When youare in pain, do you see everything around you as a negative? Does your outlook on life look entirely different when you are sick?

Hi everyone, maybe the title of my discussion post doesn't make sense. I find that when I am in continuous pain from the Fibro or anything that is related to it, I view everything around me with a lot of negativity. What usually brings me joy when I am feeling well, doesn't appeal to me when I am sick. I sometimes get into the "feeling sorry for myself"as well. Things look so different to me when I don't feel well. Does this make sense? Laurie

Hi Laurie,

Oh, you bet! It's very difficult to be upbeat when in pain, feeling ill all of the time. Sometimes I literally wear myself out just trying to be positive and upbeat, and there are times I fail miserably! I try to stay to myself on those days. Feeling sorry for yourself is perfectly understandable, especially becaused we are exposed to those who are well, and pain free, and it gets you down. You long for the way you used to be, can't help it!

If this becomes overwelming, you need to talk to your Dr about it, and perhaps talk to a professional. They really can help you with coping skills, and resilience.

But even well people have their days! Hope you can kick it off! We all get blue somedays! Just lean on us when you need to, girlfriend!

Hope you feel better soon!

Love and hugs,


Hi SK - I am like you, in staying to myself when I am sick with the Fibro. This past Christmas was an example. I went to my future daughter-in-law's parents house for Christmas dinner. I always have a really good time there, but that day, I wasn't feeling well, and I hurt everywhere. It was extremely hard for me to get ready for the party as I was very sore and depressed. During the party, I isolated myself from everyone and just sat in the living room watching the tv. Everyone wanted to know what was wrong. I just said simply that I wasn't feeling well. My son, Jason, knows what I go through and is very supportive. When the time came that I just HAD to get out of there and get home, Jason was fine with this, and we left. When I got home - I was so relieved. I took a hot bath, changed into pajamas and went to bed. I love to be around people and have a good time and it's amazing what the Fibro can do to me when I am not feeling well. My whole persona changes when in pain and I just want to be alone. Sometimes I feel a little guilty about not participating in all the fun, but I just can't do it at times. Hugs! Laurie