JayCS’s Fibro Blog

2021-05-29, Saturday - really long deep sleep…

FEELING Well % / Pain 0-7 :left_right_arrow: DOING
Sleep: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 10h30, up 3x (20’) short breaks :bangbang::white_check_mark:, :arrow_right_hook: 30’ overexertion yesterday :bangbang:
Activities: 70%/3 :left_right_arrow: h (digi-work h sports 1h10 TT 4:2 shop ) :x:
Only just occured to me: Whilst relaxed muscle seem best determining factor for my TT playing (table tennis), I shdnt neglect eye focus, nerve transmission and muscle pre-exertion. Also conversely: if I start needing to overstrain muscles to play better, my muscle relaxation wil soon disappear, even if it was there to start with. Today I doped myself with cold showering, that lasted the 1st 2 games, then lost 2, and the last 2 games, I used muscle pressure. So cold showering again after might help, like it did before. All of course nec. cos of carrying stuff yesterday evening together with the long sleep.
Treatment: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 1h12 (self) :white_check_mark: fw: 7h10 :x: :axe:
Effects of 300mg GABA + 50mg levodopa+25%benserazide, 2x290mg passiflora, minus candesartan (0 Mg):
Long deep sleep, despite problem solving dream: This combo with 300mg instead of 200mg GABA & 2x290mg passiflora added seems to fit, at least at the moment. Head/eyes/heaviness OK today. Candesartan I saw in the blood pressure checks yesterday that it’s right to leave that completely.

Natural L-dopa, e.g. in the Mucuna Pruriens beans, might be even better

Interesting that L-dopa can be found in 2 bean types, most in Mucuna Pruriens and that researchers have studied it to find better alternatives to pure L-dopa with less side effects.
L-Dopa in Arzneipflanzen und deren Anwendung für Parkinsonpatienten – Stand des Wissens – Rosenfluh.ch

GABA can have a paradox effect in higher doses...

Interesting fact here, that too high doses of GABA can cause a paradox effect of worse sleep, anxiety, another reason for having adjusted it lower:
(German link) Gaba -Wirkung, Dosierung, Mangel, Nebenwirkungen -VitaminExpress (used this link before I think, mentions the various combinations etc.)

L-dopa and fibromyalgia? 1) Stiffman syndrome case: L-dopa & GABA! 2) FMS & dopamin-system

A look for L-dopa with fibromyalgia on pubmed: l-dopa fibromyalgia - Search Results - PubMed only yielded
:one: a one-patient study of the very rare Stiffman Syndrome from 1973 Sleep Studies and Therapeutic Trial with L-Dopa in a Case of Stiffman Syndrome - Abstract - European Neurology 1973, Vol. 10, No. 2 - Karger Publishers (Sleep studies and therepeutic trial with L-dopa in a case of Stiffman syndrome - PubMed)
“A possible imbalance between a catecholaminergic and a GABA-ergic system in the Stiffman syndrome is hypothesized.” Interesting for me as my all-day-&-night-stiffness has been decreased to 20% by GABA.
:two: Reduced presynaptic dopamine activity in fibromyalgia syndrome demonstrated with positron emission tomography: a pilot study - PubMed 2007, US. “An association between FMS and reduced dopamine metabolism within the pain neuromatrix provides important insights into the pathophysiology of this mysterious disorder.” - quoted by 77 articles, right up to 2021, of those is slightly interesting:
Canada, 2020 “Sleep and pain” Sleep and pain: recent insights, mechanisms, and future directions in the investigation of this relationship - PubMed.
"Moreover, the possible mechanisms contributing to this relationship as endogenous pain modulation, inflammation, affect, mood and other states, the role of different endogenous substances (dopamine, orexin, melatonin, vitamin D) as well as other lesser known such as cyclic alternating pattern among others, will be explored. Finally, directions for future studies on this area will be discussed, opening up to the addition of tools such as brain imaging (e.g., fMRI), electrophysiology and non-invasive brain stimulation techniques. Such resources paired with artificial intelligence are key to personalized medicine management for patients facing pain and sleep interacting conditions. "
Nutmeg & St. John’s Wort probably don’t help: Herbal medicinal products or preparations for neuropathic pain - PubMed

Feeling/Action-details: Problem solving dreams, 1 realistic, but unsettling, 1 pseudo, strange

(Well in % / Pain incl. Gut 0-10) :left_right_arrow: (Sleep, Fibro-‘Work’, Work Digi & Live, Activity, Treatment)
Sleep 300mg GABA, 6, 22:35- 1:55p 3:45 thirst 7:00 noises 10’ -9:28 = 1h25+9h28-5-5-10= 10h50-20 = 10h30, up 3x (20’).
1:55: Long stint for starters due to preponing 6…? Do I need to think more about how to schedule that? Waking was probably due to pee urge (lots), but not strong, so I need to watch doubly if it is actually usually that and not feeling awake…? Sensitive stuff, ay!
3:45: definitely thirst not pee upon waking. Sore throat → Marigold, but gargling more intensely and deeper (it’s coming from the pharyngeal? tonsils, at least the deeper ones) heating on, warmer socks, keep hot water bottle.
7:05: I’d tried to refrain from using ear plugs, just Continental quilt over my head, so noises were slowly waking me up. Still actually very tired and not enough. 2 problem solving type dreams, but not enlightening: first was due to an - actual - change in work schedule perhaps having to go to get up at 6:20 every day now (which wd be realistic if I wasn’t ill). In the 2nd a new very friendly GP made out 3 problem areas of my symptoms, plus saw that my left thumb had grown completely off, with a sort of graft-type of displacement 20cm down my left underarm - totally unrealistic, can’t see where that came from or is going to…
7:10-7:35 in unsettled problem solving mode, trying to calm myself with AuTr & dozing.
Now go all out to get my last hour of sleep… Lavender & AuTr & self-hypnosis, dry mouth gel.
BTW: When I don’t move at night, I don’t have pains. When I do they are only there for a short time, pains & pins & needles, not like they used to be.
-9:28 whoopsie, must have worked!
11:55 Ache, tired, so trying another cold shower…

Self-treatments: :white_check_mark: Timing, sore throat 7x2’ (gargling deeper & more vigorously :trophy:, plus a bit of heating on), gum/tooth, 2x1’, thumbnail 7x1’, AuTr 15’, palpate 2’, belly 6’, back 8’, workout 8’, cold shower (10’) = 72’ :x: , neck 1 ', neck 2 ', yoga ', loins ', marionette-hang ', hunchback hard cushion ', breath-hold ', Achilles ', shaking dance ', blood pressure
Fibro-work: 2:00: 5’ 7:05: 5’ 10:40: 30’ 11:40: 10’ 13:35: 30’ 14:45: 25’ 15:55-20-21:20=5h 21:40: 10’ 22:30: 15’ = 7h10 Oh dear, that’s overdone this! - but it was fun, and didn’t hurt - might do tomorrow tho…

Added & rearranged Fibromyalgia References: Symptoms, triggers, treatments (to be intertwined)

Abbreviations - incl. new ones since May 18th

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm
AT = Autogenic Training, cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’) , ex = exercises, HWB = Hot water bottle, breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding, slp = sleep.
Reasons for getting up w = awake, lbu: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, i: ideas. PsA = Psoriatic Arthritis-suspicion
fw = fibro-work
Pain 7 = crying (/out) point
TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.
Cold showering itself only takes 20’’+40’’=1’, but I now count it as 10’.
Neck 1 is stretching in the various directions, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.


A pretty design (on buyable stuff) from someone called “lotacats”…

2021-05-30, Sunday

FEELING Well % / Pain 0-7 :left_right_arrow: DOING
Sleep: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 10h15h, up 3x (35’) :white_check_mark: (semingly long, but late & dozing a lot)
Activities: 70%/3 :left_right_arrow: 3h30 (digi-work 2h30 OK, but sports 1h TT 4:2 → Ache) :white_check_mark:/:x:
Treatment: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 1h37 (self) :white_check_mark: (fw 55’)
Effects of 300+150mg GABA, 50mg levodopa+25%benserazide, 2x290mg passiflora, minus candesartan (0 Mg): Headache/slow pulse (53/51 upon waking): drink more & eat more hazelnuts. Emotional unrest at first (due only to the unusual circumstance that my wife was away all day visiting her parents) but then drowsed out, esp. later on in the night. I’ll try keeping GABA to 1x300mg if I’m not restless. Still a bit drowsy at midday.
Whoopsy, I was just having at look at the pills I’m taking & realized that I’ve still being taking roseroot (Rhodiola rosea) for blood pressure (which also contain 60mg Mg and a full daily dose of B1).
So I’ve just looked what wp says: good for fatigue, weakness (English), also memory, concentration, general performance, sleep, depression, anxiety, with bad quality studies, but no reasons not to allow it. Works by inhibiting the depletion of serotonin and dopamin… Supposedly good for depression, anxiety incl. exams, shift work etc., inside of 30’ and for 4-6h. Between 200 and 680mg. I’ve been taking 1x200mg in the mornings. Doesn’t say anything about blood pressure, but that’s what my GP recommended it for…

OK, just to make sure: Apart from the GABA, levodopa+bensearzide and passiflora mentioned above,
I am/have been at the moment taking 200mg rosalea + 60mg Mg + 1,4 mg vitamin B1, for thyroid 200 mcg selene, for blood fats: 10mg etezimib, 20mg atorvastatin, 100mg aspirin to stop blood clotting. Of my blood pressure meds I stopped lercanidipin in favour of more candesartan a month ago, and have now stopped candesartan because the combo, praps esp. levodopa is decreasing my blood pressure enough already.
(For my tonsils I’ve been taking umckaloabo, echinacea, gargling with marigold essence, for stomach Gastritol and Gastricumeel, but both now seem OK at last…)
OK, what I was actually looking for, after all that, was the side effects of rhodiola: Rare, not proven: sleepiness, cold extremities, slight GI problems, dizziness, grogginess and mouth dryness…
Hmm, maybe I should be trying to do without. Might explain why it comes with Mg & vitamin B1 to be on the safe side…


(Well in % / Pain incl. Gut 0-10) :left_right_arrow: (Sleep, Fibro-‘Work’, Work Digi & Live, Activity, Treatment)
Sleep 23:10- dozing / AuTr
0:05 emotional unrest → fast cold shower 10’
1:55 150mg GABA, since still sort of unrest.
6:20;15’ headache → drink, RR: 115/74 57 & 114/76 52 - pulse slow again.
-10:00 = 50’+10h-10-10-15= 10h50-35 = 10h15h, up 3x (35’)
Work 25’
TT 4:2, → Ache, despite it being warm. Strange feeling, like having a cold in the summer. I’ll rest a bit and see if I want to cold shower. Standing on a heat pad for over an hour and then the warmth outside is good for my tonsils. Ah, how about trying a shake dance (& praps twist-stretching) against the ache… Not bad at all for loosening arms, trunk & face! Try that more often.
Digital work 2h30

Self-treatments (trying to reduce): :white_check_mark: AuTr 10’, cold shower (10’), thumbnail 12x1’, sore throat 8’ (incl. massaging), palpate 2’, belly 4’, back 8’, neck 1 8’, neck 2 5’, loins 2’, marionette-hang 20’, gum/tooth 4’, shaking dance 4’ = 1h37
:x: Timing was absolutely rotten yesterday :shit: (:arrow_forward: :fireworks: to do better :trophy:), workout ', yoga ', hunchback hard cushion ', breath-hold ’

Fibro-work: 12:05: 15’ 13:50: 10’ 17:40: 5’ 20:55: 10’ 21:10: 15’= 0h55


’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm
AT = Autogenic Training, cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’) , ex = exercises, HWB = Hot water bottle, breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding, slp = sleep.
Reasons for getting up w = awake, lbu: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, i: ideas. PsA = Psoriatic Arthritis-suspicion
fw = fibro-work
Pain 7 = crying (/out) point
TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.
Cold showering itself only takes 20’’+40’’=1’, but I now count it as 10’.
Neck 1 is stretching in the various directions, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.

2021-05-31, Monday

FEELING Well % / Pain 0-7 :left_right_arrow: DOING
Sleep: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 10h07, up 3(-4)x 33’ :white_check_mark: Got up un-refreshed tho, so straight into 70%/3.
Activities: (70->80%/3->2) :left_right_arrow: 5h15 (live-work 2h, grandchild 1h55, cycling 1h20) “:x:(not not due to or worse due to the activities, quite the opposite - pacing perfectly, I managed everything and it actually improved slowly to 80%/2 or even better in the evening, at least if I was taking everything relaxed…)
Treatment: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 1h (self) :white_check_mark:
Effects of 250mg GABA, 50mg levodopa+25%benserazide, 2x290mg passiflora, minus candesartan:
Sleep felt deep, but unrefreshing. Woke up several times without needing to get up - unusual for me. Felt weak, workout worked out tho, but tired again after, eyes half-closed (Chinese my wife called me). Deep, long (10h for 3 nights now) & un-refreshing wd seem to be :one: a med problem (Too much passiflora or levodopa? Too little GABA or Mg?). Unless :two: getting up early Thursday again, like around Easter, has a more long term effect. Or :three: carrying heavy stuff for 30’ Friday evening is taking 3 nights to compensate for… Whilst I can wait to see if any of these 3 can be confirmed this week, I also need to get to bed before 21:00…
Again, what is (still) good: no stiffness, no GI or uro problems, drinking more → no headache, only few and short sleep breaks.
What is happening is once again that the nights are slightly better, the days quite a bit worse. But the shorter night breaks are of no use to me if I have less energy at daytime. I’ll try to wait this week before adjusting the supps, but I spose I’d better order my magnesium malate again already…


(Well in % / Pain incl. Gut 0-10) :left_right_arrow: (Sleep, Fibro-‘Work’, Work Digi & Live, Activity, Treatment)
Sleep 21:35-
23:55: 13’ limb pains (unusual), neck feels stung, dry mouth :arrow_forward: drink, (pee), thumb, fw 5’,
1:00: nose clotted, bit stingy everywhere…
(1x without getting up)
4:15 dry mouth → drink, (pee).
(2x without getting up)
7:30 ? 10’ → dozing
-8:15 2h25+8h15-13’-5-5-10=10h40-33’ =10h07, up 3(-4)x 33’
Hmm, night was quite OK, 90%/1, but then like the last 3 days Fr-Sun 70%/3.
21:00 ate a little bit of ice cream, took a Gastricumeel immediately after, I hope that won’t shred my sleep…

Self-treatments: :white_check_mark: Timing, AuTr 5’, palpate 2’, belly 5’, back 8’, workout 8’, hunchback hard cushion 10’, cold shower (10’), neck 1 7’, neck 2 2’, shaking dance 2’, = 60’ :x: yoga ', loins ', marionette-hang ‘, breath-hold ‘, (not counting gum/tooth 2’; thumbnail 10x or sore throat 2’ anymore)
Fibro-work: 10’ = h
I remember a colleague telling me a year ago that he stretches/-d for 1h every morning before work. I thought: Wow, what a long time, I’ll never make that… and started and realized I cdnt even manage 10’ of stretching, cos I was doing it too long. Everything in short stints is still my body’s motto… And here I am doing up to 2h a day without realizing it…


’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm
AT = Autogenic Training, cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’) , ex = exercises, HWB = Hot water bottle, breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding, slp = sleep.
Reasons for getting up w = awake, lbu: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, i: ideas. PsA = Psoriatic Arthritis-suspicion
fw = fibro-work
Pain 7 = crying (/out) point
TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.
Cold showering itself only takes 20’’+40’’=1’, but I now count it as 10’.
Neck 1 is stretching in the various directions, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.

2021-06-01, Tuesday - still slow all day - increasingly… and foggy

FEELING Well % / Pain 0-7 :left_right_arrow: DOING
Sleep: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 9h35, up 3x (40’) :white_check_mark:
Activities: 80%-70%-60%/1-2 :left_right_arrow: 5h50 (music 2h45, digi-work 35’, sports 2h, shop 30’) :white_check_mark: Good day? :slight_smile: Hmmmm :face_with_monocle:
Treatment: 90%-80%/1 :left_right_arrow: 3h (self 57’, acupressure 2h) :white_check_mark:
Effects of 250mg GABA, 50mg levodopa+25%benserazide, 2x290mg passiflora, minus candesartan:
The last 2 250mg were more like 300mg… Better night and less exhaustibility than the last few days suggest it’s not the supps that’s been/is the problem; still no full energy today.
Tooth/gum hurting, left thumb root, brain foggy, after a fairly full, but slow day, everything’s getting really hard to do in the evening… My wife sez I look real bad.

2:25: Funny dreams, first mixing my now frequent reading of medical studies with the frequent action dreams I've always had...:

A medical study (review) I was reading was quite cheeky towards others, very exact, e.g. using 2 different paper clip signs to group other studies it was answering to (a minute ago I cd’ve told you pretty exactly what it was on about, I think the subject was sort of urological or summink), then suddenly switched to being very vivid, in colour, describing catching a villain floundering around in shallow water with algae, but suddenly “Oh, that shirt I’m just grabbing can’t be yours! No it’s someone else’s!” And pulling out - yes, Pierce Brosnan himself - a bit stiff and pretty dead, but easy to pull out, cardboard-like, and of course the reviewer had super powers. (I hardly watch telly, but today at my grandchild’s we watched a cartoon of some child detectives, and Tim and a villain were under water.)
Next dreams made me LOL upon waking: a bearded man with high anxiety - regularly? - went to bed with an old fashioned telephone tied round his neck and to his ear with the cord, so he wdnt miss a call. And certain round things kept dropping and squelching into cups (which I’ve always found hilarious in real life), I can’t remember what they were now, I seem to think a strawberry was among them, but they were in separate sequences.


(Well in % / Pain incl. Gut 0-10) :left_right_arrow: (Sleep, Fibro-‘Work’, Work Digi & Live, Activity, Treatment)
Sleep 21:30
Soon after a bit of ice cream at 21:00 (and 250ml of dairy yoghurt, the first dairy for the first time in the last few weeks) my belly started rumbling and my tonsils started aching again,
23:25p GI OK, apart from smelly wind wind, tonsils → gargling with Marigold. Drink.
2:25p: 20’: felt I hadn’t slept long, Same as before. Funny dream, see above. 15’ to write it down…
3:25: 15’ After dozing, thinking, itching/scratching, tossing, AuTr, weat cushion, hunger coming up, and probably sleeping, seeing as 40’ as passed, I think a cold shower’ll do me fine. Plus eating 6’.
-7:45 worked a treat and seem to have more energy today… which’d support not changing the supps yet…
2h30+7h45-5-20-15=10h15-40 = 9h35, up 3x (40’)
music production 9:30-12:15 =2h45
cycling 15’+15’, TT 2:6 1h10, cycling 8’+8’+5’ (= 51’) =2h

:white_check_mark: Timing (still not early enough tho), AuTr 10’, hunchback-hard-cushion 15’, cold shower (10’), palpate 2’, belly 4’, back 8’, workout 8’, = 57 (+ sore throat 2, gum/tooth 2, thumbnail 8)
:x: neck 1 ', neck 2 ', yoga ', loins ', marionette-hang ', breath-hold ', shaking dance ',

Fibro-work: 10’ = h10


’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm
AT = Autogenic Training, cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’) , ex = exercises, HWB = Hot water bottle, breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding, slp = sleep.
Reasons for getting up w = awake, lbu: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, i: ideas. PsA = Psoriatic Arthritis-suspicion
fw = fibro-work
Pain 7 = crying (/out) point
TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.
Cold showering itself only takes 20’’+40’’=1’, but I now count it as 10’.
Neck 1 is stretching in the various directions, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.

2021-06-02, Wednesday - 900mg :bangbang: GABA - great start, 4h live work too, TT 7:1, energy no end… :fireworks: :bangbang:

FEELING Well % / Pain 0-7 :left_right_arrow: DOING
Sleep: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 10h50, up 4x (20’) :white_check_mark: :arrow_heading_up: :arrow_upper_right: 900mg GABA
Activities: 90-95%/1 :left_right_arrow: 5h10 (live-work 4h sports 1h10) :white_check_mark::white_check_mark:
Treatment: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 50’ (self) :white_check_mark:
Effects of 400+200+300=900mg GABA, 50mg levodopa+25%benserazide, 2x290mg passiflora:

Lost my patience again, due to the fact that not even the acupressure helped in anything at all this time, and spontaneously whammed up the GABA, 900mg is the highest I’ve ever taken, yesterday 250mg was the lowest I’ve ever taken. Comparing to JayCS’s Fibro Blog - #338 by JayCS May 6th: Now the eye pressure/ drowsiness is higher upon waking, but the energy too & bladder pain seems down, stiffness too (had increased a bit in the evenings), frequency still is, all like in the good old first days of GABA…(?) Also: almost no further side effects: no outstanding dreams, only slight reflux 2h after the 3rd dose, dry mouth only like before, which is OK, because I can still drink all I want & need, better for my pulse. No strange feeling, no nose problems, and I haven’t had any focal seizures for almost 6 weeks.

Reasoning (sort of… :exploding_head: - more like acting on impulse and against what I’d just decided…): Yesterday started OK, but not great, and deteriorated continually. The other thing I managed to change was going to bed at 21:00, which I shd do this evening too, cos of getting up at 6:20 again tomorrow.

900mg GABA :arrow_forward: no problems at at work 4h, talking thru the mask about 1h of it, TT 7:1 - no exhaustibility at all, right to the end: precision, fast, hard, slammed thru… and on the way home from TT I overtook 5 cyclists who were too slow for me :bangbang: :fireworks: :muscle:t6: :weight_lifting_man:t6: :biking_man:t6: :man_dancing:t6:

As a contrast: yesterday 250mg GABA :arrow_forward: hadn’t worked, luckily, TT 2:6 - exhausted the whole time, no precision, nothing fast, nothing hard, all other cyclists overtook me :x::x:

I actually thought this wdn’t work, cos the night was too long and that usually and of late means: bad day coming on.

The mistake I’d made was to not question the recommendation of my (sleep :exclamation:) psychiatrist to reduce the GABA and take it when I feel I need it to sleep better, also not to take it after 3:00, so it doesn’t influence my waking and day too much, and he had added: it works quickly, so take it ’in bed’. But what he and then I forgot is that the effect of the GABA on my body continues to be more stunning in the daytime, and I may be drowsier for the first half an hour in the mornings in my head, but not in my body. So if I at all try to implement his idea of adjusting the amount I take I wd need to take I spose my energy level (:interrobang:) into account most, or just take some as soon as I feel any fibro-symptom is coming on :interrobang:, night and day, not just sleep… OK, let’s got, 6:20 tomorrow morning IS IT…

(ehrm, no, in case you’re wondering about my mood swings: I’m not bipolar, just plain manic about finding my way…) :laughing:

Interesting: at 20:00 I’m getting tired - haven’t taken the pills yet and slept almost 11h last night…

Comparing once again to May 6th it seems that 900mg has worked better than the 750mg I was taking then… JayCS’s Fibro Blog - #338 by JayCS. Not sure how much I shd take tonight, I’ll try and keep it close to yesternight’s doses…


(Well in % / Pain incl. Gut 0-10) :left_right_arrow: (Sleep, Fibro-‘Work’, Work Digi & Live, Activity, Treatment)
22:55 drink, pee, left thumb root, teeth +200 GABA… hot: trousers off.
2:00 drink, pee, left thumb, left thigh.
3:50 drink (pee) thumb :arrow_forward: Traumeel. +300 GABA (rest of capsule) = 900mg (oops, late!) feel good, as if energy, just feverish.
5:55 slight reflux (:arrow_right_hook: :question: GABA? But no heartburn) drink, Gastricumeel, palpation. Thumb better. 90%/1.
-8:10 feels better. 3+8h10-20=11h10-20=10h50, up 4x (20’)
9:00 Eyes still drowsy after working out, but everything else good.
16:15 still active, still going for it, just got to watch out for my feet/legs sometimes.
cyclling: 8+8+8+8+6+6=44’ - sometimes a bit tough, but the chains desperately need oiling.
TT see above.

Self-treatments: :white_check_mark: Timing, AuTr 3’, palpate 2’, belly 4’, back 8’, workout 8’, cold shower (10’), hunchback-hard-cushion 10’, neck 1 4’, neck 2 2’ (sore throat 2, gum/tooth 1, thumbnail 5) =51’ :x: yoga ', loins ', marionette-hang ', breath-hold ', shaking dance '.
Fibro-work: = h

Development: Well, I spose the :new: s says it all, but let’s see how sustainable it is…


’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm
AT = Autogenic Training, cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’) , ex = exercises, HWB = Hot water bottle, breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding, slp = sleep.
Reasons for getting up w = awake, lbu: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, i: ideas. PsA = Psoriatic Arthritis-suspicion
fw = fibro-work
Pain 7 = crying (/out) point
TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.
Cold showering itself only takes 20’’+40’’=1’, but I now count it as 10’.
Neck 1 is stretching in the various directions, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.

2021-06-03, Thursday

FEELING Well % / Pain 0-7 :left_right_arrow: DOING
Sleep: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 8h50, up 5x (30’)+55’=9h45 :white_check_mark:
Activities: 80%-90%/2-1 :left_right_arrow: 4h (live-work 1h50, sports 1h20, shop 50’) :white_check_mark: (nap made up for the earliness a bit)
Treatment: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 3h18… (1h18 self, 2h acupressure) :white_check_mark: (fw 30’)
Effects of 400+200+150mg=750mg GABA, 50mg levodopa+25%benserazide, 2x290mg passiflora: Pretty good, despite tiredness of getting up early and … so-so sleep.
Effects of cryotherapy & acupressure: Cryotherapy felt good, better than usual, maybe the hot weather like last summer is helping there. In acupressure she found that the pain in my neck is probably no sore throat or any of the tonsils, it’s muscular once again, and treated that. Then she concentrated on my belly, just pressing with fingers, which hurt more (again like a bruise) afterwards, but felt better just the same. Then thumb and calf quickly.
She suggested that I take GABA when I’ve done something strenuous, like carrying.
As she always does far longer than my prescription would justify, she now writes down how much longer (still not enough), also I hadn’t managed to order a new prescription in time, so I paid 300€ extra this time, but still wanted to continue treatment, still very good value. She should be doing a bit more than 1h per treatment, but it’s usually 1h30, 2x/wk…


(Well in % / Pain incl. Gut 0-10) :left_right_arrow: (Sleep, Fibro-‘Work’, Work Digi & Live, Activity, Treatment)
20:45 400mg
23:00p teeth, drink, Marigold (warmth makes it hard finding blanket positions)
1:55p drink, 200mg GABA = 600mg AuTr
2:35 dry mouth gel, but then hunger, so drink & Gastricumeel :white_check_mark: ear plugs out.
3:35:10’ AuTr, lavender, then started having believed I’d caused a power cut → + 150mg GABA - ooops, risky as I have to get up in 3h… and cold shower (ear plugs in and out after), drink. dozing/AuTr
5:55 check alarm, unncessary fear of oversleeping
-6:20 alarm
3h+6h20-5-5-5-10-5=9h20-30= 8h50, up 5x (30’)
Waking up was no problem, rather worrying too much due to a bit more breaks & dozing than I’d hoped. The GABA was then one capsule.
Work: 1h50, Sleep again 9:50-10:45=55’ (AuTr/Doze/Nodding off several times tho)
RR 133/81 54 soon after getting up, a bit higher commuting 135/84 78 after cycling, and 128/78 59 after the nap and workout.
Housework 11:50-12:20 (counting shaving as housework… - it’s worse… :roll_eyes: cos I have the feeling either staying completely unshaved - who sees it anyway nowadays… or doing it in one go)
Cycling/shopping: 20’/50’.
TT 4:2, 1h?, despite it being wet - with energy, no exhaustion, no need to rest etc.

Self-treatments: :white_check_mark: Timing, AuTr 20’, palpate 3’, belly 4’, back 7’, workout 9’, cold shower (10’), neck 1 3’, neck 2 2’, hunchback-hard-cushion (20’) = 1h18 (sore throat 2, gum/tooth 2, thumbnail 7, RR 6’)
:x: yoga ', loins ', marionette-hang ', breath-hold ', shaking dance ’

Fibro-work: Night: 10’, 11:20: 15’ 15:25: 5’ = h30


’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm
AT = Autogenic Training, cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’) , ex = exercises, HWB = Hot water bottle, breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding, slp = sleep.
Reasons for getting up w = awake, lbu: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, i: ideas. PsA = Psoriatic Arthritis-suspicion
fw = fibro-work
Pain 7 = crying (/out) point
TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.
Cold showering itself only takes 20’’+40’’=1’, but I now count it as 10’.
Neck 1 is stretching in the various directions, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.

2021-06-04, Friday

FEELING Well % / Pain 0-7 :left_right_arrow: DOING
Sleep: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 9h10, up 4x (1h35) :white_check_mark: but see ‘development’ below for possible tweaks.
Activities: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 7h35 :bangbang: (live-work 2h20 sports 2h40 grandchild 2h15 shop 20’) :white_check_mark:
Treatment: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 1h (self) :white_check_mark: (fw 30’)
Effects of 400mg+350=750mg GABA, 50mg levodopa+25%benserazide, 2x290mg passiflora:
Great, considering 6:20 yesterday, and no breaks today between work, cycling, son/grandchild & table tennis. Now the weekend…


(Well in % / Pain incl. Gut 0-10) :left_right_arrow: (Sleep, Fibro-‘Work’, Work Digi & Live, Activity, Treatment)
Sleep 22:00-
1:15: 25’ p (6) RR 111/72 52 slight headache: drink!!
4:05p 35’ 6 slight headache: drink, 350mg GABA (cos of earliness yesterday morning)
5:05 dozing, hungry, drink, eat (bit was enough), nostril clot left.
-7:45p dozing, drink, music-idea 2h+7h45-25-35-5=09h45-65=8h40, 30’ break, napped 8:15-45 = +30’=9h10, up 4x (1h35). 30’ later still tired. But I’ll get up now…
Cycling 8+8+8+5+30+30+5 = 1h42, TT 5:1 dead easy.

Hit my head on an open window in the morning, coming up, quite some blood, but doesn’t hurt (I cried out, surprised, but the pain was about 3 for about 30 seconds). Tired. :blush:
Then missed the train cos the ticket machines didn’t work.
Then realized I’d forgotten my house key… :frowning: :blush::blush: But I found more than enough to do to do till my wife was back. (In emergency I c’d’ve got someone to let me in.) First in a church I’d never explored without some event, then shop, grandchild & TT.

Self-treatments: :white_check_mark: AuTr 20’, palpate 2’, belly 4’, back 6’, cold shower 10’, neck 1 4’, neck 2 1’, hunchback-hard-cushion 10’, :x: Timing, workout ', yoga ', loins ', marionette-hang ', breath-hold ', shaking dance ’
Fibro-work: Night/morning: 20’? +10=? = h30

:one: GABA vs. %/pain?
:two: Bed early/late vs. dozing? (But which is cause, which effect?) That was just as late last Friday, so might’ve been the reason.
:three: “6” early/late vs. dozing? (But which is cause, which effect?) No relationship: early the night b4 last Friday, and still dozing, despite similar structure.
:four: Still got to watch out if repercussions of the early getting up come up from tonight on. Tonight went like last Friday: bed late, but considerably more GABA (no Mg this time). Stomach similar to last week - Oh, the taut stomach was there last week too!?! (Was that why my acupressurist treated it this weak? I’ve forgotten!) No lentils, no ice cream, but ate late.


’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm
AT = Autogenic Training, cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’) , ex = exercises, HWB = Hot water bottle, breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding, slp = sleep.
Reasons for getting up w = awake, lbu: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, i: ideas. PsA = Psoriatic Arthritis-suspicion
fw = fibro-work
Pain 7 = crying (/out) point
TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.
Cold showering itself only takes 20’’+40’’=1’, but I now count it as 10’.
Neck 1 is stretching in the various directions, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.

2021-06-05, Saturday

FEELING Well % / Pain 0-7 :left_right_arrow: DOING
Sleep: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 9h10, up 6x (1h)+20’=9h30 :white_check_mark:
Activities: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 3h (vid-conference 1h30, sports 1h30, shop 20’) :white_check_mark: unrelaxed, but still OK
Treatment: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 1h05 (self) :white_check_mark: (fw 5h50)
Effects of 300+100+150+200mg GABA, 50mg levodopa+25%benserazide, 2x290mg passiflora:
Circumnavigating Saturday (day after “6:20”) with more GABA than last Saturday… day’ll be good, pretty refreshed, no eye pressure - night was OK-ish, but where’s the waking up 2x gone at night? Wasn’t any special reasons to get up that much. Is this where I consider doubling the levodopa like my doc recommended? Hmm… dangerous thoughts :exploding_head: - usually means I’m getting impatient and will adjust again…
I seem to be getting the stomach burn & hungriness round 5:00 from the gamma-amino-butyric-acid, so I need to watch that more: together with drinking, or does that reduce the efficacy? Using gastricumeel (homoeopathy with lactose) instead of gastritol (herbs with alcohol) might be less additional irritation, it was enough tonight at least…
Or back to the 1x750mg capsule… But I shd praps wait till I’ve got the hungriness under control before adding l-dopa. OK, tonight.
Coming back to my question :one: above I had some days with not too much problems despite less GABA, May 19th to 24th and May 28th before I overdid it in the evening, but mostly using less GABA fitted to more pain during/due to activities. As soon as I went back to 750mg it was OK. Hungriness at 5:00 I had off and on all the time. So something else?

"Feeling/Action-details: Dream of having to look for some of the people I work with & thus getting lost myself; remembering the situation that spawned it, pondering how to talk with them

(Well in % / Pain incl. Gut 0-10) :left_right_arrow: (Sleep, Fibro-‘Work’, Work Digi & Live, Activity, Treatment)
21:10 GABA 300mg
22:04: 10’ cold shower
23:50 p, teeth, drink, 100mg GABA
2:40 (p) (6) slightly hungry → drink. 150mg GABA. Before vs. after drink (heartburn)? Here, after.
4:35: 15’ 250mg GABA. Dream of losing my way at work, in a complicated, intricate building, sometimes public building, sometimes house, where a lot is familiar, but a lot unfamiliar & new, finding my way back by using ways of earlier dreams - so it’s not the first time. Actually I got lost there after I’d found my way myself and most other people were there, but a part of the people I work with were - deliberately - not there, so I had to look for them. That’s also recurrent and symbolically realistic… Slightly yucky. (p)
5:05 AuTr. Remembered a situation last Monday that will have spawned the dream. For the people I work with completely normal. Thinking about how to talk with them about it - whether to just make the rules clearer (as they should be) by communicating how to communicate, whether relating it to my situation or not… I’ll do that, but decide the latter spontaneously. Usually I am very open about it.
Also forgotten if I’d taken the rest of the GABA-capsule, but I had (I can taste it too). Also hungry. Does seem to be the GABA. Praps I should try in in 1 or several capsules (which I’ve saved up) tonight. Trying drink plus Gastricumeel first → :white_check_mark: , if I wake up again then I’ll eat → wasn’t nec.
5:40: 20’ after dozing… 6
7:30 after sleeping well again.
2h40+7h30-10-5-5-15-5-20= 10h10-1h (6x)= 9h10, up 6x (1h)
Try once more, or was that it?.. A bit short, but I’m pretty awake & the energy is there - sleep later if needed? One more try…
7:55-8:15 OK, I’ll add that as nap (and AuTr): = 9h10, up 6x (1h)+20’=9h30
fw, then 1h30 lovely jitsi-talk with my sis. Then fw, music production, table tennis 1h10 5:3, energy needed, not that relaxed, but no rest needed after… shop 20’ cycling 6+6+5=17’

:white_check_mark: Timing, AuTr 15’, cold shower 2x(10’), hunchback-hard-cushion 10’, palpate 2’, belly 3’, back 7’, workout 8’, = 65’
:x: neck 1 ', neck 2 ', yoga ', loins ', marionette-hang ', breath-hold ', shaking dance ’

Fibro-work: Night: 15’. 7:35: 5’ 9:50: 2h30 13:30-?16:30 = 5h50

BTW I spoke with my co-worker the other, the one who does stretching 1h every morning…: he doesn’t … any more… he only manages it once a weekend. And doesn’t do it primarily for health reasons, mainly for some martial art…

BTW just read that valerian often causes GI problems.

(context: roseroot-side effects; Take in the mornings, as it wakes up. Careful with other antidepressants: serotonin-syndrome possible) German link: Nebenwirkungen von Rosenwurz: Die wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten | Sundt Nutrition

Music during self treatment: Martinu-Symphony exciting today instead of techno or rock...

Unbelievable, I usually like to wake up and exercise to techno, but also want to peruse my old CDs for forgotten treasures and I started with the 1st Martinu-Symphony on today, and felt so activated that it was hard not to exercise :bangbang: and write stuff like this in between… But it’s also showing me how full of energy I am, just did more than I usually manage even on pretty good days, 30 of everything, incl. push-ups - no problem, etc.
And I :heart_eyes_cat: his music, special, electrifying thru & thru…

Docs/Diagnoses: Yesterday morning after bumping my head I went into a 2’ cold shower, felt my head, looked at my hands for blood and saw: Blue and white hands… After the surprise I realized: Ah, that’s my Raynaud’s :exclamation: - don’t often see the effect on my hands as strongly as on my feet.

Abbreviations (corrected & explanation for AuTr = autogenic training)

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…), cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’) , ex = exercises, HWB = Hot water bottle, breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding, slp = sleep.
Reasons for getting up w = (a)wake, lbu: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, i: ideas. PsA = Psoriatic Arthritis-suspicion
fw = fibro-work
Pain 7 = crying (/out) point
TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.
Cold showering itself only takes 20’’+40’’=1’, but I now count it as 10’.
Neck 1 is stretching in the various directions, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
“6:20” getting up at 6:20 a.m. on Thursday mornings for work…

2021-06-06, Sunday - passive table tennis stress…

FEELING Well % / Pain 0-7 :left_right_arrow: DOING
Sleep: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 9h35, up 5x (1h20) (:white_check_mark:) Creativity kept me awake. (:x:)
Activities: 90-60%/1-4 :left_right_arrow: 1h10 (cycling 30’ :white_check_mark: + table tennis 2:2, 40’, :x: passive stress)
Treatment: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 1h (self) :white_check_mark: (fw = 4h25)
Effects of 750mg+ GABA, 50mg levodopa+25%benserazide, 2x290mg passiflora:
When I reduced GABA to 200+, I added levodopa at the same time, both doc-recommended (JayCS’s Fibro Blog - #350 by JayCS). What I’ve been doing now a few days is GABA 750 plus levodopa, which is new. Now I’m staying there but trying out taking one whole capsule at once before bed. Which is 2 things at once: Full amount, plus capsule-protected. So I will wait and won’t increase levodopa yet. And when I do so I may have to decrease GABA again and also watch for: hypertension, nausea, GI bleeding, disorientation, anxiety, libido, vivid dreams, insomnia, hallucinations, narcolepsy, acc. to wp.
9:00 OK, GI was OK, but isn’t great/normal (stomach upon waking), and I was awake 5x, far too often and long once again: Taking all the 750mg at once didn’t improve either. I’d hope l-dopa can improve at least one…
In the afternoon I’ve been getting more tired than I have been the last days, and I think it may be more due to taking the whole GABA early rather than my sleep having gone down to about 9h instead of around 10h before the night going on to Thursday… That’d be a reason to continue splitting the doses or even trying GABA at daytime, e.g. a small additional dose after midday…
Also just thought if it makes sense trying a 3rdx290mg passiflora at about 1:00.

I've discarded the suggestion of trying a fitbit watch to monitor sleep...:

The used price seems OK. I’m not sure how precise they are. It may help analyze a bit, but even 2 sleep lab nights didn’t really get me further, so why shd knowing how much of my sleep was light… So I’m not going to bother to find out how well they work. And they of course won’t hint any reasons or treatments. So I’m going to continue to keep my sleep diary/blog (of course), even tho sometimes I write too long at night… :upside_down_face:, and adjust my supps further.

Feeling/Action-details: Creativity/earworm kept me awake, passive table tennis stress caused pain, due to 2 club players playing fast & hard next to us

(Well in % / Pain incl. Gut 0-10) :left_right_arrow: (Sleep, Fibro-‘Work’, Work Digi & Live, Activity, Treatment)
IBSD problems in the evening - from what, too much carrots with apple at midday??
750mg-capsule GABA at 21:40
0:20p drink
2:05p: 20’ drink Gastricumeel as I feel a bit of some sort of acidity coming up. Earworm due to working on my new arrangement in the late afternoon, too late. fw: 10’
3:00: 25’ after dozing due esp. to earworm, and staying awake (fw) too long, plus hot flush due to room warming up again, seems to call for a cold shower… (slight calf cramp) Darn, started fw again, intrigued by fitbit watch…
4:15: 25’ 6 :white_check_mark:
7:15p restorative slp
-9:00 restorative slp
1h55+9h-5-20-25-25-5=10h55-1h20=9h35, up 5x (1h20).
Cycling 30’, plus 5+5, table tennis late, 2:2. Yes, I was a bit tired all afternoon. But it was the stress, cortisol that made pain came up fiercely after 2-3 club table tennis players came to the (outdoor) table next to ours whilst we were playing the third game. Their fast playing and talking directly next to us pushed my cortisol/adrenaline, so I played a really hard fast 3rd game, and trying to regulate it down cdnt play well at all in the 4th. This was worse than the 2 games the other day against 2 others, which were only to 11, not 21, so shorter, I won both and it was earlier in the day. I’ll shower cold when I’ve finished blogging, to get it back down.

:white_check_mark: cold shower 2x(10’), hunchback-hard-cushion 15’, AuTr 10’, palpate 2’, belly 4’, back 6’, neck 1 2’, loins 2’. = 61’
:x: Timing, workout ', neck 2 ', yoga ', marionette-hang ', breath-hold ', shaking dance ’

Fibro-work: 2:10:10’ 3:10:15’ 9:00:65’ 11:30:1h 12:50:10’ 14:55:20’ 17:10:?40’ 20:10: 45’ = 4h25

References: Fibromyalgia References: Symptoms, triggers, treatments (to be intertwined) (adding quite a few titbits everywhere) :new: :fireworks: idea: I’ll put my titbits in the (fairly new) post “updates”, so people who are only looking for new things can have a look at what I’m adding/filing. Only ordered as to causes / symptoms / treatments.


’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…), cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’) , ex = exercises, HWB = Hot water bottle, breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding, slp = sleep.
Reasons for getting up w = (a)wake, lbu: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, i: ideas. PsA = Psoriatic Arthritis-suspicion
fw = fibro-work
Pain 7 = crying (/out) point
TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.
Cold showering itself only takes 20’’+40’’=1’, but I now count it as 10’.
Neck 1 is stretching in the various directions, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.

2021-06-07, Monday - good, despite so-so sleep - levodopa not helping; plus losing pda, bankcard and train ticket - but who cares… :wink:

FEELING Well % / Pain 0-7 :left_right_arrow: DOING
Sleep: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 10h15, up 7x (1h45) :x:
Activities: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 4h50 (live work 2h40, digi work 20’, sports 1h50) :white_check_mark:
Treatment: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 1h52 (self) :white_check_mark: (fw 40’)
Effects of 400+350mg GABA, :new: 100mg levodopa+25%benserazide, 2+2x290mg passiflora:
Darn, taken the complete 100mg, didn’t I want to go to 75mg first? I can quarter the tablets…
Decided on 400mg sublingually first, the rest later, but the taste of that amount was slightly acidic. Maybe I shdve used a capsule… - not sure if the capsules goes thru the stomach. But it didn’t help last night, at least not with the 750mg.
My skin is tingling/itching a little, but that cdve been the drying off after the cold shower… Only a tiny bit later.
GI was OK tonight, but the sleep breaks were much too many and l-dopa did not do anything, negative or positive, apart from praps a bad short dream sequence. So it wasn’t wrong to take the full amount. My eyes are “dead” upon waking, body awake, like always, praps a bit more. I spose I shdnt change anything yet. Sleep stages get longer they say, so normal I spose that it gets better when everyone else is waking up… Stages of Sleep - Sleep Foundation

Feeling/Action-details: losing important things 3x of late isn't directly brain fog...

(Well in % / Pain incl. Gut 0-10) :left_right_arrow: (Sleep, Fibro-‘Work’, Work Digi & Live, Activity, Treatment)
20:50 100mg l-dopa etc., 21:05 400mg GABA without capsule
22:30p10’ hmm, one sleep phase, as always. Crampy feeling at the back of my right calf. No GI etc. fw5’
+35’ break writing about A.I… :roll_eyes: A test for the l-dopa… :wink:
0:20: 30’ 6 after dozing, AuTr, self-hypnosis. / Next passiflora, next GABA.
1:30: After dozing - lbu despite the l-dopa - that’s the main reason I’ve wanting to try it. OK, so +2x290mg passiflora. The 2nd capsule got to my lips “by itself”… - chance… curling my legs up backwards…
2:25p sleeping more now. GABA rest in capsule. Curling up backwards
3:05p hard getting eyes open, but the rest of me is easily active. Won’t drink this time. Shd be better now…? Gum/tooth acting up a bit… Ah, there was quite a bit in there, forgot! Best put it back on the list… Curling up backwards…
3:50: 10’ lbu → back exercises 3’ & lower back yoga 3’. CFS? No, cold splashed it. 2’
About 5:00 a short horrible, unsettling dream of a naked female puppet-type woman being carried ?to help on a stretcher by 5 men, I was on a bus and wanted to help, but wasn’t nec. for them to use the bus. But managed to ‘block’ it. L-dopa?
-9:15 2h45+9h15-45-30-5-5-5-10-5=12h-1h45= 10h15, up 7x (1h45)
First I left my bankcard, pda and ticket on the train to work, then something to do cropped up I hadn’t reckoned with, strenuous, but fun and took my mind off losing stuff, then phoning around made me have to take one train later to get back… but I’m pretty OK…:

Was it fibro-fog? What do I do in future? One of the reason for losing it/them...

was a longer partly helpful conversation with the conductor about a new kind of train ticket which had distracted me. Similarly when I left one of my mobiles on the train a few weeks ago I’d discovered and used my mobile’s headset for the first time, which distracted me.
But were these distractions fibro fog? I’ve always occasionally lost things in this kind of situation. And I hadn’t lost much at all last year, despite using public transport fairly often. Now using the train again regularly means getting used to an old kind of habit again, double checking things. Also it’s not quite old, I have changed the way I use mobile and pda, putting more info on the mobile than the pda, so I’ve stopped taking the pda with me all the time. So I don’t always check my pockets if pda and mobile are in there getting up to go anywhere, which was my usual way of making sure I don’t lose them. So it’s new and I need to stabilize it somehow. Also silly that I hadn’t been synchronizing my pda with my (old) laptop of late.
I’ve blocked my bankcard, I hadn’t bought an expensive ticket - thankfully, I was actually thinking of doing so, and that was one of the topics of the conversation… and I’m sure I’ll get it all back. If I don’t get the pda back, only one area of my work has not quite updated properly, but I’ll manage to reconstruct it roughly enough fairly simply. The bankcard I can get replaced - no worry. No worry. I’m relaxed. Done everything right. Time for something nice to eat…

TT 1h10 4:2, but easy, cycling 8+8+8+8+4+4=40’ = 1h50 sports

:white_check_mark: Timing, AuTr 30’, hunchback-hard-cushion 30’, back 11’, yoga 5’, cold shower (10’), gums 1’, thumbnail 10’, palpate 2’, belly 3’, loins 1’, neck 1 4’, neck 2 2’, workout 3’, = 1h52
:x: marionette-hang ', breath-hold ', shaking dance '.

Fibro-work: 22:35:5’ 9:20:10’ 14:50:25’ = h40
(Writing about A.I. was “fun”, not fibro-work.)

Abbreviations & explanations; btw each entry starts with the night meds & sleep

Each entry starts with the night meds & sleep, which I then save, before going on to activities/treatments. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday. Because most of the night is after 0:00 and because the night no longer is something to neglect, it’s vital.
’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…), cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20-60’’) , ex = exercises, HWB = Hot water bottle, breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding, slp = sleep.
Reasons for getting up w = (a)wake, lbu: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, i: ideas. PsA = Psoriatic Arthritis-suspicion
fw = fibro-work
Pain 7 = crying (/out) point
TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.
Cold showering itself only takes 20’’+40’’=1’, but I now count it as 10’.
Neck 1 is stretching in the various directions, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.

2021-06-08, Tuesday

FEELING Well % / Pain 0-7 :left_right_arrow: DOING
Sleep: 70%/1 :left_right_arrow: 8h25, up 5x (3h55) :x:
Activities: 90/85%/1 :left_right_arrow: 2h05 (work 10’, sports 1h45, shop 10’) :white_check_mark:
Treatment: 90%/1 :left_right_arrow: 2h55 (self 56’, acupressure 2h) :white_check_mark: (fw: 1h)
Effects of 400mg+350 GABA, 100mg levodopa+25%benserazide, 2x290mg passiflora:
Bad! Lower back unrest ‘LBU’ again. Twice in a row is worse than ever, it went into my feet too. That’s it. Levodopa is out. I can try again when I don’t have to work, but not now.

Checked in on Trudy Scott's GABA/anxiety-blog, very helpful...

Hi Trudy, thank you! Sorry for not coming back sooner!
Yes, irritatingly I did purchase Verla Glutamin thinking it was l-glutamine… O.o - OTOH I didn’t yet know there is a difference. But I’d read somewhere about adding glutamine, and wanted glutamine.
Thanks for pointing to your book, didn’t realize you had a German version. Looking for it I also see a book with a VERY similar title and VERY similar look to the front cover despite a different publisher (EFKO, not unimedica) by “Adriana Lopez”… (Other books using that author-name from that publisher are about keto, sugar-free, low carb, smoothies…) I assume different marketing at first?
“Ängste Überwinden durch die richtige Ernährung: Wie Sie durch Anti-Stress-Nahrung Ihre Stimmung aufhellen um Gesund und ausgeglichen zu leben”. EAN 9781723897764.
So trying glutamine might work differently to glutamic acid, hmm…
I was certain the 8 first side effects came from the 750mg GABA. But you asking so specifically makes me think whether all or some of it was the glutamic acid too (or the passionflower).
In the meantime (since May 19th) I went down with the dose, inspired by your recommendations and ones from my sleep doc, with 200-300mg sublingually, adding only a bit more in my sleep breaks. He was thinking of me adjusting the dose how I needed it for sleep. Unfortunately the stiffness, pain, lack of energy etc. started returning. I then realized that it is helping more with the days than the nights, so I’ve gone back up to 750mg again, which thankfully immediately got my days back. Suggestion of my acupressurist is now to adjust the dose according to how much strain I’m having…
Unfortunately also, I’ve been getting “stomach burn” at night, increasingly, maybe worse since I’ve been opening the capsules. Any ideas for that? I’m not sure how much protection the capsules offer. I’ve been collecting them, so I’ll now try taking 2-3 smaller doses in those capsules as long as they last and order some if that helps.
Yes, I usually have a string of 1-4 focal seizures about once a month. Meds I was prescribed made that more frequent, first amitriptyline in the long run, and esp. tilidine - once and never again, thankfully. Haven’t had one since April 23rd which is good, so I think not just because of leaving the glutamic acid, but also the GABA.
At the moment I can’t manage to find how to fairly consistently repeat the good nights I had. My sleep doc asked me to try levodopa (suspicion of slight RLS), but that seems to be making my unrest worse. The stomach burning isn’t helping either. Hoping it’s better again once I’ve got those 2 sorted out. And I’ve run out of magnesium (malate!), maybe that was helping too. More passiflora didn’t help.
I’ll be back quicker this time… :slight_smile:

Effects of acupressure: Wow, today was really intense :bangbang: Loins… Very painful, but directly afterwards totally relaxing, much easier to put on shoes, get on my bike, walk up stairs, cycle, etc. Reasoning: My LBU seems according to the ear acupressure to be coming from the pelvic floor and similar muscles (& ligaments), maybe caused by the scar tissue.


(Well in % / Pain incl. Gut 0-10) :left_right_arrow: (Sleep, Fibro-‘Work’, Work Digi & Live, Activity, Treatment)
Sleep levodopa+ 20:45, GABA 21:00
22:15: 30’ neighbour’s telly, LBU (despite levodopa), slight pain starting up in left foot… → CFS :shower: & 5xRR, shot up for a few minutes, but quickly down to 126/80, pulse 60 as usual.
1:45: 15’ - wow, waiting really paid off, I was wide awake first, but didn’t give in, just thought I’d make myself a nice time wih AuTr and didn’t even manage. That’s the CFS for ya. Well, for me! (pee, drink, GABA capsule with 350mg rest). Right arm and right calf playing antics a bit, summink for my acupressurist praps. RR 3x 10’ 128/77 56: Pressure too high for night time, pulse low.
3:20p limbs OK, stomach burn starting up → soy drink & Gastricumeel.
3:50 1h10 LBU → curling up backwards, phoenix position; stomach burn → soy drink & now Gastritol. Shaking dance: left leg then hurts from hip downwards. 6. ate.
5:20: 1h55 ideas:

For someone who is finding it hard to make a big decision

Your strong feelings that keep you there are probably more important to have clear than factual arguments & comparisons for changing. Only this allows you to jump up from the 3-metre board & dive smoothly into the cool water. Otherwise you might hurt yourself unnecessarily by jumping prematurely. This would act as confirmation and prevent you from jumping again. Fear seemed to be the strongest feeling right now. E.g. to look like a failure. Or letting others down. It was difficult to objectify letting others down - maybe it is something else after all? Being a failure or proving oneself depends on the challenge: What is the challenge really and who is setting it? And you are, so to speak, between two challenges: how much of it will remain when you have made your decision? How can you minimise this rest? Are there also other feelings?

2h15+10h-30-15-5-1h10-1h55=12h15-3h55=8h25, up 5x (3h55)
TT 3:5, but easy, extremely relaxed. Probably only due to the acupressure directly before ‘liquefacting’ my legs, but not my trunk or arms.

BTW does watching geological liquefaction make your mind explode like it does mine? O.o!

Crazy enough when water just rises out of the ground due to earth movements, but when soil liquefaction makes whole areas swim away it’s mind blowing (and watch out: these vids makes me nauseous and my head swirl and can even set off a focal seizure)
https://youtu.be/J_egBKj1W08 3’ with explanations from National Geographic
https://youtu.be/3NSXmTfASM0 1’ from sattelite

Cycling 12’+12’+6’+3’+3’=36’
Starting to get tired (eyes, slightly feverish) from 18:00 on.

Self-treatments: (BTW: These are only things that I’m spotlighting & “rewarding” myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work indirectly)
:white_check_mark: Timing, hunchback-hard-cushion 5’, AuTr 5’, cold shower (10’), RR 13’, shaking dance 2’, palpate 2’, back 5’, neck 1 5’, = 56’
:x: belly ', workout ', neck 2 ', yoga ', loins ', marionette-hang ', breath-hold ',

Fibro-work: 21:35:5’ 22:30:5’ 4:00: 15’ 17:10: 20’ 19:00: 15’ = 1h

Blog summary: ∑ JayCS's Fibro Blog - summary - #2 by JayCS
References: Fibromyalgia References: Symptoms, triggers, treatments (to be intertwined)

Abbreviations & explanations; each entry starts with the night meds & sleep

Each entry starts with the night meds & sleep, which I then save, before going on to activities/treatments. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday. Because most of the night is after 0:00 and because the night no longer is something to neglect, it’s vital.
’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm
The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work indirectly.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…), cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20-60’’) , ex = exercises, HWB = Hot water bottle, breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding, slp = sleep.
Reasons for getting up w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, i: ideas. PsA = Psoriatic Arthritis-suspicion
fw = fibro-work
Pain 7 = crying (/out) point
TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.
Cold showering itself only takes 20’’+40’’=1’, but I now count it as 10’.
Neck 1 is stretching in the various directions, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.

2021-06-09, Wednesday

:new: re-arranged: I hope easier & slicker now

Sleep: 10h10, up 4x (35’) :left_right_arrow: Feeling 90% well, pain(s) 1 of 7 :white_check_mark: - better without l-dopa!

Sleep details

21:00 400mg capsule GABA
23:35p drink, left elbow :arrow_forward: Traumeel
0:35: 20’ unrest (but less than with l-dopa), left nostril clotted, :arrow_forward: FCS. Stomach OK. Wind as ever of late (so not the l-dopa, GABA or passiflora?)
4:00p GABA 350mg in capsule. Wind & suddenly very loose stool directly after, dunno why, stomach still OK.
7:35p deep restful sleep :bangbang:
2h20+8h25-5-20-5-5=10h45-35 = 10h10, up 4x (35’)

Activities: 7h10 :bangbang: :left_right_arrow: Feeling 80% well, pains: 1 of 7 :white_check_mark:)

Activity-details: (live work ?3h30, cycling 1h10, grandchild 2h30 (80% was before the activities tho)

(Well in % / Pain incl. Gut 0-10) :left_right_arrow: (Sleep, Fibro-‘Work’, Work Digi & Live, Activity, Treatment)
Cycling (expected) 8+8+8+20+25=1h09?

Treatments: 57’ (self)

(Why % for the treatments no longer makes sense at the mo)

:new: Detailing more now makes the “Feeling/Doing” bit unnec. The acupressure at the moment is really painful, as my body has got used to it, so she can toughen up, which usually leads to good effects which I however can’t really express in % or say how long it helps, cos it’s really a mid-term not short-term thing now. Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least are used for that - and I’ll continue to use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:

Effects of 400+350mg GABA (!both in capsules), 2x290mg passiflora (no more L-dopa)...

Altogether night & day was good enough. Quite a bit of stiffness and pains at night, like the last 2 days part of the time, the reason for decreasing yesterday’s “activities” % from 95 back to 90 & partly 85. Nothing like with less GABA tho, because energy etc. was there most of the time. Not brill at daytime either, sort of OK tho, depending on what I’m doing. Of course the better night cdve come from the acupressure, but I doubt it, tbh.
All in capsules: much better stomach, only short burn upon waking the last time, but soy drink stopped it.

Physio-type self-treatments: 57', fibro-work: 1h25

:white_check_mark: Timing, hunchback-hard-cushion 10’, cold shower (10’), neck 1 5’, palpate 2’, belly 3’, back 8’, workout 9’, neck 2 3’, loins 3’, yoga 2’, shaking dance 2’ = 57’
:x: AuTr ', marionette-hang ', breath-hold ’

Fibro-work: Night: 10’ 9:10: 5’ 12:05: 20’ 19:55: 50’ = 1h25…

Ate bits of tomato at work by mistake: nothing’s happened yet, but :arrow_forward: Witchhazel cream on rectum before the tomato acid gets there shd do the trick once again. :arrow_forward: Pre-ordered salad without tomatoes as from next Wednesday. My tomato-pain in the … neck is such a pain in the … neck… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :grimacing: :roll_eyes:
Stopping L-dopa means either :arrow_forward: checking my blood pressure all day or :arrow_forward: candesartan again…
Forgetting things on the train :arrow_forward: alarms on, 5’ before the expected arrival time…


  • Last week I did 12h of my digital fibro-work (“fw”), the week before 18h. Less than I thought, tho. And the self-treatment I focus on has usually been 1h/wk.
  • My exhaustibility feels like an old rechargeable battery which unloads itself quicker after being fully there for a short time.
  • A colleague just told me her theory that we all have a certain amount of life energy, which can become depleted, but also recharged again (myelin in the DNA can be re-lengthened)…
  • A fellow-commuter I met again after ages today told me she knew someone who had fibro treated by an endocrinologist who used something which is normally used for… hmm… she cdnt remember… :roll_eyes: - but she’ll mail it to me… I hope she finds my address or I meet her again soonish.
Abbreviations & explanations: a bit new and lots rearranged from 2021-06-10 on

Each entry starts with the night meds & sleep, which I then save, before going on to activities/treatments. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday. Because most of the night is after 0:00 and because the night no longer is something to neglect, it’s vital.
’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm
The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…), cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20-60’’) , ex = exercises, HWB = Hot water bottle, breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding, slp = sleep.
Reasons for getting up w = (a)wake, lbu: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, i: ideas. PsA = Psoriatic Arthritis-suspicion
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching stuff on the web.
Pain 7 = crying (/out) point
TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.
Cold showering itself only takes 20’’+40’’=1’, but I now count it as 10’.
Neck 1 is stretching in the various directions, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.

2021-06-10, Thursday

Sleep: 7h40, up 4x (55’)+1h55=9h35 :left_right_arrow: Feeling 90% well, pain 1 of 7 :white_check_mark: but getting up at 6: 70%/3.
To alleviate getting up at 6 I got back home quick and slept another 2h :bangbang: at 9:30…

Sleep details

400mg capsule GABA 21:15
21:45- (my wife didn’t realize I have to get up at 6)
23:20: 15’ LBU :arrow_forward: shake-dance, up a bit/fw. Gums 1 & nail 1. Yesterday gums 2 & nails 5!
1:25: 10’ 350mg capsule GABA. LBU :arrow_forward: shake dance (only)
3:15: 10’ just to move, shake dance, pee, drink. OK, good, no GI. My neck better for a mo, usually bad / discomfort :arrow_forward: neck-exercises tonight and every night.
3:45: 20’ darn, thought of getting up soon, need to get that down quick & intensely - 6 → dozing a bit, but OK. If that hadn’t worked
Sum: 2h15+6h20-15-10-10-20 = 7h40, up 4x (55’)
9:30-11:25: +1h55 sleeping again felt 90%/1, good deep sleep, hard waking up after, does have something of narcolepsy, doesn’t it :interrobang:
= 7h40, up 4x (55’)+1h55=9h35

Activities: 3h50, but sleep & GI were the problems
Feeling 70% well, pain 3 of 7 :x: :left_right_arrow: after sleep, after work, after nap,
but 90%/1 :white_check_mark: after acupressure, including during and after table tennis,
except 70%/3 :x: IBSD 12h-20h…:

Activity-details: live work 1h20, cycling 1h10, TT 1h20 5:3 (easy/sun)...

Cycling (expected) 8+8+8+8+13+13+5+5=68’…
Live work 1h20: So tired that I went straight home after, no hanging around if there is anything else to do, cycled quickly to the train - despite the heat, powered off my cortisol/adrenaline, then nice’n’tired as soon as I got off the train (sweating & circulation normalized).
TT at 16:40 1h20 5:3 - easy, relaxed.

Treatments: 2h53… (self 53’…, cryo+acupressure 2h)

Effects of 400+350mg GABA (!both in capsules), 2x290mg passiflora (no more L-dopa): positive

A good night, albeit too short, no GI problems… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Effects of acupressure: Feeling 90% well, pain 1 of 7 after cryotherapy & acupressure, again loins-scar - not that painful, and again very flexible after: positive

Right hand side, as the ear acupressure points at the moment are most painful on the right as is the belly scar tissue (10cm due to a Meckel’s diverticulum (2% of the population) mimicking appendicitis when I was 11). My acupressurist wants to try GABA too now.

Physio-type self-treatments: 53' (new: "neck 1+"); fibro-work 1h20

*:white_check_mark: Timing, AuTr 5’, hunchback-hard-cushion 5’, cold shower (10’), neck 1 3’, :new: neck 1+ 3’ (stretching far further diagonally downwards than before acupressure), shaking dance 3’, palpate 1’, belly 2’, back 5’, neck 2 ‘, gums 2x1’, thumbnail 5x30’’, RR 5x2’ = =53’…
:x: workout ', yoga ', loins ', marionette-hang ', breath-hold ', *
Fibro-work: Night: 15’ 10’ 16:10: 25’ 18:25: 40’= 1h20…

Witch hazel cream I hope in time :white_check_mark: :-), but…

12:00-19:00 GI: IBSD, finally using Gastritol and psyllium
  • starting with belly pressure, wind, then fairly normal, but sudden bowel movement… and now I’ve got the feeling I may need more witch hazel cream, which’d mean this might be yesterday’s tomatoes. I wdnt know what else…

home 16:35 131/87 64, 129/84 67, in table tennis break 17:19: 121/79 64, 124/74 64, after readjusting suddenly 139/85 64 - what was right?..


  • Last week “fw” = my digital fibro-work fw took 12h, the week before 18h. Less than I thought, tho. And the self-treatment I focus on is usually 1h/wk.
  • When people of late said “stiffness is old age” (colleague) or “other people sit down to tie their shoes” (wife) I answer: yeah, maybe, but how come I have no problems since GABA re. after acupressure. It may be true for some, but it doesn’t fit to me, as my body is very fit apart from the fibro, was so before it started. If I were 10 years older it’d be harder to tell apart. But it is different. But as it is, I’m faring well by assuming it is something I can do something about. The continuing GABA success is of course extremely surprising… and thus sparks hopes for further ‘miracles’. And GABA isn’t the only ‘immediate fix’, acupressure has managed quite a bit too. And the rest is slogging along, day after day after day, like a slow steam engine :steam_locomotive:, sometimes gathering momentum :fast_forward:, sometimes uphill :up: :hiking_boot: :arrow_upper_right:, sometimes wrong direction :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: :back: :end: :no_entry: :arrows_counterclockwise:, but altogether mainly progress :arrow_right: :top: :signal_strength: :eight_spoked_asterisk: and sometimes really fast :bullettrain_front: or immediate :woman_mage:
Abbreviations & explanations: a bit new and lots rearranged from 2021-06-10 on

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before activities & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:00 = 6pm, date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again, but I’m still sort of on meds, candesartan 16mg, instead of 8mg plus lercanidipine, cos I saw that c. has less side effects.

Diagnoses: PsA = Psoriatic Arthritis-suspicion, not relevant at the mo)

I too have an issue with tomatoes,… …but the pain has nothing to do with the neck :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :roll_eyes:

1 Like

:grinning: the neck or the “… neck”? :smirk_cat: I bet both. “Normal” for the hypersensitive I’d think are acid problems above or in the stomach…

2021-06-11, Friday

Sleep: 8h55, up 5x (2h15) :left_right_arrow: Feeling 60% well (messed up sleep/dozing; subjectively 90%), pain 1 of 7 (:white_check_mark:)

Sleep details: a lot of dozing

19:00 tired
20:00 passiflora (& atorvastatin). Just realized that there was also a lot of maize in the salad yesterday and I have no idea what that does to me at the mo…
21:05 300mg capsule GABA. Still able to put my night socks on standing, due to the acupressure :white_check_mark:
21:15- bed; dozing, so
21:55 10’ cold shower (no GI, but witch hazel all the same; & thumb), pee, drink,
23:45 20’ still feels like dozing, but somehow also deep sleeping, never managing more than a minute of AutTr, pee, drink, + GABA 450mg, RR 152/91 61, 133/88 58, before and 130/80 59 after peeing… too high for night… but praps moving around a bit at night does that?
0:30: 1h still dozing, but all OK, maybe 6?
2:20: 30’ still dozing, still wind 4x/h, stomach burn coming up, so Gatricumeel and soy drink…
dry mouth :arrow_forward: dry mouth gel :white_check_mark:
6:20p dry mouth :arrow_forward: drink RR 125/78 52 127/80 56 (My wife said afterwards I looked really bad/dead tired - deathly pale grey-yellow.)
7:40p 15’… last remainders of the IBSD and my rectum is hinting that it’s still Wednesday’s tomatoes, whilst the witch hazel is taking the most part of the barb.
2h45+8h25-(10-20-1h-30-15=)2h15 11h10-2h15=8h55 5x up (2h15)…
Sum: = 10h10, up x (')
Has the night-before-Friday, i.e. after-Thursday-6am always been rough?
Am I gonna manage to make the weekend better, like last week?
Are the nights after Thursday worse than those before? (Not just the days.) Analysis below

Activities: 4h45
Feeling 90% well, pain 1 of 7 :white_check_mark: All went well, despite looking dead at first.

Activity-details: live work 2h50, cycling 42', TT 7:(1)!! 1h10 - effortless!! (Why?)

Live work: 10:30-13:20 2h50
Cycling (expected) 8+8+8+8+5+5=0h42
TT 7:(1) dead easy, totally relaxed. 1h10

Treatment: 1h20 (self) (fw 4h30)

Effects of !300+!450mg GABA (!both in capsules), 2x290mg passiflora (no more L-dopa)...

GABA: I’m not that pleased with the night, maybe a higher dose’d help, at least at first (400+350), or go up to 900. Or is that only helping at daytime?
Passiflora: Try more? Since that is more for sleep than GABA is.
L-dopa: Also unsure about leaving it completely, as it was quite OK when I started, so going back to 50mg might be OK.
My blood pressure was too high tonight…

Effects of acupressure on my loins and generally is lasting ... all day! :-)

I could still put on my shoes standing with no problems all day
(Just for the record: acupressure itself is about 1h30 but what with cryotherapy, breaks, resting and talking afterwards it’s usually about 2h. But that’s her time as well as mine… again something she’s not charging for…)

Physio-type self-treatments: 1h20, fibro-work 4h30

*:white_check_mark: Timing, cold shower (10’), gums 3x, thumbnail 7x, RR 8?x2’, AuTr 10’, hunchback-hard-cushion 20’, neck 1+ 6’, palpate 2’, belly 2’, back 6’, neck 2 2’, shaking dance 3’, = 80’…
:x: workout ', yoga ', loins ', marionette-hang ', breath-hold ', *
Fibro-work: Night: 30’ 7:45: 10’ 8:25: 1h 14:08: 1h05 15:50: 1h05 18:30: 40’ = 4h30

Did the IBSD come from the maize/corn? Doubt it. I'll watch out if there's a next time.

Check what maize/corn can do with the gut… e.g. IBSD… and also cardiovascular, as high in sugar? But when my wife buys ready packed convenience salad, there is often also maize in there, can’t recall problems there. I do think I shd keep it down cos of the sugar tho. BTW wind several times an hour all night - that’s not the GABA, altho that praps causes a little.

RR high at night

23:45: 152/91 61, 133/88 58, before and 130/80 59

Managing all this fibro-work/self-treatment as well as working again is like when I was working: Only caring about the spinning plates that are about to fall and being content that the rest are spinning, even if it doesn’t nec look like it. I remembered this mental hack of mine when my wife reminded me yesterday that I am not just “working” at work. … When a full flare has taken over I of course have to do the opposite: Start with one single plate again and again… (Maybe another one than I thought.) This is my fave funny plate spinning video to date…

Sleep analysis: Getting up early mucks up the following night(s), as does L-dopa 100mg.

2021-05-17 Mon - 9h20, up 5x (35’)+25’=9h55 GABA down
2021-05-18 Tue - 9h20, up 4x (55’)+1h45=11h05
2021-05-19 Wed - 8h10, up 3x (25’) + 35= 8h45
:one: 2021-05-20 Thur - 8h40, up 4x (35’)+30’=9h10 (First time up at 6:20 → problem sleeping thru.)
2021-05-21 Fri - 8h10, up 4x (2h40) (sleep late, waking early; 1st levodopa 50)
2021-05-22 Sat - 8h30, up 2x (10’)
2021-05-23 Sun - 9h20, up 6x (30’)
2021-05-24 Mon - 9h50, up 4(-6)x (1h10) despite gum pain
2021-05-25 Tue - 8h50, up 4x (25’)
2021-05-26 Wed - 9h20, up 3x (1h10)+1h20=10h40
:two: 2021-05-27 Thur - 8h10, up 4x (1h)+40’ = 8h50 (up at 6:20, together with overexertion: much longer sleep.)
2021-05-28 Fri - 9h, up 4x (1h05)
2021-05-29 Sat - 10h30, up 3x (20’) (overexertion) (still little GABA) :arrow_forward: shdve been more
2021-05-30 Sun - 10h15h, up 3x (35’) (late & dozing a lot)
2021-05-31 Mon - 10h07, up 3(-4)x 33’
2021-06-01 Tue - 9h35, up 3x (40’) (slow day, increasingly - foggy)
2021-06-02 Wed - 10h50, up 4x (20’) (back up to 900mg GABA - great day)
:three: 2021-06-03 Thurs - 8h50, up 5x (30’)+55’=9h45 (up at 6:20)
2021-06-04 Fri - 9h10, up 4x (1h35)
2021-06-05 Sat - 9h10, up 6x (1h)+20’=9h30
2021-06-06 Sun - 9h35, up 5x (1h20) (Creativity kept me awake)
2021-06-07 Mon - 10h15, up 7x (1h45), levodopa up 100mg less sleep, more LBU
2021-06-08 Tue - 8h25, up 5x (3h55) levodopa 100 → problem sleeping thru.
2021-06-09 Wed - 10h10, up 4x (35’) levodopa 0mg
:four: 2021-06-10 Thurs - 7h40, up 4x (55’)+1h55=9h35 (up at 6:20 → problem sleeping thru, despite morning nap.)
2021-06-11 Fri - 8h55, up 5x (2h15)
Getting up at 6:20 :one: & :four: :soon: direct sleep problems the night after (3-4h), or
:two: coupled with overexertion much longer sleep, not up much, but very unrestorative, or
:three: medium sleep problems (1h+, up 4-7x) 3 nights after.
The latter made me decide to try :arrow_forward: levodopa, which backfired, so the sleep problems got worse (4h) :x:, despite Thursday coming up.
It was :one: that made me start levodopa on the minimal dose, with no effect.
Trying to carry on sleeping (2h) after work didn’t work in as much as the night after went wrong again.
:x: I can’t see I shd try l-dopa again at the mo.
:arrow_forward: I need to keep the GABA up, praps even more, esp. as pee pain is cropping up in the evenings before the next dose.
:arrow_forward: What I cd tweak next is trying more passiflora a 2nd, longer, time, or adding Mg again.

:arrow_forward: More passiflora for longer.
:arrow_forward: GABA once in the daytime?
:arrow_forward: Earlier to bed, especially Tuesdays & Wednesdays & thus :arrow_forward: eating earlier.

Abbreviations & explanations: a bit new and lots rearranged from 2021-06-10 on

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before activities & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’‘-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again, but I’m still sort of on meds, candesartan 16mg, instead of 8mg plus lercanidipine, cos I saw that c. has less side effects.

2021-06-12, Saturday - I can drink lots of still water!!

Sleep: 9h20, up 4x (3h35) :left_right_arrow: Feeling 90% well, pain 1 of 7 :white_check_mark: but hyperactive

Sleep details: freedom/creativity probably prolonging breaks

20:15 passionflower 900mg
21:15 GABA 400mg
23:45 10’ :white_check_mark: deep, long. fw 10’
1:05 1h30 fw 45’ GABA 350mg, passionflower another 600mg. Plus drinking a lot. 6.
2:55: 1h50 creative ideas (cf. development: Is it just freedom/self-discipline messing up sleep?).
Stomach burning: soy drink was OK. Dead tired, but highly strung, so cold shower is the only way out. Eat.
8:45! About time…
-10:15 (altho only dozing, ideas and pulse pumping)
Sum: 2h40+10h15-(10-1h30-1h50-5=)3h35=12h55-3h35 =9h20, up 4x (3h35)

Activities: 1h30 :left_right_arrow:

Feeling 80/70%% well, pain 1/3 of 7 :white_check_mark:(:x: during & after being in the wind)

Activity-details: cycling 1h10, shop 20'

Cycling 30+30+5+5=1h10, stopping at a restaurant for 1.5h, the wind killing me, plus the sun making me sweat and cool out more tho. On the way back I wore a mask just to keep the wind out of my face, and rainlegs.
0 TT

Treatment: 47’ (self), (fw 5h10)

Effects of 400+350mg GABA (!both in capsules), 3!!x290mg passiflora: increase GABA?

3x passiflora = 1g. See below. Didn’t help. Increase GABA instead?
Just been wondering if my jaw tension hasn’t improved from the GABA.
The water tolerance i.e. not having to pee is due to GABA, the test of drinking 0.75l of still water today succeeded perfectly.

Effects of Thursday's acupressure: loins still great (but still sore to touch)

Loins not perfect at night (23:55). But still great in the daytime till the evening, ongoing. The pressured areas are still sore to touch tho. The belly area (above my belly button) which was sore to touch last week is OK again, a bit taut, but less than before the treatment.

Physio-type self-treatments: 47', fibro-work 5h10

:white_check_mark: Timing :new: (giving myself ‘time’-tokens to focus better) 10’?, cold shower (10’), AuTr 2’, hunchback-hard-cushion 10’, palpate 2’, belly 3’, back 5’, gums 4x30’’, thumbnail 6x30’’, = 47’…
:x: , neck 1+ ', workout ', neck 2 ', yoga ', loins ', marionette-hang ', breath-hold ', shaking dance ', RR x

*Fibro-work: Night: 55’ 2:55: ?1h30 10:15: 1h 11:45: 10’ 20’ 10’ 20’ 20:10: 45’ = 5h10… *

  • Gut: More wind the past few days may have come from expired chia oil I was drinking a bit of daily. Today I felt it stood in direct connection. And why should I drink old oil (:crazy_face: :roll_eyes: ), bad enough drinking fresh stuff :smirk_cat: (not really, I’ve got used to drinking a gulp of chia or linseed oil out of the bottle to get lot of omega 3). Silly me. Ehrm, wait a minute - wind has got worse.
  • Passionflower lowers blood pressure, besides rose root as well, increasing may suffice. Didn’t realize that. Highest dose is 4-8g, 3x298 is only 1g. So I can increase and see what my wind does. Some pages say no side effects, but some say - apart from making you tired etc. - nausea, vomiting - which’d be gut - and heart problems, which I can see whilst measuring my blood pressure.
  • Are the sleep problems at the weekend in reality more due to freedom to be creative & reduced self-discipline, rather than really the getting up early on Thursdays? :crazy_face:
  • Has jaw tension improved from the GABA? (Also mentioned by Trudy Scott.)
  • Got to get Trudy Scott’s book on Amino Acids (The Antianxiety Food Solution). I’d be her (adapted from Julia Ross) mostly “Low GABA anxiety type* (physical anxiety, more stiff and tense muscles)”. https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/anxiety-gaba-tryptophan-how-much/ i.e. I am not really anxious. But I do have stiff or tense muscles. I’m not sure if I am “Feeling stressed and burned-out” - I wasn’t before fibro. Sort of insomnia - but no problem falling asleep at first. I do have an “overactive brain”. I used to have a fear of heights. And I have visceral pain/belly pain with IBS. Low serotonin type also fits slightly: Hyperactivity, Digestive issues, Fibromyalgia, I did have jaw & pain issues (but not TMJ), I have “insomnia or disturbed sleep” but seldom difficulty getting to sleep. The few corresponding symptoms I have seem to *overlap tho, as both have GI & sleep, stiffness’d be GABA while hyperactivity & fibromyalgia’d be serotonin.
    My Catecholamines, Endorphins and Blood Sugar seem perfect, no fitting symptoms there.
  • Bladder: In the restaurant we were I drank 0,75 litre of still water. That’s the first time for a year, a test to see if I can now tolerate water better, without having to run off every 20 mins. I didn’t have to at all :bangbang: - Progress once again :bullettrain_side:
  • Gut: I also tried one physalis (size), not knowing if it’s OK for my gut. Can’t find it on the fly on the web, only that it is a nightshade, but not of the same genus as tomato. After an hour my belly started up a bit, but a bit just cos I was getting hungry.
How to format posts: striking, underlining, text on right, tables. Fave emojis

striking text, underlining text, further BBCodes don’t work, neither does html. Options to disable hijack of CMD+F / CTRL+F and "/" keys for search? - #29 by santouras - feature - Discourse Meta

Aligning text on the right hand side....
Creating tables using Markdown (https://meta.discourse.org/t/create-a-table-using-markdown-on-your-discourse-forum/66544):
Col A Col B Col C
hello there
minimal table
Col A Col B Col C
A1 B1 C1
A2 :smile:
Left Center Right
My content is on the left I’m the center of the world I like being on the right side
:waxing_gibbous_moon: :full_moon: :waning_gibbous_moon:

Linkify is not what I was looking for, it was ‘link targets’ and that seems only poss. with headings (H1-H6, 6 types, i.e. # ## ### #### ##### ######):
Linkify words Linkify words in post - #41 by chrismalone - theme - Discourse Meta
New Tab: Update head_tag.html · jrgong420/discourse-linkify-words@0d4b55a · GitHub

A reminder: Not only does BBCode not work like it’s sposed to, html doesn’t either:

  <p style="color:red;">Red paragraph text</p>
Fave emojis

:grinning: :smiley: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grin: :laughing: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy: :upside_down_face: :wink: :blush: :innocent: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :relaxed: :yum: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face: :hugs: :thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :smirk: :unamused: :roll_eyes: :grimacing: :relieved: :sleepy: :sleeping: :mask: :nauseated_face: :hot_face: :cold_face: :woozy_face: :dizzy_face: :exploding_head: :cowboy_hat_face: :partying_face: :sunglasses: :nerd_face: :face_with_monocle: :confused: :worried: :slightly_frowning_face: :frowning_face: :open_mouth: :hushed: :astonished: :flushed: :pleading_face: :frowning: :frowning_face_with_open_mouth: :anguished: :disappointed_relieved: :cry: :sob: :scream: :confounded: :persevere: :disappointed: :weary: :tired_face: :yawning_face: :angry: :skull: :skull_and_crossbones: :poop: :clown_face: :ghost: :smiley_cat: :smile_cat: :joy_cat: :smirk_cat: :scream_cat: :crying_cat_face: :pouting_cat: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :brown_heart: :black_heart: :white_heart: :100: :boom: :dizzy: :dash: :hole: :speech_balloon: :left_speech_bubble: :right_anger_bubble: :thought_balloon: :zzz:

:open_hands: :pray: :muscle: :writing_hand: :nail_care: :tooth: :eye: :mage: :woman_mage: :zombie: :walking_man: :man_with_probing_cane: :man_in_motorized_wheelchair: :man_in_manual_wheelchair: :running_man: :man_dancing: :horse_racing: :biking_man: :surfing_man: :mountain_biking_man: :speaking_head: :racehorse: :butterfly: :bullettrain_side: :bullettrain_front: :train2: :steam_locomotive: :bike: :sunny: :sun_with_face: :star2: :partly_sunny: :rainbow: :umbrella: :fire: :ocean: :fireworks: :sparkler: :art: :musical_score: :musical_note: :notes: :studio_microphone: :musical_keyboard: :cd:

:put_litter_in_its_place: :wheelchair: :mens: :wc: :no_entry: :no_bicycles: :arrow_upper_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_lower_right: :arrow_down: :left_right_arrow: :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: :arrow_right_hook: :arrows_clockwise: :arrows_counterclockwise: :back: :end: :on: :soon: :arrow_forward: :record_button: :signal_strength: :white_check_mark: :ballot_box_with_check: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_multiplication_x: :x: :negative_squared_cross_mark: :bangbang: :interrobang: :question: :exclamation: :hash: :asterisk: :zero: :one: :two: :three: :four: :five: :six: :seven: :eight: :nine: :keycap_ten: :1234: :abc: :cool: :free: :new: :ok: :sos: :up: :red_circle: :red_square:

Abbreviations & explanations: a bit new and lots rearranged from 2021-06-10 on

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before activities & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again, but I’m still sort of on meds, candesartan 16mg, instead of 8mg plus lercanidipine, cos I saw that c. has less side effects.

2021-06-13, Sunday

Sleep: 8h45, up 4x (2h30)+25’ :left_right_arrow: Feeling 90% well, pain 1 of 7 :white_check_mark:

Sleep details - again unsure if I got carried away at night or it was really unrest...

Passiflora 3x290mg 21:00 GABA 500mg 21:15
23:05 p drink
0:30p 1h55 unrest, drink, -2:25 darn, got carried away with fw. due to the unrest. GABA +250mg.
3:15 25’ unrest again or still. Shdve done something else than fw, so now: 6 & shake-dance, if need be cold shower.
6:45p drink +350mg GABA (= 1100mg).
8:45p 15’ cdve been longer from the GABA, but praps cos of p. No GI (despite more GABA, & physalis)
9:05 awake 30’ but hurting despite more GABA so back to bed, 8h50 wasn’t enough.
-9:55 let’s stop there, a cold shower shd help.
2h30+9h55-(5-1h55-25-5-15-30=3h15)=9h10, up 6x (3h15)=
Or just 2h30+8h45-(5-1h55-25-5)=11h15-2h30=8h45, up 4x (2h30)

Activities: 3h10 :left_right_arrow: Feeling 90% well, pain 1 of 7, quite some energy :white_check_mark: (from upping GABA?)

Activity-details: TT 8?:2 easy-ish 1h30?, cycling 30', botanical garden 1h10

Cycling 10’+20’
TT 8:2 easy-ish
botanical garden 1h10

Treatment: 45’ (self)

Effects of !500+250+350mg=1100mg GABA (capsules), 3x290mg passiflora...

More GABA: hard getting awake, too long breaks at night, but energy all day… :face_with_monocle:

Effects of acupressure: great...

Loins was actually for LBU, which hasn’t got better yet. But apart from that great progress.

Sleep: normal pillow is better, fw at night is too long

Nicked wife’s big pillow instead of my smaller one - less neck problems.
I shdnt diss myself too much for prolonging night breaks by doing fw, as that is obviously a deep need of mine, something I shd allow myself as long as it isn’t decisively detrimental like a real addiction…

Bladder OK

Hardly up to pee :white_check_mark: Very slight short pain at 8:50, despite having just taking GABA. But no problems later.

How to RR? 2-3x a go, avg. of the last, arm horizontally, esp. mornings, sit 5' before

RR 0:38 116/77 50 - ooh, that’s OK, aint it! Need to check more, night & day, but there’s too much going on and doesn’t seem that nec.
15:12 avg.= 137/86 60 arm down.
Best several times , using the avg. of the 2nd & 3rd check. Mornings most important! 12-16h. 17-19h. https://www.herzstiftung.de/ihre-herzgesundheit/gesund-bleiben/bluthochdruck/blutdruck-messen Differences of up to 20mmHg.
Better at home than at the doc’s. The 2nd of 2, 1’ in between. https://www.hausarzt.digital/politik/bluthochdruck-lieber-zweimal-messen-38682.html using JAMA-studies. No clothes under it. Sit calmly for 5’ beforehand. Put your arm horizontally! (I thought that was wrong, because it was less…)

Physio-type self-treatments: 51'..., fibro-work 5h20

*:white_check_mark: Timing, hunchback-hard-cushion 15’, palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, workout 8’, gums 4x30’’, thumbnail 6x30’’, RR 3x2’, shaking dance 2’, neck 1+ 3’= 51’…
:x: AuTr ‘, cold shower (’), neck 2 ', yoga ', loins ', marionette-hang ', breath-hold ', *
Fibro-work: Night: 23:05: 5’ 0:30: 1h55 :roll_eyes: :red_circle: 8:50: 10’ 9:05:30’ 9:55: 15’ 12:40: 30’ 13:35: 5’ 14:30: 35-5’-15:30…20 = 5h20

IBSD 18:30-20:30: yesterday’s physalis?

Abbreviations & explanations

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before activities & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again, but I’m still sort of on meds, candesartan 16mg, instead of 8mg plus lercanidipine, cos I saw that c. has less side effects.

Highlights and lowlights of the week - June 6th to 12th

Since my blog summary is more for major/monthly developments,
I’m pleased to take up LE’s suggestion of doing a weekly summary for you (& me).

  1. (More) GABA is still working well, incl. energy :white_check_mark:. Despite doing a lot. :partying_face:
  2. As it’s improved my bladder :white_check_mark:, drinking 0.75l of still water on Saturday went beautifully! :trophy:
  3. Only using it in capsules has stopped the stomach burning :white_check_mark:. Dose still needs fine-tuning. :face_with_monocle:
  4. Trudy Scott’s Antianxiety food book’ll show how these amino acids work. :face_with_monocle:
  5. Increasing passiflora might help roseroot keep my blood pressure low. :face_with_monocle:
  6. Adding magnesium malate again soon for my muscle function. :face_with_monocle:
  7. Levodopa 100mg increased my Unrest, so that doesn’t seem to be sort-of-RLS or dopamine. :arrow_heading_down:
  8. Loin-acupressure is helping raising my legs high :white_check_mark:, hopefully it’ll help the back unrest too :face_with_monocle:.
  9. A tomato :x: on Wednesday caused 8h of IBSD on Thurs. Witch hazel cream took the spike. :relieved:
  10. Fibro-work helps me understand :heavy_heart_exclamation: Taming :lion: praps nec. a bit :crazy_face:
  11. Found :new: text formatting tricks :fireworks: Hyperlinking headings is a blessing :pray: for the references :bangbang:
  12. Managed getting up at 6:20 again without too much mid-term trouble. :relieved:

Any ideas?

It took me ages to find out what tomatoes were doing to me - anyone else got sth. similar?
But can they also really be causing an 8h long IBSD-flare one day later?
(But the physalis - nightshade, but not same genus - was 24h later too.
The late reaction wd explain why it took me so long to suss it out. Usually my gut reacts quickly.)

And has anyone else had stomach issues from amino acids like GABA, L-tryptophan & 5-HTP?