JayCS’s Fibro Blog

JayCS, I’m really sorry for asking this question on your blog. When I click on a person’s avatar to send them specifically a message, there is this long address? that you can’t read and the word message is covering it up. I don’t know where to start writing the message. The cursor is flashing next to the persons name. It’s hard to explain but I think it might be a glitch in the program? I sure hope I’m explaining this correctly. And I hope I didn’t mess up your blog. Freedom

No problem, doesn’t mess up anything, my blog is here for the taking :smiley:
Unfortunately or fortunately I can’t reproduce what is happening. When I click on an avatar, the word “Message” in white on a blue background, with a letter icon to the left, is what I need to click on and then a new form opens, which all seems right, and different to what you are seeing.
Can you send me a screenshot by any chance? Does it always happen, e.g. even after logging out and in, or resetting your device?

2021-06-29, Wednesday

Sleep: 9h16, up 5x (2h12) :left_right_arrow: Feeling 90% well, pain 1 of 7 :white_check_mark:

Sleep details good to use a certain order, silly to get caught up in fw too long at 5..

!exact times
Mg & Passiflora at meal 19:30, GABA 21:00
22:30 3’ p0 th drink fw1’
23:31 3’ p0 th drink fw1’ teeth
1:23 12’ p0 cold shower th drink fw1’
4:41 29’ 6 p0 th drink fw1’
5:43-6:58-7:18 1h15+20-10 fw: 70’+10
Sum: 2h40+8h48-(3+3+12+29+1h25=)2h12= 11h28-2h12=9h16, up 5x (2h12)
(last sleep stint 7:18-8:48 +1h30 was def. nec, so I shdntve worked so completely, just written down a short note to get ideas out of my head)

Activities: 8h10 :left_right_arrow: Feeling 90->70% well, pain 1->3 of 7 :white_check_mark:

Only started realizing the Ache at 18:00, completely OK.

Activity-details: live work 4h10, commuting 10', cycling 1h25, grandchild: 1h20, TT 2:2 35' easy, drizzle; bike repair: 30'

Cycling (expected) 8+8+8+20+10+25+8+5=1h24
Live work: 10:50-15:00, hardly a break, but no stress. BTW: I put cycling to work under cycling, but I ignore the train times, and also rushing to the train, which isn’t fair on me, so I’ll add that now as “commuting”? Altho once I’m seated in the train I’m pretty relaxed, it’s the 2-5’ part from the bike to the track and from there to the train that I should be counting treble, because waiting for a train is not relaxing… :rofl:
So: commuting today: 10’.
Grandchild: 1h20. Short but stressful, despite me taking it relaxed. So I decided short table tennis is good for getting my mind off it.
TT 2:2, easy, 35’, drizzle.
Took bike to get repaired: 30’

Treatments: 55’ (self) (fw 2h35)

Effects of 750mg GABA at bedetime, 2x45mg Mg, ??2x290mg passiflora with evening meal: good this time

Worked well tonight, no side effects worth considering, but feeling comfy and well sleepy. Did I forget the passiflora tho? Almost forgot it Wedn eve., wasn’t in the pill box. Taking it this evening tho.

Effects of Tuesday's acupressure: Still brilliant

Yesterday’s energy is still there en galore. Speeded around on my bike, up and down steps, only playing table tennis in the evening got Achey (3), so kept that short.

Physio-type self-treatments: 55', fibro-work 2h35

:white_check_mark: hunchback-hard-cushion 15’, cold shower 1x(10’), AuTr 5’, Timing, palpate 1’, belly 1’, back 7’, thumbnails 10x30’’, yoga 2’, neck 1+ 3’, twist-stretch 5’, gums 3x30’’, = 55’…
:x: workout 7’, V ‘, neck 2 1’, loins 1’, marionette-hang 1’, breath-hold 11’, shaking dance 1’

Fibro-work: Night: 80’ 5’ 19:50-10-21:10 = 2h35


Lying: Still good! (+Mg?)

Lying again pretty good due I believe to the Mg (altho praps also acupressure).

Sitting: Better! (+Mg?)

Sitting was better today. Acupressure? Mg? Both? Normal fluctuations?

Talking: Stress at grandchild's.

Talking was OK, but there were no long stints. At my grandchild’s I knew it was enough trying to listen to both at the same time, so I ignored it when my son rang too - he’s getting used to it, and if he’s not that’s not my problem.

GI: Good...

GI: Salad today was only pepper, cucumber and lettuce, plus a glass of cooked green beans, so this week shdnt be a problem.

:new: Lessons in self-care

#1 My wife begged me to buy a new shaver at last - much easier, less painful, quicker… :roll_eyes: :white_check_mark:
#2 Pumped up one of my bikes: Much easier to cycle on it now… Who’dve thought :face_with_monocle: :rofl: :white_check_mark:
#3 Getting all bikes done up as well as possible by a neighbour, just around the corner, and quick, too. :white_check_mark:

:new: Reasons to be cheerful

#1 Cracked a problem at work today that was starting to stress me, by calling someone to give me their point of view, which clarified that I don’t need to do anything apart from passing the buck back to the people causing the problem and asking for to change their stance if possible. :white_check_mark:

Week 20th to 26th.

Abbreviations & explanations

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before activities & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again, but I’m still sort of on meds, candesartan 16mg, instead of 8mg plus lercanidipine, cos I saw that c. has less side effects.
:new: “V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
:new: twist-stretching more for the loins

Hi JayCS, ok, you are correct. I click on the avatar. The white word “ message” in blue is situated on top of an email address that starts out with http/… I don’t know where to start my message. Is it at the end of the email address? If I’m still not explaining it correctly, I try to figure out how to send you a screenshot. I use my iPad when I’m on Ben’s Friends. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I want to learn more about computers etc.

Ah, gotcha now! :smiley:

These long things you mean that start with https:// aren’t email addresses, they are web addresses called “URL”. If you click on the avatar above this post, the URL of this post is automatically added, so that I know that you are perhaps referring to it.
If you want me to know that, you can click in front of it or behind it and start writing there. If you don’t and it irritates you, you can just delete it. To delete: You “select” it and just start writing ‘over’ it. (To select it: “Tap and hold the text, position the cursor at the beginning of the section, and drag to the end.”)

URLs are addresses of webpages and usually have http(s)… or www. at the beginning, whilst emails are addresses of people, and always have an @-sign in them.

By The Way (=“BTW”) - if you can remember the ‘name’ of who you want to write to, you can click on you own avatar, then again on your avatar on the short profile which opens. There you have many possibilites, including “Messages” and there “New Message” (or find old messages and answer them.)

HTH? (= “Hope That Helps”). We’ll “how to do screen shots” next time… :wink:

2021-06-01, Thursday

Sleep: 8h17, up 3x! (18’!)+41’= 9h :left_right_arrow: Feeling 90% well, pain 1 of 7 :white_check_mark:

Sleep details: Good! - Just too short, and dozing nap at 10:00 didn't help much.

!exact times
Mg & Passiflora at meal 20:30, GABA 21:45
23:42 10’ CFS p1 th drink fw1’
2:10 5’ p2 th drink fw1’ ‘wart’
5:30? 3’ p0 th drink fw1’ teeth without looking at any clocks, which may have got the stress of having to get up soon down a bit… still need a better idea for this last waking…
Sum: 2h15+6h20-(10+5+3=)18’= 8h35-18’=8h17, up 3x! (18’)
Nap: 10:01-10:42= 41’ (85%/3 during it, back to 80/4 after). Only managed dozing.

Activities: 3h50 :left_right_arrow: Feeling 80% → 60% well, pain 1 → 5 (Ache) of 7, TT 0 → 4, 2h rest → 1 :x:

Activity-details: live work 1h30, cycling 1h10, commuting 10', TT 1h10 4:4 (easy)

Cycling (expected) 8+8+8+8+10+10+5+13…= 1h10 (Last 13’ = incl. 2 bikes from repair a few mins)
Commuting 10’
TT 4:4 1h10 (totally relaxed & easy; but wet & sludgy)

Treatments: 3h30 (self 1h30, acupressure 2h) 2nd cold shower (11:00) got Ache from 4 → 2, acupressure 2 → 0.

Effects of 750mg GABA, 2x45mg Mg, 2x290mg passiflora, 1x45mg Mg: Good, no side effects at all, but Thursday evening IBSD probably from the 2x45mg

Effects of acupressure: Still energy!

Did right leg and left lower belly; energy still up, despite Ache from sleep “deprivation”.

Physio-type self-treatments: 1h30, fibro-work 2h20; details about plantar wart

*:white_check_mark: AuTr 10’, Timing, hunchback-hard-cushion 20’, cold shower 2x(10’), neck 1+ 2’, palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, twist-stretch 5’, yoga 5’, loins 1’, gums 2x30’’, thumbnails 10x30’’, “wart” 8x30’’ marionette-hang 6’ = 1h30…
:x: workout 7’, V ‘, neck 2 1’, breath-hold 11’, shaking dance 1’, *
“Wart” means there’s a painful callus spot once again under the ball of my left foot (like under my right one) which has a stabbing pain, which my wife once thought may have been a plantar wart (the kind that’s deep and covered by callus, not what’s usually known as verruca), I got it down by using a few drops of tea tree oil 1-2x a day and scratching the skin down bit by bit; the skin doc didn’t find anything, said it might’ve been. Now I’m using tea tree oil cream for it, which may be less concentrated, but easier to apply very regularly during the day & night, so I’m giving myself baby tokens of 30’’ :trophy: everytime I do that.
Fibro-work: Night: 3’ 9:45 15’ 10:45: 8’ 10:55 4’ 17:30-19:20-20: 1h30 +10’ +10’ = 2h20


Lying: Still good, esp. using 3 pillows, helped by Mg


Sitting: Still quite good


Talking: Kept it down, at work and on the phone


GI: Still good, slight IBSD in the evening probably more due to Mg than what I ate

GI: A bit soft.

RR: Still seems good, GP said check it every 2 weeks, esp. when it gets colder again.

Lessons in self-care

#4 Took the elevators at the train station, not nec., but helpful.
#5 Didn’t talk to 2 people on the phone who called, didn’t feel like it. One I guessed right was a panic call as I later so in a mail, hope it doesn’t get to me.

Reasons to be cheerful

#2 A woman saw me doing back yoga: “Rucksacks can be heavy!” “Yeah; but my whole rib-cage is strained”, “A warm bath works wonders” “No, my skin’s too dry”, “Massage by a girlfriend” - “No, hurts, too; but good therapist knows which points to press”, “Yes, acupressure helps too”, I replied: Yessss, perfect, that’s what I get done, need it done by someone else tho". Funny - hardly anyone else on the web uses acupressure… :upside_down_face:
#3 Drizzle doesn’t affect me, I enjoy the coolness on my pain :+1:
#4 Made someone grin about themselves at work by not accepting their self-deprecation/modesty.
#5 Yesterday someone at work thanked me for “always” finding a way to sneak some praise into what I’m saying.
#6 Same person after another asked me if I’d miss work and I said no, then added: but there are quite a few times where I do enjoy it, so praps I wd, said: That’s what we wanted to hear.

Week 20th to 26th

Abbreviations & explanations

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before activities & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again, but I’m still sort of on meds, candesartan 16mg, instead of 8mg plus lercanidipine, cos I saw that c. has less side effects.
:new: “V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
:new: twist-stretching more for the loins

2021-07-02, Friday

Sleep: 9h48, up 6x (25’) :left_right_arrow: Feeling 90% well, pain 1 of 7 :white_check_mark:


Very disciplined, esp. considering my wife had night shift, so no social control.

It’ll be interesting to see if that makes my day better, which it doesn’t always.
Also whether I really want to continue like that, to make my life more effective (is it?) or at least to manage getting up at 6:20/going to bed a bit later better.
When waking comfy, Ache and pains are negligible. As soon as I move, my arms, legs & back do have various quite considerable Achey pains (2 of 7 ) like sore muscles, which thankfully improve after moving a while, e.g. doing exercises. But worse by not moving, which I’m not doing cos I’m writing…
What makes me get up so often, even if sleep is OK, like tonight? ():
:one: Mostly to drink (dry mouth)? :arrow_forward: Drink more in the daytime, less & dry mouth gel at night?
:two: 2nd Hungry/stomach burn (Mg/GABA)? :arrow_forward: More stomach herbs, preventatively.
:three: To move a bit, so that these pains don’t get too much?? :arrow_forward: Exercises before sleep??
:fast_forward: Write all these as a reminder in ‘tomorrow’s template’ for when I take the Mg.

Sleep details: Stint lengths: 1h40, 2h05, 1h20, 30', 1h55, 1h30, 2h

!exact times
Mg & Passiflora at meal ?20:30, GABA 21:30
23:20 3’ p0 teeth th drink fw1’ wart
0:31 4’ p2 th drink fw1’ wart
1:53 3’ p2 th drink fw1’ wart
2:27 8’ p0 FCS th drink fw1’ wart (FCS cos the stints are short, altho not hot or thinky)
4:22 (wow ;-)) 4’ p1 th drink fw1’ wart (main waker: bladder)
5:52 3’ p1 th drink fw1’ wart
Sum: 2h25+7h48-(3+4+3+8+4+3=)25’= 10h13-25’= 9h48, up 6x (25’)
Managed to blend out the panic call yesterday by blending in other less stressful but engaging thoughts of the day.
Mustn’t forget that it’s probably not just the Mg that’s helping sleep, but the 3 different pillows, plus hunchback cushion.
Altho I am mostly (tonight only) using the ‘new’ one, bigger but flatter.
Interesting that my hunchback hurts after waking whether I use the hunchback cushion or not.
And tonight cold showering in time, after a too short sleep stint.

Activities: 7h :left_right_arrow: Feeling 80/90% well, pain 1 of 7 :white_check_mark:

Activity-details: 1h digi-work, "1h40" live work, cycling 42', grandchild 3h!, TT 40' 4:2, easy

Cycling (expected) 8+8+8+8+5+5=42’…
Grandchild 3h, quite a bit of romping around on a playground, 2 kids jumping on me, but less stressful for me than talking too much… :wink:
After that (and an intense short break) I even managed…
TT 4:2 dead easy, as half asleep :smirk_cat::, (last match 21:9 - absolute precision, with absolutely no effort)
Just had the feeling I don’t wanna write down activity details quite as much, but then saw I don’t do it that much anyway… :grin: - and I need it to see if I can see a flare pattern…

Treatments: 55’ (self) (fw 3h20…)

Effects of 750mg GABA, 2x45mg Mg, 2x290mg passiflora, 1?x45mg Mg: Psyllium for the IBSD, gastro herbs for stomach


Effects of acupressure: Good, still upright stance fairly often, which helps
Physio-type self-treatments: 55', fibro-work 3h20

*:white_check_mark: Timing, cold shower (10’), hunchback-hard-cushion 5’, palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, twist-stretch 4’, AuTr 2’, marionette-hang 4’, thumbnails 12x30’’, workout 2’, neck 1+ 3’, neck 2 2’, yoga 6’, = 55’…
:x: V ‘, loins 1’, breath-hold 11’, shaking dance 1’, gums x30’’, *
Fibro-work: Night: 7’ 7:48: 10’ 8:02: 30’ 10:40-30-12:30: 1h20 14:10: 30’ 18:50: 5’ 20:30: 43’ = 3h20


Lying: After biochemical & physio adjustment, learn best sleep positions better.

Lying: Arms, legs & back hurt upon moving at night. Physio has improved the pain at the front of my left thigh.

Sitting: OK-ish. Test each seating possibility, listen to the pain for a while:

Sitting seems OK at the moment, so a good day for testing normality.

  1. First test: 10:45-11:15 pain0 Padded chair 1 - feels good!
  2. Bench without cushion, better than usual if I try to take weight off buttock bones by NOT sitting too upright. 11:15: needed short yoga/standing after 15’.
  3. Office chair without cushion, again trying to keep weight off bones, but also coccyx. 11:45-
Talking: Don't want to much, but a bit here and there is fun: Short and intense.

Talked with about 8 people between 10:30 and 11:30, all 2’-6’.

GI: Take gastritol & psyllium with or after Mg & Passiflora

Stomach burn & IBSD after Mg/GABA: Take gastritol & psyllium with or after Mg.

Development: When someone asked if my fibro can get better, I said: No, it’s chronic, but due to everything I’m doing all day, it’s getting about 1% better per month, but at the same time age increasing won’t be helping. Shd I have added: At the moment, because otherwise it’d mean 0-:100: in 100x1 months = 8+ years? I don’t think so. Taking the maths correctly, if I’d now be let’s say (40 or)50% well, (not ‘feeling well’ (:sunglasses:), I mean ‘really well’ now :smile_cat:), then 1% of that (50%) is 0.5%, so if anyone wants to take these rough guides seriously they’d have to learn % calculation properly :smirk_cat:.

Lessons in self-care (and yes, these are ALL :new: things) :trophy:

#6 Aimed for and hit effective sleep!! :white_check_mark: Again :question::question:
#7 Deliberately scarpered for the earlier train to get anger :anger: :angry: out of my system, see #11 :white_check_mark:
#8 Whilst doing so, developed Plan B that I’d do something nice :hugs: if I didn’t make it in time. :white_check_mark:
#9 Decided to digest stressors by noting them & solutions here as 'self-care’, instead of stressor lists.
#10 It was right to answer a problem mail first thing this morning, and not yesterday evening. :white_check_mark:
#11 Anger after reading unreasonable expectations made me decide to take an offer back. :white_check_mark:
#11 That (plus a cut) made me grunt at my wife after her night shift: Realizing it, I explained. :white_check_mark:
#12 A found mobile on the train made me empathize as I’ve been forgetting them there, too. :x:
#13 It was too short before I got off to realize it’dve been best for the loser to keep it close to that town. :x:
#14 Now I need to comfort myself about this and got one other problem done. :white_check_mark:
#15 Tried getting home from work earlier, which due to delays meant at least not getting back later. :white_check_mark:
#16 Did yoga, stretching and workout during the train delays :white_check_mark:
#17 Decided not even to answer the implied unreasonable expectations. Naughty, naughty me! :smirk_cat: :smiling_imp:

Reasons to be cheerful :smile_cat:

#7 Someone at work I hadn’t thought I’d see any more was very thankful that I’d helped him the other day.
#8 Wrote “You too” back to the person who’d thanked me for sliding in praise. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
#9 Heard something to help the person in dire straits, others helped too.
#10 Fun romping with grandchild: Thank God for GABA! :pray:

Highlights of last week, 20th to 26th.

Abbreviations & explanations

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before activities & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again, but I’m still sort of on meds, candesartan 16mg, instead of 8mg plus lercanidipine, cos I saw that c. has less side effects.
:new: “V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
:new: twist-stretching more for the loins

2021-07-03, Saturday

Sleep: 8h21, up 6x (22’) :left_right_arrow: Feeling 90% well, pain 1 of 7 :white_check_mark:

:trophy: :+1: :ok_hand: :clap::clap::clap:

Sleep details: only 3 sips, still p 6x, drink earlier? 8h21 really seemed enough!

& Passiflora & Gastritol & psyllium at meal ?19:30, Mg ?21:00 GABA 21:50, exercises0.
0:00 2’ p1 th
0:16 8’ FCS due to unrest p1 teeth th wart (drk)
1:45 3’ p2
2:49 3’ p1 th, 1 sip, fw1’
4:46 3’ p1 th, 1 sip, fw1’
6:46 3’ p1 th, fw1’
Lipstick on dry lips, eye mask cos of sun, still a bit of neck ache, unrest, despite heavy eyes.
-7:11? yes, I’m awake!
Sum: 1h32+7h11-(2+8+3+3+3+3=)22’= 8h43-22’=8h21, up 6x (22’)

Activities: 4h15 :left_right_arrow: Feeling 90% well, pain 1 of 7 :white_check_mark:

Activity-details: music 1h30, shops 30', cycling 15', hard yard work 2h, tired at 18:00

music 1h30,
2 shops 30’
Hard yard work 2h
Cycling (expected) 5+5+5=15
TT 0

Treatments: 50’ (self)

650mg GABA, 2x45mg Mg, 2x290mg passiflora: Sleep, energy, but tired at 18:00 (short sleep, yardwork).
Acupressure: Still good for stiffness, energy, sitting.

Physio-type self-treatments: 50', fibro-work 4h10

:white_check_mark: Timing, cold shower 2x(10’), palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, workout 7’, twist-stretch 2’, marionette-hang 1’, thumbnails 12x30’’, gums 2x30’’, = 49’…
:x: AuTr ‘, hunchback-hard-cushion ‘, neck 1+ ‘, V ‘, neck 2 1’, yoga ‘, loins 1’, breath-hold 11’, shaking dance 1’, RR x2’

Fibro-work: 21:15-48 33’ 22:01-22:28: 27’ Night: 4’ 7:20: 1h17 +4’ 9:20: 20’ 19:00 60’? 25’ = 4h10


Lying, sitting & GI: All quite good.
Talking: Introverted day today, apart from talking and doing a bit of yardwork with an old neighbour.
GI: Good. Using psyllium & Gastritol does help reduce the Mg malate & GABA burning as planned.

Lessons in self-care

#18 Good to get some house- and yardwork instead of fibro work done today

Reasons to be cheerful

#11 Small dispute with neighbour turned into a good deal: doing garden work in exchange for now being able to use the garden.
#12 My acupressurist texted me if she could borrow Trudy Scott’s Antianxiety book after all…

Highlights week 20th to 26th

Abbreviations & explanations

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before activities & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again, but I’m still sort of on meds, candesartan 16mg, instead of 8mg plus lercanidipine, cos I saw that c. has less side effects.
:new: “V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
:new: twist-stretching more for the loins

2021-07-04, Sunday

Sleep: 11h, up 9x (1h35) :left_right_arrow: Feeling 90/80% well, pain 1 of 7 :white_check_mark:

Sleep details: Bladder, despite drinking earlier, +300 GABA at 3:40 no help for bladder (yet?), but in combination.

!exact times
Mg & Passiflora at meal, Gastritol & psyllium after 20:30, GABA 21:30, exercises?
23:20 3’ p3 th wart
00:17 9’ FCS p0 teeth th drink fw1’ wart
2:04 3’ p1 th, belly slightly hurting → Gastricumeel fw 1’
3:39 6’ p1 fw1’ + 350 GABA with 3 sips
4:15-4:52 40’ Started ruminating now about disability pay vs. if I had to pay the acupressure myself… Turns out I hadn’t read it properly and I get more than enough! Now my stomach is burning due to adding GABA, so trying bicarb, altho I’m always not sure it’s that good for me (checked: the sodium can increase blood pressure and changes calcium absorption). Just took 1 bicarb and another Gastricumeel… p0 (GABA?) & th
5:14 22’ Stomach is OK, but AuTr isn’t helping getting back to sleep, 6. fw 23’
7:27 3’ p1 th fw1’
8:23 3’ p1 th fw1’
9:51 (+GABA?) 6’ p0 (+GABA?) th fw1’ drowsy pressure on eyes, so bed till OK.
Sum: 2h30+10h06-(3+9+3+6+40+22+3+3+6=)1h35’= 12h36-1h35= 11h, up 9x (1h35)
Stints: 1:50, 1h, 1h40, 1h32, 35’ doze, up 40’, 22’ up 22’, 1h50, 1h05, 1h25.
So 6h, then 2h fairly awake, then another 4h20. The 350mg GABA capsule hit in after the 2h dozy-waky time.

Activities: 1h10 :left_right_arrow: Feeling 80% well, pain 1 of 7 :white_check_mark: (drowsy from too much GABA)

Activity-details: cycling h10...., TT 5:1 easy (GABA?) 1h,

Cycling (expected) 5+5=10…
TT 5:1 easy (GABA?, 1h)

Treatments: 50’ (self) (fw 6h)

650mg GABA, 2x45mg Mg, 2x290mg passiflora + 350mg GABA at 3:40: Interesting :exclamation: After 2 hours it made me sleep another 4h, and made me drowsy, didn’t help with the bladder problems, but TT went a dream. Either I need to make do with unrelaxed TT (which wd be nice on my mate…) or I need to try adding something else, like the glutamine I’m thinking of repeating, more carefully this time. I’m thinking of increasing the evening dose first tho, using 2 capsules of praps 2x400mg to at least improve sleep, and maybe bladder too.
Acupressure: Right loin is a bit stiffer, left one good. Probably energy etc., had it yesterday during and after the yard work in any case.

Physio-type self-treatments: 49', fibro-work 5h33

:white_check_mark: Timing partly, cold shower 2x(10’), thumbnails 12x30’’, gums 2x30’’, marionette-hang 3’, yoga 6’, workout 3’, palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 6’, shaking dance 1’ = 50’…
:x: AuTr ', hunchback-hard-cushion ', neck 1+ ‘, V ‘, twist-stretch ‘, neck 2 1’, loins 1’, breath-hold 11’

Fibro-work: Night: 5’+10’ 5:36 fw 23’ 10:06: 2h 13:47: 28’ 15:10 40’ 16:00 7’ 16:55 50’, 19:00-50-20:20…= 6h…


Lying: Lying was OK at night, just when the silly thoughts came inadvertantly.
Sitting: Stiff after sitting in/on bed in the mornings, despite +GABA.
Talking: OK, drowsiness making me not want to tho.
GI: Stomach after a small ice cream yesterday evening and +GABA at night. Bicarb & Gastricumeel & drinking helped, but I want to keep bicarb as low as possible.

Lessons in self-care

#19 Ice cream is just not worth it, ever.

Reasons to be cheerful

#13 Being able to use the garden from now on will be a really good thing, additionally to our big balcony.
#14 My acupressurist texting me today that she does want to read Trudy Scott’s antianxiety book.

Highlights week 27th to 3rd, my blog-summary and my fibromyalgia-references

Abbreviations & explanations

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before activities & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again, but I’m still sort of on meds, candesartan 16mg, instead of 8mg plus lercanidipine, cos I saw that c. has less side effects.
:new: “V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
:new: twist-stretching more for the loins

Highlights and lowlights of the week - June 27th to July 3rd

  1. Better than stable: improving, no setbacks, not even “6:20” or 2h+ yardwork on Saturday. :trophy:
  2. GABA :pill: The empty capsules are a bit hard to fill, praps I need a “small stomper”.
  3. My urinal problems are up back to about half of before GABA (50% there, pain 0-2). :arrow_down:
  4. Adding Mg malate hasn’t decreased my night breaks. :arrow_down: L-glutamine?
  5. Sleep: :sleeping_bed: 9h, once 10h, then 8h+ on Thurs and Sat, but 10h- Friday: good, so 9h avg. :white_check_mark:
  6. Sleep breaks :bed:: Only 18’ the night b4 Thursday, 25’ b4 Fri., 22’ b4 Sat.!! Protocol & discipline :arrow_upper_right::trophy:
  7. Acupressure & Mg improved :sleeping_bed: lying & :chair: sitting :trophy: which I’ve been “studying” :face_with_monocle:
  8. Adding psyllium & Gastritol/Gastricumeel in the evenings got GI under control at night. :white_check_mark:
  9. :ping_pong: TT pretty effortless all week. :trophy: Something’s not going wrong. :wink: :partying_face:
  10. RR: :drop_of_blood: on Monday was perfect, so GP agreed I stop the bp meds but test every 2 weeks. :white_check_mark:
  11. House- & yardwork etc. instead of fibro-work is OK, but missing it… :racehorse:
  12. All activities good/better/more: music, cycling, grandchild 2x, TT, work, energy, yardwork.
  13. Started “Lessons in self-care” & “Reasons to be cheerful” on Wednesday, up to #18 and #12 on Sat. :trophy:

Any ideas what to stuff the GABA-powder into the empty capsules? They put a much too big plastic “spoon” in, I think I’ll take the smaller one that came with Vitamin C.

2021-07-05, Monday

Sleep: 9h29, up 6x (34’)+53’ = 10h23 :left_right_arrow: Feeling 90% well, pain 1 of 7 :white_check_mark: :trophy:

Sleep details: FCS at 3:30 was OK, warm feet improved bladder!? 1h nap nec. after 2h talky work.

!exact times
Mg & Passiflora & Gastritol & psyllium at meal 20:30, GABA 21:00 (shdve been 60’ after a protein meal…), exercises?
p2 21:53-
23:08 5’ p3 th 1sip fw1’
0:40 7’ p2 th teeth fw2’ Gums: Seemed to have clenched the opposite filling back in, turned out tho, that food had got between. Shake-dance 1’
2:02 5’ p2 th fw2’ Brain at rest. Bladder oh so subtly, but like in the evening even after peeing.
3:35 8’ p1 th 1 sip fw1’ FCS Is putting more socks back on (only 3 at the mo) the problem? And FCS later than usual OK?
5:10 4’ p1 th 1 sip fw2’ wart. Socks good, trousers now, it’s “cold”.
7:01 5’ p0 (warm feet?) th drink fw1’
Sum: 2h07+7h58-(=5+7+5+8+4+5)34’= 10h05-34’=9h29, up 6x (34’)
15:55-16:48: 53’

Activities: 60-80%/2-3

After sleep :left_right_arrow: 90%/1 :white_check_mark:
after 2h live work/40’ commuting/ 32’ cycling :left_right_arrow: 60%/3 :x: (loud talking thru mask)
after lots of self-treatments :left_right_arrow: 70%/2,
after nap :left_right_arrow: 80%/2,
after TT 5:1 & cycling 10’ (easy :white_check_mark:) :left_right_arrow: 70%/2, (:x:)
after plucking cherries for 2x5’ :left_right_arrow: 60%/3 :x:


2x45mg Mg, 2x290mg passiflora; 700mg GABA: Enough. Sposed to take it 30’ before or 60’ after a protein-meal (soy), but it worked.
Acupressure: Effects still there.
Stretches (loins, leg-V): First time again, reminds me that I feel “ill” during & even after 1’. Why?

Physio-type self-treatments: 1h40, fibro-work 40'

:white_check_mark: AuTr 5’, Timing, hunchback-hard-cushion 15’, shaking dance 2’, cold shower 2x(10’), palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, workout 7’, thumbnails 10x30’’, gums 2x30’’, neck 1+ 5’, twist-stretch 2’, neck 2 1’, yoga 5’, loins 4’, marionette-hang 2’, breath-hold 11’, V ’ 5, = 1h41
:x: 0 :trophy:

Fibro-work: Night: 5’ 14:15: 5’ 10’ 20’ = h40


Lying: Better lying (if nec. stretched askew) on my side is better for my neck than on my belly.
Talking: Tough when longer thru mask, but I can’t find out what exactly it is (or if it’d be similar without mask.) Any ideas? Hard to describe the feeling, doesn’t compare to any other flares I have - very tired (incl. slightly feverish)
GI: Gastritol & psyllium in the evening was enough.

Development: Supplementing GABA is no longer nec. after 3-6(-12) months, sez Trudy Scott’s book.
I’m simplifying the way I note treatments and symptoms.

Lessons in self-care

#19 Cancelled going to an informal meeting that wdntve done me any good at all.

Reasons to be cheerful

#13 Continuing progress with sleep and hopefully bladder feels good

Highlights week 27th to 3rd

Abbreviations & explanations

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before activities & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again, but I’m still sort of on meds, candesartan 16mg, instead of 8mg plus lercanidipine, cos I saw that c. has less side effects.
:new: “V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
:new: twist-stretching more for the loins

2021-07-06, Tuesday

Sleep: 9h33 + up 6x (1h02) + dozing ?2h :left_right_arrow: Feeling 80% well, pain 1 of 7 :white_check_mark:

Sleep details: praps too late, hungry from +10mg GABA

!exact times
Mg & Passiflora & Gastritol & psyllium at meal 20:20, GABA 700mg 21:50 +10mg 2:30:.
22:43 10’ FCS p0 teeth th drink fw2’
1:35 3’ p0 th drink fw1’ wart
2:32 8’ FCS p1 th drink fw2’ wart +10mg GABA.
4:30 28’ Stomach burn, p2 th drink fw1’ Gastricumeel . 6
6:31 3’ Stomach burn, p1 th fw1’ Gastritol drink
7:58 3’ 9’ bowel fw2’ p1 th
Sum: 2h07+8h28-(10+3+8+28+3+3+7=)62’= 10h35-62’=9h33 + up 6x (1h02) + dozing ?2h.

Activities: 80-90%/1

(Feeling well in %, pain out of 7)
Mon. 21:35: 10’ Breaking wood for trashing, instead of bed.60%/3. Night 80%/1.
After music 2h30 & after & therapy 1h :left_right_arrow: 80%/1. Cycling fast 35’. (:white_check_mark:)
After acupressure 2h45 (relaxed) & TT 1h30 (7:3, easy), shop 20’ :left_right_arrow: 90%/1. :white_check_mark:


Acupressure 2h Tues & Thurs:
After the acupressure I had slight problems getting on my bike and in the evening wasn’t able to put on socks standing… She used her vibrating metal thingy today mainly…
She recommended: Palpate sternum if esophagus blocks. Leg down out of bed as 2nd loin stretch exercise.

2x45mg Mg, 2x290mg passiflora, 650mg GABA, +10mg 2:30:
but 10mg didn’t help sleep, increased hot flush & slight GI reaction in esophagus.

Physio-type self-treatments: 1h05, fibro-work 30'

:white_check_mark: Timing, AuTr 10’, hunchback-hard-cushion 10’, cold shower 2x(10’), palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, gums 2x30’’, thumbnails 12x30’’, marionette-hang 5’, neck 1+ 3’, = 66’…
:x: neck 2 1’, workout 7’, twist-stretch ‘, yoga ‘, loins 1’, loins 2 1’, V ‘, breath-hold 11’, shaking dance 1’, RR x2’

Fibro-work: Night: 5’ 8:28: 5’ 18:30: 20’ = 30’


GI: Hungry from +10mg GABA sublingually
Stiffness: GABA has stopped most stiffness except a bit night/mornings, i.e. “normal fibro”…
Therapy: Talking loudly for almost 2h at work is an increase by 100% my therapist reminded me… It’d be interesting to see how I feel if cd dare to talk without a mask. Why do I keep contact with my mum?

Lessons in self-care

#20 To keep my sleep breaks low I need to go to bed earlier…

Reasons to be cheerful

#14 Yesterday someone at work who hadn’t seen me for ages waved long & nicely from afar.

Highlights week 27th to 3rd.

Abbreviations & explanations

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before activities & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again, but I’m still sort of on meds, candesartan 16mg, instead of 8mg plus lercanidipine, cos I saw that c. has less side effects.
:new: “V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
:new: twist-stretching more for the loins

2021-07-07, Wednesday

Sleep: 10h50, up 4x (27’) :left_right_arrow: Feeling 80% well, pain 1 of 7 :white_check_mark:

Sleep details: only up 4x, but dozing quite a bit, less peeing, back strange, loins better

!exact times
Mg & Passiflora & Gastritol & psyllium at meal 19:00, GABA 21:15, exercises?
18:00 dead tired.
23:02 9’ p2 aired, cold wash (arms, lower back), teeth th drink fw1’
1:00 12’ (dozing / trying other mattress out a bit) FCS p1 th drink fw2’ wart (sore throat → Marigold)
4:25! 3’ p1 th 3 sips fw1’ shake-dance 1’
6:19 3’ no p! drink fw1’ shake-dance 1’
Sum: 2h40+8h37-(9+12+3+3=)27’= 11h17-27’=10h50, up 4x (27’)

Activities: 70-80%/1-2

live work 4h - talking normally to single persons thru a mask for about 1.5h :left_right_arrow: 70%/2. :x:
TT :left_right_arrow: 80%/1 :white_check_mark: - dead tired, so lost first 0:3, yawning once every 2 minutes, then won the next 3, so 3:3 - but all of it was easy, effortless. Hope I can sleep well after it now tho.
(Cycling 42’…)


Acupressure 2h Tues & Thurs: Loins worse till sleep, then better. 4 pains (of 3/7) on my right side, still right thigh 2x10’ (3/7).

2x45mg Mg, 2x290mg passiflora, 700mg GABA:

Physio-type self-treatments: 1h10..., fibro-work 2h55

:white_check_mark: AuTr 3’, Timing, hunchback-hard-cushion 25’, cold shower (10’), palpate 1’, belly 2’, back 6’, twist-stretch 5’, loins 1 1’, loins 2 1’, gums 2x30’’, thumbnails 10x30’, shaking dance 6’, neck 1+ 3’, marionette-hang 5’, neck 2 1’, = 70’…
:x: workout 7’, V ', yoga ‘, breath-hold 11’, ’

Fibro-work: Night: 5’ 8:40: 30’ 12:50 5’ 12:50 30’ 17:00 15’ 17:55: 35’ 20:20: 55’ = 2h55


Lying: Testing around using all 4 pillows. Curling my legs and head backwards.
Trying the new trick with one leg down from the bed is OK, but not better than that curling back.
Sitting: Fairly tough today, needed to stand & stretch a lot.
Talking: OK emotionally/stress-wise. 1.5h with about 5 single people, one for 1h, 5’ with a larger group, but the mask is the tough thing for my body which answers a good part of the question if it’d be a difference if it were off…
GI: A small amount of wind regularly, esp. at night, not in the daytime, so I think it’s the supps.
Bladder: Good (0) after acupressure, pain increasing till GABA in the evening. Off and on 0-2(-3), still not sure if warmer feet are helping that much, but praps a bit.
Loins: Better at 1:00 than at 21:00, better in the daytime.

Therapy: Her question about contact with my mum is making me question the contact with my mum… :face_with_monocle:

Lessons in self-care

#21 Good test today that it seems to be mainly the mask that is tough on me at work.

Reasons to be cheerful

#15 I think/hope I could help quite a few people today
#16 Now it’s probably the mask making work so hard is really good to know.

Highlights week 27th to 3rd, my blog-summary and my fibromyalgia-references

Abbreviations & explanations

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before activities & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again, but I’m still sort of on meds, candesartan 16mg, instead of 8mg plus lercanidipine, cos I saw that c. has less side effects.
:new: “V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
:new: twist-stretching more for the loins

2021-07-08, Thursday

Sleep: 7h17 + up 8x (1h38) incl. 2h AuTr/dozing, :left_right_arrow: Feeling 50% well, pain 3 of 7 :x: +3h30 (=10h47) :left_right_arrow: Feeling 50% well, pain 3 of 7 :x: Cold shower 70%/2

TT at 19:00, yawning, seems to have jolted my biorhythm, cdn’t get to sleep.
Got my main get-to-sleep-techniques done quicker. Or were they now less effective then? Or too early in the night?
Tried a new CD with exercises how to get stress down. 3 were good just for relaxation.
:one: Concentrate on breath and label each thought like a file.
:two: Bilateral: Relax left leg; right arm; together. Bottom to top, inside to outside. Right; left; together.
:three: Experience how certain words feel. Originally including stressors. For relaxation e.g. Peace. Love. Thankfulness. Experience where in your body you feel these.

Sleep details: TT too late, proper sleep at 1, cdnt stay up at 6, slept another 3h, shaky, trigeminus nerve playing up too...

!exact times
Mg & Passiflora & Gastritol & psyllium at meal 19:00, GABA 21:25, exercises?: need to more!
22:04 5’ FCS p0
22:24 5’ 6. shake
Then 25’ AuTr using a new CD - good, got be down. But bodily unrest started up now. Shake dance 2’ makes my left knee hurt. Counting AuTr as sleep, like I always do.
23:26 2’ p0 th drink fw1’ shake
23:53 45’ OK, I give up, still pretty awake. I spose TT was too late. fw. Then FCS #2? teeth
1:16 9’ p0 2nd FCS
3:18 4’ LBU p1 th drink fw1’
5:54 3’ p0
Sum: 2h35+6h20-(5+6+25+2+45+9+4+3=)1h38’= 8h55-1h38= 8h55-2h+22’ = 7h17 + up 8x (1h38)
No chance: Sick leave.
9:41 14’ p0 music

Activities: 70-80%/1-2

(Feeling well in %, pain out of 7)

Live work: 0 - sick leave cos of the night going wrong. After +3h sleep, cold shower & workout: :left_right_arrow:70%/2
Cycling: 10+10+5+5+5=35’, able to speed most of the time. :biking_man: :cyclone: :left_right_arrow: 70%/2.
Acupressure :left_right_arrow: 80%/1 Dead tired, had to cycle not that slow, but carefully from there.
TT at 15:00, 6:0! Dead tired (yawning) & dead easy - effortless… :left_right_arrow: 80%/2 & tired.
After resting/fibro-work :left_right_arrow: 80%/1 Still dead tired.
After 1.5h restaurant (me of course not talking much) :left_right_arrow: 80%/1 Need I say it: tiiired. :tired_face:


Acupressure 2h45 Tues & 2h Thurs:
Didn’t use the metal vibrating wheel again today, loins good again after (right still not perfect).
Maybe too much. Reminded me to do the loins 2 exercise more & longer.

2x45mg Mg, 2x290mg passiflora, 700mg GABA:
Well it didn’t help the night much, did it!? So no sports after 19:00 is a necessity. Add something else? (Speck of L-glutamine, not glutamic acid…)

Physio-type self-treatments: 1h40', fibro-work 3h43

:white_check_mark: AuTr 30’, Timing, hunchback-pillow 20’, cold shower 3x(10’), shaking dance 3’, palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, workout 7’, twist-stretch 2’, = 1h43…
:x: neck 1+ ‘, neck 2 1’, V ‘, yoga ‘, loins 1 1’, loins 2 1’, marionette-hang 1’, breath-hold 11’, gums x30’’, thumbnails x30’’, RR x2’

Fibro-work: Night: 2’ 23:55: 45’ 11:00 40’ 16:45: 45’ ?20’ 20:30 60’ = 3h43…


:new: 1 bigger but not thick pillow on each side, small pillow in middle for hunchback instead of small hard cushion.
Fairly :new:: Curling up backwards on my sides, so my neck isn’t turned too much, but back stretched backwards and lower back stretched sideways.
Sitting: Putting a jacket under me didn’t help, better changing positions/sides.
Talking: Well - just too tired to talk much at the mo.
GI: The wind at night is probably not the supps, but from a kind of yeast paste, 1 slice of bread is OK.
Bladder: Better today than before…
Trigeminal nerve: Both eyebrows are sore, that usually means stress. OK by noon.

Lessons in self-care

#23 Even a simple activity 19:00-20:00 can smash my night. :x:
#24 Actually thought about going to work altho I feel so rotten: didn’t! :white_check_mark:
#25 If I’dve gone, that’dve had dire consequences, esp. cos I’dve had to do 1.5h again, plus early.

Reasons to be cheerful

#17 Being so tired makes me laugh a lot about silly things… - but at least laugh…

Highlights week 27th to 3rd.

Abbreviations & explanations

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before activities & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again, but I’m still sort of on meds, candesartan 16mg, instead of 8mg plus lercanidipine, cos I saw that c. has less side effects.
:new: “V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
:new: twist-stretching more for the loins

2021-07-09, Friday

Sleep: 8h47, up 9x (2h38) :left_right_arrow: Feeling 70% well, pain 2-3 of 7 :x: :tired_face:

Sleep details: p7 hurt 0:20-3:30: from 700ml water. AuTr 2:40-5:20, then real sleep

!exact times
Mg & Passiflora & Gastritol & psyllium at meal 20:30, GABA & L-glutamine 21:00, exercises?
p0/1 21:35- took ages to get to sleep, so glutamine and glycinate aren’t the secret formula yet…
23:19 43’ p7 th fw3’ drink Having to wait 4’ to p & then going was incredibly painful: from the new supps?? Or the 700ml still water in the restaurant? (The p-amount wasn’t much tho). The 43’ was probably 35’ fw…
0:22 12’ p2, went in time, small amount, then p0/1, tiny amount. Still aching all over (pain of 4) from the p7 (= pee-pain of 7), so FCS → pain down to 2. teeth.
1:32 34’ still fairly awake, altho not doing much AuTr. Pillow test interesting. LBU starting up. 6. p0.
2:43 53’ still fairly awake. fw 53’, pain down, tiredness up → good AuTr, but still not sleeping so 2nd FCS now.
4:05 4’ p1?
4:58 3’ p1 Energy, no stiffness, relaxed, no thoughts, great AuTr, no LBU when lying on my back, got used to it pretty much, but LBU as soon as I go on my side or front, … no sleep… pure insomnia…
5:20 3’ p1 Need to pee, cold, trousers and 4th pair of socks. (4x)th drink fw 1’
6:04 3’ p3 th
7:25 3’ p1 th
Sum: 2h25+9h-(43+34+12+53+4+3+3+3+3=)158’= 11h25-2h38=8h47, up 9x (2h38)

Activities: live work 2h30, talking a bit, and TT 4:2 :left_right_arrow: 60/70%/3

(Feeling well in %, pain out of 7)
(Cycling 42’, train 40’, resting/writing a lot)


Acupressure 2h Tues & Thurs: Loins, posture & (“thus”) energy good.

:new: 1x50mg Mg (500mg Mg bisglycinate), 2x290mg passiflora, 700mg GABA, :new: 10mg L-Glutamin: p7! at 23:20, awake till 5:20, lots of AuTr before tho. No seizures.
Probably more of both :new: things tonight, better the old Mg as well.

Physio-type self-treatments: 4h37 (most at night), fibro-work 5h? (while resting)

:white_check_mark: AuTr 2h, Timing, hunchback-pillow 2h, cold shower 2x(10’), palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, gums 2x30’’, thumbnails 10x30’’, = 4h37’
:x: workout 7’, neck 1+ ‘, neck 2 1’, V ‘, twist-stretch ‘, yoga ‘, loins 1 1’, loins 2 1’, marionette-hang 1’, breath-hold 11’, shaking dance 1’, RR x2’

Fibro-work: Night: 40’+53’+7’ 14:10: 45’ +2h? = 4h25…


Lying: Trying lying on my back more using hunchback cushion AND pillow, and a blanket to cuddle in front, which I miss if I lie on my back. Getting used to it quite a bit. Palate doesn’t make any noise that way. So it’s making me more flexible. Even had more LBU lying on my side. My acupressurist suggested a rigid / memory foam pillow, something that works for her husband.
Sitting: OK today, but I varied everything quite a bit, altho .
Talking: Good short talks. One futile talk I weaned off by walking away slowly.
GI: As it’s good at night, despite sleep problems, the hunger can’tve been the supps. Yesterday’s restaurant visit was a bit dangerous, rests of onions in the salad, but no problem at night. IBSD at 16:00 strange, but if that was the Mg glycinate then I’m gonna have problems increasing that mini dose.
Bladder: Pain after p7 23:00-3:00, 700ml of still water was apparently much too much. Good after tho.
Therapy: A colleague invited me to a spiritual healing course she offers - I thanked her kindly…

Lessons in self-care

#25 Kept work down.
#26 No shops etc. today.

Reasons to be cheerful

#18 Wednesday’s colleague mail resulted in a big problem for her, so I helped her wean it down.
#19 Our soon-to-be interim boss emphasized that he’d be very happy if I keep all other stuff down and just concentrate on my main field.
#20 A colleague with fibro who’s also tested GABA is having increasing success at a dose of 300mg, not more, improves calmness and sleep for her, brings down tautness after work.

Highlights week 27th to 3rd

Abbreviations & explanations

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before activities & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again, but I’m still sort of on meds, candesartan 16mg, instead of 8mg plus lercanidipine, cos I saw that c. has less side effects.
:new: “V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
:new: twist-stretching more for the loins

2021-07-10, Saturday :crazy_face: insomnia :bed:

and just realized I left my credit card in a ticket machine … I think … on Wednesday… Madly dancing & singing on the lip of a volcano :wink: Fibro fog? Who, me? Naaaaah… Isn’t losing important things twice a month normal?

:crazy_face: :volcano:

Sleep: “5h56”, up 6x (1h02) +2h20 +1h01 :left_right_arrow: Feeling 90% well, pain 1 of 7 :white_check_mark: - somehow not tired, no pain, relaxed… :face_with_monocle:

There were absolutely no reasons for not being able to sleep: almost no thoughts, let alone compelling or fascinating ones, no pain, no excitement, unrest only occasionally. What’s the analysis gonna make of this :interrobang: :face_with_monocle:

Sleep details: stints of 3h at 21:15 & 2h25 at 6:45, rest was AuTr/dozing. Even the additional supps didn't kick in, only being up doing something 2h till 6:45 give me heaviness for the 2nd stint of sleep. 15:00 Trying a nap...

!exact times
Mg & Passiflora & Gastritol & psyllium at meal 20:30, GABA 21:10, exercises?
21:15- gum p2 fw2’ wife sez red eye.
21:48 7’ LBU, so FCS th drink fw1’ +290mg passionflower
0:52! 5’ p0 th teeth 2 sips first sleep stint of 2h12+52’=3h04
1:27 16’ head in a brilliant albeit untimely problem solving mode, pretty wide awake, despite sleeping well. GI OK. So I’ll try +1x45 mg mal +1x50mg gl +300mg GABA. 4 sips. Gastritol (herbs) + Gastricumeel (homeopathic) to be safer on my stomach + FCS. p0 th fw3’
2:11 23’ My body is coming down a bit more, but my mind isn’t, so gotta get that down, 6.
2:58 6’ Mind still alive ‘n’ kickin’. All positive, all curious. Later than this I can’t up anything any more. I’ll try another 2x1 Mg and then just wait & carry on with AuTr as long as it takes. If my stomach goes bonkers I’ll have to eat. I think another passionflower and/or glutamin are too risky. So interesting this is happening as I’d got sleep well under control a few weeks, apart from some days, and now 3 days :exploding_head:… Triggers Mon Tues Wedn Thurs’ll go into the lowlights of the week… fw 4’ 6 sips p0 th. If this all doesn’t help till 5 I’ll do more fw.
3:33 5’ No, this def. ain’t workin’. My body is starting to wake up now, too. I was gonna say I’ll do fw now, but I’ll give the anti-stress CD another chance to get my body down & the additional supps to work. Gotta watch my stomach… :face_with_monocle: fw 4’
3:38-4:09 (CD: Funny, I’d misunderstood one of the meditation words. Feels good. But still somehow wide awake. Now I’ll try sleep one last time before fw… 1’
4:13 OK, I give up. Nothing in me wants to sleep, altho there are no distracting thoughts, weren’t before the CD, still aren’t, I’m just sort of awake. Now first I’d be interested what my BP is doing… Ah, no hungry. No, BP uninfluenced by eating, see below.
4:41 Bit hungry, eyes a bit itchy, but no signs of wanting to sleep. 6:00 getting a bit feverish, maybe that’s a sign?
6:46 try again… still a bit feverish and now pretty knackered…
-9:08, ah at last, 2h25 straight.
Sum: 2h45+4h13-(7+5+16+23+6+5=)62’= 6h58-62’= 5h56, up 6x (1h02) +2h22 straight. → 8h18. Enough, or more? No, seems “enough”. 3h05+2h22 = 5h27 of real sleep.
15:00 Ah, nicely tired, let’s see what happens next :crazy_face: -16:01 → 6h28 (6h57)

Activities: 80%/1-2

(Feeling well in %, pain out of 7) :left_right_arrow: :white_check_mark:

Just sitting typing for hours is quite OK :left_right_arrow: 80%/2 :white_check_mark:
Workout 6’ :left_right_arrow: 80%/1 :white_check_mark:
Housework 30’ :left_right_arrow: 80%/1 :white_check_mark:
Shop 10’+5’ :left_right_arrow: 80%/1 :white_check_mark:
Cycling 20’ :left_right_arrow: :white_check_mark:


Acupressure 2h30 Tues & 2h Thurs: Loins, posture, energy all OK. :white_check_mark:

2x50mg & 2x45mg Mg, 2x290mg passiflora, 650mg GABA, 100mg L-Glutamine, 1x290mg passiflora + 300mg GABA + 2x50mg & 2x45 Mg, not sure about +50mg glutamine:
Well it didn’t help me sleep, but I’m OK. :interrobang:

Physio-type self-treatments: 3h20, fibro-work 4h45+?

*:white_check_mark: Timing, AuTr 2h, hunchback-pillow 10’, cold shower 2x(10’), RR 15x2’ palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 6’, workout 6’, thumbnails 4x30’’ gums 4x30’’, = 3h20
:x: neck 1+ ‘, neck 2 1’, V ‘, twist-stretch ‘, yoga ‘, loins 1 1’, loins 2 1’, marionette-hang 1’, breath-hold 11’, shaking dance 1’, , *
Fibro-work: 19:30: 45’ Night: 4-6: 2h?? = 2h45… 9:10 No idea, 1h? Ordered more supps after that which is also fibro-work, but I usually mean forum work/research… 30’ +30’? = 4h45?


Lying: Changed lying on my back to lying like I used to - no problem, but didn’t help… :white_check_mark:
Sitting: OK, but mostly on floor, turned to couch, or standing.
Talking: Alone all day.
GI: Behaving quite well at night, despite more supps & being wide awake. :white_check_mark:
Bladder: Quite good at night. :white_check_mark:
RR: BTW taking my BP is meditative not stressful. 4:27 122/80 49 (almost identical several last ones of 8 readings, left & right.) :white_check_mark: Interesting how low my pulse still is at night. Let’s try now: 7x, avg. 128/79 53. OK, considering the insomnia. Not enough night dipping, but then I wasn’t sleeping. And the low pulse is apparently good too.
While ordering supps I saw pine bark is good for skin and BP, so oughtnt forget that if nec.
Insomnia: Yes, maybe the triggers I’ve identified, maybe also trashing wood late on Monday evening, Wednesday was work and playing “late”, maybe also having gotten up at 6 on Thursday to try to go to work…

Lessons in self-care

#27 No worrying, no bashing, blame it on the fibro

Reasons to be cheerful

#21 Starting to get sillily funny losing things.
Highlights week 27th to 3rd

Abbreviations & explanations

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before activities & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again, but I’m still sort of on meds, candesartan 16mg, instead of 8mg plus lercanidipine, cos I saw that c. has less side effects.
:new: “V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
:new: twist-stretching more for the loins

2021-07-11, Sunday

Sleep: 8h55, up 5x (2h) +37’ :left_right_arrow: Feeling 90% well, pain 1 of 7 :white_check_mark:

Sleep details

!exact times
2xMg & Passiflora 20:30, GABA 21:30, Glutamine 23:00, exercises?
21:50- dozing: Reminds me that the first stint yesterday was probably only 1h…
22:54 49’ 500mg! glutamine (that way I can find out if the glutamine is the problem or the solution or both (seizures?), since I just looked up that in April I was taking 2x330 glutamic acid pills. The big tub fell over a bit, powder all over my other supps :roll_eyes: - tomorrow.) FCS. fw 10’? More like 40’ or not?
2:21 7’ Ah, that’s more like it! p3. Gastritol (slight pressure in esophagus) 4 sips fw 1’
3:46 11’ Apotheke (L-Theanine). 2 sips (bit ‘hungry’). p1.
If nec FCS#2.
5:12 15’ not nec. Headache upon getting up. RR: 109 63 50… p1
6:45 39’ 6 p0 1’ (risky, bit late, but FCS wdve been worse)
-8:45 OK, not druggy or numb, despite the pretty high dose. No seizure-inclination. Best take a bit more GABA to keep them down whilst taking so much glutamine? Or wait if some come first?
Sum: 2h10+8h45-(49+7+11+15+39=)121’= 10h55-2h01=8h54, up 5x (2h01)
14:58-15:35 37’ dozing


(Feeling well in %, pain out of 7) :left_right_arrow: :white_check_mark:

Cycling: bike ride 17:00 2h with many breaks (45’) :left_right_arrow: 50%/6 :x:
(Neck, hands, back, backside, plus forehead-pain from the wind & Ache from wind & exertion…)
Resting for 2h after :left_right_arrow: 70%/3 still :x: (altho much improved… :white_check_mark:)


Acupressure 2h30 Tues & 2h Thurs: Good.

800mg Mg malate, 1000mg Mg glycinate, 3x290mg passiflora, 650mg GABA, +500mg L-glutamine:
Combination worked pretty well tonight, however only after adding the much higher amount of glutamine, also not as drowsy and eyes aching in the morning as I was before the insomniac stint. The glycinate is probably helping the GABA, but I think I need to increase GABA now.
Doing back exercises something in me changed somehow, I do feel this stuff.
14:00 put most of the glutamine powder that’d fallen over back into the tub (what doesn’t kill ya… :axe:) and licked my fingers, now I’m suddenly feverishly-tired, … hmm… :face_with_monocle: better nap. BTW it feels a bit like being in hypnosis if you can imagine that, a bit in trance - not drowsy, but not as if I shd be doing anything. And sweaty from the trying to stay awake too. Interesting, I cdnt really sleep, but it was good to try. When I lay down I had two memory-fuelled unpleasant thoughts that reminded me of the yucky dreams in April. I had taken an equal speck of GABA (10mg) to inhibit seizures, altho I don’t feel quite safe due to the trance feeling.
Research on amino acids:
Glutamine is in legumes, incl. peanuts. It may occasionally cause drowsiness or sleeplessness, even insomnia and can be taken safely up to 14g/day, none of this is the case for me, it’s the seizures I had last time (April) I’m wary of. What I can’t find is a dose suggestion for sensitive people for sleep. Trudy Scott? She says low blood sugar, which I don’t have signs of - apart from waking up at night. It can stop diarrhea, starting with 500mg, going up to 3x1000mg. She also speaks of a light-headed feeling and sometimes a niacin-like flush if people take too much, like 500mg, of GABA when starting out (which I’m not). I’m wondering if that’s what I was talking about (change while exercising and feverish-tired-feeling after a speck of glutamine), but GABA is the opposite of glutamine… :crazy_face: roll_eyes: This is confusing. Some people go up to 2g GABA and 1g of theanine. She suggests not sleeping well needs more GABA or theanine.
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) (better liposomal) as glutamate antagonist and to help sleep is mentioned on the last link (CFS/ME, with fibromites there too) suggest 1800 or 2400 mg, whilst more causes - again - diarrhea. The last person on that page also says “I elevated my glutamate / GABA levels with excess taurine” and very importantly “Once elevated Glutamate seems to be slow to rebalance” - got to watch that!
L-theanine is also good for sleep, but via lack of focus, anxiety, restlessness, stress - I had none of these, if at all restlessness, but more bodily than in my head. Doesn’t leave you groggy.
Glycine works like GABA, as inhibitory neurotransmitter, helps normalize sleep patterns like glutamine & theanine, to relax and calm. This is in the added new magnesium form, that fits.
The site also recommends tryptophan, which I’ve already ordered as capsules, praps better in smaller amounts than last time.
Conclusion: First I’ll try +50mg/day more GABA, with acid control esp. linseed oil at night. And keep magnesium 800mg malate & 1000mg glycinate & 900mg passionflower & 500mg glutamate the same. Once I’ve found the best GABA level to keep my sleep breaks down. Then add theanine.

Physio-type self-treatments: 28', fibro-work 4h05

:white_check_mark: Timing, cold shower (10’), palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, workout 7’, = 28’
:x: AuTr ‘, hunchback-pillow ‘, neck 1+ ‘, neck 2 1’, V ‘, twist-stretch ‘, yoga ‘, loins 1 1’, loins 2 1’, marionette-hang 1’, breath-hold 11’, shaking dance 1’, gums x30’’, thumbnails x30’’, RR 8x2’

Fibro-work: Night: 45’? 8:55: 1h20 11:30 2h? = 4h05


Lying: Tired enough that it didn’t matter much. But I’m not on my back much any more, it’s more comfy/cuddly for me. “Lower” arm backward, big pillows helping, didn’t use small pillows. In the nap I did have problems with my neck tho.
Sitting: Sat too long on a stool typing, ended up having to knee for ‘midday’ meal :roll_eyes:
GI: 8:45 not really IBSD despite 5g of acid. Slightly burning stomach, but no need to eat. Gastritol 3x tonight. Still want to do a little more. Haven’t been using psyllium, cd do that again. Haven’t ever used perenterol whilst I’ve had fibro re. cos of all the Mg & amino acids- why not? Quite look for stomach burn stuff: Psyllium can apparently help heartburn too. Bentonite (clay) and zeolite (mineral absorbent) don’t sound too good to me. Tried probiotics (e.g. Symbioflor) to no avail for months, several times. White cabbage salad. Linseed oil. OK, I’ll increase psyllium & linseed oil and add perenterol. (Info from Zentrum der Gesundheit.)
Bladder: p3 once, but mainly p1.
RR: 109 63 50… Ginseng declots & for energy (got enough tho) & immune system.

Lessons in self-care

#28 Cdve driven further/longer on the bike, but knew it was sensible to go back after "half an hour."

Reasons to be cheerful

#22 Ah, sleep again! :sleeping_bed:

Highlights week 27th to 3rd.

Abbreviations & explanations

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before activities & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again, but I’m still sort of on meds, candesartan 16mg, instead of 8mg plus lercanidipine, cos I saw that c. has less side effects.
:new: “V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
:new: twist-stretching more for the loins

Lowlights :crazy_face: more than highlights this week - July 4th to July 10th

  1. Big triggers almost every day, which smashed up my sleep completely Wed-Fri:
  2. Talking loudly thru mask to groups at work 1.5h was too long on Monday,
  3. also cracking wood-sticks too late (21:30).
  4. Acupressure backfired till the evening, sleep still OK tho (up 6x, 1h, stomach) Tuesday.
  5. Mask tough again, 1.5h again, altho only with single people Wednesday,
  6. also :new: playing table tennis 19:00-20:15 despite lateness & tiredness smashed up 2+ nights :interrobang:
  7. Thursday: Sick leave, tiredness, pain, even eyebrows, ‘trigeminal’, insomnia.
  8. Friday: Pain & insomnia, but TT still always easy. Seems biochemical, despite +Mg.
  9. Saturday: Even more insomnia, realized I’d lost my credit card on Wedn., but no stress, just :crazy_face:.
  10. Sleep: :new: relaxation exercises from CD quite good, as sleep substitute, like AuTr (& dozing :roll_eyes:).
  11. GABA & glutamine :pill: :new: Getting used to filling the empty capsules quickly.
  12. GABA 1000mg was OK for sleep (Sunday), but made me drowsy after. :face_with_monocle:
  13. Mg wasn’t wrong last week, so prob’ly don’t have to take that off again.
  14. :new: :sleeping_bed: Using 4 pillows and sleep positions (back & curling up backwards) is interesting and helpful.
  15. GI: Yeast paste in the evenings probably creates more wind than the supps.
  16. :new: Linseed oil (Ω3) increased for GI, plus ‘perenterol’ (& still psyllium, Gastritol & Gastricumeel) :white_check_mark:
  17. Bladder pain decreased by 3-4 pairs of socks again, so warmer feet, but only a bit.
  18. Acupressure still working OK for :sleeping_bed: lying, :chair: sitting and energy/precision (effortless TT :ping_pong:).
  19. RR: :drop_of_blood: Good. All sleep supps are decreasing it anyway, just the occasional insomnia increasing it.
  20. Sleep supps :new: were more important for fibro-work than ‘finishing’ the treatment list.
  21. Insomnia on 7th to 9th astounding :exploding_head: given the brilliant sleep 1st to 4rd.
  22. My fibro fog, focuses on big 'uns: 2x credit card, 2x mobile ((:train2:)) & 2x work key since May. :exploding_head:

2021-07-12, Monday

Sleep: 10h09, up :exclamation:11x (1h19) :left_right_arrow: Feeling 90% well, pain 1 of 7 :white_check_mark:

Sleep details: reduced dozing to the last 3h by combating as planned

!exact times
2xMg & 2xPassiflora & psyllium & Ω3 at meal 20:15, GABA 650 & Glutamine 500 21:20, exercises?
21:20- Slight pressure on esophagus OK. Sleep fast.
22:56 3’ p1 (different) drink6 (= 6 sips) fw1’, no GI, pains etc., sleepy enough, +Gastritol.
23:16 9’ taking too long to get back to sleep: +300 GABA + 2 specks, + FCS
0:33 3’ p0 th drink fw1’ 1x passiflora + 1 speck glutamine.
1:03 4’ fw1’ neuro-tingling from LBU to right foot. Ω3, Gastritol & drink. (p0)
1:47 7’ FCS#2 p0 teeth
2:10 3’ Perenterol. Gut pressure is making curling backwards painful, since bedtime. Heartburn since 1:00. Still pretty awake, so +150 GABA + 1 speck.
3:11 39’ Nothing bad, but not improving. 6.
5:08 3’ p1 drink fw1’
6:09 4’ p1 doze
6:57 3’ p1 doze
(7:59 1’) doze
-8:48 hunger pain, p1
Sum: 2h40+8h48-(3+9+3+4+7+3+39+3+4+3+1=)79’= 11h28-1h19=10h09, up 11x (1h19)

Activities: :left_right_arrow: 70%/3 :x:

(Feeling well in %, pain out of 7) :left_right_arrow: :white_check_mark:/:x:

My lost credit card had been found & handed in to a shop… No unusual transferrals. :relieved:
Live work 2h. Energy is there, like for cycling, but I’m unsteady on my feet. No clear head, but not much for me to actively do, just have to be there. Also kept a big distance and took my mask off in between, except when talking (also from a distance). Still the combination of strange sleep and mask isn’t easy. :left_right_arrow: 70%/3 :x:
Cycling (expected) 8+8+8+8+5+5=42’ :left_right_arrow: 70%/3 :x:
TT 4:2 easy (0:2 → 4:2) :left_right_arrow: 70%/3 :x:
Better after resting while improving my treatment list.


Acupressure 2h30 Tues & 2h Thurs:

2x400mg Mg malate, 2x500mg Mg glycinate, 3x290mg passiflora, :new: 1100mg GABA & 2 specks, +500mg L-glutamine: Well getting up 11x isn’t really successful, altho I feel better after 10h of sleep.

Ω3, psyllium, Gastritol, Gastricumeel, perenterol (S. boulardii): Loose stool due to?
As I thought: Whilst linseed oil is good for blood fats, blood clotting, antiinflammation, constipation, IBS, skin, hair, nails, cancer, ageing, prostata (& PMS), its side effects are loose stools, diarrhea, allergic reactions, bleeding. ‘Poisonous’ to heat. Dose: Up to 6 tablespoons daily, best with meals is safe according to researchers. Others: 1-2 tablespoons, max. 100g, . Well I didn’t exceed that, I think, but why shdnt I overreact once again… I can eat hardly anything with linseeds in it.
Before reducing the amount I cd try to just take it to meals, but that won’t then help me at night, which is what I tried…

Physio-type self-treatments: 45', fibro-work 3h?

:white_check_mark: Timing, hunchback-pillow 10’, cold shower 2x(10’), palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 6’, workout 5’, = 45’…
:x: AuTr ‘, neck 1+ ‘, neck 2 1’, V ‘, twist-stretch ‘, yoga ‘, loins 1 1’, loins 2 1’, marionette-hang 1’, breath-hold 11’, shaking dance 1’, gums x30’’, thumbnails x30’’, RR x2’

Fibro-work: Night: 5’, 15h “3h?” finished re-ordering the treatment list = 3h05?


Lying: New flexibility is OK.
Sitting: Not too good.
Talking: Mask problem again, despite only having it on for 20’+25’+20’ and only talking for 5-10’. Maybe combination of sleep & mask.
GI: 9:00 liquid stool, very probably from the linseed oil: only with meals.
Bladder: p0 when no need to go.

Lessons in self-care

#28 No foolin, I am managing to blame things on the fibro.

Reasons to be cheerful

#21 All my 6=7 losses were found, with not too much effort to get them back, esp. today. :slight_smile:
#22 Blame it on the fibro (#27) made me think of The Jacksons’ hit, my wife thought it was by Big Fun!

Highlights week 4th to 10th.

Abbreviations & explanations

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before activities & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again, but I’m still sort of on meds, candesartan 16mg, instead of 8mg plus lercanidipine, cos I saw that c. has less side effects.
:new: “V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
:new: twist-stretching more for the loins

2021-07-13, Tuesday

Sleep: 9h13, up 6x (1h42) :left_right_arrow: Feeling 90% well, pain 1 of 7 :white_check_mark:

Sleep details: Better at last, and energy etc.

!exact times
2x2 Mg & 2x Passiflora & Gastritol & psyllium & Ω3 & perenterol at meal 20:00, 650mg GABA & 500mg Glutamine, 1x Passiflora 21:00, exercises?
Then 350mg capsule or 20mg GABA sublingually every time I wake up, plus 23:00 FCS#1, 1:00 FCS#2, ?Perenterol, 4:00 6.
p0 21:55- dozing
22:40 15’ (fw 10’) FCS#1 100mg sublingually.
1:23 20’ p0 (fw 15’( FCS#2 Gastricumeel
4:38! 12’ p0 (dreaming of living in shared apartments, having to trash furniture) drink fw1’
4:58 21’ 6 teeth throat → Marigold
7:08 4’ drink p0
7:19 30’ creative flash piano
Sum: 2h05+8h50-(15+20+12+21+4+30=)1h42= 10h55-1h42= 9h13, up 6x (1h42)


(Feeling well in %, pain out of 7) :left_right_arrow: :white_check_mark:

Music production 3h :left_right_arrow: 80%/1 :white_check_mark:
Cycling ? 12+12+8+8+8+8=56’, Commuting incl. delay 45’. 70%/1. :zzz:
Live work 1h (hardly talking) :left_right_arrow: 70%/1 :zzz:
TT 5:0 effortless :left_right_arrow: 70%/1 :zzz:


Acupressure 2h30 Tues & 2h Thurs: Good overall, but right loin is still the same. Energy after it first, then down a bit.

2x400mg Mg malate, 2x500mg Mg glycinate, 3x290mg passiflora, 800mg GABA, +500mg L-glutamine: Worked better now, bit sleepy-druggy all day: supps or sleep deprivation?

Physio-type self-treatments: 61', fibro-work 50'

:white_check_mark: AuTr 10’, Timing, hunchback-pillow 20’, cold shower 2x(10’), palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, = 61’…
:x: workout 7’, neck 1+ ‘, neck 2 1’, V ‘, twist-stretch ‘, yoga ‘, loins 1 1’, loins 2 1’, marionette-hang 1’, breath-hold 11’, shaking dance 1’, gums x30’’, thumbnails x30’’, RR x2’

Fibro-work: Night: 30’ 50’? = 1h20

Symptoms - all OK all day.

Lying: / Sitting: / Talking: GI: / Bladder: /

Lessons in self-care

#29 Kept work and talking there down.

Reasons to cheerful


Highlights week 4th to 10th.

Abbreviations & explanations

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before activities & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again, but I’m still sort of on meds, candesartan 16mg, instead of 8mg plus lercanidipine, cos I saw that c. has less side effects.
:new: “V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
:new: twist-stretching more for the loins