are a perfect recipe for irritability. If it's the meds, it will continue even when you are not hurting. Give it some time, give yourself some TLC, and then see if the irritability continues. It sounds like it's from coping with pain and lack of sleep, but you are wise to consider if it could be meds.

Meanwhile, despite the grouchies (I get them, too....) try to make a list of what makes you happy. I have an ipod full of relaxing music that I sink into at home to relieve my own grouchies. For others, it may be a type of tea, a comfy chair, the chance to doodle, or some other sensory pleasure.

Hang in there!

Sounds like we all know about being cranky! Some days the pain makes me irritable and sometimes it is the thought of having to deal with this for the rest of my life. I am 62 and have had this for 30 years. Some days are good and some are bad. I just get through the bad ones and savor the good ones. My husband is great but some days I can tell he just doesn't get it. He wants to make a trip to Florida next Spring and I am already stressed worrying about the plane ride and if I will feel good enough to enjoy any part of the trip. I would rather stay home with my trusty heating pad. Crazy huh?

All we can do is the best we can do and not be too hard on ourselves. Those who love us understand and know not to take our "crabbies" personally.

Whenever you feel a crabby day coming on just let us know, we'll be happy to listen!

Hugs, Eileen

hello.. I not only have the pain so severe that I can hardly hold my cup. DR tried all the meds I can only take arthrotec. but when the pain gets real bad then my sugar goes up. does anyone else have this problem.

I'm finding myself getting grumpy when I realize I can't do things without being in pain. I'll think of how this is my way of life now and I'm not happy about that. I want to be able to do things like I used to and it makes me angry when I can't.

My irritibility is from the extreme fatigue and aches and pains and basically just feeling really ill. I’m not sure what you’re taking and for how long so it could be a mixture of the two… If you feel your meds are playing a roll in your moods you should tell your doctor. I hope you find some relief. Best wishes.