JayCS’s Fibro Blog

Highlights and lowlights of the week - June 27th to July 3rd

  1. Better than stable: improving, no setbacks, not even “6:20” or 2h+ yardwork on Saturday. :trophy:
  2. GABA :pill: The empty capsules are a bit hard to fill, praps I need a “small stomper”.
  3. My urinal problems are up back to about half of before GABA (50% there, pain 0-2). :arrow_down:
  4. Adding Mg malate hasn’t decreased my night breaks. :arrow_down: L-glutamine?
  5. Sleep: :sleeping_bed: 9h, once 10h, then 8h+ on Thurs and Sat, but 10h- Friday: good, so 9h avg. :white_check_mark:
  6. Sleep breaks :bed:: Only 18’ the night b4 Thursday, 25’ b4 Fri., 22’ b4 Sat.!! Protocol & discipline :arrow_upper_right::trophy:
  7. Acupressure & Mg improved :sleeping_bed: lying & :chair: sitting :trophy: which I’ve been “studying” :face_with_monocle:
  8. Adding psyllium & Gastritol/Gastricumeel in the evenings got GI under control at night. :white_check_mark:
  9. :ping_pong: TT pretty effortless all week. :trophy: Something’s not going wrong. :wink: :partying_face:
  10. RR: :drop_of_blood: on Monday was perfect, so GP agreed I stop the bp meds but test every 2 weeks. :white_check_mark:
  11. House- & yardwork etc. instead of fibro-work is OK, but missing it… :racehorse:
  12. All activities good/better/more: music, cycling, grandchild 2x, TT, work, energy, yardwork.
  13. Started “Lessons in self-care” & “Reasons to be cheerful” on Wednesday, up to #18 and #12 on Sat. :trophy:

Any ideas what to stuff the GABA-powder into the empty capsules? They put a much too big plastic “spoon” in, I think I’ll take the smaller one that came with Vitamin C.