JayCS’s Fibro Blog

2022-01-03, Monday - not much self-discipline, but managing 2h of activity, and self-treatment still OK

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 8h42, up 3x (56') ✅, and ➔ Feeling 80-90% well, Ache 1 of 7 ✅

No fw! lbu: belly tensing? No half-sitting on sofa!
alternating shower p0 Sleep 23:00-
02:00 5’ 80%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’ ALA. drowsy/overheated,
02:50 6 45’ 80%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’
6:00 6’ 90%/1 p0 st1 drink fw1’ HWB
Sum: 1h+8h38-(5-45-6=)56’ = 9h38-56 = 8h42, up 3x (56’)

ACTIVITIES (aiming for 40% - well 20% - of pre-fibro)ACHE: 25’ shop ➔ 80%/1 :white_check_mark:and 45’ housework & washing/drying hair ➔ 70%/3 :x:
(e.g. cycle :biking_man:, TT = :ping_pong:, meetings/social :speaking_head:, mask :mask:, kids :child:, work ➔ ?80%/2)
ACTIONSPAINS: :white_check_mark:
(e.g. lie, stand, loins, sit, arms up, neck, stiff, walk, cycle, 0xp1-2, GI, talk, mask.)


THERAPIES: After texting my acupressurist that I don’t need any appts right at the moment, she asked back what the plan is. I think she’s not keen on losing me, but…
Supps to CHANGE: Wash capsule machine…:face_with_monocle:. Keeping ALA + pycnogenol at around 3:00 seems OK, if I brace myself for a longer break directly after. If this doesn’t get better after 2 more days, I may have to change it to daytime.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 87'... ✅. Lazy: no breath-holding exercise...

:white_check_mark: plantar/calf stretch 5’, twist-stretch 10’, Timing, cold shower (5’), AuTr 10’, hunchback-pillow 10’, left foot on/under right knee/cross-legged 10’, HWB 2x3’, palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 12’, teeth 2x2’, marionette-hang 10’, jolt-jump 1’,
:x: neck 1+ 4’, loins 2’, neck 2 3’, yoga/stretching 5’, gums 2x30’’, V ‘, mirror 2’, shaking dance 1’, breath-hold 11’, RR x2’, workout 7’, hand-exerciser 3’, cream 5’, massage gun 20’

Swapped morning and afternoon amino acids, but they're actually pretty similar I've found. 23-24 Supps: PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY (click for details): NEW/IRREGULAR/CHANGED: ALA + pycnogenol: again short stomach stabs, but sleep OK: again a longer break directly after them, but then 2 long stints of 2.5h. Now going to swap them for the mumijo at "3:00" Nd 0. Arg, B3, Ri: 0 today. Pe & Ps 0? (23 REGULAR: B2 1x.1g, B12 5mg/2m, C 2x.5g, Cr 3x1g, D3 1/w, Ga: ~2g(4), Gi2, Gu:~1.2g(4), Ma3x2, Nc: 2.5g(5, incl. 2x1/night), Ω3, P5:1, Pf4, Pq1, Q10 2x1g/d, Qc 2x.5g/d, Rs2, Ro2, Sa1, Se1, Sr 3x1x125k, The.2g, Zn1)

Abbreviations resolved under blog references
What-when-details: Updated Dec 3rd (before: see the reference post)
/21:00? A1/2 “19:00” PF#1 Cr#1 mal#1+2 P5P/2Rho/0Se +/22:00 PQQ Ω3 = “PfCr Ml P5Ro Pq.Ω3”
/22:10 A3 “21:00” PF#2 .6 GABA&.4glu#1 NAC#1 = "PF+.6GaGlu+Nc
/02:05 +ALA/pycnogenol
0 A4 “23:00” PF#3 .3 GABA&.3glu#2 = “PF+.3Ga/Glu”
0 B1 “01:00” PF#4 NAC#2 SRP#1 = “PF+Nc+Sr2”.
(0 B2 “03:00” 0mumijo#2 (teeth))
/08:40 B3 “07:00” (30’) Q10#1 0quercetin resveratrol#1 SAM-e1, “Q1QcRsSa” + ?NAC#
B4 “Up”: 2xNADH#?
ONLY C1, but D2+3 instead of C2+3! 12:05 MEAL! C1/2 “+30’=Meal” Cr#2 .6GAB#3,the2,gink#1, NAC#2,Zn=B2,C,Cr.GaThe Gi n’AC/Z
0, praps D2+3 instead of C3 “08:00” .1gB2,.5gC#1, NAC#3+ “B2CNc”. Nut > grain-Meal:
/14:40 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) ma#3+4 Nd#? SRP#2 — MlNdSr (1st meal till: ?)
15:30 D1 “13:00” Pectin and/or psyllium with meal, no other supps.
/16:00? So C2 instead of D2/3 “15:00” .5gC#2,Cr#3,.3GA#4/glu#3,gink#2,mal#5+6,NAC#5, “C.Cr.GiGa/Gu.MaNc”
/18:45 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Nd#?.Qc#1+2.Q10#2.Rs#2,SRP#3. “Nd&Q1QcRsSr2”
Still forgotten C3, so I’ll take that with the next A1…
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Complete & C changed supps. 3) Complete ##. 4) Tally irreg. 5) Remove “v” 6) Cut template 7) Save this 8) Paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). BATCHES OK?
(Nov 4th: 18:00 vitamin B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; next: Jan 4th.)

The day's 16 compartments (10', plus 5-10' making capsules)

Arg: Capsules? Pf: A1+3+4+B1, (0 Nia+) B2:A1+C2 C:C2,D3 Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ga: A3,a4,C1,d2, Glu: A3,a4,d3, Gi: C2,D3, (0Gly: A1+C2+C3), Mal: A2+C4+D3, Nc: A3, B1,C1,C3,D2, Q1QcRs: B3,D4 Sr2x: B1,C4,D4. SINGLE: A2:P5/Ro, B3:Sa C2: Th+Zn.
(A2:0Se)(A2:Ω/Pq:meal), (B2:0mu), (B4: 5NADH if nec.) (D1:0Pe).

Jab-sfx: Haven’t had to sit-lie quite as much, even without ibuprofen and without breath-holding again. But doing more than 1h of activity is a little challenging. Not enough to stop tho.
Research-search today: Writing more on an pretty inactive German forum at the mo, (after other English forums the last 2 days), and learning (and acclimatizing) a little bit. Still want to put my treatment list there, but since no-one anywhere

Reasons to be cheerful #188 A little more “life” in the sense of activity today… But not particularly self-disciplined, so obviously doing what I want, which is OK as long as what I need doesn’t get too overbearing - which it obviously isn’t getting…