JayCS’s Fibro Blog

2021-12-14, Tuesday - 2 weeks after the jab & apparently recovering…

(v4: 14:40 yup, 1h slow yardwork (sawing!) with lots of breaks seems OK-ish, felt good to do something for my body for a change and not needing as much stamina as TT… Development: The jab-fx were sort of a massive flu-like fibro flare plus nausea.
(v3: 12:25 yoga nidra after music production helped. Let’s see if I can do some yardwork.)
(v2: 9:50 woke up after long sleep heated up, instead of cold; not as well as I was, let’s see)
(v1: “100%” back to normal in the evening! :crazy_face: (since Monday 15:00) - spontaneous remission?! (Prayer? :pray: Cortisol? Who knows… :mage: ))

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 9h, up 4x (40') ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 1 of 7 ✅, but heated up & 36,65°C...

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
cold shower p0 Sleep 22:30-
00:23 5’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’
01:55 10’ 90%/1-2 p1 st1 drink fw5’ (woke up warily…, but OK)
03:16 20’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’ 6
05:40 5’ 85%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’ slight stomach ache → drink, stuffy nose → air
-08:09 all heated up, p0, st1
Sum: 1h30+8:10-(5+10+20+5=)40’ = 9h, up 4x (40’)

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% - well 20% - of pre-fibro)ACHE: Evening still ➔ 90%/1 :white_check_mark: (that’s back to 90% of 40%), but why. And why ache in my hands, like after the jab? I don’t think I overdid the hand exercisers today, did less than usual. 10:00 Music production lesson strenuous, “hurt”, but I don’t need to move, just have to learn to relax all the time. Praps I should have a yoga nidra relaxation exercise running in the background or immediately after. Or why not BEFORE!? 55’ yardwork (wdve taken 15’ pre-fibro, but hey): Sawing wasn’t as tough as the weight of the chainsaw, but all in all successful, considering. That was good for lungs and whole body.
(e.g. cycle :biking_man:, TT = :ping_pong:, meetings/social :speaking_head:, mask :mask:, kids :child:, work ➔ ?90%/1 ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:)
ACTIONSPAINS: :white_check_mark:, Slightly sore neck muscles from the neck exercises. That’s good, not bad. :white_check_mark:. Pain in right hand from sawing was OK again after 1h. :white_check_mark:
(e.g. lie, stand, loins, sit, arms up, neck, stiff, walk, cycle, 0xp1-2, GI, talk, mask.) ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:


THERAPIES: Cancelled today’s acupressure due to I think getting a bug from her and it just seeming too much.
Supps to CHANGE: Wash capsule machine. Ordered D3+K2-MK7 etc.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 70' ✅. Cold shower possible with no problem again. Woke up heated up, which means the cold tolerance has got better, but not nec. good..

:white_check_mark: twist-stretch 10’, Timing, cold shower (10’), plantar/calf stretch 3’, AuTr 8’, hunchback-pillow 10’, palpate 1’, belly 1’, back 4’, neck 1+ 4’, foot on knee/cross-legged 5’, teeth 2x2’, hand-exerciser 3’, neck 2 2’, yoga/stretching 3’,
:x: loins 2’, jolt-jump 1’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, HWB 3’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,

23-24 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: Nd 0, Arg, B3, Ri: 0 today. Pe & Ps 0? (23 REGULAR: B2 1x.1g, B12 5mg/2m, C 2x.5g, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3x2, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10 2x1g/d, Qc 2x.5g/d, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 3x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

Abbreviations resolved under blog references
What-when-details: Updated Dec 3rd (before: see the reference post)
/20:00 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1 Cr#1 mal#1+2 P5P/2Rho/0Se PQQ Ω3 = “PfCr Ml P5Ro Pq.Ω3”
/21:40 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/00:25 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&.3glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
/21:05 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1+2 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.

0 (0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth))
/08:30 B3 “07:00” (30’) Q10#1 quercetin#1 resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “Q1QcRsSa” + ?NAC#
0 B4 “Up”: 2xNADH#?
/09:20 MEAL! C1/2 “+30’=Meal” Cr#2 .6GAB#3,the2,gink#1, NAC#2,Zn=B2,C,Cr.GaThe Gi n’AC/Z
/09:40 C3 “08:00” .1gB2,.5gC#1, NAC#3+ “B2CNc”. Nut > grain-Meal:
/12:25 11:40 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#3+4 Nd#? SRP#3+4 — MlNdSr (1st meal till: ?)
(13:55) D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
D2/3 “15:00” .5gC#2,Cr#3,.3GA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#5+6,NAC#5, “C.Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Qc#2.Q10#2.Rs#2,Sr#5+6. “Nd&Q1QcRsSr2” >19:15
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Complete & C changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, (0 Nia+) C:C2,D3 Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (0Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1,C1,C3,D3, Q1QcRs: B3+D4 Sr2x: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(0Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:0mu), B3:Sa (B4: 5NADH) C2: B2+Th+Zn. (D1:Pe)

Jab-sfx: 08:15 heated up, slightly feverish, increased temperature 36,65°C. Everything a bit of a strain but a bit of slow work in fresh air was good.
My wife heard someone say the jab gave her a massive rheumatism flare and is using this expression now. (She likes explaining to others that fibromyalgia is sort of ‘tissue rheumatism’ anyway, even if it’s not correct, so that they understand.)
So/but: Maybe a big fibro flare coupled with the flu, without too much runny nose, but as opposed to fibro including temperature, and maybe the biggest flare of fibro alone I’ve ever had. Easier than “25 symptoms”. I was too wrapped up in symptom tracking to (want to try to) see the big picture… Interesting that there were bouts of feeling well too, sort of “anti-flares”.

Research-search today:

Lessons in self-care #152 My wife was flabbergasted about me sawing, but it felt really good.
Reasons to be cheerful #165 Spontaneous remission of the jab effects after 13 days?! :upside_down_face: