2022-08-01, Monday - Energy 15% / Sleep 85% / Feeling 80%(-60-80%)-ish
Sleeping less than 9h today seems to keep up some cortisol, increase energy and reduce the pain, which helped me thru the day. But praps it was also sleeping long the first days after the Big Trigger. Slightly cortisoley-feverish with a little energy in the evening. Just got to keep the balance with sleep.
Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria
Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 15 areas: limb-Ache 8 (20(-50-20)%, stiff 15%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (85%), insomnia 3 (15%), fog 2 (20%), headache 0, GI 1 (10%), depression 0
Triggers & resulting Symptoms
SLEEP (click for details): 8h20, up 7x (1h53) ✅, but ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 2 of 7 ✅, getting up: 80%/2 ✅, but still tired eye/face, altho I was "only" doing Yoga Nidra the last 30'...
cold shower 23:00 p0 Sleep 23:37- ear plugs TEETH
1:30 28’ 80%/2/20% p2-3 st1 sip fw5’ A4
3:29 7’ 80%/2/15% p2-3 st1 sip fw1’ air
4:59 16’ 70%/3/15% p1 st1 sip fw12’ air
5:28 11’ 70%/3/15% p0-1 st1 sip fw12’ ear plugs eye mask FCS#2 air
7:10 17’ 70%/3/20% p0 st1 sip fw2’ (ear plugs eye mask) 6 air stools
8:49 34’ 70%/3/20% p0 st1 sip fw20’ (ear plugs eye mask)
-9:50 B2-4 at 10:05
Sum: 23+9h50-(28+7+16+11+17+34=)1h53 = 10h13-1h53 = 8h20, up 7x (1h53)
ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy) ➔ ACHE: 80%/2 2x10’ cycle, plus 30’ wait in sun, wind & near 2 smokers ➔ 60%/5
. But after resting a while quite good again in the ➔ 80%/2, whilst getting tired even before taking the evening supps (all late…
) Still striking how little I can do, even if it’s getting better.
ACTIONS ➔ PAINS: except: neck
GI: quite good, still no
, esophagus
. jaw 0x5’’
, pee pain: 7xp1-2, 3x3p
, see below: At night 1-3 I can’t really see being serotonin as I take 1.8g GABA in the evening, same at 15:00.
Small irritations & pains at night were OK.
Standing in the sun waiting for ?30’ was really strenuous, but it was more other things than the standing.
MCAS/HIT-Symptoms/Triggers/Treatments: Except lack of real energy as ever.
. Apparently no other problems(?)
Fibro & Touch:
Weather: Indoors . Outdoors
Urinary diary: 19:30 p1 22:05 p1
(after no raisins, but a bit of apple, yogurt, more sheep cheese than at 15:00. I hope it’s not the apples! And praps I can adjust amounts…) 1:35 p2-3!
3:29 p2-3
4:59 p1
5:28 p0-1
7:10 p0 8:49 p0 11:05 p1
12:05 p2
(hmm, what’s that tho? Is it waiting too long with GABA after all, or yesterday a food trigger and that? (lack of GABA not being a real trigger) 13:00 p0
14:55 p3+p0
15:45 p1
Now what was that “attack” - milder than the last days, but still not OK: Raisins (lots) and apple, but no: yoghurt, cheese, chocolate, hazelnuts. In the evening: Raisins (few) and apple, and hazelnuts, no yogurt, cheese, chocolate.
17:05 p0-1 Must have been once more, sez I at 22:00…?
Chinese Acupuncturist - #25 on 21st (Sleep & +25% GABA helping.) Sleeping less than 9h today seems to keep up some cortisol, which might help me thru the day. But praps it was also sleeping long the first days. Session #26 on 2nd.
SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 91' (back late in the evening, so on tomorrows tally)
airing 5x2’, cold shower 2x(10’), cream fc/ey/hd/ft 0x1’, teeth 3x2’, HWB 0x3’, breath exercises 3x1’, Timing, hunchback-pillow 20’, Y. Nidra 30’, massage gun 0x3’, neck 1+ 1x1’, neck 2 0x1’, plantar/calf stretch 1x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 0’, back 0’, aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 0x1’, yoga/stretching 0x1’.
Combine: next?
workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.
Supps June 22nd (28 supps): Supp costs:~325€/m (Jun 27th) CHANGED: GenF20+?? (HGH and amino acids); Alpha GPC = choline alfoscerate? B3 flush free? CoQ10 with evening meal from July 20th! (unstuffs nose) Run out of vitamin B2 (R-5-P) July 14th. Reducing P5P too. NEW IDEAS: Copper in psyllium. Copper suggested by verywellhealth, Hagmeyer and now Robbins. PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY: click for details:
ZERO now: Arg, B2, B3/Nia, Cu, Mum, Nc 1*.5g, (Nd), Pe, Ps, Rib, Se, Sr 31125k, Zn.
REGULAR as of Jul 22nd (>30 supps): ALA .2g, B2 0x50mg, B12 5mg/4m, C 2x.5g, Cr 6x0.6g, 0(-2) DAO before meals, D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, + K2 (MK7) 200mcg, increased up to 2-3/w, EGCG 1x(50%, incl. theanine?).5g, EllagicA 2 → 3x.2g (+43mg vit. C), Fev .4g (+.2g MSM), Ga: 5x.6g=3g, Gi 3x168mg, Glu: 0.6+0.3g, Hon (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, Luteolin .2g, Ω3 1x5mg, Mg Gly 2x50mg, Mg Mal 2x45mg, P5P 1x27mg, PEA 1x0.4g Pf 5x.35g, pine bark 2x.5g, PQQ 1, CoQ10 (ubn) !1x.1g, Qc 4x.5g, Rs (50%) 2x.4g, Ro 2x.35g, Sa .1g, Sily (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin) , The 2x.2g (+.15g polyphenols).
What-when-details: Updated Jun 27th (before: see the reference post)
/20:15 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1+2 GABA#1 Cr#1+2, 2 mg mal, 0P5P, 2x50mg B2, 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Qc. Meal: 0 DAO 1xHon. Q10.
Meal - Gum -
/21:45 A3 “21:00” PF#3 .6 GABA#2 & .6glu & 1Lut (slp!) & Qc 1xHon
0 Chamomile tea.
A4 “23:00” PF#4 .6 GABA#3&.3glu#2 & Ellagic acid#1 + 0 Rupafin
0 B1 “01:00” PF#5
/10:05 B2 “07:00” +ALA+1x pine bark, (teeth) +1Ro
/10:05 B3 “07:00” (-30’) Qc Rs#1 SAM-e
/10:05 B4 “07:00” EGCg + Fev/MSM + Sily +2The
/?11:45 C1/2 “MEAL!” 2Cr#2 .6GABA#4, (C2:) 0x50mgB2, gink#1, 0 Zn, ?11:45 gly#1+2, ?1x pine bark#2 + vit.D3 2-3/wk.
?11:45 C3 “MEAL” .5gC#1 (0NAC)+PEA
Meal - Gum -
/20:00 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) gi#2 Ellagic acid#2
0 DAO (D1) “12:30” 0psyllium
/14:35 D2/3 “13:00” .5gC#2 , 2Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 DRINK!
Meal - Gum -
/20:00 16:35 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#3, Qc#4.Rs#2, Nd#? +1Ro
/20:35 A1-2
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Cpl & chk/C supp-chg. 2) Remove “v”, cut, save, paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). Close 2nd TAB!
(Nov 4th, Jan 10th: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; last: Apr 10th.)
The day's 16 supp-compartments (10', plus 5' making capsules), Jul 22nd
Pf: 1A1+1A2+1A3+1A4+1B1, B2:0A1+0C2 C:C3+D2 3x2Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ell: A4,C4+D4. 4-5xGa: A2,A3,A4,C1,D2, Glu: A3,a4 Gi: C2,C4,D3 2Gly:C2 Hon:A2.A3. 2Mal:A2 Qc: A2.A3.B3.D4 Ro:B2,D4 Rs:B3,D4 SINGLE: 0P5+Q1 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d!):A2. A3: Luteolin A4: 0Rup! B2: ALA+1-2 pine B3:Sa. B4: 2Th EGCG&Fev/MSM&Sily C2:0Cu/Zn C3:PEA (A2:Ω/Pq:meal) DAO before every meal, usually only when risk?
(A2:0Se), (B2:0mu), (5NADH if nec.) (D1:0Pe). (0 Nia) (0Nc: A3, B1,C1,C3,D2) (0Sr: B1,C4,D4)
‘Research’ today: Interesting article I was pointed to which seems to be saying that there are autoantibodies (Aab) that reduce the serotonin. If this explains all the/my serotonin reduction is another matter. But it makes me think all theories are more and more related (“autoimmune neuroinflammation” causing dysbalances). More on that tomorrow.
But first got to order quite a few new supps and re-order a few old ones that have run out or will do or I want to try again.
Lessons in self-care #382 Need to concentrate on self-care more now my wife is away for a few days.
Reasons to be cheerful #386 Moving a bit more. Music. Serotonin study. Quite a lot of good things today.
Things I love about myself #70 Cheerful and warm.
- My food apparently minus broccoli…
- 1st Jab-sfx-summary, last edit: Feb 7th.
- My blog references, e.g. abbreviations, supp chart/overview
- My “How to symptom track & trigger hunt”
- Next up…: Summaries & finishing off treatment list…