JayCS’s Fibro Blog

My daily symptom & trigger hunt, preventing & alleviating, can be generalized.

2021-11-30, Tuesday - Pfizer#1… still fairly OK, but taking it very slow…

(Whoops, I’d skipped a day, sry…)
(v2: 14:00 running nose and sneezing: not from the 40’ cold this morning as I was doing stretching exercises all the time, not standing still. As I said quite a few months ago “I don’t care” what people think. [Actually the guy behind me started doing the same.] 16:40 all better, just tired)
(v1: jab sfx: 8:55 1st Pfizer jab, 9:30 bit itchy (backside: from the cold; arm from jab), 10:00 tip of tongue feels burnt, but itchiness 0, head, slight nausea, so not moving too much (but gotta keep circulation up), 10:20 burning a bit? 10:40 36,5°C - for me that’s temperature already, I usually have 35,5°C, dull, spinning head. But all very slight…)

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 7h54, up 4x (16') + 10'= 8h04 ➔ Feeling 90% well, Ache 0 of 7 ✅ Heating on decreased sleep breaks & pee frequency a little

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
FCS p0 Sleep 22:10-
23:43 6’ 90%/1 p2 st1 drink fw1’
02:15 4’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’
03:41 3’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’
04:49 3’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’
-06:20 90%/1 p0 st1
Sum: 1h50+6h20-(6+4+3+3=)16’= 8h10-16= 7h54, up 4x (16’) + 10’= 8h04

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% of pre-fibro) ➔ ACHE: up & away ➔ 90%/0, jab sfx slight, but no ache or energy problems, so not taking NADH.

Ache = also Exhaustion/Tired :white_check_mark: :x: :face_with_monocle: ➔ ?90%/1
Cycle➔ exhaustion, also as action➔pains;
TT = Table-Tennis➔ easy or effortless or strained or tough?
talk/meetings, Grandchild, Work/Mask-talking, Socializing/Talking.

ACTIONS ➔ PAINS: ✅, neck no problem at night after neck exercises yesterday ✅. - Just gotta keep them up, apparently.

:white_check_mark: :x: :face_with_monocle:
Lying, standing, loins, sitting, arms up, neck stiffness 90°, stiffness after poses, walking, fast cycling, bladder 0xp1-2, GI, talking, mask-talking.
Lie ➔ LBU = lower back unrest, hunchback, Neck, thighs, elbows, itch, cold/hot, nose stuffy, plantar fasciitis after
Stand ➔ Legs, back
Knees up ➔ right loin
Arms up ➔ pain
Sit ➔ Backside, lower back
Pose ➔ stiffness (after holding a posture): Time 0-60’’, pain amount if faster.
Walk ➔ Elbows, feet, right knee, plantar fasciitis after
Cycle ➔ Feet, knees, backside, elbows, hands, neck
Drink ➔ Pee frequency, pain before peeing (p0-6).
Eat ➔ Esophagus block, stomach, gut, rectum, stool (IBSD?). GI for short
Talk➔Jaw (& Ache)
Mask-talk ➔ not sure how to describe it, just plain yucky.


25 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): 4 NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: Arg, B3, Nd & Ri all: 0 again today. Praps consider Pe & Ps again? (21 REGULAR: Ar 3x2g, B12 5mg/2m, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10:1, Qc1, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 3x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

(Template: B3: 3x↘0.125g, Nd 1x5mg, Ri 0.g)
Abbreviations resolved under “supps to KEEP”.
/19:45 A1,2+0Ar “19:00” PF#1 0Ar#10B3#1Cr#1 0gly/mal#1 P5P/2Rho/0Se Ω3 = “PfArB3Cr Ml P5Ro, Pqq&Ω3/meal”
/21:35 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA#1&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/23:45 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
/02:15 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1+2 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth)
/06:44 B3 “05:00” (30’) quercetin resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “QcRsSa” + 0NAC#
0 B4 “Up” 2xNADH#?
/07:15 C1,2+0Ar “+30’=Meal” 0Ar#2,0B3#2Cr#2 6gGAB#3,the2,gink#1,gly#2,.5g NAC#2,Zn=ArB3Cr.GaThe GiGly n’AC/Z.
/07:25 C3 “08:00” gly#3 .5gNAC#3+ “GyNc”. Nut > grain-Meal:
/11:25 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#2 Nd#? :SRP#3+4 — MlNdSr x.2g Rib jaw. (1st meal till: ?)
0 D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
/15:25 D2,3,0Ar “15:00” 0Ar#3,0B3#3,Cr#3,3gGA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#3.NAC#5, “ArB3Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
/18:00 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Q10.Rs#2,Sr#5+6. jaw “Nd&Q1RsSr2” jaw Meal: >19:15
“18:00” Prepare tomorrow: 1) Complete & copy changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” here 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B-12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

Amounts: Ar 3g(2/2) B3: (3)x50->500mg/2w, Cr 4x1g, glyc/mal 2x3 Nc: 2.4g, Nd 2-7x5mg? Ri 0.5g+
Not with meals, Nd Sa Rs Sr Mu Q1:oil/Nd(Se).
Jaw locally too: tea tree oil/calendula/myrrh, arnica, heat

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, Nia+Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1(/3),C1,C3,D3, Rs: B3,D4 Sr: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:mu), B3:QcSa, B4: 2xNADH+ C2:Th,Zn, (D1: Pe.) D4:Q1.

Supps to CHANGE:

  • :face_with_monocle: Stomach burn 0, despite not eating much in case I need to vomit. Don’t tho.
  • :face_with_monocle: NADH not today, still energy, despite jab-sfx, praps tomorrow…
  • :face_with_monocle: Order 20.000IE D3 with K2-MK7 (ApoOrtha)
Supps in the RUNNING (click for details here & in chart above): Ar = L-Arginine, B3 = niacin, vitamin B3, B12 = vitamin B12, Cr = L-Carnitine, D3 = vitamin D3, Ga = !GABA, Gi = ginkgo, Gu or Glu = !glutamine, Gy or Gly = magnesium glycinate, Ma or Ml or Mal = magnesium malate, Mu = mumijo, Nc = !NAC, Nd = !NADH, Ω3 = omega 3, P5 = P5P (form of vitamin B6), Pe = Pectin, Pf or PF !Passiflora, Ps = Psyllium, Pq = PQQ = Pyrroloquinoline quinone, Q10 or Q1 = CoQ10, Qc = Quercetin, Rs = Resveratrol, Ro = Rhodiola, Ri = Ribose, Sa = SAM-e/SAMe, Se = Selenium, Sr = serrapeptase, Th or The = theanine, Z or Zn or Zi = zinc.

SLEEP: !GABA (+glutamine / P5P), !Passiflora, NAC! & Rhodiola, Q10, Quercetin, SRP, not Mg gly
:face_with_monocle: theanine: relaxation & alertness, so helped effective & shorter sleep - better not at the moment.
WAKE/FOG: GABA/theanine, magnesium glycinate & malate (<7x!), NAC, NADH, ALC, ginkgo
:white_check_mark:/:face_with_monocle: ALC. Studies: for fog, not fatigue. Not together with LC/carnitine.
ACHE: !GABA, NAC, !NADH, magnesium malate, mumijo, omega 3, Q10, SAM-e, SRP
ENERGY/FATIGUE: !Ribose :white_check_mark: (GI-sfx: 3x0.2g), !NADH :white_check_mark::white_check_mark:, NAC (5x.5g), L-carnitine, CoQ10, ginkgo
:white_check_mark::white_check_mark: NADH/NAD+: B3-coenzyme for ATP & post exertional malaise: 2.5mg (5x0.5g). No meals/acids.
:white_check_mark:/:face_with_monocle: L-Carnitine (LC) better than ALC for physical fatigue, cf. PLC.
:face_with_monocle: CoQ10: fatigue, sleep, bp, lipids, flow, gums, 3-6m, ubiquinol more bio-available vs. ubiquinone more research.
:face_with_monocle: INFLAMMATION: mumijo, NAC, Rhodiola, SAMe, SRP, Zn; Q10 & local treatments for jaw.
:white_check_mark: gums/jaw locally/regularly: tea tree oil, calendula, arnica, myrrh, red heat lamp, teeth.
:face_with_monocle: Zinc bisblycinate with breakfast (picolinate before). GP: Not too much.
STIFFNESS: !GABA NADH! (since Nov 14th). Glutamine doesn’t help me.
NOSTRILS STUFFY at night: Q10? :white_check_mark: Better since taking it… :white_check_mark: tea tree oil, “Breathe well” oils: acid).
EVERYTHING: :white_check_mark:/:x:/:face_with_monocle: B12? Schüssler 2, 4 & 7 (3-6m.?) :white_check_mark: Vitamin B12: injections again.
ACID: !almonds
:face_with_monocle: Mumijo wasn’t working for GI first: But heartburn/hungriness OK as of Nov 1st.
:face_with_monocle: Bentonite?: (= 95% Montmorillonite; zeolithe? IBSD & -C; not together with other supps… (ZdG))
RAYNAUD’S: Menthol, arginine: sfx mainly skin, praps gut, overdose: fog. Blood flow & bp.
BLOOD FATS “research-search today” on Nov 1st.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 87'... ✅.

:white_check_mark: eve: twist-stretch 5’, Timing, AuTr 2’, hunchback-pillow 15’, cold shower (10’), palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 6’, neck 1+ 4’, loins 8’, teeth 1x2’, neck 2 2’, marionette-hang 3’, shaking dance 1’, yoga/stretching 15’, plantar/calf stretch 10’, foot on knee/cross-legged 10’.
:x: jolt-jump 1’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, mirror 2’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, HWB 3’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,

THERAPIES: Cancelled acupressure for today.

Acupressure / Therapy, Doc/Diagnoses ? :white_check_mark: :x: :face_with_monocle: Acupressure 2h Tues & 2h Fri:


Lessons in self-care #139 Keep everything down (literally… :smirk_cat:)
Reasons to be cheerful #148 Got it.

Abbreviations & explanations

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before triggers/symptoms & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SUPPS: supplements (as opposed to herbs & meds). Fx: Effects. Sfx: Side effects.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
FAT Flash/fast autogenic training: immediate image of dreamy floating in space or liquid from jaw to legs.
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again enough so I’ve not only stopped lercanidipine, but also candesartan and am checking RR regularly.
:new: “V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
:new: twist-stretching more for the loins
:white_check_mark: :x: :face_with_monocle: ➔ ⇄ ⇨➜ ➞ :arrow_right: ➲ ↔:⇰↔ →:arrow_upper_right: :arrow_lower_right:

↯ ↛ ↺ ↮ ⇝ ⇾ ⟹ ⭆ ⤮:

My daily symptom & trigger hunt, preventing & alleviating, can be generalized.

2021-12-01, Wednesday - 3 focal seizures from the jab… :roll_eyes:

(v3: 16:25 still often nauseous when I move a bit more: nux vomica? 18:04 2nd focal seizure, definitely the jab. 19:48 #3. Burnt tongue tip again.)
(v2: 13:35 head spinning I had yesterday has now materialized into a focal seizure, I think I’ll reverse the jab quick… :roll_eyes: :zombie: :exploding_head: :astonished: :joy_cat:. Headache/nausea better since fresh air. Questioning whether it was right to follow advice to get the jab now, while trying to save my tooth, i.e. get the jaw inflammation down before Dec 9th - my immune system is now fighting on 2 fronts… Got to get pro-active about the jab-sfx soon.)
(v1: 08:55 good, except frontal headache / cold/flu feeling & thus nausea, so usual jab-sfx)

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 7h50, up 5x (2h33) ➔ Feeling 90% well, Ache 0 of 7 ✅, except jab-sfx: flu-type headache with nausea

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
0FCS p0 Sleep 22:00-
23:01 2h21 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1h35 Jab-sfx and not having cold showered, so now: FCS, hope that’ll focus me again. Nope. -01:22
02:46 3’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1
04:10 3’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1
05:37 3’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1
07:45 3’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1
-8:23 90%/1 except frontal headache / cold/flu feeling and nausea
Sum: 2h+8h23-(2h21+3+3+3+3=)2h33= 10h23-2h33 = 7h50, up 5x (2h33)

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% of pre-fibro) ➔ ACHE: Actually great all day except the jab-sfx, I feel as if I might be able to work tomorrow, my wife disagrees; I wdn't be missed ➔ 90%/1.

Ache = also Exhaustion/Tired :white_check_mark: :x: :face_with_monocle: ➔ ?90%/1
Cycle➔ exhaustion, also as action➔pains;
TT = Table-Tennis➔ easy or effortless or strained or tough?
talk/meetings, Grandchild, Work/Mask-talking, Socializing/Talking.

ACTIONS ➔ PAINS: ✅, except pee frequency fairly high. Not enough drive to do much tho, more like holding still quite a bit to not get nauseous etc.

:white_check_mark: :x: :face_with_monocle:
Lying, standing, loins, sitting, arms up, neck stiffness 90°, stiffness after poses, walking, fast cycling, bladder 0xp1-2, GI, talking, mask-talking.
Lie ➔ LBU = lower back unrest, hunchback, Neck, thighs, elbows, itch, cold/hot, nose stuffy, plantar fasciitis after
Stand ➔ Legs, back
Knees up ➔ right loin
Arms up ➔ pain
Sit ➔ Backside, lower back
Pose ➔ stiffness (after holding a posture): Time 0-60’’, pain amount if faster.
Walk ➔ Elbows, feet, right knee, plantar fasciitis after
Cycle ➔ Feet, knees, backside, elbows, hands, neck
Drink ➔ Pee frequency, pain before peeing (p0-6).
Eat ➔ Esophagus block, stomach, gut, rectum, stool (IBSD?). GI for short
Talk➔Jaw (& Ache)
Mask-talk ➔ not sure how to describe it, just plain yucky.


25 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): +3x=6x malate for the jab-sfx. Shd increase GABA next now the seizures are coming on. 4 NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: 1 Nd 13:35; Arg, B3, & Ri all: 0 today. Praps consider Pe & Ps again? And Arg in capsules? (21 REGULAR: Ar 3x2g, B12 5mg/2m, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10:1, Qc1, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 3x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

(Template: B3: 3x↘0.125g, Nd 1x5mg, Ri 0.g)
Abbreviations resolved under “supps to KEEP”.
/19:30 A1,2+0Ar “19:00” PF#1 0Ar#10B3#1Cr#1 0gly/mal#1 P5P/2Rho/0Se Ω3 = “PfArB3Cr Ml P5Ro, Pqq&Ω3/meal”, plus mal#2
/22:00 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA#1&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/00:45 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu” plus malate #3.
/01:15 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1+2 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth)
/05:40 B3 “05:00” (30’) quercetin resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “QcRsSa” + 0NAC#
0 B4 “Up” 2xNADH#?
/10:00? C1,2+0Ar “+30’=Meal” 0Ar#2,0B3#2Cr#2 6gGAB#3,the2,gink#1,gly#2,.5g NAC#2,Zn=ArB3Cr.GaThe GiGly n’AC/Z.
/10:00? C3 “08:00” gly#3 .5gNAC#3+ “GyNc”. Nut > grain-Meal: plus malate #4
/!!13:35 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#3+4 Nd#1! :SRP#3+4 — MlNdSr x.2g Rib jaw. (1st meal till: ?)
D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
/16:40 D2,3,0Ar “15:00” 0Ar#3,0B3#3,Cr#3,3gGA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#3.NAC#5, “ArB3Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
→ 18:40 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Q10.Rs#2,Sr#5+6. jaw “Nd&Q1RsSr2” jaw Meal: >19:15
“18:00” Prepare tomorrow: 1) Complete & copy changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” here 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B-12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

Amounts: Ar 3g(2/2) B3: (3)x50->500mg/2w, Cr 4x1g, glyc/mal 2x3 Nc: 2.4g, Nd 2-7x5mg? Ri 0.5g+
Not with meals, Nd Sa Rs Sr Mu Q1:oil/Nd(Se).
Jaw locally too: tea tree oil/calendula/myrrh, arnica, heat

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, Nia+Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1(/3),C1,C3,D3, Rs: B3,D4 Sr: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:mu), B3:QcSa, B4:2xNADH+C2:Th,Zn,(D1: Pe)D4:Q1.

Supps to CHANGE:

  • :face_with_monocle: Stomach burn 0, despite eating less.
  • :face_with_monocle: NADH 1 seemed supportive not detrimental.
  • :face_with_monocle: Order 20.000IE D3 with K2-MK7 (ApoOrtha)
Supps in the RUNNING (click for details here & in chart above): Ar = L-Arginine, B3 = niacin, vitamin B3, B12 = vitamin B12, Cr = L-Carnitine, D3 = vitamin D3, Ga = !GABA, Gi = ginkgo, Gu or Glu = !glutamine, Gy or Gly = magnesium glycinate, Ma or Ml or Mal = magnesium malate, Mu = mumijo, Nc = !NAC, Nd = !NADH, Ω3 = omega 3, P5 = P5P (form of vitamin B6), Pe = Pectin, Pf or PF !Passiflora, Ps = Psyllium, Pq = PQQ = Pyrroloquinoline quinone, Q10 or Q1 = CoQ10, Qc = Quercetin, Rs = Resveratrol, Ro = Rhodiola, Ri = Ribose, Sa = SAM-e/SAMe, Se = Selenium, Sr = serrapeptase, Th or The = theanine, Z or Zn or Zi = zinc.

SLEEP: !GABA (+glutamine / P5P), !Passiflora, NAC! & Rhodiola, Q10, Quercetin, SRP, not Mg gly
:face_with_monocle: theanine: relaxation & alertness, so helped effective & shorter sleep - better not at the moment.
WAKE/FOG: GABA/theanine, magnesium glycinate & malate (<7x!), NAC, NADH, ALC, ginkgo
:white_check_mark:/:face_with_monocle: ALC. Studies: for fog, not fatigue. Not together with LC/carnitine.
ACHE: !GABA, NAC, !NADH, magnesium malate, mumijo, omega 3, Q10, SAM-e, SRP
ENERGY/FATIGUE: !Ribose :white_check_mark: (GI-sfx: 3x0.2g), !NADH :white_check_mark::white_check_mark:, NAC (5x.5g), L-carnitine, CoQ10, ginkgo
:white_check_mark::white_check_mark: NADH/NAD+: B3-coenzyme for ATP & post exertional malaise: 2.5mg (5x0.5g). No meals/acids.
:white_check_mark:/:face_with_monocle: L-Carnitine (LC) better than ALC for physical fatigue, cf. PLC.
:face_with_monocle: CoQ10: fatigue, sleep, bp, lipids, flow, gums, 3-6m, ubiquinol more bio-available vs. ubiquinone more research.
:face_with_monocle: INFLAMMATION: mumijo, NAC, Rhodiola, SAMe, SRP, Zn; Q10 & local treatments for jaw.
:white_check_mark: gums/jaw locally/regularly: tea tree oil, calendula, arnica, myrrh, red heat lamp, teeth.
:face_with_monocle: Zinc bisblycinate with breakfast (picolinate before). GP: Not too much.
STIFFNESS: !GABA NADH! (since Nov 14th). Glutamine doesn’t help me.
NOSTRILS STUFFY at night: Q10? :white_check_mark: Better since taking it… :white_check_mark: tea tree oil, “Breathe well” oils: acid).
EVERYTHING: :white_check_mark:/:x:/:face_with_monocle: B12? Schüssler 2, 4 & 7 (3-6m.?) :white_check_mark: Vitamin B12: injections again.
ACID: !almonds
:face_with_monocle: Mumijo wasn’t working for GI first: But heartburn/hungriness OK as of Nov 1st.
:face_with_monocle: Bentonite?: (= 95% Montmorillonite; zeolithe? IBSD & -C; not together with other supps… (ZdG))
RAYNAUD’S: Menthol, arginine: sfx mainly skin, praps gut, overdose: fog. Blood flow & bp.
BLOOD FATS “research-search today” on Nov 1st.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 69' ✅.

:white_check_mark: twist-stretch 5’, Timing, AuTr 10’, hunchback-pillow 10’, cold shower (10’), palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, foot on knee/cross-legged 20’, HWB 3’,
:x: neck 1+ 4’, loins 2’, teeth 3x2’, jolt-jump 1’, neck 2 3’, plantar/calf stretch 5’, yoga/stretching 5’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,

THERAPIES: Not missing acupressure yet.

Acupressure / Therapy, Doc/Diagnoses ? :white_check_mark: :x: :face_with_monocle: Acupressure 2h Tues & 2h Fri:


Research-search today: Just bits’n’bobs to answer questions.

Lessons in self-care #140 Slooow.
Reasons to be cheerful #149 Relief not to have to go to work… :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

Abbreviations & explanations

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before triggers/symptoms & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SUPPS: supplements (as opposed to herbs & meds). Fx: Effects. Sfx: Side effects.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
FAT Flash/fast autogenic training: immediate image of dreamy floating in space or liquid from jaw to legs.
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again enough so I’ve not only stopped lercanidipine, but also candesartan and am checking RR regularly.
:new: “V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
:new: twist-stretching more for the loins
:white_check_mark: :x: :face_with_monocle: ➔ ⇄ ⇨➜ ➞ :arrow_right: ➲ ↔:⇰↔ →:arrow_upper_right: :arrow_lower_right:

↯ ↛ ↺ ↮ ⇝ ⇾ ⟹ ⭆ ⤮:

My daily symptom & trigger hunt, preventing & alleviating, can be generalized.
Re-arranged: I’ve put most references in a separate post, linked at the bottom.

2021-12-02, Thursday - brill night, day OK-ish, but activity limited to 1.5h

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 9h07, up 5x (24') ➔ Feeling 90% well, Ache 0 of 7 ✅

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
FCS p0 Sleep 22:05-
23:20 6’ 90%/1 2xp1 st1 drink fw1’
00:35 4’ 90%/1 2xp1 st1 drink fw1’
02:10 4’ 90%/1 p1 st1 drink fw1’
03:40 6’ 90%/1 p2 st1 drink fw1’ sore throat → umcka & calendula
06:20 4’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’
-7:36 90%/1 p0 st1
Sum: 1h55+7h36-(6+4+4+6+4=)24’= 9h31-24’ = 9h07, up 5x (24’)

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% of pre-fibro)ACHE:
No chance to go to work, my wife threatens I’ll get in trouble with her if I slip out to work tomorrow morning… :wink: ➔ seemingly 90%/1, but 1.5h to get a CoV-test done, then 2 shops to get a light-bulb is more than enough activity for today. No ache tho, just defo the limit.
(e.g. cycle :biking_man:, TT = :ping_pong:, meetings/social :speaking_head:, mask :mask:, kids :child:, work ➔ ?90%/1 ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:)
ACTIONSPAINS: All good: :white_check_mark:, except 3x p1-2.
(e.g. lie, stand, loins, sit, arms up, neck, stiff, walk, cycle, ?x p1-2, GI, talk, mask.) ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:


SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 91' ✅.

:white_check_mark: twist-stretch 5’, Timing, AuTr 2’, hunchback-pillow 15’, cold shower (10’), palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, neck 1+ 3’, loins 1’, foot on knee/cross-legged 30’, teeth 1x2’, neck 2 2’, plantar/calf stretch 5’, yoga/stretching 5’,
:x: jolt-jump 1’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, HWB 3’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,

25 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): 6x malate. 0.3g glut less. 4 NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: Arg, B3, Nd & Ri all: 0 today. Praps consider Pe & Ps again? (21 REGULAR: Ar 3x2g, B12 5mg/2m, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10:1, Qc1, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 3x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

Abbreviations resolved under blog references
/20:30&21:25 A1,2+0Ar “19:00” PF#1 0Ar#10B3#1Cr#1 0gly/mal#1 P5P/2Rho/0Se Ω3 = “PfArB3Cr Ml P5Ro, Pqq&Ω3/meal”
/22:05 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA#1&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/23:25 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
/02:10 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1+2 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth)
/06:25 B3 “05:00” (30’) quercetin resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “QcRsSa” + 0NAC#
0 B4 “Up” 2xNADH#?
/08:50 C1,2+0Ar “+30’=Meal” 0Ar#2,0B3#2Cr#2 6gGAB#3,the2,gink#1,gly#2,.5g NAC#2,Zn=ArB3Cr.GaThe GiGly n’AC/Z.
/09:30 C3 “08:00” gly#3 .5gNAC#3+ “GyNc”. Nut > grain-Meal:
/11:50 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#2 Nd#? :SRP#3+4 — MlNdSr x.2g Rib jaw. (1st meal till: ?)
D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
/15:25 D2,3,0Ar “15:00” 0Ar#3,0B3#3,Cr#3,3gGA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#3.NAC#5, “ArB3Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
/18:30 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Q10.Rs#2,Sr#5+6. jaw “Nd&Q1RsSr2” jaw Meal: >19:15
“18:00” Prepare tomorrow: 1) Complete & copy changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” here 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B-12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, Nia+Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1(/3),C1,C3,D3, Rs: B3,D4 Sr: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:mu), B3:QcSa, B4:2xNADH+C2:Th,Zn,(D1: Pe)D4:Q1.

Lessons in self-care #141 Sorted some stuff today.
Reasons to be cheerful #150 Well if that was the end of the jab-sfx I was lucky!

References Nov/Dec, outsourcing to make handling the daily entry easier for me:

For your interest (to look things up, if necessary)

My supp chart as of Dec 2nd

SUPP OVERVIEW (click for quick details here & see in chart above): Ar = L-Arginine, B3 = niacin = vitamin B3, B12 = vitamin B12, Cr = L-Carnitine, D3 = vitamin D3, Ga = !GABA, Gi = ginkgo, Gu or Glu = !glutamine, Gy or Gly = magnesium glycinate, Ma or Ml or Mal = magnesium malate, Mu = mumijo, Nc = !NAC, Nd = !NADH, Ω3 = omega 3, P5 = P5P (form of vitamin B6), Pe = Pectin, Pf or PF !Passiflora, Ps = Psyllium, Pq = PQQ = Pyrroloquinoline quinone, Q10 or Q1 = CoQ10, Qc = Quercetin, Rs = Resveratrol, Ro = Rhodiola, Ri = Ribose, Sa = SAM-e/SAMe, Se = Selenium, Sr = serrapeptase, Th or The = theanine, Z or Zn or Zi = zinc.

SLEEP: !GABA (+glutamine / P5P), !Passiflora, NAC! & Rhodiola, Q10, Quercetin, SRP, not Mg gly
:face_with_monocle: theanine: relaxation & alertness, so helped effective & shorter sleep - better not at the moment.
WAKE/FOG: GABA/theanine, magnesium glycinate & malate (<7x!), NAC, NADH, ALC, ginkgo
:white_check_mark:/:face_with_monocle: ALC. Studies: for fog, not fatigue. Not together with LC/carnitine.
ACHE: !GABA, NAC, !NADH, magnesium malate, mumijo, omega 3, Q10, SAM-e, SRP
ENERGY/FATIGUE: !Ribose :white_check_mark: (GI-sfx: 3x0.2g), !NADH :white_check_mark::white_check_mark:, NAC (5x.5g), L-carnitine, CoQ10, ginkgo
:white_check_mark::white_check_mark: NADH/NAD+: B3-coenzyme for ATP & post exertional malaise: 2.5mg (5x0.5g). No meals/acids.
:white_check_mark:/:face_with_monocle: L-Carnitine (LC) better than ALC for physical fatigue, cf. PLC.
:face_with_monocle: CoQ10: fatigue, sleep, bp, lipids, flow, gums, 3-6m, ubiquinol more bio-available vs. ubiquinone more research.
:face_with_monocle: INFLAMMATION: mumijo, NAC, Rhodiola, SAMe, SRP, Zn; Q10 & local treatments for jaw.
:white_check_mark: gums/jaw locally/regularly: tea tree oil, calendula, arnica, myrrh, red heat lamp, teeth.
:face_with_monocle: Zinc bisblycinate with breakfast (picolinate before). GP: Not too much.
STIFFNESS: !GABA NADH! (since Nov 14th). Glutamine doesn’t help me.
NOSTRILS STUFFY at night: Q10? :white_check_mark: Better since taking it… :white_check_mark: tea tree oil, “Breathe well” oils: acid).
EVERYTHING: :white_check_mark:/:x:/:face_with_monocle: B12? Schüssler 2, 4 & 7 (3-6m.?) :white_check_mark: Vitamin B12: injections again.
ACID: !almonds
:face_with_monocle: Mumijo wasn’t working for GI first: But heartburn/hungriness OK as of Nov 1st.
:face_with_monocle: Bentonite?: (= 95% Montmorillonite; zeolithe? IBSD & -C; not together with other supps… (ZdG))
RAYNAUD’S: Menthol, arginine: sfx mainly skin, praps gut, overdose: fog. Blood flow & bp.
BLOOD FATS “research-search today” on Nov 1st.


Entries start with night meds & sleep, before triggers/symptoms & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SUPPS: supplements (as opposed to herbs & meds). Fx: Effects. Sfx: Side effects.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
FAT Flash/fast autogenic training: immediate image of dreamy floating in space or liquid from jaw to legs.
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again enough so I’ve not only stopped lercanidipine, but also candesartan and am checking RR regularly.
:new: “V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
:new: twist-stretching more for the loins
:white_check_mark: :x: :face_with_monocle: ➔ ⇄ ⇨➜ ➞ :arrow_right: ➲ ↔:⇰↔ →:arrow_upper_right: :arrow_lower_right:

↯ ↛ ↺ ↮ ⇝ ⇾ ⟹ ⭆ ⤮:

For my interest (references in case I forget something)

Details of ACTIVITIES / ACHE / ➔ ?90%/1

Ache = also Exhaustion/Tired :white_check_mark: :x: :face_with_monocle: ➔ ?90%/1
Cycle➔ exhaustion, also as action➔pains;
TT = Table-Tennis➔ easy or effortless or strained or tough?
talk/meetings, Grandchild, Work/Mask-talking, Socializing/Talking.

Details of ACTIONS ➔ PAINS: ?✅

:white_check_mark: :x: :face_with_monocle:
Lying, standing, loins, sitting, arms up, neck stiffness 90°, stiffness after poses, walking, fast cycling, bladder 0xp1-2, GI, talking, mask-talking.
Lie ➔ LBU = lower back unrest, hunchback, Neck, thighs, elbows, itch, cold/hot, nose stuffy, plantar fasciitis after
Stand ➔ Legs, back
Knees up ➔ right loin
Arms up ➔ pain
Sit ➔ Backside, lower back
Pose ➔ stiffness (after holding a posture): Time 0-60’’, pain amount if faster.
Walk ➔ Elbows, feet, right knee, plantar fasciitis after
Cycle ➔ Feet, knees, backside, elbows, hands, neck
Drink ➔ Pee frequency, pain before peeing (p0-6).
Eat ➔ Esophagus block, stomach, gut, rectum, stool (IBSD?). GI for short
Talk➔Jaw (& Ache)
Mask-talk ➔ not sure how to describe it, just plain yucky.

Amounts & How to take Supps:

(Template: B3: 3x↘0.125g, Nd 1x5mg, Ri 0.g)
Abbreviations resolved under “supps to KEEP”.
Amounts: Ar 3g(2/2) B3: (3)x50->500mg/2w, Cr 4x1g, glyc/mal 2x3 Nc: 2.4g, Nd 2-7x5mg? Ri 0.5g+
Not with meals, Nd Sa Rs Sr Mu Q1:oil/Nd(Se).
Jaw locally too: tea tree oil/calendula/myrrh, arnica, heat

The day's 16 supp-compartments for Nov21

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, Nia+Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1(/3),C1,C3,D3, Rs: B3,D4 Sr: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:mu), B3:QcSa, B4:2xNADH+C2:Th,Zn,(D1: Pe)D4:Q1.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 0' ✅.

:white_check_mark: eve:
:x: twist-stretch 5’, Timing, AuTr 2’, hunchback-pillow 15’, cold shower (10’), palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, neck 1+ 4’, loins 2’, foot on knee/cross-legged 5’, teeth 3x2’, jolt-jump 1’, neck 2 3’, plantar/calf stretch 5’, yoga/stretching 5’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, HWB 3’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,


Acupressure / Therapy, Doc/Diagnoses ? :white_check_mark: :x: :face_with_monocle: Acupressure 2h Tues & 2h Fri:

Details of preparing tomorrow's blog entry

“18:00” Prepare tomorrow: 1) Complete & copy changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” here 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?

Template for tomorrow

My daily symptom & trigger hunt, preventing & alleviating, can be generalized.

2021-12-03, Friday -

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): h ➔ Feeling 90% well, Ache 0 of 7 ✅

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
FCS p0 Sleep ?23:15-
5’ 90%/1 p1 st1 drink fw1’

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% of pre-fibro) ➔ ACHE: ➔ ?90%/1,

Ache = also Exhaustion/Tired :white_check_mark: :x: :face_with_monocle: ➔ ?90%/1
Cycle➔ exhaustion, also as action➔pains;
TT = Table-Tennis➔ easy or effortless or strained or tough?
talk/meetings, Grandchild, Work/Mask-talking, Socializing/Talking.


:white_check_mark: :x: :face_with_monocle:
Lying, standing, loins, sitting, arms up, neck stiffness 90°, stiffness after poses, walking, fast cycling, bladder 0xp1-2, GI, talking, mask-talking.
Lie ➔ LBU = lower back unrest, hunchback, Neck, thighs, elbows, itch, cold/hot, nose stuffy, plantar fasciitis after
Stand ➔ Legs, back
Knees up ➔ right loin
Arms up ➔ pain
Sit ➔ Backside, lower back
Pose ➔ stiffness (after holding a posture): Time 0-60’’, pain amount if faster.
Walk ➔ Elbows, feet, right knee, plantar fasciitis after
Cycle ➔ Feet, knees, backside, elbows, hands, neck
Drink ➔ Pee frequency, pain before peeing (p0-6).
Eat ➔ Esophagus block, stomach, gut, rectum, stool (IBSD?). GI for short
Talk➔Jaw (& Ache)
Mask-talk ➔ not sure how to describe it, just plain yucky.


25 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): 4 NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: Arg, B3, Nd & Ri all: 0 today. Praps consider Pe & Ps again? (21 REGULAR: Ar 3x2g, B12 5mg/2m, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10:1, Qc1, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 3x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

(Template: B3: 3x↘0.125g, Nd 1x5mg, Ri 0.g)
Abbreviations resolved under “supps to KEEP”.
A1,2+0Ar “19:00” PF#1 0Ar#10B3#1Cr#1 0gly/mal#1 P5P/2Rho/0Se Ω3 = “PfArB3Cr Ml P5Ro, Pqq&Ω3/meal”
A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA#1&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1+2 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth)
B3 “05:00” (30’) quercetin resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “QcRsSa” + 0NAC#
B4 “Up” 2xNADH#?
C1,2+0Ar “+30’=Meal” 0Ar#2,0B3#2Cr#2 6gGAB#3,the2,gink#1,gly#2,.5g NAC#2,Zn=ArB3Cr.GaThe GiGly n’AC/Z.
C3 “08:00” gly#3 .5gNAC#3+ “GyNc”. Nut > grain-Meal:
C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#2 Nd#? :SRP#3+4 — MlNdSr x.2g Rib jaw. (1st meal till: ?)
D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
D2,3,0Ar “15:00” 0Ar#3,0B3#3,Cr#3,3gGA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#3.NAC#5, “ArB3Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Q10.Rs#2,Sr#5+6. jaw “Nd&Q1RsSr2” jaw Meal: >19:15
“18:00” Prepare tomorrow: 1) Complete & copy changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” here 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B-12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

Amounts: Ar 3g(2/2) B3: (3)x50->500mg/2w, Cr 4x1g, glyc/mal 2x3 Nc: 2.4g, Nd 2-7x5mg? Ri 0.5g+
Not with meals, Nd Sa Rs Sr Mu Q1:oil/Nd(Se).
Jaw locally too: tea tree oil/calendula/myrrh, arnica, heat

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, Nia+Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1(/3),C1,C3,D3, Rs: B3,D4 Sr: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:mu), B3:QcSa, B4:2xNADH+C2:Th,Zn,(D1: Pe)D4:Q1.

Supps to CHANGE:

  • :face_with_monocle: Stomach burn 0?
  • :face_with_monocle: NADH?
  • :face_with_monocle: Order 20.000IE D3 with K2-MK7 (ApoOrtha)
Supps in the RUNNING (click for details here & in chart above): Ar = L-Arginine, B3 = niacin, vitamin B3, B12 = vitamin B12, Cr = L-Carnitine, D3 = vitamin D3, Ga = !GABA, Gi = ginkgo, Gu or Glu = !glutamine, Gy or Gly = magnesium glycinate, Ma or Ml or Mal = magnesium malate, Mu = mumijo, Nc = !NAC, Nd = !NADH, Ω3 = omega 3, P5 = P5P (form of vitamin B6), Pe = Pectin, Pf or PF !Passiflora, Ps = Psyllium, Pq = PQQ = Pyrroloquinoline quinone, Q10 or Q1 = CoQ10, Qc = Quercetin, Rs = Resveratrol, Ro = Rhodiola, Ri = Ribose, Sa = SAM-e/SAMe, Se = Selenium, Sr = serrapeptase, Th or The = theanine, Z or Zn or Zi = zinc.

SLEEP: !GABA (+glutamine / P5P), !Passiflora, NAC! & Rhodiola, Q10, Quercetin, SRP, not Mg gly
:face_with_monocle: theanine: relaxation & alertness, so helped effective & shorter sleep - better not at the moment.
WAKE/FOG: GABA/theanine, magnesium glycinate & malate (<7x!), NAC, NADH, ALC, ginkgo
:white_check_mark:/:face_with_monocle: ALC. Studies: for fog, not fatigue. Not together with LC/carnitine.
ACHE: !GABA, NAC, !NADH, magnesium malate, mumijo, omega 3, Q10, SAM-e, SRP
ENERGY/FATIGUE: !Ribose :white_check_mark: (GI-sfx: 3x0.2g), !NADH :white_check_mark::white_check_mark:, NAC (5x.5g), L-carnitine, CoQ10, ginkgo
:white_check_mark::white_check_mark: NADH/NAD+: B3-coenzyme for ATP & post exertional malaise: 2.5mg (5x0.5g). No meals/acids.
:white_check_mark:/:face_with_monocle: L-Carnitine (LC) better than ALC for physical fatigue, cf. PLC.
:face_with_monocle: CoQ10: fatigue, sleep, bp, lipids, flow, gums, 3-6m, ubiquinol more bio-available vs. ubiquinone more research.
:face_with_monocle: INFLAMMATION: mumijo, NAC, Rhodiola, SAMe, SRP, Zn; Q10 & local treatments for jaw.
:white_check_mark: gums/jaw locally/regularly: tea tree oil, calendula, arnica, myrrh, red heat lamp, teeth.
:face_with_monocle: Zinc bisblycinate with breakfast (picolinate before). GP: Not too much.
STIFFNESS: !GABA NADH! (since Nov 14th). Glutamine doesn’t help me.
NOSTRILS STUFFY at night: Q10? :white_check_mark: Better since taking it… :white_check_mark: tea tree oil, “Breathe well” oils: acid).
EVERYTHING: :white_check_mark:/:x:/:face_with_monocle: B12? Schüssler 2, 4 & 7 (3-6m.?) :white_check_mark: Vitamin B12: injections again.
ACID: !almonds
:face_with_monocle: Mumijo wasn’t working for GI first: But heartburn/hungriness OK as of Nov 1st.
:face_with_monocle: Bentonite?: (= 95% Montmorillonite; zeolithe? IBSD & -C; not together with other supps… (ZdG))
RAYNAUD’S: Menthol, arginine: sfx mainly skin, praps gut, overdose: fog. Blood flow & bp.
BLOOD FATS “research-search today” on Nov 1st.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 0' ✅.

:white_check_mark: eve:
:x: twist-stretch 5’, Timing, AuTr 2’, hunchback-pillow 15’, cold shower (10’), palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, neck 1+ 4’, loins 2’, foot on knee/cross-legged 5’, teeth 3x2’, jolt-jump 1’, neck 2 3’, plantar/calf stretch 5’, yoga/stretching 5’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, HWB 3’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,


Acupressure / Therapy, Doc/Diagnoses ? :white_check_mark: :x: :face_with_monocle: Acupressure 2h Tues & 2h Fri:


Research-search today:

Lessons in self-care #142
Reasons to be cheerful #151

Abbreviations & explanations

Entries start with night meds & sleep, before triggers/symptoms & treatments, because the “night before” is vital. So Fri-day starts with Thursday night, the night before Friday.

Pain "7" = crying (/out) point; my 1 is others 2-3, and due to pacing/treatments

My wife says my 7 is other people’s 12. 1 is probably 2-3. Due to pacing, keeping work down to 25% (12h/wk) and all my treatments (acupressure, GABA) and physio self-treatments I manage to keep getting my pains & Ache down quickly. 3 usually means the Ache, not pains; these I address individually, often automatically and on the fly now, e.g. twist-stretching everything or something specific after getting up.

TIME DATA, e.g. ' = mins, h = hours, 18:10:40', date YYYY-MM-DD

’ = mins = minutes, ‘’ = secs = seconds, h is hours as time length, 3h is 3 hours long, 3:00 is 3am, 15:00 is 3pm. 18:10:40’ means 40 minutes, starting at 18:10, = 10 minutes past 6pm up to 10 to 7pm. The date is the logical digital standard: YYYY-MM-DD.

SLEEP: slp, w, lbu/LBU, RLS, p, i

slp = sleep; reasons for getting up: w = (a)wake, lbu/LBU: lower back unrest (‘RLS’?), p: pee, p2: pain 2 of 7 before peeing, i: ideas.

ACTIVITIES: TT, e.g. "5:1"

TT = table tennis, 5:1 = score, usually showing how well I’m feeling: energy, relaxedness & alertness if the first number is much higher than the second.

SUPPS: supplements (as opposed to herbs & meds). Fx: Effects. Sfx: Side effects.

SELF-TREATMENTS (about everything else...)

The self-treatments listed are only things that I’m spotlighting & rewarding myself for at the mo by counting them; much of what I do at night is self-treatment to get back to sleep or alleviate (1-2h/d), certain regular movements at daytime, like twist-stretching (30’), writing this blog is self-treatment (30’-60’/d), and the further fibro-work is an indirect form.
Self treatments are usually preventative or always have the same positive effect (e.g. cold showering improves Ache and sleep) - at least I do them for that - and I use “:arrow_forward:” to show what I’m doing to alleviate something and mark it off in the details “:white_check_mark:/:x:” whether it works well enough for a time or doesn’t’, e.g. Ache :arrow_forward: cold fast shower “:white_check_mark:
fw = fibro-work, meaning reading and writing this blog, the reference base, on 4 fibro-forums and researching fibro-stuff on the web.
AuTr = Autogenic Training (usually to actively get - back - to sleep, so counting it as sleep and AuTr…),
FAT Flash/fast autogenic training: immediate image of dreamy floating in space or liquid from jaw to legs.
cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’-60’’) , I count it as 10’ tho. At night with ear plugs & all lights off.
breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding,
Neck 1 is stretching top right to bottom left, vice versa & sky/ground, neck “1+” is stretching far further diagonally downwards, neck 2 is pressing my head against my hand “without moving”, left right and front.
loins = loins/groin = stretching the ligaments there.
ex = exercises
HWB = Hot water bottle,
RR = bp = blood pressure (Riva Rocci), plus pulse. Used to be normal, plus sometimes white coat syndrome, went up since fibro, seems to have gone down again enough so I’ve not only stopped lercanidipine, but also candesartan and am checking RR regularly.
:new: “V” for loins = lie on back, legs up and let legs fall to sides;
:new: twist-stretching more for the loins
:white_check_mark: :x: :face_with_monocle: ➔ ⇄ ⇨➜ ➞ :arrow_right: ➲ ↔:⇰↔ →:arrow_upper_right: :arrow_lower_right:

↯ ↛ ↺ ↮ ⇝ ⇾ ⟹ ⭆ ⤮:

My daily symptom & trigger hunt, preventing & alleviating, can be generalized.
Re-arranged: I’ve put most references in a separate post, linked at the bottom.

2021-12-03, Friday - jab has severely worsened FM again

(15:30 acupressure was a challenge.)
(v3: 12:20 nauseous again, altho resting; burnt tongue feeling)
(v2: 11:15 Drat, wife was right, I’m smashed now, traffic & steps dangerous)
(v1: 08:25 - night OK, getting up not, but trying to go to work a bit, wife sez I shdnt, as I have white-grey lips…)

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 8h36, up 6x (1h24) ➔ Feeling 90% well, Ache 1 of 7 ✅, but 80%/2 ❌ getting up

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
FCS p0 Sleep 22:10-
22:52 3’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’
23:58 3’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’ slight sore throat
02:57 10’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’ slight sore throat → Marigold/calendula, hungry → soy drink (2x tea tree oil?) + HWB
03:29 50’ work.6
07:05 15’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’ doze/AuTr
Sum: 1h50+8h10-(3+3+10+50+3+15=)84’= 10h-1h24=8h36, up 6x (1h24)

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% of pre-fibro)ACHE: right upper back hurting, feverish ➔ 70%/2, let’s see if the supps hit in, it & up. 11:15 Nope, the wakers didn’t. 1h work was knackering. What about the enzymes now, incl. 2x5mg NADH? 12:15 Nope, worse = nauseous instead, burnt tongue feeling. Exhaustion & ache, despite energy ➔ 70-60%/3-4 :x:, FM hasn’t been this bad for ages.
(e.g. :biking_man:, TT = :ping_pong:, :speaking_head:, :mask:, :child:, work ➔ ?90%/1 ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:)
ACTIONSPAINS: First seemingly :white_check_mark:, except lying: bit neck & upper back somehow strained. Continuing even stronger in daytime: Everything OK, e.g. energy is/would be there, if not for not feeling well, but nothing’s OK. :x: Jaw inflammation sometimes hurting, that’s not good, sometimes I say to myself it’s the supps working. I’m wondering how I’m sposed to get it done on Thursday the state I’m now in. My wife sez: Wait before wondering. Getting harder to sit. Maybe I need to do Wim Hof’s breathing exercise.
(e.g. lie/stand/sit/walk/cycle, loins, arms up, neck, stiff, 0xp1-2, GI, talk, mask.) ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:


THERAPIES: Back mobilization today made sense. Helped quite a bit, but not perfect, started up again; going out instead of resting wasn’t good for the rest, but I spose it was worth it for better sleep etc. :x:*
Supps to CHANGE: :face_with_monocle: Ar in capsules? :face_with_monocle: Order 20.000IE D3 with K2-MK7 :face_with_monocle: Pe & Ps?

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 81' ✅. Left foot under right knee was easy once, using a heat pad & after acupressure (altho that wasn't targeted), but mostly my left knee is up 2-5'' off the floor, depending on foot position.

:white_check_mark: foot on knee/cross-legged 25’, Timing, AuTr 15’, hunchback-pillow 20’, cold shower (10’), palpate 1’, belly 2’, back 6’, neck 1+ 2’, :white_check_mark:
:x: twist-stretch 5’, loins 2’, teeth 3x2’, jolt-jump 1’, neck 2 3’, plantar/calf stretch 5’, yoga/stretching 5’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, HWB 3’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,

25 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): 4 NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: Nd 10mg with no fx on Hurt, but energy would be OK, if I could, so maybe it's keeping that up. Arg, B3 & Ri all: 0 today. (21 REGULAR: B12 5mg/2m, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10:1, Qc1, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 3x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

Abbreviations resolved under blog references
/19:55 A1,2+0Ar “19:00” PF#1 Cr#1 mal#1 P5P/2Rho Ω3=“Pf Cr Ml P5Ro, Pqq&Ω3/meal”
/21:55 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA#1&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/24:00 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
/03:00 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1+2 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2
/07:05 B3 “05:00” (30’) quercetin resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “QcRsSa” + 0NAC# (1st doze/AuTr a lot)
0 B4 “Up” 2xNADH#?
/08:15 C1,2+0Ar “+30’=Meal” Cr#2 GAB#3,the2,gink#1 NAC#2,Zn=Cr.GaThe Gi n’AC/Z.
/12:20 C3 “08:00” 0gly#3 NAC#3+ “GyNc”. Nut > grain-Meal:
!10mg NADH /11:20 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#2 Nd#? :SRP#3+4 — MlNdSr x.2g
0 D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
/15:40 D2,3,0Ar “15:00” Cr#3,3gGA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#3.NAC#5, “Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
/20:25! D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Q10.Rs#2,Sr#5+6. jaw “Nd&Q1RsSr2”
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Complete & C changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B-12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, (0 Nia+)Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (0 Gly:A1.C2+3), 2xMal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1(/3),C1,C3,D3, Rs: B3,D4 Sr: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:mu), B3:QcSa, B4:2xNADH+C2:Th,Zn,(D1: Pe)D4:Q1.

Hadn’t noted a variant of the new “local edit”: If we mark just a few words we want to change, then we can choose to edit them. Sometimes a small window will open, sometimes the whole editor, but if that, then at the right position, which is also great for my long posts. Now I just have to figure out how we can make it stay with the small editing window.
Lessons in self-care #142 Shdve listened to my wife. Sometimes she’s wrong tho.
Reasons to be cheerful #151 Ha! Wasn’t I right after all about the jab & me? :roll_eyes:

My daily symptom & trigger hunt, preventing & alleviating, can be generalized.
(Re-arranged: I’ve put most references in a separate post, linked at the bottom.)

2021-12-04, Saturday - lots of rest, maybe better in the evening?

(v2: 12:20 - still resting, upper back pain, face itching)
(v1: 08:40 bad jab-sfx, despite good sleep)

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 8h38, up 3x (17') ➔ Feeling 60% well, Ache 3 of 7 ❌, nauseous

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
FCS p0 Sleep 22:15-
01:00 7’ 70%/1 p1 st1 drink fw1’
03:33 5’ 70%/2 p1 st1 drink fw1’ sore throat, feverishness
05:20 5’ 70%/2 p1 st1 drink fw1’ sore throat, feverishness, back, nauseous
Sum: 1h45+7h10-(7+5+5=)17’= 8h55-17 = 8h38, up 3x (17’)

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% of pre-fibro)ACHE: nauseous at night and upon getting up, I’ll try 5 globuli of nux vomica now 07:50 D12 30’ before eating ➔ helped inside of 20’ (another 5 later) Still don’t feel it’d be good to get out of bed. Me!? ➔ 60%/3 :x: Out of bed at 10:00, 12:20 Still resting. Face itching. ➔ 60%/3. :x:
(e.g. cycle :biking_man:, TT = :ping_pong:, meetings/social :speaking_head:, mask :mask:, kids :child:, work ➔ ?90%/1 ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:)
ACTIONSPAINS: :white_check_mark: - it’s not the actions, it’s the tough jab sfx, in all poses.
(e.g. lie, stand, loins, sit, arms up, neck, stiff, walk, cycle, 0xp1-2, GI, talk, mask.) ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:


THERAPIES: back problems recurred after being back a while yesterday, warmth improved: :white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:*
Supps to CHANGE: :face_with_monocle: Arg in capsules? :face_with_monocle: 20.000IE D3 with K2-MK7. Benefiting from having made lots of capsules yesterday.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 75' ✅.

:white_check_mark: Timing, AuTr 2’, hunchback-pillow 15’, cold shower (10’), palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, foot on knee/cross-legged 30’, twist-stretch 5’.
:x: neck 1+ 4’, loins 2’, teeth 3x2’, jolt-jump 1’, neck 2 3’, plantar/calf stretch 5’, yoga/stretching 5’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, HWB 3’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,

25 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): 4 NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: 1 Nd at 12:25, again seemed to keep some energy. Arg, B3, & Ri all: 0 today. Praps consider Pe & Ps again? (21 REGULAR: Ar 3x2g, B12 5mg/2m, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10:1, Qc1, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 3x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

Abbreviations resolved under blog references
What-when-details: Updated Dec 3rd (before see the reference post)
D4 at 20:25, so everything 2h later:
/21:05 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1 Cr#1 mal#1+2 P5P/2Rho/0Se Ω3 = “PfCr Ml P5Ro Pq.Ω3”
/22:15 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA#1&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/01:00 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
/03:40 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1+2 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
(0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth))
/05:25 B3 “05:00” (30’) quercetin resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “QcRsSa” + ?NAC#
0 B4 “Up”: 2xNADH#?
/08:55 C1/2 “+30’=Meal” Cr#2 .6GAB#3,the2,gink#1, NAC#2,Zn=Cr.GaThe Gi n’AC/Z. Ate late.
/10:20 C3 “08:00” NAC#3+ “Nc”. Nut > grain-Meal:
/11:05 vit.D3
/12:20 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#3+4 1xNd# 2SRP#3+4 — MlNdSr (1st meal till: ?)
D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
/15:15 D2/3 “15:00” Cr#3,.3GA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#5+6.NAC#5, “Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
/17:30 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Q10.Rs#2,Sr#5+6. “Nd&Q1RsSr2” >19:15
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Complete & C changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B-12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, (0 Nia+)Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1(/3),C1,C3,D3, Rs: B3,D4 Sr: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:mu), B3:QcSa, B4:2xNADH+C2:Th,Zn,(D1: Pe)D4:Q1.

Lessons in self-care #143 Shopped for food 5’ only cos no one was at the check-out.
Reasons to be cheerful #152 Managed 4h+! online “tea” with mates (they were together) (with breaks)

2021-12-05, Sunday, day #5

(v3: 18:00 same, bit better in the evening, after doing housework in slo-mo)
(v2: 14:50 no change)
(v1: 10:00 - jab sfx increasing)

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 10h20, up 7x (65') ➔ Feeling 85% well, Ache 2 of 7 🧐, continuing dead tiredness despite having taken my waking-supps at 9:00, making me unsure whether to get up or not; continuing severe sore throat is usual entry point for cold or flu, let's see if I can keep it down with umckaloabo, calendula/Marigold essence & the regular supps (zinc, other anti-inflammatory), skin burning all over upper half upon getting up, intensely for 30', then further a bit, but not thinking about it, I think cold water'd be counterproductive.

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
FCS p0 Sleep 22:25-
23:55 5’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’. Better tonight. Back OK-ish.
01:16 5’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’ sore throat, back only a bit. B1
02:35 5’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’ sore throat: window open, is air too dry from heating?
04:10 35’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’ 6 suppsB3 HWB
06:35 5’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’ HWB
07:20 5’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’ hungry → nuts
09:25 5’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’ hungry → drink dozing
-09:50 don’t really feel like getting up, but don’t wanna disturb the rhythm.
Sum: 1h35+9h50-(5+5+5+35+5+5+5=)65’= 11h25-65= 10h20, up 7x (65’)

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% of pre-fibro)ACHE: Nothing = resting/typing, except 10’ stints of housework. ➔ 60%/3 :x: (That’s 60% of 40% = 24%, of course). 16:00-18:30 doing housework extremely slowly was sort of 90% of 20% instead of 60% of 40%.
ACTIONSPAINS: :white_check_mark:, bit of back :face_with_monocle:, everything else is OK. Left hand hurting differently & more now, despite arnica cream on the edge from hitting the stone TT table a few weeks ago.:x: 14:45 Esophagus block, had to get it out, after OK, as usual. :face_with_monocle: Back & hand a bit better later.


THERAPIES: Wondering if I’ll manage acupressure on Tuesday at all, let’s see how back etc. is. :face_with_monocle:
Supps to CHANGE: :face_with_monocle: Bought a capsule machine for the Ar. Sr coming. :face_with_monocle: D3 with K2-MK7 next.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 92' ✅.

:white_check_mark: twist-stretch 20’, Timing, AuTr 5’, hunchback-pillow 15’, cold shower (10’), palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, foot on knee/cross-legged 10’, HWB 3x3’, neck 1+ 4’, neck 2 3’,
:x: loins 2’, teeth 3x2’, jolt-jump 1’, plantar/calf stretch 5’, yoga/stretching 5’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,

25 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): 5 NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: Srp down to 3x1, running out, ordered a big one, again highest quality (100€ for 30 days!, but I need all I can get for jaw & jab). Arg, B3, Nd & Ri all: 0 today. Praps consider Pe & Ps again? (21 REGULAR: B12 5mg/2m, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10:1, Qc1, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 3x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

Abbreviations resolved under blog references
What-when-details: Updated Dec 3rd (before see the reference post)
/19:15 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1 Cr#1 mal#1+2 P5P/2Rho/0Se Ω3 = “PfCr Ml P5Ro Pq.Ω3”
/21:20 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA#1&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/23:55 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
/01:20 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
(0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth))
/04:45 B3 “05:00” (30’) quercetin resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “QcRsSa” + ?NAC#
0 B4 “Up”: 2xNADH#?
/09:30 C1/2 “+30’=Meal” Cr#2 .6GAB#3,the2,gink#1, NAC#2,Zn=Cr.GaThe Gi n’AC/Z.
/12:45 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#3+4 Nd#? :SRP#2 — MlNdSr (1st meal till: ?)
0 D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
/14:15 C3 “08:00” NAC#3+ “Nc”. Nut > grain-Meal:
/15:45 D2/3 “15:00” Cr#3,.3GA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#5+6.NAC#5, “Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
/18:00 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) 1 Nd#1.Q10.Rs#2,Sr#3. “Nd&Q1RsSr2” >19:15

“18:00” Prepare: 1) Complete & C changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B-12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, (0 Nia+)Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1(/3),C1,C3,D3, Rs: B3,D4 Sr: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:mu), B3:QcSa, B4:2xNADH+C2:Th,Zn,(D1: Pe)D4:Q1.

On having been right about the jab sfx: My table tennis mate, who’d been plugging me getting the jab, was pretty affected that my sfx are this bad with a negative tendency. He asked me if it’s similar to the swine flu that may’ve started my fibro off, and I replied that it is similar to swine flu, fibro, flu, but also has it’s own specific peculiar characteristics, like skin irritation (today a sort of skin burning all over).
Thankfully there was pretty much silence when I updated all my mates about my long-term situation (we see each other every 2-3 months, but they do tend to forget some things) after that, a few questions, I had a little bit of a hard job making light of it as I usually do, considering the jab sfx, but it was OK and we went on to further stories about the jab etc, no problem.
Hmm, no, during the swine flu and the flu directly before the fibro full flare, because I don’t need to lie down all day like I did then. Just I can’t move around much for Ache, nausea & I spose a kind of tiredness & fatigue (but still with theoretical energy…).
I think now everyone who so clearly recommended me to get the jabs (that mate, my boss, my acupressurist), will now feel remorse that they were so cock-sure it wdnt harm me, underestimating my fibro, despite my misgivings. All I can do is stress that it was and still is my decision, wanting to avoid hospital at all costs, and that I’ll continue with the 2nd jab after Christmas, whatever the cost.
Research-search today?
Lessons in self-care #143 Wasn’t sure if more sleep after 10:00 is good or not, so got up.
Reasons to be cheerful #152 Managing to do nice stuff veeery slowly: 10-25% of normal speed.

2021-12-06, Monday - 18+ jab-sfx: probably sick leave for almost 2 weeks…, but OK if I rest.

(v4: 17:45 I hate the feel of electric blankets (praps cos of synthetics), but I need it most of the time atm, adding long johns improves it. Made a list of almost 20 sfx below.
(v3: 12:20 Doc’s put me on sick leave till Friday, as my wife recommended)
(v2: 08:40 still feverish-nauseous upon being awoken by civil works)

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 8h30, up 4x (50') +25.➔ Feeling on average 70% well, Ache 2 of 7 ❌, due to civil works outside our building I'd better go to bed earlier.

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
alternating shower p0 Sleep 23:15- HWB
01:32 10’ 80%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’
03:04 5’ 80%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’ HWB
05:55 30’ 70%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’ HWB
-08:35 5’ 70%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’ feverish nauseous
+25 doze/AuTr
Sum: 45+8h35-(10+5+30+5=)50(+25) = 09h20-50 = 8h30, up 4x (50’) +25.

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% of pre-fibro)ACHE: ➔ 70%/2 as long as i DON’T MOVE :x:
(e.g. cycle :biking_man:, TT = :ping_pong:, meetings/social :speaking_head:, mask :mask:, kids :child:, work ➔ ?90%/1 ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:)
ACTIONSPAINS: :white_check_mark:, except neck at night, back a little… :face_with_monocle: - need to exercise.
(e.g. lie, stand, loins, sit, arms up, neck, stiff, walk, cycle, 0xp1-2, GI, talk, mask.) ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:


THERAPIES: Probably not, I’ve warned her❌ Which is not good. Definitely need to increase self-physio.
Supps to CHANGE: :face_with_monocle: Ar in cps. w. machine :face_with_monocle: Order D3+K2-MK7. (Ordered Pf+Sr.)

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 65' ✅.

:white_check_mark: plantar/calf stretch 5’, Timing, AuTr 2’, hunchback-pillow 15’, cold shower (10’), HWB 3x3’, neck 1+ 3’, palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, foot on knee/cross-legged 10’,
:x: twist-stretch 5’, loins 2’, teeth 3x2’, jolt-jump 1’, neck 2 3’, plantar/calf stretch 5’, yoga/stretching 5’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,

25 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): 5 NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: Sr 0. Arg, B3, Nd & Ri all: 0 today. Praps consider Pe & Ps again? (20 REGULAR: 0Ar B12 5mg/2m, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10:1, Qc1, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 0x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

Abbreviations resolved under blog references
What-when-details: Updated Dec 3rd (before see the reference post)
/20:20 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1 Cr#1 mal#1+2 P5P/2Rho/0Se Ω3 = “PfCr Ml P5Ro Pq.Ω3”
/21:30 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA#1&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/01:40 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
/03:10 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1+2 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
(0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth))
/05:55 B3 “05:00” (30’) quercetin resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “QcRsSa” + ?NAC#
B4 “Up”: 2xNADH#?
/08:40 (I think) C1/2 “+30’=Meal” Cr#2 .6GAB#3,the2,gink#1, NAC#2,Zn=Cr.GaThe Gi n’AC/Z.
/11:00 (or before) C3 “08:00” NAC#3+ “Nc”. Nut > grain-Meal:
/13:00 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#3+4 Nd#? :SRP#3+4 — MlNdSr (1st meal till: ?)
0 13:30 D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
/15:00 D2/3 “15:00” Cr#3,.3GA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#5+6.NAC#5, “Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
/17:50 or earlier (whoops) D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Q10.Rs#2,Sr#5+6. “Nd&Q1RsSr2” >19:15
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Complete & C changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B-12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, (0 Nia+)Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1(/3),C1,C3,D3, Rs: B3,D4 Sr: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:mu), B3:QcSa, B4:2xNADH+C2:Th,Zn,(D1: Pe)D4:Q1.

My jab-sfx (to be continued):

  1. exhausted.
  2. some energy (not overmuch tho) at the same time, depletes quickly.
  3. no strength in hands etc.
  4. achey-ness, similar but different to fibro-Ache, not as tough, but I feel I can move less and cold showering & cryotherapy doesn’t help.
  5. More sleep needed, despite same supps.
  6. Still tired throughout the day / earlier.
  7. severe sore throat at night, reminiscent of a cold/flu coming up. Only managed to improve that a little, but electric blanket seems to help most as I’m too cold for everything else. After a walk with long johns I left them on, but doesn’t seem to be enough.
  8. extremely cold feet, also hands, lips (often white), electric blanket rather than heat pad or HWB.
  9. nausea when I move, but also all the time, a bit like a tummy bug (like a few weeks ago)
  10. feverish ill feeling most of the time, similar but different to fibro, longer, not influenceable.
  11. feverish feeling increases with effort.
  12. actual “fever” of 1°C, which I never had from the FM-feverishness (36,5 instead of normally 35,5)
  13. burning skin all over torso sometimes (e.g. day 5 several hours)
  14. a few (new) local pains cropping up everywhere, like upper back ache for 4 days.
  15. Stiffness sometimes greatly increased, sometimes not.
  16. Headache the first few days.
  17. Problems moving around might be what Cort calls orthostatic problems. (Walk limited to 2x5’)
  18. A bit more cognitive problems than usual, but not much.
  19. (Bad wind today, no reason I can think of atm)…

Research-search today: I hadn’t seen because it wasn’t linked well, that Cort on healthrising has been publishing new poll results. I’d looked for it, because I realized I wasn’t finding words for all my sfx. Interesting that some people with CFS/FM get an improvement from it. 74 comments to date:

On Brendan’s blog proposing staggered smaller doses (based on the website and the facebook-group results), he mentions swollen glands & dizziness (with ME/CFS), both of which I haven’t had. The first comments under the blog are too anti-vaxx for my liking, but they get better.

In this blog in April on where docs tend to recommend to do the vaccine the first says not to take the 2nd jab if you are still suffering from the first and to take a few things I’m taking anyway (NAC & quercetin), plus Benadryl to stop allergy and fastidine to stop GERD, both of which aren’t my problem, plus rest: doing that.
The 3rd refers to Dr. Klimas and one like her says take antioxidants and don’t go in a flare, done that. Also mentioned are these, which I’m taking a lot of: alpha lipoic acid, ascorbic acid, B6, diamine oxidase enzymes (DAO), luteolin, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), Omega-3’s, riboflavin, SAMe, quercetin, and natural sources of theophylline like green and black teas. (That’s Nancy Klimas here)

I’ve now subscribed to healthrising’s newsletter, as I do like the type of information they provide.

Lessons in self-care #144 Rest rest rest!
Reasons to be cheerful #153 I’m quite OK when I don’t move, and hey: getting lots done!

2021-12-07, Tuesday - again not moving except self-physio

(v5: 15:20 “get active”?: 30’ slow housework mostly on knees, to save getting up…)
(v4: 12:20 adding B2 & C (protect))… not better - get active.)
(v3 - long & deep night, sleep no end, forced myself up, increasing ubiquinol (special CoQ10)
(v2, eve before: 22:00 overdid it taking off the washing for 10’…: back to nausea…)
(v1, eve before: strangely feeling well at 20:00? The supps?! The long johns / warmth??!?

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 9h33, up 3x (32')+ 15' = 9h48 ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 2 of 7 🧐, 5 pairs of socks...

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
mainly warm shower p0 Sleep with a 2nd pair of woolen socks, so 5 pairs… 10’ taking down the washing made me unable to get to bed…
!01.25 5’ 90%/1 p?0 st1 drink fw1’ sore throat: HWB:
03:55 10’ 90%/1 p1 st1 drink fw1’ sore throat: (strange dream)
06:53 7’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’ sore throat
10:10-25 +15 dozing
Sum: 50+9h17 = 10h07-(5+10+17=)32’ = 9h33, up 3x (32’)+ 15’ = 9h48

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% of pre-fibro)ACHE: 20:00 ➔ 90%/1 :white_check_mark:, 22:25: nauseous, short breathed, arms aching from taking the washing down for 10’ & bringing it up to the flat ➔ 70%/2 :x:. Yucky feeling in lower back, despite having twist-stretched that. ➔ 70%/2 :x:, but didn’t stop sleep after more a warm than a cold shower. Moving at night: ➔ 70%/3 :x: Resting ➔ 70-80%/2-3, hoovering etc. on knees ➔ 70%/3
(e.g. cycle :biking_man:, TT = :ping_pong:, meetings/social :speaking_head:, mask :mask:, kids :child:, work ➔ ?90%/1 ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:)
ACTIONSPAINS: :white_check_mark:, except: arms up taking the washing down :x:, legs itching from the long johns altho they’re organic cotton :x:. Sore throat at night. :x: Better when keeping warm.
(e.g. lie, stand, loins, sit, arms up, neck, stiff, walk, cycle, 0xp1-2, GI, talk, mask.) ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:


THERAPIES: Not well enough for cryotherapy/acupressure.
Supps to CHANGE: :face_with_monocle: (Ordered Pf+Sr.+cps machine for Ar) :face_with_monocle:
Stuff, which I’ve got, but could change and are recommended by some doc for jab-“blues”:

  • 800 mg quercetin, I’m taking 1x500mg in the evenings and feeling better after, so now 2x500mg,
  • 1g vitamin C, still got lots of that. But 1g! I think I was taking 100mg. It’s “protect”, so OK for my gut. But better encapsulated to protect my esophagus.
  • 200 mg riboflavin (vitamin B2), I still have 8x100mg from last year.
  • Evenings are better, esp. yesterday, the only supp that cd explain that is ubiquinol at 17:00, so I read up that it can be taken up to 200 or for 2-3 weeks even 300mg/day. 3.6g/d = mild GI discomfort the producer Kaneka says. OTOH I’m also taking it to reduce lp(a) and for that it’s better to stay <150mg/d, according to studies. But tried it this morning, didn’t do anything at all.
  • My nausea may be increased by forgetting to eat immediately after the zinc (bisglycinate) in my my C1+2 batch.
SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 80' ✅.

:white_check_mark: twist-stretch 15’, Timing, AuTr 2’, hunchback-pillow 15’, foot on knee/cross-legged 25’, palpate 2’, belly 3’, back 10’, hand-exerciser 3’, HWB 3’, teeth 1x2’,
:x: plantar/calf stretch 5’, cold shower (10’), neck 1+ 4’, loins 2’, jolt-jump 1’, neck 2 3’, yoga/stretching 5’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,

(22) Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): 8 NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: ADDING Vitamin C 5-10?x100mg, + vitamin B2 1x/d, doubling ubiquinol to 2x.1mg/d and quercetin to ↗2x.5g/d. Arg, B3, Nd, Ri & Sr all: 0 today. Pe & Ps 0? (20 REGULAR: 0Ar 3x2g, B12 5mg/2m, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10:1↗2, Qc1↗2, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 0x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

Abbreviations resolved under blog references
What-when-details: Updated Dec 3rd (before see the reference post)
/19:50 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1 Cr#1 mal#1+2 P5P/2Rho/0Se Ω3 = “PfCr Ml P5Ro Pq.Ω3”
/22:45 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA#1&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/01:25 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
/03:55 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1+2 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
(0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth))
/06:55 B3 “05:00” (30’) quercetin#1 resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “QcRsSa” + ?NAC#
B4 “Up”: 2xNADH#?
/10:10 plus 100mg ubiquinol C1/2 “+30’=Meal” Cr#2 .6GAB#3,the2,gink#1, NAC#2,Zn=Cr.GaThe Gi n’AC/Z.
/12:15 100mg B2, 500mg C#1
/12:25 C3 “08:00” NAC#3+ “Nc”. Nut > grain-Meal: 11:30
/(12:25) C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#3+4 0Nd#? 0SRP#3+4 — MlNdSr (1st meal till: ?)
D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
/17:35 D2/3 “15:00” Cr#3,.3GA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#5+6.NAC#5, “Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
/20:05 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Q10.Rs#2,Sr#5+6. “Nd&Q1RsSr2” >19:15
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Complete & C changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B-12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, (0 Nia+)Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1(/3),C1,C3,D3, Rs: B3,D4 Sr: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:mu), B3:QcSa, B4:2xNADH+C2:Th,Zn,(D1: Pe)D4:Q1.

Jab-sfx #19: Sore muscles in backside.
Jab-sfx #20: Better for a while in the evenings, despite tiredness.
Research-search today: Loss of Balance and Falling? Plus: New advice - #14 by JayCS (not relevant to me … yet/at the moment… but it was in the new studies JAMA sends to me regularly)
Lessons in self-care #145 Allowing myself to procrastinate with Big Bang Theory
Reasons to be cheerful #154 Feeling well for a bit 20:00-22:00! Hope rises…
Reasons to be cheerful #155 Stints of Big Bang Theory are fun again, haven’t had that for ages.

2021-12-08, Wednesday - kept activities balanced; getting better

(v2: 13:00 … so managed 1 light-bulb & 15 flower bulbs)
(v1: 12:00 OK-ish from resting…)

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 9h11, up 5x (24') ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 2 of 7 🧐, feeling quite good upon waking up, despite some dozing, let's see how long I can keep it up, praps with self-discipline re. eating & supps.

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
warm shower, slightly cold. p0 Sleep 50%/4 22:25-
23:50 8’ 70%/3 p1 st1 drink fw1’
01:52 3’ 80%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’ heartburn
02:25 3’ 80%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’ heartburn
04:10 7’ 80%/2 p0 st1 drink fw4’
06:05 3’ 80%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’
Sum: 1h35+8h-(8+3+3+7+3=)24’ = 9h35 -24’ = 9h11, up 5x (24’)

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% - well 20% - of pre-fibro)ACHE: ➔ 80-85%/1-2 :white_check_mark::face_with_monocle:. Actually I’m adjusting to a new target of 20%, I hope that’s only temporary tho… Today 1h10 for 1 light-bulb & 15 flower bulbs. Not easy, but a bit better than yesterday. Cooking for 30’ no problem. Managed a big work video meeting for 2h this evening, not needing to talk, but still emotionally strenuous. Still ➔ 80-85%/1-2 :white_check_mark: Still not more than 20% aim. Luckily ‘the “kids”’ are all ill anyway, so not missing anything. No cycling, no TT of course, no walk either.
(e.g. cycle :biking_man:, TT = :ping_pong:, meetings/social :speaking_head:, mask :mask:, kids :child:, work ➔ ?90%/1 ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:)
ACTIONSPAINS: :white_check_mark:, except heartburn at night (vit. C) :face_with_monocle: → soy drink. Arms up & stiffness have been worse the last few days than today.
(e.g. lie, stand, loins, sit, arms up, neck, stiff, walk, cycle, 0xp1-2, GI, talk, mask.) ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:


Supps to CHANGE: Cps. machine: Ar first. :face_with_monocle: Order D3+K2-MK7. ADDED: +1xQ1+1xQc+B2+2xC (now: encapsulated)

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 92' ✅.

:white_check_mark: twist-stretch 12’, Timing, AuTr 5’, hunchback-pillow 10’, cold shower (2’), palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, foot on knee/cross-legged 30’, teeth 1x2’, HWB 3x3’, hand-exerciser 8’, neck 1+ 4’,
:x: plantar/calf stretch 5’, loins 2’, jolt-jump 1’, neck 2 3’, yoga/stretching 5’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,

22 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): 9 NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: ADDING Vitamin C 2x.5g, B2 1x.1g, doubling ubiquinol to 2x1g/d. Arg, B3, Nd, Ri & Sr all: 0 today. Pe & Ps 0? (20 REGULAR: 0Ar 3x2g, B12 5mg/2m, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10:1↗2, Qc1, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 0x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

Abbreviations resolved under blog references
What-when-details: Updated Dec 3rd (before see the reference post)
/21:00 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1 Cr#1 mal#1+2 P5P/2Rho/0Se Ω3 = “PfCr Ml P5Ro Pq.Ω3”
/22:25 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA#1&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/23:55 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
/01:55 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 0SRP#1+2 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
(0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth))
/06:05 B3 “05:00” (30’) quercetin#1 resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “QcRsSa” +Q10#1
B4 “Up”: 2xNADH#?
/08:35 MEAL! C1/2 “+30’=Meal” Cr#2 .6GAB#3,the2,gink#1, NAC#2,Zn=Cr.GaThe Gi n’AC/Z. +.1mg B2. + .5g C
ADD: +1xQ1+1xQc+B2+2xC
/09:00 C3 “08:00” NAC#3+ “Nc”. Nut > grain-Meal: -09:00
/11:35 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#3+4 0Nd#? 0SRP#3+4 — MlNdSr (1st meal till: ?)
0 D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
/15:30? D2/3 “15:00” Cr#3,.3GA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#5+6.NAC#5, “Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc” + vit.C#2
/18:10 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Q10#2.Rs#2,0Sr#5+6. “Nd&Q1RsSr2” >19:15 + Qc
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Complete & C changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B-12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, (0 Nia+)Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1(/3),C1,C3,D3, Rs: B3,D4 Sr: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:mu), B3:QcSa, B4:2xNADH+C2:Th,Zn,(D1: Pe)D4:Q1.
ADD: +1xQ1+1xQc+B2+2xC

Lessons in self-care #146 Kept activities balanced, not too low, not too high.
Reasons to be cheerful #156 Good start after the bad evening… Supps? Or reconvalescing?
Reasons to be cheerful #157 Heat all the time overcoming the ominous sore throat at last (blanket at daytime, continual hot water bottle at night, a fifth pair of socks, woolen like the 4th).
Reasons to be cheerful #158 Managed 1 light-bulb & 15 flower bulbs, my sports for today (1h).

2021-12-09, Thursday - baaad jab symptoms…

(v2: 10:10 best day followed by “worst”: I’m now lying in bed, blinds down, forcing my heavy hands to type a bit, my heavy eyelids to open a bit in between, hot water bottle & electric blanket & heating on, Continental quilts & pillows all around BUT listening to a weird brilliant long drum solo loud on my headphones and chuckling about the ideas - that’s this strange energy that I still have, distinguishing this from a normal flu.)
(v1: 07:45 awake, but feverish-tired :face_with_monocle:)

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 8h41, up 3x (49') ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 2 of 7 🧐

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
warm alternating shower p0 Sleep 22:20-
23:57 35’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’ 6
03:58 7’ 80%/2 p0 st2 drink fw1’ sore throat → air & HWB
06.27 7’ 80%/2 p0 st2 drink fw1’ sore throat → air
Sum: 1h40+7h40-(35-7-7=)49’ = 9h30-49’= 8h41, up 3x (49’)

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% - well 20% - of pre-fibro)ACHE: short shop in the evening (20:50) ➔ 85%/1-2​:white_check_mark:, but then feverish-tired and nauseous after putting 5 things into cupboards :x:. getting up not good, back to bed at 9:30 only able to listen to music, even having difficulty typing, skin of face and torso burning… :x: rest of the day similar, except typing got easier.
(e.g. cycle :biking_man:, TT = :ping_pong:, meetings/social :speaking_head:, mask :mask:, kids :child:, work ➔ ?90%/1 :white_check_mark: :x: :face_with_monocle:)
ACTIONSPAINS: OK✅, jab-fx #21: aversion against showering, whether warm or cold❌.
(e.g. lie, stand, loins, sit, arms up, neck, stiff, walk, cycle, 0xp1-2, GI, talk, mask) :white_check_mark: :x: :face_with_monocle:)


THERAPIES: Acupressurist thinks it’s best for me to come tomorrow… :face_with_monocle:
Supps to CHANGE: Cps. machine arrived for Ar, need to clean it first. :face_with_monocle: Order D3+K2-MK7. Pf+Sr arrived.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 61' ✅, despite feeling 'lazy'...

:white_check_mark: twist-stretch 20’, cold shower (2’), neck 1+ 7’, neck 2 1’, teeth 2x2’, hand-exerciser 6’, Timing, HWB 2x3’, hunchback-pillow 10’, plantar/calf stretch 2’, foot on knee/cross-legged 3’,
:x: AuTr 2’, palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, loins 2’, jolt-jump 1’, yoga/stretching 5’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,

22 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): 9 NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: Vit. C 2x.5g, B2 1x.1g, Qc 2x.5g/d, Q10 2x1g/d. Arg, B3, Nd, Ri & Sr all: 0 today. Pe & Ps 0? (20 REGULAR: 0Ar 3x2g, B12 5mg/2m, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10:1↗2, Qc1↗2, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 0x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

Abbreviations resolved under blog references
What-when-details: Updated Dec 3rd (before see the reference post)
/20:50 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1 Cr#1 mal#1+2 P5P/2Rho/0Se Ω3 = “PfCr Ml P5Ro Pq.Ω3”
/22:15 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/00:30 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&.3glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu” FORGOT IT YESTERDAY
/04:00 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 0SRP = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
(0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth))
/06:30 B3 “05:00” (30’) Q10#1 quercetin#1 resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “Q1QcRsSa” + ?NAC#
B4 “Up”: 2xNADH#?
/08:30 MEAL! C1/2 “+30’=Meal” Cr#2 .6GAB#3,the2,gink#1, NAC#2,Zn=B2,C,Cr.GaThe Gi n’AC/Z
/08:50 C3 “08:00” .1gB2,.5gC#1, NAC#3+ “B2CNc”. Nut > grain-Meal:
/? C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#3+4 Nd#? 0SRP — MlNdSr (1st meal till: ?)
0 D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
/? D2/3 “15:00” .5gC#2,Cr#3,.3GA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#5+6,NAC#5, “C.Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
/17:30 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Qc#2.Q10#2.Rs#2,0Sr. “Nd&Q1QcRsSr2” >19:15
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Complete & C changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B-12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, (0 Nia+) C:C2,D3 Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1(/3),C1,C3,D3, Rs: B3,D4 Sr: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:mu), B3:Q1QcSa, B4:2xNADH+C2:B2,Th,Zn,D4:Q1Qc (D1:Pe)

Saw that I’d been giving sleep a too positive :white_check_mark:, instead of :x:/:face_with_monocle:, corrected that.
Doing that I realized a bit better that whether the tick-marks ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle: turn out as small & colourful or not ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle: sometimes seem to depend on whether there is a letter or a punctuation mark before.
Also experimented with the new local editing function. We can better prevent the whole editor opening by marking a few whole words instead of something like just the tick marks.
More importantly, I saw that in the first few days there were 2 further jab symptoms
#21: 3 focal seizures on one day (#3)
#22: burnt tongue feeling the first few days.

So re-arranging the list that makes:

  1. exhaustion,
  2. some energy, but depletes quickly,
  3. little strength, arms/hands often heavy
  4. Ache different to fibro,
  5. showering very unpleasant.
  6. movement of more than 1-2 mins feels bad. For slow walking 10’ is the max. (occasional exceptions).
  7. More sleep,
  8. still tired or dead tired,
  9. Strong sore throat for 7 days, until getting it gone by
  10. permanent heat (electric blanket, 5th pair of (woolen) socks, long johns inside, hot water bottles at night).
  11. Otherwise usually extremely cold feet, hands, lips often white.
  12. Usually slight nausea,
  13. if I move: more,
  14. feverish-ill usually, a bit different to fibro, longer, not influenceable,
  15. worse from slight movement, even more from slight strain,
  16. actual “fever” of 1°C higher than usual (36,5°C instead of 35,5)
  17. Burning “skin” over the whole torso (partly legs) sometimes, then for several hours
  18. stiffness more
  19. brain fog more
  20. “sore muscles” in backside more.
  21. Sometimes better for a few hours (often evenings, different to fibro) or half a day.
    In the first few days:
  22. local pain (upper back, hands),
  23. headache,
  24. 3 focal seizures,
  25. “burnt tongue”.

Research-search today:
Selenium: Even if no deficiency, immune system: increases activated T-cells & natural killer cell activity. Selenium and Your Thyroid: What You Should Know
Quinoa (e.g. cooked, esp. black) for antioxidant & lipids: What Is Quinoa? One of The World's Healthiest Foods
Lessons in self-care #147 Sometimes I wonder if I’m resting too much. But as soon as I feel better I do start doing a little. And as today was bad it was good to not move too much.
Lessons in self-care #148 Done quite a bit of exercising, but not enough considering no work & play!
Reasons to be cheerful #159 Managed some important paper work, which I’d thankfully prepared well.
Reasons to be cheerful #160 I think I’ve got the energy to at least do some music producing, even tho singing’d be too strenuous.

2021-12-10, Friday - acupressure was strenuous (& cycling took 20 instead of 10’), but OK, tiredness from the short night didn’t hit home much in the evening.

(v1: 06:35 can’t sleep anymore & very hungry)

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 6h14, up 3x (11') + 30' dozing = 6h44. ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 2-3 of 7 ❌ Why awake? Despite hurting.

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
mainly warm shower p0 Sleep 23:00-
01:42 5’ 80%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’
03:45 3’ 80%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’
05:12 3’ 70%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’ nauseous HWB
-5:25 40’ awake, 6, +30’ dozing
Sum: 1h+5h25-(5+3+3=)11’ = 6h25-11 = 6h14, up 3x (11’) + 30’ dozing = 6h44.

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% - well 20% - of pre-fibro)ACHE: ➔ 70-80%/2-3 :x:, but adapting :face_with_monocle:
(e.g. cycle :biking_man:, TT = :ping_pong:, meetings/social :speaking_head:, mask :mask:, kids :child:, work ➔ ?90%/1 ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:)
ACTIONSPAINS: :white_check_mark:, cycling very slowly of course.
(e.g. lie, stand, loins, sit, arms up, neck, stiff, walk, cycle, 0xp1-2, GI, talk, mask.) ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:


THERAPIES: Acupressure incl. cycling was strenuous, also I had the feeling despite mask that I was maybe getting the cold she had had :face_with_monocle:, but up to now it seems OK :white_check_mark:*
Supps to CHANGE: Wash capsule machine! :face_with_monocle: Order D3+K2-MK7.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 92'.✅.

:white_check_mark: HWB 3x3’, Timing, AuTr 2’, hunchback-pillow 5’, cold shower (2’), twist-stretch 15’, hand-exerciser 3’, foot on knee/cross-legged 35’, neck 1+ 4’, teeth 2x2’, palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, neck 2 2’,
:x: plantar/calf stretch 5’, loins 2’, jolt-jump 1’, yoga/stretching 5’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,

23 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: Arg, B3, Nd, Ri: 0 today. Pe & Ps 0? (23 REGULAR: 0Ar 3x2g, B2 1x.1g, B12 5mg/2m, C 2x.5g, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10 2x1g/d, Qc 2x.5g/d, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 3x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

Abbreviations resolved under blog references
What-when-details: Updated Dec 3rd (before: see the reference post)
/21:55 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1 Cr#1 mal#1+2 P5P/2Rho/0Se Ω3 = “PfCr Ml P5Ro Pq.Ω3”
/23:00 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/01:45 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&.3glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
/03:45 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1+2 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
(0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth))
/05:15 B3 “05:00” (30’) Q10#1 quercetin#1 resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “Q1QcRsSa” + ?NAC#
0 B4 “Up”: 2xNADH#?
/07:00 MEAL! C1/2 “+30’=Meal” Cr#2 .6GAB#3,the2,gink#1, NAC#2,Zn=B2,C,Cr.GaThe Gi n’AC/Z
/08:50 C3 “08:00” .1gB2,.5gC#1, NAC#3+ “B2CNc”. Nut > grain-Meal:
/12:00? C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#3+4 Nd#? SRP#3+4 — MlNdSr (1st meal till: ?)
D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
/16:55 D2/3 “15:00” .5gC#2,Cr#3,.3GA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#5+6,NAC#5, “C.Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
/18:50 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Qc#2.Q10#2.Rs#2,Sr#5+6. “Nd&Q1QcRsSr2” >19:15
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Complete & C changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, (0 Nia+) C:C2,D3 Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1(/3),C1,C3,D3, Rs: B3,D4 Sr2x: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:mu), B3:Q1QcSa, B4:2xNADH+C2:B2,Th,Zn,D4:Q1Qc (D1:Pe)

If the place is right, and only a little window opens, local edits can be done whilst the editor is open on another post! I think only 3x tho.
I think I’ve realized why I haven’t been asked to continue working for a certain charity - oh well…
Research-search today: Bits’n’bobs while improving my cause/trigger list.
Lessons in self-care #149 Probably good to take acupressure upon me in the mid-term…
Reasons to be cheerful #161 Fun getting things done again.

2021-12-11, Saturday - our Carols & Lessons today was streamed & left on youtube :hugs:

A friend texted us that it was being streamed! Christmas was here!
(v2 17:15 sad, cos I won’t manage to get to an English Carols & Lessons Service today, my personal Christmas, due to the continuing jab sfx on Day #11)
(v1 14:30: sort of cold symptoms, I think from my acupressurist, despite both wearing mask… decreasing sleep & cold tolerance, increasing nausea.)

Triggers & resulting Symptom

SLEEP (click for details): 8h37, up 6x (68') due mainly to stuffy nose ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 2 of 7 ❌

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
shower with bit of cold p0 Sleep HWB 23:00-
1:11 5’ 80%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’
3:27 4’ 80%/2 p1 st1 drink fw1’
3:53 11’ 80%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’ stuffy nose → air, sleep break. (Drowsing.)
4.25 40’ Minty oil → stomach/hunger pain. Awake, fw/6.
3’ HWB#3 helped sleep & unstuff the nose.
07:25 5’ 80%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’
Sum: 1h+8h45-(5+4+11+40+3+5=)68’ = 9h45-68 = 8h37, up 6x (68’) due mainly to stuffy nose

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% of pre-fibro) ➔ ACHE: ➔ 60%/3❌. Used an energy surge at 17:00, maybe due to NADH at 12:35, to buy food for 30’.
(e.g. cycle :biking_man:, TT = :ping_pong:, meetings/social :speaking_head:, mask :mask:, kids :child:, work ➔ ?90%/1 ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:)
ACTIONSPAINS: :white_check_mark: stuffy nose, headache, nausea, cold :x:, far stiffer than I’ve been saying the last few days, just I don’t know if it’s from moving less, but atm I’ve got an energy surge (NADH?) and am still very stiff, hard changing clothes.
(e.g. lie, stand, loins, sit, arms up, neck, stiff, walk, cycle, 0xp1-2, GI, talk, mask.) ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:


THERAPIES: Not thinking acupressure was worth it. e.g. acu, psy, doc, dx ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:
Supps to CHANGE: Wash capsule machine. Order D3+K2-MK7.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 92' ✅.

:white_check_mark: Timing, AuTr 2’, hunchback-pillow 10’, cold shower (3’), palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, twist-stretch 10’, teeth 2x2’, neck 1+ 2’, yoga/stretching 10’, foot on knee/cross-legged 20’, HWB 5x3’, hand-exerciser 5’
:x: plantar/calf stretch 5’, loins 2’, jolt-jump 1’, neck 2 3’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,

23+1 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: 1xNd at 12:35. May have have given energy at 17:00. Arg, B3, Ri: 0 today. Pe & Ps 0? (23 REGULAR: 0Ar 3x2g, B2 1x.1g, B12 5mg/2m, C 2x.5g, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10 2x1g/d, Qc 2x.5g/d, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 3x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

Abbreviations resolved under blog references
What-when-details: Updated Dec 3rd (before: see the reference post)
/22:35 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1 Cr#1 mal#1+2 P5P/2Rho/0Se PQQ Ω3 = “PfCr Ml P5Ro Pq.Ω3”
/22:55 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/01:15 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&.3glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
/03:30 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1+2 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
(0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth))
/07:30 B3 “05:00” (30’) Q10#1 quercetin#1 resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “Q1QcRsSa” + ?NAC#
0 B4 “Up”: 2xNADH#?
/09:00 MEAL! C1/2 “+30’=Meal” Cr#2 .6GAB#3,the2,gink#1, NAC#2,Zn=B2,C,Cr.GaThe Gi n’AC/Z
/10:15 C3 “08:00” .1gB2,.5gC#1, NAC#3+ “B2CNc”. Nut > grain-Meal:
/12:35 1x NADH C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#3+4 Nd#1 SRP#3+4 — MlNdSr (1st meal till: ?)
/12:35 D3 (Saturday)
0 D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
/16:50 D2/3 “15:00” .5gC#2,Cr#3,.3GA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#5+6,NAC#5, “C.Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
/19:15 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Qc#2.Q10#2.Rs#2,Sr#5+6. “Nd&Q1QcRsSr2” >19:15
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Complete & C changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, (0 Nia+) C:C2,D3 Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1(/3),C1,C3,D3, Rs: B3,D4 Sr2x: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:mu), B3:Q1QcSa, B4:2xNADH+C2:B2,Th,Zn,D4:Q1Qc (D1:Pe)


Research-search today:
Health Rising links upon which I’ve based my vaccine decisions:

Improved magnesium details

Reasons to be cheerful #162 Still active with the world at my fingertips, in my own little way…
Reasons to be cheerful #163 Christmas: Seeing our Carols & Lessons streamed was a blessing.

2021-12-12, Sunday - Day 12 & altogether worse rather than better. Development: it’ll probably take a few weeks.

(v1: 14:45 eve slightly better, morning worse: 1 NADH immediately may have bettered it a little, but only for a while, now very stiff, Achy.)

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 8h10, up 6x (20') plus 68' dozing = 9h18 ➔ Feeling 70% well, Ache 2 of 7 at night, and ➔ 70/3 upon getting up: Achey & shaky ❌

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
alternating shower p2 Sleep 23:00-
0:20 4’ 70%/2 p2 st1 drink fw1’
1.47 4’ 70%/2 p0+3 (stinging piercing pain directly only in bladder) st1 drink fw1’ neck 1 3’
3:48 3’ 70%/2 p0 st3 drink fw2’
4:22 3’ 70%/2 p0 st3 drink fw2’ stomach spasmic pain. 2’ calf exercise on loo.
5:40 3’ 70%/2 p0 st2 drink fw1’ dry throat
-7:30 3’ 70%/2 p0 st2 drink fw1’ nose stuffy

  • 20’ dozing, but sleep prevented by stuffy nose, another 68’ a bit better with nose strip and breath oil
    Sum: 1h+7h30-(4+4+3+3+3+3=)20’ = 8h30-20+68’ dozing = 8h10, up 6x (20’) plus 68’ dozing = 9h18
    8:30-9:18=48’ dozing

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% - well 20% - of pre-fibro)ACHE: Evening from 17:00 (still NADH?): ➔ 80%/2 ➔ with a bit more energy & strength & movement (still slow) possible, overcome most of the cold symptoms, but nausea off and on. Some jab symptoms a quarter, others half the max(?) :face_with_monocle:, morning, despite effective, seemingly restorative sleep ➔ 70%/3 :x:
(e.g. cycle :biking_man:, TT = :ping_pong:, meetings/social :speaking_head:, mask :mask:, kids :child:, work ➔ ?90%/1 ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:)
ACTIONSPAINS: :white_check_mark:, except 3xp2, 1:47 stinging piercing pain directly only in bladder.
(e.g. lie, stand, loins, sit, arms up, neck, stiff, walk, cycle, 0xp1-2, GI, talk, mask.) ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:


THERAPIES: Still don’t think acupressure was worth it on Friday. :x:*
Supps to CHANGE: Wash capsule machine. Order B2 (& lots for others) and D3+K2-MK7.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 1h44 ✅.

:white_check_mark: twist-stretch 25’, neck 1+ 8’, neck 2 4’, yoga/stretching 10’, HWB 1x3’, plantar/calf stretch 5’, Timing, AuTr 4’, hunchback-pillow 10’, cold shower (4’), teeth 2x2’, hand-exerciser 6’, foot on knee/cross-legged 10’, palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, :white_check_mark:
:x: loins 2’, jolt-jump 1’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,

23 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: 1 Nd at 9:30 as Ache is up. Arg, B3, Ri: 0 today. Pe & Ps 0? (23 REGULAR: 0Ar 3x2g, B2 1x.1g, B12 5mg/2m, C 2x.5g, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10 2x1g/d, Qc 2x.5g/d, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 3x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

Abbreviations resolved under blog references
What-when-details: Updated Dec 3rd (before: see the reference post)
/20:50 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1 Cr#1 mal#1+2 P5P/2Rho/0Se PQQ Ω3 = “PfCr Ml P5Ro Pq.Ω3”
/22:15 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/23:00 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&.3glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
/01:50 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1+2 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
(0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth))
/05:45 B3 “05:00” (30’) Q10#1 quercetin#1 resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “Q1QcRsSa” + ?NAC#
/09:40 B4 “Up”: 2xNADH#?
/12:05 MEAL! C1/2 “+30’=Meal” Cr#2 .6GAB#3,the2,gink#1, NAC#2,Zn=B2,C,Cr.GaThe Gi n’AC/Z
/12:05 C3 “08:00” .1gB2,.5gC#1, NAC#3+ “B2CNc”. Nut > grain-Meal:
/16:30 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#3+4 Nd#? SRP#3+4 — MlNdSr (1st meal till: ?) teeth
0 D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps. teeth
/17:10 D2/3 “15:00” .5gC#2,Cr#3,.3GA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#5+6,NAC#5, “C.Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc” teeth
/19:15 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Qc#2.Q10#2.Rs#2,Sr#5+6. “Nd&Q1QcRsSr2” >19:15 teeth
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Complete & copy changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, (0 Nia+) C:C2,D3 Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1(/3),C1,C3,D3, Rs: B3,D4 Sr2x: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:mu), B3:Q1QcSa, B4:2xNADH+C2:B2,Th,Zn,D4:Q1Qc (D1:Pe)

:one: My wife thinks it’s getting better slowly, despite the “cold” affliction after acupressure.
:two: And my mum asked how much the setback is (2 months she thought…).

So I’ll compare the 25 additional symptoms I’ve been having (above) with
:two: how much I had them with just FM and with
:one: now on Day 12 (+% = improvement).

  1. exhaustion: Worse for longer than ever with just FM, still the case, praps +30% now on Day 12.
  2. some energy, but depletes quickly: Same as 1.
  3. little strength, arms/hands often heavy: Same as just FM, +60%.
  4. Ache different to fibro: Same as 1, +0%, i.e. unchanged.
  5. showering very unpleasant: Same as 1, +10%.
  6. movement of more than 1-2 mins feels bad. For slow walking 10’ is the max. (occasional exceptions): Same as 1, +40%.
  7. More sleep: Not as bad as FM before April. Now on Day 12: +80% compared to Day 4 etc.
  8. still tired or dead tired: Same as 7.
  9. Strong sore throat for 7 days, until getting it gone by: Worse than just FM. +100%, i.e. 0
  10. permanent heat (electric blanket, 5th pair of (woolen) socks, long johns inside, hot water bottles at night). Much worse than just FM, +20%.
  11. Otherwise usually extremely cold feet, hands, lips often white. Much worse than just FM, +20%.
  12. Usually slight nausea: Much worse than just FM, +20%.
  13. if I move: more: Much worse than just FM, +30%.
  14. feverish-ill usually, a bit different to fibro, longer, not influenceable, Much worse than just FM, +40%.
  15. worse from slight movement, even more from slight strain, Much worse than just FM, +30%.
  16. actual “fever” of 1°C higher than usual (36,5°C instead of 35,5) Not in FM at all, -10% cos 36,6°C today.
  17. Burning “skin” over the whole torso (partly legs) sometimes, then for several hours: Not in FM at all, +100% (but comes in bouts, so may still return).
  18. stiffness more: Like just FM before GABA etc., +40%.
  19. brain fog more: Like just FM before GABA etc., +40%.
  20. “sore muscles” in backside more: New, +60%.
  21. Sometimes better for a few hours (often evenings, different to fibro) or half a day. Like FM, +50%, slightly getting more.
    In the first few days:
  22. local pain (upper back, hands): still gone.
  23. headache: still gone, except during the “almost-cold”. (COVID-symptom)
  24. 3 focal seizures: still gone. (not a COVID-symptom, but possible jab-effect)
  25. “burnt tongue”: returned once, but gone. (not a COVID-symptom)

So :one: of the 25, 5-6 have improved to :zero:: local pain, headache, seizures, burnt tongue, praps the bouts of burning skin, (sore throat (but only as long as I keep very warm)). These I would call the immediate ‘normal’ reactions everyone might have in the first week.
+80% improvement: more sleep, tired - since the 2nd week.
60%: Strength/heavy arms (may be too optimistic), sore backside muscles.
50%: bouts of improvement.
40%: stiffness, brain fog, movement/walking.
30%: feverish-ill, slight movement/strain, nausea upon moving, exhaustion, energy & depletion.
20%: nausea without moving, cold extremities, permanent heat nec.
10%: showering unpleasant.
0%: Ache (different)
-10%: +1°C “fever”.
So if these were chronic, but improving at a similar rate, then it’d take another 4 weeks for these core problems to maybe improve: movement/energy/exhaustion, nausea & cold.

:two: How much setback?

(6 months (June): tiredness/sleep, brain fog?)
8 months (before GABA (but despite still using it!)): Stiffness,
16 months: short bouts of energy (then due to cryotherapy), continual Ache.
never had it with FM: +1°C “fever”, almost continual nausea,
or had it long or as severely: feverishness, cold intolerance, movement, showering unpleasant, exhaustion & exhaustibility, sore backside muscles.
So overall if at all my symptoms now were comparable to fibro plus the symptoms in the week after the spinal tap. I think Mar20, almost 2 years ago, but that’s not a setback it’s a worst-case scenario. My mum’s sure I’ll find away out, my wife is hoping for a miracle - and everyone inclined is :pray:.

Research-search today:

Lessons in self-care #150 Focusing on this blog more now will improve self-discipline.
Reasons to be cheerful #163 Body so bad, mind so good! :crazy_face:

2021-12-13, Monday - bad till 15:00, then suddenly great, altho I look bad… cortisol vs. serotonin? - check the connection again & why it can jump like that.

(v3: 18:30 still good!? But my wife sez I don’t look at all good, so I’m probably running on cortisol & overdoing it…)
(v2: 15:30… - better while eating, even able to do some singing)
(v1: 14:25 2h strenuous at the doc’s just to get my sick leave note… :roll_eyes: )

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 7h21, up 5x (54') ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 2 of 7 at night ❌, and 80%/1 upon getting up ✅

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
alternating shower p0 Sleep 23:15-
0:47 3’ 80%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’
2:22 3’ 80%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’
4:03 5’ 80%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’ HWB, air
4:28 38’ 80%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’ awake/6
6:57 5’ 80%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’ nose strip
Sum: 45+7h30-(3+3+5+38+5=)54’ = 8h15-54’= 7h21, up 5x (54’)

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% - well 20% - of pre-fibro)ACHE: ➔ 80%/2 :face_with_monocle:, doctors office ➔ 70%/3 :x:, better 15:30 after supps, resting, eating ➔ 90%/1 :white_check_mark:, even singing over an hour & music production…➔ 90%/1 :white_check_mark: - mad, innnit? :crazy_face:
(e.g. cycle :biking_man:, TT = :ping_pong:, meetings/social :speaking_head:, mask :mask:, kids :child:, work ➔ ?90%/1 ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:)
ACTIONSPAINS: :white_check_mark:, RR: 145/87 at 13:40, watch that… 18:30 slightly less.
(e.g. lie, stand, loins, sit, arms up, neck, stiff, walk, cycle, 0xp1-2, GI, talk, mask.) ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:


THERAPIES: decided no acupressure tomorrow, but try psychologist Wednesday.
Supps to CHANGE: Wash capsule machine. Order D3+K2-MK7. Qc: nausea/stomach ache at 7:00? Or at least later, at 07:00, shortly before eating. And at 19:00 before evening meal 19:30?

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 71' 🧐, but excluding both evening stretching times.

:white_check_mark: HWB 2x3’, Timing, twist-stretch 5’, AuTr 2’, hunchback-pillow 15’, cold shower (3’), palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, RR 8x2’, foot on knee/cross-legged 5’, neck 2 3’, neck 1+ 3’, hand-exerciser 3’
:x: plantar/calf stretch 5’, loins 2’, teeth 3x2’, jolt-jump 1’, yoga/stretching 5’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,

23-24 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: Nd 0 Arg, B3, Ri: 0 today. Pe & Ps 0? (23 REGULAR: B2 1x.1g, B12 5mg/2m, C 2x.5g, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3x2, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10 2x1g/d, Qc 2x.5g/d, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 3x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

Abbreviations resolved under blog references
What-when-details: Updated Dec 3rd (before: see the reference post)
/21:35 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1 Cr#1 mal#1+2 P5P/2Rho/0Se PQQ Ω3 = “PfCr Ml P5Ro Pq.Ω3”
/22:35 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/00:50 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&.3glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
/02:25 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1+2 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
(0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth))
B3 “05:00” (30’) Q10#1 quercetin#1 resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “Q1QcRsSa” + ?NAC#
B4 “Up”: 2xNADH#?
/07:40 MEAL! C1/2 Cr#2 .6GAB#3,the2,gink#1, NAC#2,Zn=B2,C,Cr.GaThe Gi n’AC/Z & cat’s claw+
/08:00 C3 “08:00” .1gB2,.5gC#1, NAC#3+ “B2CNc”. Nut > grain-Meal:
/13:10 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#3+4 Nd#? SRP#3+4 — MlNdSr (1st meal till: ?)
0 D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
/17:00 D2/3 “15:00” .5gC#2,Cr#3,.3GA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#5+6,NAC#5, “C.Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
/19:00 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Qc#2.Q10#2.Rs#2,Sr#5+6. “Nd&Q1QcRsSr2” ->19:30
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Complete & C changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, (0 Nia+) C:C2,D3 Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (0Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1,C1,C3,D3, Q1Qc: B3+D4 Rs: B3,D4 Sr2x: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(0Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:0mu), B3:Sa (B4: 5NADH) C2: B2+Th+Zn. (D1:Pe)


Research-search today: Looked for my acupressurist that copper usually isn’t necessary to supplement.

Lessons in self-care #151 Overdoing it?.. on the inside it feels like I’m not, my wife sez otherwise…
Reasons to be cheerful #164 Wow, energy, no exhaustion, no symptoms, but keeping warm.

2021-12-14, Tuesday - 2 weeks after the jab & apparently recovering…

(v4: 14:40 yup, 1h slow yardwork (sawing!) with lots of breaks seems OK-ish, felt good to do something for my body for a change and not needing as much stamina as TT… Development: The jab-fx were sort of a massive flu-like fibro flare plus nausea.
(v3: 12:25 yoga nidra after music production helped. Let’s see if I can do some yardwork.)
(v2: 9:50 woke up after long sleep heated up, instead of cold; not as well as I was, let’s see)
(v1: “100%” back to normal in the evening! :crazy_face: (since Monday 15:00) - spontaneous remission?! (Prayer? :pray: Cortisol? Who knows… :mage: ))

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 9h, up 4x (40') ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 1 of 7 ✅, but heated up & 36,65°C...

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
cold shower p0 Sleep 22:30-
00:23 5’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’
01:55 10’ 90%/1-2 p1 st1 drink fw5’ (woke up warily…, but OK)
03:16 20’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’ 6
05:40 5’ 85%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’ slight stomach ache → drink, stuffy nose → air
-08:09 all heated up, p0, st1
Sum: 1h30+8:10-(5+10+20+5=)40’ = 9h, up 4x (40’)

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% - well 20% - of pre-fibro)ACHE: Evening still ➔ 90%/1 :white_check_mark: (that’s back to 90% of 40%), but why. And why ache in my hands, like after the jab? I don’t think I overdid the hand exercisers today, did less than usual. 10:00 Music production lesson strenuous, “hurt”, but I don’t need to move, just have to learn to relax all the time. Praps I should have a yoga nidra relaxation exercise running in the background or immediately after. Or why not BEFORE!? 55’ yardwork (wdve taken 15’ pre-fibro, but hey): Sawing wasn’t as tough as the weight of the chainsaw, but all in all successful, considering. That was good for lungs and whole body.
(e.g. cycle :biking_man:, TT = :ping_pong:, meetings/social :speaking_head:, mask :mask:, kids :child:, work ➔ ?90%/1 ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:)
ACTIONSPAINS: :white_check_mark:, Slightly sore neck muscles from the neck exercises. That’s good, not bad. :white_check_mark:. Pain in right hand from sawing was OK again after 1h. :white_check_mark:
(e.g. lie, stand, loins, sit, arms up, neck, stiff, walk, cycle, 0xp1-2, GI, talk, mask.) ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:


THERAPIES: Cancelled today’s acupressure due to I think getting a bug from her and it just seeming too much.
Supps to CHANGE: Wash capsule machine. Ordered D3+K2-MK7 etc.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 70' ✅. Cold shower possible with no problem again. Woke up heated up, which means the cold tolerance has got better, but not nec. good..

:white_check_mark: twist-stretch 10’, Timing, cold shower (10’), plantar/calf stretch 3’, AuTr 8’, hunchback-pillow 10’, palpate 1’, belly 1’, back 4’, neck 1+ 4’, foot on knee/cross-legged 5’, teeth 2x2’, hand-exerciser 3’, neck 2 2’, yoga/stretching 3’,
:x: loins 2’, jolt-jump 1’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, HWB 3’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,

23-24 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: Nd 0, Arg, B3, Ri: 0 today. Pe & Ps 0? (23 REGULAR: B2 1x.1g, B12 5mg/2m, C 2x.5g, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3x2, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10 2x1g/d, Qc 2x.5g/d, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 3x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

Abbreviations resolved under blog references
What-when-details: Updated Dec 3rd (before: see the reference post)
/20:00 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1 Cr#1 mal#1+2 P5P/2Rho/0Se PQQ Ω3 = “PfCr Ml P5Ro Pq.Ω3”
/21:40 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/00:25 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&.3glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
/21:05 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1+2 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.

0 (0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth))
/08:30 B3 “07:00” (30’) Q10#1 quercetin#1 resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “Q1QcRsSa” + ?NAC#
0 B4 “Up”: 2xNADH#?
/09:20 MEAL! C1/2 “+30’=Meal” Cr#2 .6GAB#3,the2,gink#1, NAC#2,Zn=B2,C,Cr.GaThe Gi n’AC/Z
/09:40 C3 “08:00” .1gB2,.5gC#1, NAC#3+ “B2CNc”. Nut > grain-Meal:
/12:25 11:40 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#3+4 Nd#? SRP#3+4 — MlNdSr (1st meal till: ?)
(13:55) D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
D2/3 “15:00” .5gC#2,Cr#3,.3GA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#5+6,NAC#5, “C.Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Qc#2.Q10#2.Rs#2,Sr#5+6. “Nd&Q1QcRsSr2” >19:15
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Complete & C changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, (0 Nia+) C:C2,D3 Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (0Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1,C1,C3,D3, Q1QcRs: B3+D4 Sr2x: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(0Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:0mu), B3:Sa (B4: 5NADH) C2: B2+Th+Zn. (D1:Pe)

Jab-sfx: 08:15 heated up, slightly feverish, increased temperature 36,65°C. Everything a bit of a strain but a bit of slow work in fresh air was good.
My wife heard someone say the jab gave her a massive rheumatism flare and is using this expression now. (She likes explaining to others that fibromyalgia is sort of ‘tissue rheumatism’ anyway, even if it’s not correct, so that they understand.)
So/but: Maybe a big fibro flare coupled with the flu, without too much runny nose, but as opposed to fibro including temperature, and maybe the biggest flare of fibro alone I’ve ever had. Easier than “25 symptoms”. I was too wrapped up in symptom tracking to (want to try to) see the big picture… Interesting that there were bouts of feeling well too, sort of “anti-flares”.

Research-search today:

Lessons in self-care #152 My wife was flabbergasted about me sawing, but it felt really good.
Reasons to be cheerful #165 Spontaneous remission of the jab effects after 13 days?! :upside_down_face:

2021-12-15, Wednesday - Slooooowly back to more ‘new-normality’

v2: 18:15 Psychotherapy strenuous but all the more helpful. Cycling & table tennis extremely slow.
v1: 14:05 lots of stressy technical problems in the evening, in morning sleep and in the morning, but survived…

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 8h25, up 3x (10') ➔ Feeling 90% well, Ache 1 of 7 at night ✅, but ➔ 70%/2 🧐 upon waking, so 1h fw, then 50' Yoga Nidra ➔ 80%/2 ✅

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
alternating shower p0 Sleep ?22:30-
1:53 3’ 90%/1 p1 st1 drink fw1’
4:39 3’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’
6:12 3’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’ Harwich-dream due to technical tribulations (SD-card, photos blurred, ) Harwich-thought, getting acupressure down.
-6:55 fw. Yoga Nidra 07:38-8:28 = 50’
Sum: 1h30?+6h55=8h25, up 3x (10’)

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% of pre-fibro)ACHE: Technical problems, e.g. uploading 60 bills to my sickness insurance was no fun, next time they’re gonna get it on paper if they don’t react to my letter of complaint, with 15 problems and many suggestions what to improve. ➔ 80%/1 :face_with_monocle:, trying some TT today! 2 games, very slow, cycling slow. Psychotherapy: ➔ 80-85%/1 :white_check_mark::face_with_monocle:
(e.g. cycle :biking_man:, TT = :ping_pong:, meetings/social :speaking_head:, mask :mask:, kids :child:, work)
ACTIONSPAINS: OK :white_check_mark:, bit stiff after sitting & slight pee pain as always. :white_check_mark:
(e.g. lie, stand, loins, sit, arms up, neck, stiff, walk, cycle, 0xp1-2, GI, talk, mask.)


THERAPIES: Lot of ideas for psychotherapy today: Less acupressure?, re-imagining bad thoughts like bad dreams or memories or focusing on the good bits, limiting stressful activity (technical problems - talking to others). (Also need to destress next Tuesday’s appointments, check dentist first, praps move a meeting and acupressure to Wednesday.)
Ideas from the session:

  1. Free myself from co-dependent & parentifying feelings when telling - not asking - my acupressurist that I want to reduce the sessions.
  2. Practice looking in the mirror, praps with the eyes of little Jay.
  3. My 3 for the bad dream & bad memory of missing a ferry were good: Overriding it with a new imagination, a new ‘reality’ - I paid a person on the street to take me to the ferry. And using Yoga Nidra.
  4. Also using Yoga Nidra before and after a singing session (which also is confronting “the man in the mirror”).
  5. It’s good not to use the things bought for me regularly altho I don’t want them & they are making things I do want go off, after I’ve announced I won’t be doing it any more (which I’ve already made clear).

Supps to CHANGE: Wash capsule machine… :roll_eyes:

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 110' ✅.

:white_check_mark: plantar/calf stretch 3’, twist-stretch 15’, Timing, AuTr 50’, hunchback-pillow 10’, cold shower (5’), palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, neck 1+ 4’, neck 2 2’, teeth 2x2’, yoga/stretching 3’, hand-exerciser 3’
:x: loins 2’, foot on knee/cross-legged 5’, jolt-jump 1’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, HWB 3’, workout 7’, red heat 3’.

23-24 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: Nd 0, Arg, B3, Ri: 0 today. Pe & Ps 0? (23 REGULAR: B2 1x.1g, B12 5mg/2m, C 2x.5g, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3x2, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10 2x1g/d, Qc 2x.5g/d, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 3x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

Abbreviations resolved under blog references
What-when-details: Updated Dec 3rd (before: see the reference post)
/20:40 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1 Cr#1 mal#1+2 P5P/2Rho/0Se PQQ Ω3 = “PfCr Ml P5Ro Pq.Ω3”
/22:30 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/01:55 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&.3glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
/04:40 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1+2 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
(0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth))
/08:55 B3 “07:00” (30’) Q10#1 quercetin#1 resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “Q1QcRsSa” + ?NAC#
B4 “Up”: 2xNADH#?
/11:05 MEAL! C1/2 “+30’=Meal” Cr#2 .6GAB#3,the2,gink#1, NAC#2,Zn=B2,C,Cr.GaThe Gi n’AC/Z
/14:20 forgot at- 11:25 C3 “08:00” .1gB2,.5gC#1, NAC#3+ “B2CNc”. Nut > grain-Meal:
/13:25 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#3+4 Nd#? SRP#3+4 — MlNdSr (1st meal till: ?)
0 D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
/15:00? D2/3 “15:00” .5gC#2,Cr#3,.3GA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#5+6,NAC#5, “C.Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
/17:35 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Qc#2.Q10#2.Rs#2,Sr#5+6. “Nd&Q1QcRsSr2” >19:15
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Complete & C changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, (0 Nia+) C:C2,D3 Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (0Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1,C1,C3,D3, Q1QcRs: B3+D4 Sr2x: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(0Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:0mu), B3:Sa (B4: 5NADH) C2: B2+Th+Zn. (D1:Pe)

In a sense the jab-flare wasn’t as bad as a flu or a total fibro flare, probably due to everything I still do, because I was not able to move without pain & nausea, but if I didn’t I felt quite OK. How do I describe that? Had something of locked-in-syndrome, altho of course not that bad either.

Research-search today:

Lessons in self-care #153 Psychotherapy taught me many strenuous lessons today.
Reasons to be cheerful #166 Table tennis! Everything slowly getting more normal. Reconvalescing.

2021-12-16, Thursday - thought jab-reconvalescence’d be faster: no way.

(v2: 12:35 TT was nothing like as easy as pre-jab!!)
(v1: my wife says I’m looking better, but shdnt go to work on Friday…)

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 8h25, up 4x (1h05 - deliberately) ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 1 of 7 ✅, slight cold symptoms, praps due to my fw-antics at night in the cold, silly.

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
alternating shower p0 Sleep 22:50-
01:40 45’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw42’
2:38 6 15’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’
4:00? 2’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink HWB
6:38 3’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’
Sum: 1h10+8h20-(45+15+2+3=)1h05 = 9h30-1h05 = 8h25, up 4x (1h05 - deliberately)

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% of pre-fibro)ACHE: resting was OK ➔ 80%/1, but 4 TT games seemed OK at first, half the pre-jab amount, but actually wasn’t at all 50%/5 :x::x:, Resting, eating, enzymes ➔ 70%/3 :x:, think I’ll try a short cycle/walk all the same - hmm, OK-ish, but hard. ➔ 70%/3 :x:, even after further resting ➔ 70%/3 :x:.
(e.g. cycle :biking_man:, TT = :ping_pong:, meetings/social :speaking_head:, mask :mask:, kids :child:, work ➔ ?90%/1)
ACTIONSPAINS: :white_check_mark:
(e.g. lie, stand, loins, sit, arms up, neck, stiff, walk, cycle, 0xp1-2, GI, talk, mask.)


THERAPIES: One more challenge my psychologist brought up: 6) what makes me pull things thru so much, like when experiencing the technical difficulties. I’d argue that I hardly ever feel the need to do this, but in this case it was a big one on my ToDo list (with several big steps involved), which I’d been putting off quite a time OTOH, OTO wasn’t pressing, but when money (doc bills) & technology (transferring files & malfunctioning webpage) are involved, even both, things just get strenuous and at the same time it’s good to get them off your back.
Supps to CHANGE: Wash capsule machine…:face_with_monocle:

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 122' ✅.

:white_check_mark: plantar/calf stretch 10’, twist-stretch 5’, Timing, AuTr 10’, hunchback-pillow 10’, cold shower (10’), ri foot on/under le knee/cross-legged 50’, loins 3’, teeth 2x2’, yoga/stretching 3’, HWB 3’, palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, hand-exerciser 3’
:x: neck 1+ 4’, jolt-jump 1’, neck 2 3’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,

23-24 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: 1-2 Nd at 12:40, didn't help tho, Arg, B3, Ri: 0 today. Pe & Ps 0? (23 REGULAR: B2 1x.1g, B12 5mg/2m, C 2x.5g, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3x2, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10 2x1g/d, Qc 2x.5g/d, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 3x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

Abbreviations resolved under blog references
What-when-details: Updated Dec 3rd (before: see the reference post)
/19:55 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1 Cr#1 mal#1+2 P5P/2Rho/0Se PQQ Ω3 = “PfCr Ml P5Ro Pq.Ω3”
/22:10 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/22:50 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&.3glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
/01:40 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1+2 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
(0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth))
/08:30 B3 “07:00” (30’) Q10#1 quercetin#1 resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “Q1QcRsSa” + ?NAC#
0 B4 “Up”: 2xNADH#?
/09:20 MEAL! C1/2 “+30’=Meal” Cr#2 .6GAB#3,the2,gink#1, NAC#2,Zn=B2,C,Cr.GaThe Gi n’AC/Z
/09:55 C3 “08:00” .1gB2,.5gC#1, NAC#3+ “B2CNc”. Nut > grain-Meal:
/12:40 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#3+4 Nd#? SRP#3+4 — MlNdSr (1st meal till: ?)
0 D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
/15:45 D2/3 “15:00” .5gC#2,Cr#3,.3GA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#5+6,NAC#5, “C.Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
/17:30 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Qc#2.Q10#2.Rs#2,Sr#5+6. “Nd&Q1QcRsSr2” >19:15
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Complete & C changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Pf:A1,3,4,B1, C:C2,D3 Cr:A1,C1,D2, Ga:A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu:A3,a4,d3, Gi:C2,D3, Mal: A2,C4,D3, Nc:A3,B1,C1,C3,D3, Q1QcRs: B3,D4 P5/Ro:A2: Sa:B3 Sr2x: B1,C4,D4 (Ω/Pq: 20:00-meal), inC2: vit.B2+Th+Zn.
(0: Arg: cps? 0Gly:A1+C2+C3, B2:0mu, B4: 5NADH, D1:Pe, (0 Nia/vitB3, 0Se).

Nausea has gone, I can move fairly freely, if slow, no real flu-type symptoms any more (cold etc.)
But table tennis today shows I’m nothing like finished with the jab fx.
Means I won’t be able to work next week, i.e. before Christmas either.
Also means it’ll be extremely tough to get my tooth done Tuesday, even if nec.
And I shdnt be thinking about the 2nd jab much at all yet.

Research-search today: Differences between the corticosteroids cortisone, hydrocortisone (synthetic form of cortisol, usually meant when people say cortisone!) and cortisol are pretty complicated.

Lessons in self-care #154 Nothing else today, after TT. Praps the enzymes’ll help the pain.
Reasons to be cheerful #167 TT was a fun glimpse of normality…

2021-12-17, Friday - Went to acupressure to not get acupressure done… :crazy_face:

v4: 16:15 By going to acupressure & discussing (incl. anxiety) I’m worse again. Yoga Nidra has helped a bit, but I’m now back on the sofa, like 8 months ago.
v3: 10:30 Haven’t cancelled acupressure, but prepared her by texting that I don’t feel like it at all…
v2: 06:35 Realizing that an aversion towards the acupressure has grown - my wife’s neat suggestion: cancel it today.
v1: eve before - feeling pretty miserable for once (from the Ache after TT)…

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 6h55, up 4x (1h) + 1h20 Nidra = 8h15 ➔ Feeling 70-80% well, Ache 2-3 of 7 ❌

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
alternating shower p2 Sleep 22:35-
00:57 14’ 70%/3 p1 st1 drink fw8’ yucky-spewey
03:33 3’ 80%/2 p0 st1 drink fw1’ bit better
03:50 40’ 6 dozing quite a lot, but waking up re-imaging a dream (jumped up high, slid down - & up - with superpowers)
06:05 3’ 70%/3 p0 st1 drink fw1’ HWB for Ache-comfort
06:50 - 08:20 -10’ Yoga Nidra 1h20
Sum: 1h25+6h30-(14+3+40+3=)1h = 7h55-1h = 6h55, up 4x (1h) + 1h20 Nidra = 8h15

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% of pre-fibro)ACHE: eve still ➔ 70%/3 :x:, alternating shower helped a bit, but itchy skin ➔ 70%/2 :x:, at night feeling as if I’d been sleeping for hours and hours, not just 2.5h at the first break, also very Achey & feverish-nauseous in the way of a gastritis, as if I had to spew soon. ➔ 60%/3 :x:, better, after Yoga Nidra, but still ➔ 70%/2 :x:, singing a bit cheered me up a moment, but still ➔ 70%/2 :x:. Going (cycling pretty slowly) to talk with the acupressurist took ages again and hurt even more, partly like I’d pre-talked with my psychotherapist I was co-dependently ➔ 60%/4-5 :x:, singing a bit again cheered, but my wife convinced me to sleep a bit, so I did my favourite Ally Boothroyd Yoga Nidra video again ➔ 60%/4 :x:. Now after tidying my room up a bit, I’m having to go back to my sofa-lying, absolutely sweatily exhausted. ➔ 60%/4 :x:
ACTIONSPAINS: :white_check_mark:, mainly the overall Ache all of the time.
(e.g. lie, stand, loins, sit, arms up, neck, stiff, walk, cycle, 0xp1-2, GI, talk, mask.) ?:white_check_mark::x::face_with_monocle:


THERAPIES: “Acupressure” today: An aversion towards the acupressure has grown out of having become tired of it. It has helped me so much, more than anything else, even in the past weeks, to get local pains down. But it hasn’t helped any more with the overall pain: The Ache, the fatigue. And all the supps have been doing that, but taking a lot of my time & energy in doing so, until I got them sorted. Now that’s OK. I’m grateful for all she’s managed to do, small miracles, lots of bumps and scars etc. But neither has she up to now apparently still not understood that that’s not my core problem, nor has the treatment increased my “activity limit of 40%”. So the treatment has just got too much for me and isn’t effective enough considering the long hours I’m there, often 5h per week.
So I went like I prepared her, but she didn’t seem to see how much effort it was costing me. As she has helped me so much, I feel indebted and she keeps taking the role of telling (me) what to do - which is often quite good, but also often enough missing the point, which is very strenuous - to keep correcting her about things she doesn’t know. That again took me way over my limits again. She still says she believes she can help me with “energy flow” to get the pain down. To be honest, I don’t believe any more. So it was tough, and a direct confrontation of my co-dependency anxiety, but I’ve started talking about reducing, needing a break etc. :x::face_with_monocle: A suggestion of her’s toward the end was to stay in bed more and not force myself to do the self-treatments. As I have been keeping still most of the time since the jab this wasn’t anything new, but I saved my breath there. And the self-treatments do not stress me much, even the loins one (left foot under right knee), which hurts quite a lot, helps me with sitting.
Let’s put it in a nutshell: Whatever my acupressurist says is irrelevant. It has not been helping get the rest of my Ache & fatigue down. It has only been helping with local pains. Those are not my main problem & don’t seem to influence the Ache, as I had thought. The treatment has become strenuous & time-consuming. I have developed an aversion to it. So I want to reduce or even take a break. I want her to listen to me more and not talk so much, make suggestions, but not so much advice. I need to find a good wording for that. Maybe "I don’t feel properly understood. And I do generally know what’s best for me. (We need to listen to my body more?)"
As I’m having to do a similar co-dependency confrontation, supported by my psychologist, with my wife, not easy at the moment, all anxiety stuff, so good that Yoga Nidra’s around…
Supps to CHANGE: Wash capsule machine…:face_with_monocle:

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 2h04 ✅.

:white_check_mark: twist-stretch 5’, Timing, cold shower (5’), neck 1+ 2’, neck 2 2’, teeth 2x2’, yoga/stretching 5’, Yoga Nidra 1h20’, hunchback-pillow 10’, palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’, left foot on/under right knee/cross-legged 5’,
:x: plantar/calf stretch 5’, loins 2’, jolt-jump 1’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, HWB 3’, workout 7’, red heat 3’, hand-exerciser 3’

23-24 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: Nd 1 again didn't help I don't think, Arg, B3, Ri: 0 today. Pe & Ps 0? (23 REGULAR: B2 1x.1g, B12 5mg/2m, C 2x.5g, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3x2, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10 2x1g/d, Qc 2x.5g/d, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 3x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

Abbreviations resolved under blog references
What-when-details: Updated Dec 3rd (before: see the reference post)
/19:00 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1 Cr#1 mal#1+2 P5P/2Rho/0Se PQQ Ω3 = “PfCr Ml P5Ro Pq.Ω3”
/21:30 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/01:15 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&.3glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
/03:35 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1+2 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
(0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth))
/06:35 B3 “07:00” (30’) Q10#1 quercetin#1 resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “Q1QcRsSa” + ?NAC#
/07:10 0 B4 “Up”: 1xNADH
/10:20 MEAL! C1/2 “+30’=Meal” Cr#2 .6GAB#3,the2,gink#1, NAC#2,Zn=B2,C,Cr.GaThe Gi n’AC/Z
/10:40 C3 “08:00” .1gB2,.5gC#1, NAC#3+ “B2CNc”. Nut > grain-Meal:
/14:55 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#3+4 Nd#? SRP#3+4 — MlNdSr (1st meal till: ?)
D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
/15:45 D2/3 “15:00” .5gC#2,Cr#3,.3GA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#5+6,NAC#5, “C.Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
/18:45 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Qc#2.Q10#2.Rs#2,Sr#5+6. “Nd&Q1QcRsSr2” >19:15
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Complete & C changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, (0 Nia+) C:C2,D3 Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (0Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1,C1,C3,D3, Q1QcRs: B3,D4 Sr2x: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(0Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:0mu), B3:Sa (B4: 5NADH) C2: B2+Th+Zn. (D1:Pe)


Research-search today:

Lessons in self-care #155 Co-dependency confrontation may be tough, but it’ll help in the long run.
Reasons to be cheerful #168 Gonna get stronger :muscle: this way, I spose… :roll_eyes:

2021-12-18, Saturday - slightly better first; activities 10% I spose; still fatigued in the evening tho.

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 9h50, up 5x (62') ✅, and ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 1-2 of 7 ✅

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
alternating shower p0 Sleep 22:50-
00:12 3’ 80%/1 p1 st1 drink fw1’
02:25 3’ 80%/1 p1 st1 drink fw1’
05:35 22’ 80%/1 p1 st1 drink fw12’
06:15 6 25’
08:09 10’ 80%/1 p1 st1 drink fw10’ doze/AuTr
Sum: 1h10+9h42-(2+3+22+25+10=)62’ = 10h52-62’ = 9h50, up 5x (62’)

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% - well 20% - of pre-fibro)ACHE: Bit better after resting a lot in the afternoon and evening ➔ 80%/2 :x::face_with_monocle:. Same in the morning. ➔ 80%/2 :x::face_with_monocle:, in the evening OK not worse, but breathless & fatigued from nothing ➔ 70%/2 :x:
ACTIONSPAINS: :white_check_mark:, 2xp2, some alternating pains, nothing much to speak of tho. :face_with_monocle:


THERAPIES: Break from acupressure?
Supps to CHANGE: Wash capsule machine…:face_with_monocle:

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 1h33 ✅.

:white_check_mark: teeth 3x2’, twist-stretch 10’, neck 1+ 4’,neck 2 2’, yoga/stretching 2’, hand-exerciser 3’, cold shower (5’), AuTr 40’, Timing, hunchback-pillow 10’, palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 7’,
:x: plantar/calf stretch 5’, loins 2’, left foot on/under right knee/cross-legged 5’, jolt-jump 1’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, marionette-hang 1’, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, HWB 3’, workout 7’, red heat 3’,

23-24 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: Nd 1, Arg, B3, Ri: 0 today. Pe & Ps 0? (23 REGULAR: B2 1x.1g, B12 5mg/2m, C 2x.5g, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3x2, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10 2x1g/d, Qc 2x.5g/d, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 3x2x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

Abbreviations resolved under blog references
What-when-details: Updated Dec 3rd (before: see the reference post)
/19:30 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1 Cr#1 mal#1+2 P5P/2Rho/0Se PQQ Ω3 = “PfCr Ml P5Ro Pq.Ω3”
/22:15 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/00:15 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&.3glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
/02:25 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1+2 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
(0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth))
/10:05 B3 “07:00” (30’) Q10#1 quercetin#1 resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “Q1QcRsSa” + ?NAC#
/10:05 B4 “Up”: 1xNADH.
/10:40 VitD3
/12:10 MEAL! C1/2 “+30’=Meal” Cr#2 .6GAB#3,the2,gink#1, NAC#2,Zn=B2,C,Cr.GaThe Gi n’AC/Z
/12:10 C3 “08:00” .1gB2,.5gC#1, NAC#3+ “B2CNc”. Nut > grain-Meal:
0 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#3+4 Nd#? SRP#3+4 — MlNdSr (1st meal till: ?)
/ 14:00 D1 “13:00” 1 Pectin and/or 0 psyllium with meal, no other supps.
/15:10 D2/3 “15:00” .5gC#2,Cr#3,.3GA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#5+6,NAC#5, “C.Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
/18:10 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Qc#2.Q10#2.Rs#2,Sr#5+6. “Nd&Q1QcRsSr2” >19:15
/20:25 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1 Cr#1 mal#1+2 P5P/2Rho/0Se PQQ Ω3 = “PfCr Ml P5Ro Pq.Ω3”
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Complete & C changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, (0 Nia+) C:C2,D3 Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (0Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1,C1,C3,D3, Q1QcRs: B3,D4 Sr2x: B1,C4,D4
SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro/(0Se)(Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:0mu), B3:Sa (B4: 5NADH) C2: B2+Th+Zn. (D1:Pe)

Not sure how to scale this. I spose I’m back to aiming for 100% of 20% after all… By keeping to 10%…
‘Interesting’ how much I cry as well as laughtin when watching Big Bang Theory… littl’un has gotten slightly overemotional…

Research-search today:

Lessons in self-care #156 Shuffling around slowly. Fun at first. Hope it doesn’t get boring too quickly.
Reasons to be cheerful #169 Dreaming yesterday morning my re-imaging process allowed me to save myself from a tricky situation. I’d jumped up from a ramp to a 10 metre high thin stone slab with perpendicular sides with a kind of mountain bike. And looking down didn’t know how to get down. After thinking a bit, I decided to just slide slowly down the side. Just to make sure I was in control, I slid up again, then down again. Here’s to mental agility! :trophy: