I have been scheduled for a uterine biopsy and a laparoscopy along with a D&C to figure out why I have extended periods since last summer. I have a thick uterine lining that didn’t respond to BC pills so they want to make sure everything is ok. I also had a 3.5 centimeter complex cyst just rupture about 3 wks ago leaving a bunch of fluid in my pelvis-
My fibro was diagnosed in November. Symptoms:
Severe fatigue
Brain fog
widespread pain
hip pain on the right side
Everything is getting worse. I feel like I have dementia, the hip pain constantly wakes me and now has turned into groin pain almost always there. I am experiencing muscle weakness worse and nausea. I work on my feet and I could barely walk after my shift last night . Today I have been in bed. Nauseous after eating, legs Weak and sharp pain , menstrual cramps (I have been brown spotting for 5 days) I am really too tired to go to doctor. I just keep lying down. Has anyone had all these female issues along with fibro? I am 44 , last hormone tests showed I was not in premenopausal stage yet- I feel like I should go to doc but I literally feel too sick-- lol–
PS I even took a pg test but it was negative–phewww…
One recent symptom in just the last 2 wks is thirst. I am wondering since that cyst was hemmorhagic if I could still be bleeding inside? I am very bloated too. Please help! I just want to know if it sounds like I need to go to doc right away or if I am over stressing with hormones and a fibro flare!!! lol
Hi, Lisa.
I am sorry to hear you are in such discomfort.
A good rule of thumb with Fibro is if your symptoms are new or worsening it would be wise to consult your doctor. Does your insurance have a 24-hour nurse line you could call tonight just for you to run your symptoms by? If not, call your doctor’s office tomorrow and let them know what is going on and see if they suggest you come in. Also, don’t hesitate going to ER should you feel you need to in the meatime. You know your body best.
Please keep us updated.
Hello Lisa,
Totally agree with what BaltimoreBaby has said. You must somehow go to Doc, or get yourself seen.
I personally have not heard of connection between period symptoms and Fibro, but I do know pain feels worse when you have Fibro. Luckily I was just over the menopause when I was diagnosed. Come to think of it at one point I wasn't sure if it was menopause or Fibro symptoms, ie hot sweats, forgetfulness and word retrieval. So maybe they are linked?
As for your thirst and nausea, could be a side effect of meds. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
Take care, Anne
hi Lisa I agree wiht what anne and baltimorbaby said.I do think you need medical attention to sort this out. keep in mind there are things that are separate from fibro.
Hello Llisa,
Yes, please go to your doctor ASAP. You don't want to take the chance of still bleeding inside. None of us on here to give you a qualified diagnosis and I think that new and bothersome symptoms are well worth being seen for.
A lot of your symptoms, most in fact, sound like fibro. I hate to tell you this but that hip pain is most likely permanent if it's from fibro. However, I have a further question for you: Could it also be arthritis? Have you been checked for the diferent kinds , of arthritis and auto-immune tests? They can provide you with a lot of info, especially if you have something more than fibro.
Oh, and getting back to your question about fibro and your menses, I've noticed recently that I've noticed more pronounced PMS pains with the fibro. It's taken me awhile to put it together but I definitely feel that there is a link. I think it's due to our female hormones, as both PMS and fibro are tied to them.
I hope you get to feeling better, but if not, Baltimore Babe's suggestions are great. Does your area also have urgent care clinics that you can go to if you need medical help on Sunday? I hope you find an answer to aall of this!
Sorry, I edited this post and added to it but the edits haven't come through. One important point I wanted to clarify on is that you can go to a rheumatologist to see if you have some forms of arthritis (as my hip pain is, and it's actually radiating from the mid back down to the hip,) and/or an auto-immune disease.
I hope you can this sorted out, as many fibro sufferers can attest to the fact that it's no fun to hurt like this.
Petunia Girl said:
Hello Llisa,
Yes, please go to your doctor ASAP. You don't want to take the chance of still bleeding inside. None of us on here to give you a qualified diagnosis and I think that new and bothersome symptoms are well worth being seen for.
A lot of your symptoms, most in fact, sound like fibro. I hate to tell you this but that hip pain is most likely permanent if it's from fibro. However, I have a further question for you: Could it also be arthritis? Have you been checked for the diferent kinds , of arthritis and auto-immune tests? They can provide you with a lot of info, especially if you have something more than fibro.
Oh, and getting back to your question about fibro and your menses, I've noticed recently that I've noticed more pronounced PMS pains with the fibro. It's taken me awhile to put it together but I definitely feel that there is a link. I think it's due to our female hormones, as both PMS and fibro are tied to them.
I hope you get to feeling better, but if not, Baltimore Babe's suggestions are great. Does your area also have urgent care clinics that you can go to if you need medical help on Sunday? I hope you find an answer to aall of this!
Hi, Lisa.
I hope you have answers and are feeling better.
I have been thinking about you. Please keep us posted.