
So does the fibro make me irritable or does the constant pain from the fibro? Or is it the meds. I’ve had one of those weeks where I hurt a little all over and can’t sleep good because of the prickly legs, bt not the major pain like other days and I just feel completely grouchy. The grouchy seriously affects my job and of course my family but its just there even when I am trying not to be. Its almot as bad as the pain.

Hi MrsK, I think it could be a combination of all of the above. For myself though, I'd have to say its probably the pain from the fibro that start my irritability. I can only tolerate bad pain for so long, before I start to melt down.

Hoping it gets better for you soon!

Hugs, Vicky

Hi Mrs K,

Oh yes, mine is from arthritic back pain! I try so hard to always be positive, to be cheerful, but intractable pain can really make me 'SNAP', of course it makes me feel even worse. Sometimes I just do my best to stay away from everyone, but you just cannot always do that either!

It's the pain, the loss of sleep from pain, the loss of function from arthritis and all of the other stuff, and some of it is just frustration. As well adjusted and accepting we may think that we are, there is always the frustration factor waiting to rare it's ugly head!

I hope that you are able to get some relief, I fully understand what you are going through! Sometimes I dig out one of the comedy routines from the blue collar guys! If that doesn't make you laugh, and make you feel a little better, time for an ER run!

Wishing you well,


Oh, wow: Don't get me started on irritability or being grouchy. Good question tho. Are we irritable, grouchy, depressed, or whatever because of the pain or is it the other way around? Most doctors will try to convince us that being depressed or whatever, came first, then the pain later on; I believe that to a certain extent. Stress can really put havoc on your body and everybody handles it differently; some people get headaches, some have stomach problems, stiff neck, and then there are those of us who get a disorder of our central nervous system. For myself, I feel very irritable and grouchy before I take my meds especially in the morning after laying all night. It hurts like a son of a gun. I have to sit perfectly still for an hour or so until they kick in and really just try to relax. I cannot do anything in that period of time, not even make myself a cup of coffee or make a phone call, I mean, really I cannot handle anything at all. Then, after the medication kicks in, I very slowly start my day and do what I need to do. My energy level is ok in the morning, but by the afternoon, I'm Ms. Grouchy again and have to start all over again. The pain is relentless even with the medication, but at least I can handle it better, then I'm okay for a couple of hours and I'm in a much better mood. When you are in pain it is really very hard to be in a good mood. I don't even want to be around anybody when I'm like that. It's a horrible way to be so that's why I usually don't "plan" anything and try to do all my appts. and things in the morning and when people see me they always say, oh, you look fine. Yikes, I feel like saying, well, maybe I do right now but come over later and then you'll change your mind.

Hi Mrs. K - I totally understand what you are going through. For me, the grouchiness and the irritability comes from a number of things:

1 - pain

2 - constant lack of sleep (tossing and turning to get comfortable)

3 - sometimes worrying about my future involving my illnesses - and my mobility

4 - as I get older - tolerance for my pain lessens - therefore making me 'not the nicest person to be around.'

5 - the frustration of becoming more and more limited in what I can do as time goes by.

I could go on and on - but I think you get the gist of it. Loss of independence sometimes jumps to the fore front of my mind and I desperately don't want this to happen. I truly feel for ALL on this website who are struggling and it takes tremendous courage and willpower to move on each day and try to enjoy what we can, when those days of feeling well are not as abundant as they used to be. Hugs! Laurie

a combination! I went off the Cymbalta a few months ago because it was not helping with the prickly legs and feet (I found Lyrica does help with dulling that leg/foot pain...but had to stay on it for one month before I saw results.) The Cymbalta didnt seem to help with this, but now that I have been off of it, I do think it helped with my irritability level. I am going to a new doctor (just moved) next week and am going to discuss with HER (smile) getting back on it.

Gosh your reply could have been mine SK. I don't know what is worse sometimes the arthritis in my back or the fibro pain. I am trying to do exercises to make my back and legs stronger which in turn make my fibro worse.

I can't give up the exercises cause then I'll be worse off in the long run. I also try to stay positive but sometimes the constant pain gets one down and one is bound to react to it. I like watching funny stuff as well and start out every day with my husband playing Don William's song, Lord I hope this day is good. (actually he puts in on when he starts making our breakfast) How wonderful is that!



One of the side effects from the fibro med Savella is irritability and that was bad (poor husband of mine) for awhile but seemed better but today I was just snappy feeling all day. I guess its just the constant pain. I hate the prickly legs. I feel like my jeans have stickers on the inside. I had to get up very early to go to the doctor with my son and that made today a long long day too. These last few days have been so hard mentally for me because its so depressing to be like this all the time.

Mrs K,
With all of the symptoms caused by fibro, if they aren’t under control who wouldn’t be grouchy. Get lots of sleep and see a pain management specialist if you haven’t already done so. They will work with you on symptom management.
Take care and good luck,

Any combination of those could be the culprit.
You don’t say what you are taking.
You should be one pain meds and something for your outbursts.Rheumatologists are good.Painmanagement is also good if you have ins.
You also need to communicate to loved pnes that you hurt alot and to just understand what you are going through.
Too much to go on.
Good luck.

I take Savella for the fibro stuff and I take Myloxicam for the pain. I've only been going thru this for a few months so these are the first medicines I've tried. The Savella has helped with the fatigue tremendously. I no longer need 11 or 12 hours of sleep. The brain fog is sooo much better also. I haven't had a full blown foggy brain day in a month. My pain is like a dull roar all the time now. Nothing crippling or debilitating, just different aches and pains all over and lots of tingly stuff. I'm just now going to see an endocrinologist for the first time next month for my thyroid issues so I haven't tried alot. I developed low thyroid and when I started the medication I got ten times worse so my family doctor had no idea what else to do for me!

I'm struggling with wondering about the future also. I keep thinking what will I be like in 20 years? I'm only 41 now. I've got lots of years left. Until this week, I've done ok mentally but this week and the last 2 days I've been really teary just out of frustration.

Hi MrsK. I take what my pharmacist and husband call “Happy Pills” 30 mg of Prozac plus Elavil, plus gabapentin, plus multiple other meds for other conditions. Despite the happy pills, I still get depressed, irritable and grouchy at times. In my case I think it’s the fatigue (insomnia and pain) and the frustration of always knowing there are things I should be doing, of not being able to see things (bad vision) , not being able to let go of things mentally,of not being physically able or afraid of doings things I used to be able to do and of course the fibro fog just adds to it. Even if the pain is not debilitating, it’s still there, and constantly putting stress on you mentally and wearing you down. One of the things often referred to on the site is pacing yourself so you don’t take on too much to handle, and taking time for yourself. Someone, I believe it was SK, once referred to us as a " forum of overachievers" and I think it’s difficult to let go of those expectations. I’ve found that simplifying my life including decluttering, making changes so that what I need to do is easier, setting “small goals” for each day, scheduling things so I can achieve them, asking my husband for help when I need it, and setting aside some time to do the things I enjoy, does reduce some of the frustration and I’m less irritable.

I’ve had fibro for decades and I’m still trying to learn how to live with it as there wasn’t a lot of information when I was first diagnosed. This website has helped a lot, and there is lots of information on here and on the Internet, I hope you find some tools that you can use to reduce the impact of both fibro and thyroid issues on your life.

Good luck and gentle hugs.

Oh my gosh, this is how I feel and I hate it. It makes me not even like myself. My poor family, as my patience level is low during these times. I have four children. 3 boys, and a girl.

I’m in NH, almost 40. I am a kind hearted person on good days and a raging ball of nerves on others. I have blue eyes…ha ha

A few weeks ago my husband said he felt like everything he said was wrong and I was having a really grumpy day and I told him everything he said WAS wrong. Yeah, it was that bad. He was trying to make it better but he can’t grasp that joking about giving me a big bear hug (among other ideas he had to make me feel better), makes me hurt just thinking about it.

Hi MrsK - these poor men in our lives don't know WHAT to do when we are in pain or irritable, do they?? LOL I have always said that 'females are of the superior race' because many times we are SO much more knowledgeable then men! Hope this doesn't offend anyone! (Smile).

I saw an interesting (and funny) program the other day about how men perceive women when they are pregnant. 2 couples were selected, of which the men were going to have electrodes attached to their stomaches and pelvis' and labor pains would be produced to see how they tolerated it. In the beginning, the men had pooh-poohed the idea that women suffer any pain and were just complaining about being 'slightly' uncomfortable being pregnant. Well, you guessed it, when the labor pains were amped up JUST a little bit, they were just ALL over the place, grabbing their stomaches, bending over and so on. They were also breathing rapidly as pregnant women do when giving birth. It was hysterical! The electrodes hadn't even gotten anywhere NEAR the full potential of complete labor and they were DONE! LOL

Men are sometimes clueless and as much as they want to comfort you - they DO get confused as to what to do for us when we have our bad days with the Fibro and God knows what else is going on with us. But, bless their hearts for trying! Hugs, Laurie

I was rather abrupt with my poor husband and but in very plain english…I told him I feel like I am walking on 2 broken ankles every morning. I feel like there are bugs under the covers all night long and inside my pants legs. My calves are like the day after being on a stairmaster for 12 hours and that is only the pain in the lower half of my body. That is not my shoulders or neck or back. Now imagine that first thing in the morning, times 10, knowing you have to go to work for 8 hours and you feel worse at the end of the day. And that is sometimes a good day. That has made more sense to him thank goodness but he still seems to think just hugging me will make it all ok :slight_smile:

Hi MrsK,

The pain causes me to become so irritable I cannot stand myself! Chronic pain all over your body is exhausting and I apparently don't look like I am in pain so a lot of times people misunderstand that my bad mood is caused by pain, then the frustration of trying to be upbeat while in pain and last but not least fibro affects every part of my life and no matter how hard I try I just feel overwhelmed and angry and irritable! I had one of those weeks myself and I understand where you are coming from MrsK and I feel for you. I don't know if anyone else has ever felt this way but I just don't always want to explain why I am irritable or whatever word that person uses to describe me. My mood changes quite greatly when the pain decreases!

May things get better for you and I take a lot of deep breaths to not snap at anyone but it is hard.
