JayCS’s Fibro Blog

2021-05-30, Sunday

FEELING Well % / Pain 0-7 :left_right_arrow: DOING
Sleep: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 10h15h, up 3x (35’) :white_check_mark: (semingly long, but late & dozing a lot)
Activities: 70%/3 :left_right_arrow: 3h30 (digi-work 2h30 OK, but sports 1h TT 4:2 → Ache) :white_check_mark:/:x:
Treatment: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 1h37 (self) :white_check_mark: (fw 55’)
Effects of 300+150mg GABA, 50mg levodopa+25%benserazide, 2x290mg passiflora, minus candesartan (0 Mg): Headache/slow pulse (53/51 upon waking): drink more & eat more hazelnuts. Emotional unrest at first (due only to the unusual circumstance that my wife was away all day visiting her parents) but then drowsed out, esp. later on in the night. I’ll try keeping GABA to 1x300mg if I’m not restless. Still a bit drowsy at midday.
Whoopsy, I was just having at look at the pills I’m taking & realized that I’ve still being taking roseroot (Rhodiola rosea) for blood pressure (which also contain 60mg Mg and a full daily dose of B1).
So I’ve just looked what wp says: good for fatigue, weakness (English), also memory, concentration, general performance, sleep, depression, anxiety, with bad quality studies, but no reasons not to allow it. Works by inhibiting the depletion of serotonin and dopamin… Supposedly good for depression, anxiety incl. exams, shift work etc., inside of 30’ and for 4-6h. Between 200 and 680mg. I’ve been taking 1x200mg in the mornings. Doesn’t say anything about blood pressure, but that’s what my GP recommended it for…

OK, just to make sure: Apart from the GABA, levodopa+bensearzide and passiflora mentioned above,
I am/have been at the moment taking 200mg rosalea + 60mg Mg + 1,4 mg vitamin B1, for thyroid 200 mcg selene, for blood fats: 10mg etezimib, 20mg atorvastatin, 100mg aspirin to stop blood clotting. Of my blood pressure meds I stopped lercanidipin in favour of more candesartan a month ago, and have now stopped candesartan because the combo, praps esp. levodopa is decreasing my blood pressure enough already.
(For my tonsils I’ve been taking umckaloabo, echinacea, gargling with marigold essence, for stomach Gastritol and Gastricumeel, but both now seem OK at last…)
OK, what I was actually looking for, after all that, was the side effects of rhodiola: Rare, not proven: sleepiness, cold extremities, slight GI problems, dizziness, grogginess and mouth dryness…
Hmm, maybe I should be trying to do without. Might explain why it comes with Mg & vitamin B1 to be on the safe side…


(Well in % / Pain incl. Gut 0-10) :left_right_arrow: (Sleep, Fibro-‘Work’, Work Digi & Live, Activity, Treatment)
Sleep 23:10- dozing / AuTr
0:05 emotional unrest → fast cold shower 10’
1:55 150mg GABA, since still sort of unrest.
6:20;15’ headache → drink, RR: 115/74 57 & 114/76 52 - pulse slow again.
-10:00 = 50’+10h-10-10-15= 10h50-35 = 10h15h, up 3x (35’)
Work 25’
TT 4:2, → Ache, despite it being warm. Strange feeling, like having a cold in the summer. I’ll rest a bit and see if I want to cold shower. Standing on a heat pad for over an hour and then the warmth outside is good for my tonsils. Ah, how about trying a shake dance (& praps twist-stretching) against the ache… Not bad at all for loosening arms, trunk & face! Try that more often.
Digital work 2h30

Self-treatments (trying to reduce): :white_check_mark: AuTr 10’, cold shower (10’), thumbnail 12x1’, sore throat 8’ (incl. massaging), palpate 2’, belly 4’, back 8’, neck 1 8’, neck 2 5’, loins 2’, marionette-hang 20’, gum/tooth 4’, shaking dance 4’ = 1h37
:x: Timing was absolutely rotten yesterday :shit: (:arrow_forward: :fireworks: to do better :trophy:), workout ', yoga ', hunchback hard cushion ', breath-hold ’

Fibro-work: 12:05: 15’ 13:50: 10’ 17:40: 5’ 20:55: 10’ 21:10: 15’= 0h55


’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm
AT = Autogenic Training, cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’) , ex = exercises, HWB = Hot water bottle, breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding, slp = sleep.
Reasons for getting up w = awake, lbu: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, i: ideas. PsA = Psoriatic Arthritis-suspicion
fw = fibro-work
Pain 7 = crying (/out) point
TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.
Cold showering itself only takes 20’’+40’’=1’, but I now count it as 10’.
Neck 1 is stretching in the various directions, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.