JayCS’s Fibro Blog

Day 9 - Another fresh start…

Wary of these fresh starts now: No workout like yesterday, in case that was one of the problems. No stress like Day 4. No dentist-pains or similar like Day 3.
The other problem I’m got thinking about tonight is the thick mask making my oxygen-intake too bad when having to talk loudly thru it. Wearing a thinner mask would mean talking & remembering 1,50m distancing even more. Which is big! I’m thinking of taking a folding yardstick to work to show myself and others - that could be fun - a lesson in overcoming social phobia … :wink:
Yes, and I’m thinking about going to work again today. Gently. Carefully.

After a good night’s sleep, in which the Ache has subsided.
What I learnt tonight: a nice warm shower is no help whatsoever for sleeping, quite the opposite.
I thought I’d be nice to myself and also try something new for a change :wink:
I had to get up again after 5mins, because I felt overheated, with pains everywhere waist down. A warm-cold-shower made up for it 2h-sleep. But I bet doing it immediately would’ve helped more.

Next idea: The problem is the thick mask plus loud talking plus light stress,
so better masks plus anti-stress-breathing all day: 4-6-8 = 4 in, 6 hold, 8 out.

Maybe it’s not the thick masks themselves, but that I’ve used them too much.

I do realize there are things I can’t influence, but I will not stop constantly looking what I can.

A colleague asked about “my back problem”… I think to put it short for people who can’t understand/remember I’ll just call it a muscle disease from now on.

1pm: Worked talking intensely for 5+5+20’ and another 30’ at a PC - all with a thin mask. 3h there altogether, no breath-holding, no yoga. Towards the end I got feverish, so did a lot of deep-breathing after. And I’m still OK. This morning I was greeted once again with How are you, you look really fit today - LOL & yesterday I was staggering up the stairs and thinking of giving up - so yes AM, that was a full flare & I’m sure I’m not on “a safe side”, just because I’ve changed the mask… which is endangering me in another way. But I’ve ordered two of these expensive but tested special masks (“livinguard”) and kept distancing (with yardstick twice for a laugh, and one of the colleagues looking knowingly described to me how he’d told others how to remember: two arm-lengths, and in doing so came one step closer, me one step back, he one step closer, me another step back, then: it dawned upon him :rofl: )
(The special thicker masks can be washed cold 70x, once a week, so that makes them cheap, easy to handle & hygienic.)
3pm: Table tennis easy, just short breaks… Sillily eating too stressy IBSD psyllium. +1h work from home.

JCS, I lived in an emotionally abusive relationship for 20 yrs, with my ex, so I guess that is why I so desperately want more for daughter (she’s actually a step daughter, but has been in my life since 5 yrs old). Part of my concern is that her mother was super-controlling (not just to her, but to her teachers, to myself and hubby - finally at 16 daughter asked us to go to court and fight to have us live with her - we did). But, I’m afraid she lived so long under her mother’s controlling ways that she doesn’t see how damaging that is to a relationship. Her boyfriend constantly questions her - where are you? why weren’t you here 5 min. ago, etc., and appears to be extremely jealous. Also, he is often emotionally unavailable to her and avoids answering questions that are very important to daughter (she wants him to have his vasectomy reversed, if possible, so that she can have a child one day**). He has laughed at her when she’s crying, and has implied that her hurt feelings are her own doing - that things are all in her head… He’s been married once, has a young son (who daughter loves and has helped to raise this last year). He seems to have lived a “playboy” life since marriage, until meeting daughter, and has never had a healthy relationship with a woman.
Daughter has decided to stay with him, but NOT move back in yet. This is about the 4th time she left him - She said it would be the last, but here we are again. BF promises this time not to just try to change, but to get professional help - to be diagnosed (Daughter suspects he may be bi-polar). We are still strongly suggesting that daughter see a therapist, as well.
So, it is what it is. I am trying to step back now, and protect myself from this terrible anxiety that I feel may do my in at times. You are correct - I need to draw the line towards this situation.
Hubby and I are together in how we see the situation. BF called last night and we basically told him to “SHOW” us he is making steps to change - Not TELL us, as we have heard all of the promises before - except the promise to see a doctor and/or therapist. I do not believe he has the capacity to change on his own as evidenced in the last 3 breakups with daughter. He had a terrible childhood and I think daughter believes this is part of the problem. She has said that his friends tell her he has changed for the better since they met. Let’s hope he goes the extra mile. We strongly advised her that things usually get harder after marriage - not better. During the “courting” stage, usually both have their best foot forward.
***I also told daughter that she can still carry a child if he is sterile. It doesn’t have to be his sperm. She said “That is off the table -per BF”. I said “Nothing is OFF the table! Your feelings are just as important. He expects you to love his son, as his own, and he could do the same for you, if not the biological father of your baby”.
I did ask them if they could possibly take a break from each other while he/she seeks help. His words: “That’s not happening.” Personally, I think that he’s afraid if he lets her go, even for a short time, she will meet someone else.
Thank you for listening & for your words of wisdom! :slightly_smiling_face:

Added note: I think we may not be hearing everything that is going on. Once, when upset at daughter, BF told her “I will kill you”. She has called her dad crying so many times and her depression and anxiety have worsened since knowing him. This is why it is difficult to separate ourselves from the situation completely.

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Wonderful idea, JCS! I’m sure the yardstick did make people think, while also bringing a bit of levity - Social distancing (at the correct distance) is a MUST!
I’m glad you had a better work day - It is a big change for both your body and mind. Thank goodness your ache has subsided. That makes a big difference in our productivity. Being in constant “flare” mode can quickly drain your energy!

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Day 10 - quite good, but this is becoming “the blaze” for me more & more:

I’d’ve wanted to aim for just physical distancing, not social ;-). But actually having used the yardstick I am realizing that I have to keep away more from rooms in which colleagues are close and moving/standing around, esp. at times when lots are there re. it’s too dense, because it’s just not gonna work. So more mails (= less stress), but also a bit more social distancing, not *seeing them as much as would be good.
Today I’m catching them in other situations instead - sitting waiting in a big space - loads are saying “hello”, one said “ah, you’re here again”, another “ah, we do see you more than I was thinking” and a third I addressed myself, a fourth I could have if I hadn’t been noting something, caught her later - so I think this may be a much better alternative!
My new normal thick mask is not better for my oxygen than the old ones. Good to know! Now I’m hoping the special one is better to breathe thru. In case they’re not, I’ve seen one which supposedly is, cheaper, but “one-way”, available again from next week.
BTW: both rubber bands have ripped off the 2nd new FFP2-mask after not even an hour of use… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
6 concentrated games of table tennis with medium long breaks! Not sure yet if it was too much, myofascial stress in arms & torso… :woozy_face: Good for trying or risky?
Countermeasures? Yoga was wrong. :roll_eyes: Still OK tho. More breath…
I spose I might have to start considering working from home. Might be going that way soon anyway, quicker than expected…
7pm - Boots: Because my feet-bones/structures have been hurting more & more, I put on my autumn-boots plus intricate insoles (“3D-programmed” - wow…) yesterday & today. Now my feet don’t hurt anymore, but my right knee has started up again. So I’ll be back to my “barefoot”-boots again. Praps a daily swap or as necessary.
(All my shoes *have to have zero-heels, so my back, esp. kyphosis doesn’t hurt.)
Or find some new ones, but my body has always been hard to please… O.o

8pm After fresh-air (cycling/) I worked online/mailing for more than an hour, forgetting self-discipline, e.g. eating late, but … 21:30pm … I’ll try to go to bed without ado. No stressing about anything?

Quite some parallels here… O.o but my adopted/step-son is having a somewhat better time with his relationships, thankfully… Wish you all power (and self-hypnosis) you need for this… :green_heart:

Yes, you would be under less stress at home, for sure! As for masks, I must wear a cotton mask in order to breath better - Probably not the best for protection, but my mask only protects others - They must wear a mask in order for me to be protected (This is what I’ve heard and read - Is it true??)

LOL - Many thanks!!!

Stress: Less CoV-stress, but more zoom-stress…
Masks: It’s true that cotton & surgery masks only protect others, which is OK for short distanced contact, even for me and I can breathe thru both fairly well, better at least. But in contact with people for longer time who don’t keep distance or wash hands, I need a mask which protects me, FFP2 or KN95. But the ones I’ve tried up to now are too thick. It’s not that I have the *feeling I can’t breathe enough, so I don’t notice/sense it, it’s my limbs which seem to get slowly suffocated. Also the more distance, the more I have to “shout” as a colleague asked me to do today, which again costs more oxygen…

Are you seeing/finding all the edits of my "daily post? (“Daily Post” :wink: ) Or shall I mark them somehow?

Very interesting, JCS, about the masks…But, not good that you can’t breath well enough with them on. I don’t like this “new normal” at all. The stress is exhausting everyone, including the “healthy” folks!

I think we are seeing your edits alright, Mr. Daily Post journalist, LOL. You could always make them a different color, I guess… :question:

:exploding_head: - how come you can do colours and I can’t get it to work and even TJ couldn’t help me?! Teach me please! :slight_smile:

!!Day 11!! - Wahaaay - successes!

Despite a silly night, where I at 4am going back to bed once again thought “just don’t think about anything” I started thinking about everything, with good ideas, remembering all kinds of things that need doing. Drat! Probably typical case of Doing what you Don’t want to. “Don’t think of pink elephants…” :slight_smile: It has worked before, but tonight I’ll try to remember to just think of doing a body scan (starting with toes, working up, just feeling what they are like, whether with pain or without), again and again, till I’m gone again. That often helps me get back to real sleep or drowsing, apart from autogenic training.

But: I put a nose-strip on my nostrils under my thin mask (one of the night-ideas), sat next to the window, often wide open, with longs johns and gloves on (and my 4 pairs of socks, as ever, but without my ‘kilt’), discussing things, and didn’t get too cold, breathed out of the window every now and then - and it worked! Not much feverishness, managed to go round to my granddaughter and her mum for 2 hours later and even climb around on the playground (but good that we had to miss out on table tennis tho…)
And had a talk with my boss - she told me ideas for December, that she was gonna go easy on me with doing more work then, very considerate, not quite unexpected, but a bit…

No kilt?? What’s up with that?? :crazy_face:LOL
I do wish we could bottle your energy and pass it around, JCS!
Sounds like a great meeting with your boss!

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You crack me up JCS! The question mark with “color” was just an Emoji choice…
Let’s see…Can I do colors? Sadly, I don’t believe so :exclamation:

Maybe you could put an emoji before any edit… : :asterisk:
I’m out of ideas & have to return to work in a min. Mind is kinda fried right now. :fire:
Good luck, my friend!

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Day 12 - freezing, but with energy, kilt, & colours

Energy: Yeah, I’ve got more than enough for others, but my early attempts in telekinesis (e.g. shattering light bulbs) didn’t bear fruit. My wife would love it, too if I had a bit less, makes her mad sometimes - but secretly she is attracted to it (we met wildly dancing to Rage Against the Machine… - only 8 years ago I could often still go out late till early & dance 3h non-stop… that crumbled 5 years ago… now it’s wildly dancing for 3mins with stops, and staying up till 11pm is like 5am, getting up all night - times are a-changing, life doesn’t get boring…)
Ah, so you can do colours… your own special way… :partying_face: Let’s see… :arrow_forward: :heavy_plus_sign: :interrobang: :bangbang: :exclamation: :one:
:yawning_face: :bed: :sleeping_bed: :sleeping:
Yesterday & today the house TVs made me change rooms for the first night stint again till 0, successfully.
And warm-cold showering at around 4 didn’t save me from getting subliminally cold :cold_face: shortly after (twice), even putting a jogging suit over my ‘pyjamas’. Today I thought it’d be enough, so I didn’t bother with a hot water bottle. Hard to describe: As if I were ‘almost shaking’, all my muscles on edge somehow.
It’s got cold outside, yes, froze yesterday, but my bedroom temperature’s only gone down 1°C to 18°C - that’s fibro I spose, somehow. Strangely it’s not the air on my face, like a few weeks ago. And my nose was clear(!) So I prefer not putting the heating on for skin & nose. My wife said I am cold. So I’ll try a 3rd+ blanket tonight, plus hot water bottle. No sense in questioning the warm-cold-shower, if I’m wide awake again, as I am several times at night. This showering is saving me hours of sleeplessness almost every night…
I’ll just try a short workout… just 30’’ jumping jacks 30’’ wall sit & 30 push-ups… Still shaky now. Now cycling to train to work will hopefully do the rest. If not, I’m in trouble… The kilt, remember the kilt (half-kilt)!..
Did I tell you, no I didn’t: My 3rd FFP2-mask (I got in exchange) bust yesterday 2 minutes after putting it on. So thin mask + more distancing today.
Starting out 10mins earlier helps remember new habits, like the half-kilt: almost forgot! Good idea… train 20’ late (spontaneous), so had to do yoga, but I’d left my rucksack on my back too long anyway. Earlier also means not sweating under long johns, kilt… etc.
Better now. Happy, but weak. Or weak, but happy & OK. Weak from doing nothing much, apart probably from my muscles having been micro-shaking - interesting thought.

JCS: Muscles hurting and shaking?? Yikes! :grimacing: Thats a double whammy!!!
I see you making fun of my “color” ability -LOL
Half-kilt now? You’re getting kinda scandalous!

Question: How long do you have to stay in the cold shower for it to numb the pain? How cold is it? All the way up? I’m intrigued by this -It’s something I’ve not tried nor heard about. Thank U!

Not at the same time: the hurt-type feeling in bed seemed to be micro-shaking, i.e. not visible.
That then lead to a certain amount of aching and weakness.

Wait, what, you mean me? :astonished: You think I would be cheeky enough to do that? :innocent:

I was wondering (after writing of course… :innocent:) whose mind would wander how far… e.g. which way round… :rofl:

Ah, I’ve still not written my big post about the 6 types of cryotherapy…
Keeping my answer short first:
10’’ may be enough at first! Working up to 30’‘/40’‘. Cold shower fans say they are trained to go in for 10mins., that is much too much for me. Even more than 2-3’ irritates my dry skin too much.

Cold means using only the cold water coming out of the tap (unless you are a desert dweller), no warm at all. I’m just measuring ours, let’s see: 17°C/63°F. But I’ve just read that 15°C is the average here, due to water pipes being fairly deep underground. It can get more like 20°C if not, but if the water pipes go thru a cellar in winter then it can even go down to 5°C/41°F.
My main bet is just aiming for it purely cold. But by all means starting with 30’’ warm/hot first, then weaning off so it’s cold longer than hot.

That’s the goal: Toe to face… :smirk_cat:
But starting if you’re not used to it with just 4’’ for one leg (I start with left, but right first is said to be easier on the circulation) up 1’’ down 1’’ up 1’’ down 1’‘, then the other. Then similarly first arm and second arm. Then chest 1’‘, with a break if necessary, by going back to the legs and arms a second time. Back and face last of all, when you can manage the rest well.
Whole routine: Arms, legs, chest; arms, repeat plus back, face, repeat. At night I try to keep it down to 20-30’‘. Try not to flinch, and aim for not gasping in the end, have to try if it helps to make a fuss of it. Imagine it’s not cold, it’s just a short shock and then nice and warm. If you don’t get warm by yourself, use a heat pad or I prefer a hot water bottle.
Remember: I have Raynaud and can still do it and usually don’t need heat afterwards. And like for all of us fibromites, the cold is generally not good for my fibro. It’s again a question of the sweet spot, and in my case it’s as often under 3’, in this case better under 2’.

Me neither - a friend recommended it to me after she’d heard that whole body cryotherapy was helping. I’d heard that cryo can help fibro and is offered in rheum. clinics here, altho it was last on my list. One reason may be that it doesn’t seem to fit to our fibro-need for warmth and dread of the cold. Another that it’s trial and error how it can help. More in the long version as the day goes on… https://forum.livingwithfibro.org/t/heat-cold-therapy-6-types-cryotherapy

Day 12B & 13 - TCM/acupressure-successes!?

Well how’s about that?: We focused on the cold, weakness and sleep in the acupressure yesterday, because I haven’t got much pains anywhere or can get them down myself quickly. I say we because it’s sposed to be more effective if I go with the flow of what she’s doing.
For cold she esp. used “the inner cooking pot”, three meridian points on my chest which I can press myself with a key or similar till they hurt. Result: No cold problems. Even too hot at first at night, despite not putting the jogging suit over the rest, my room getting slightly colder. Had to get rid of the 3rd blanket and get up 25’ to cool down. She recommends not cold showering after the treatment if I can helpt it, otherwise I’d done that. No different upon waking.
But after the 25’ mins I had no big problem getting back to sleep, which could mean the sleep part is working too. I was up only 5 times and had no big problems getting back to sleep, felt just right.
Then after the treatment I got up and we tested - I had trouble doing squats. Still the same weakness and stiffness in my legs as in the morning, the first 20cm above my knees. So she did / showed me the two meridian spots for “wanting to walk to the next village, but not managing to” (cute ancient Chinese vocab). One in the middle of my calves, the other under my ankles - till it hurt. And immediately I could do several squats with full energy & absolutely no stiffness. :man_superhero: :muscle: And I’ve had pretty full energy since then. I’ve been pretty stiff after sitting & typing this morning, but after a bit of movement squats are no problem at all. And yesterday cycling :biking_man: after was good.
So I’m warily hoping… - seems too good to be true. But even if it’s just short-lived - feels good!

She then asked how the cryo is helping and I said: not much any more. She asked: I seem so happy when I go in - I answered - yeah, it’s great to go in, but it’s a very short-term relief if there is no TCM/acupressure after, only a shadow of what it was like when it was warm outside. So she’s suggested doing less cryo and more acupressure. I think I will. I can always go back to more cryo, esp. in spring, and still have my cold showers.
Maybe I’ve got so used to it, that it’s not enough shock anymore, altho I’m putting my head under, into the cold, when slowly doing breathing exercises, and holding my arms away from my sides, keeping my hands inside without gloves, just rubbing my finger-tips all the time … at -150°C/-238°F. I’d try colder, but the machine doesn’t go under that… :scream: pitywhata
Cryo OK. 4pm Table tennis very energetic, medium breaks with back exercises: 4 games limit & myofascial pain. 6pm still there.

Got my expensive classy suave :sunglasses: new thick masks :mask: today. Tried one out at home for 20’ :face_with_raised_eyebrow: The chemicals smell :nauseated_face: Tried it outside & in the supermarket for 20’ - almost killed me :skull: :cyclone: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: :zombie:
Time to do some yoga :person_in_lotus_position: and breathing :astonished:
Did a bit, but did some singing-recording first.
(BTW - Big toenail’s come apart, looks OK, but skin doc should have a look - sez my wife…)
7pm: Dead tired, itchy eyes & achingly knackered, haven’t lied down all day except for the table tennis breaks… So I only managed 10’ eating, then had to lie down for half an hour in the kitchen… My muscles are somehow strong, but I feel fluish-feverish once again, maybe overdone, but the mask is probably a big part of it too.

To set the record straight: When I mean ‘almost no pains’ at the moment I mean ‘compared’…
I do keep having pains daily off and on for short periods in the bladder, feet, wrists, wisdom tooth cavity … The lower back urge often at night, often 0am which forces me to get up, get a cold shower, is neither a pain nor an ache or part of The Ache.

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Day 14, Sunday - Self-Discipline day

My wife has to work today, which generally means I forget myself all day and dissolve into pain. I often need her Social Control. Deep down in me the remains of my co-dependency make me do things and even live for her, even if that’s not apparent. She knows that more than I do and that’s a bit of a strain for her, so she’s glad the more I manage to be independent. OTOH certain things she says and does enforce my dependency, so I have to fight in both directions to keep the balance.
After again a very good night’s sleep I’ve gotten up at the same time as on a work day and am going to do the opposite (also because I’ve been getting lax lately, excusing myself because of working & not having that much pain): a self-care day, keeping to my priorities, being A body B wife C room D flat E mac. Just did A enough. I can’t eat yet, cos of the suggestion of my acupressurist to take aloe vera half an hour before breakfast. Gonna be hard to remember that, but today’s the day. And what my wife just needed (= priority B) was for me to keep to myself, so she could get ready for work as unstressed as possible without her whirlwind :cyclone: cleaning up his room and flat…
My acupressurist had suggested reducing my pairs of cotton socks from 3 to 1, and leaving the woolen ones. Not working, but praps some new ones’d help. I was also wondering why I had a sore throat tonight & this morning saw that I’d forgotten to put my woolen ones over the 3 cotton ones after cold showering at 0.
Remembered my idea of using nose-strips under masks in the last hour of sleep. I also need to put my new mask in the fresh air, so any superfluous chemicals can escape - it was delivered in a hermetically sealed bag.

My OT-plans for today, esp. about paintings, if you're personally interested

Need to put the washing out to the fresh sunny air and hoover for D. Apart from that my plans are: a zoom church service, table tennis, phoning with a mate and visiting ‘my’ art gallery to praps buy a few small pictures we like two weeks ago. There’s a nice big one too, abstract with lush colours, like deep blue, which for big isn’t that expensive if I’d continue getting my full pay, but is expensive if I have to go on disability. Also my wife hadn’t taken much of (a shine) to it and I only want things she likes too - unless it’s something I’m completely thrilled about.

But before all this: priority A: I’m hungry, have waited long enough and have just rested by typing this lying down. A. (Listening to & improving singing in my renewed track in between, but singing is A too, lungs & soul.)
10am Panting and aching after housework - screwing in 2 screws is like 30 push-ups for me. :crazy_face: Just remembered the singing before was very hard on my torso too. So doing yoga & the screws on the balcony was good for my oxygen. But now 11:30 in the zoom-sermon I’m doing yoga again… and lying down, which is helping, and had a nice zoom-chat after the service too.
Right before I write too much - back to priority A Body: moving.
Did all I wanted to today, incl. buying (fairly cheap) a painting & a kind of print, but transporting them on my bike for only 10’ I got a strain in my right thumb-root, need arnica & heat… :frowning:
Played 4 games of table tennis without a break. Bit of a strain, but “necessary” because it’s getting dark so early. Good to see I sometimes can.
Not enough yoga. But enough lying down in between. And got quite a few things done.

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Day 15, Monday: Wonderful sleep. New Mask (plus Nosestrip) Test seems to be working

Long sleep :bangbang:, only 3 short breaks (wow, what a feeling :bangbang:)
6am slightly awake, but used :arrow_right: singing the old song of mine I’m working on in my head (so I don’t run the risk of composing something new; every time my mind wanted to think about work.)
But :arrow_right_hook: Back ache :arrow_right: back exercises. :arrow_right: More yoga before & :arrow_right: short yoga-stints at night? (It was OK after exercising in the morning, but paining at night, :arrow_right: the “Phoenix” helped a bit without waking: lie on belly, hands on bum, head up. But not enough.)
IBSD :arrow_right: Psyllium. Why? Yesterday tomato :arrow_right: anus-inflammation.
Thumb root was hurt before, I’ve realized, but worse from print-carrying. :arrow_right: arnica cream again.
Sore throat yesterday (cold-danger!) :arrow_right: Marigold & :arrow_right: Umckaloabo from wet hair with towel-turban too long or/and sweating from cycling etc. due to the acupressure-cooking pot. :arrow_right: slower cycling. And :arrow_right: ‘no kilt today’ or how did the old song go :upside_down_face:
Unhurried to the train. Forgot new mask. Scheiße. Unhurried back. Wait in warm (writing this, arnica cream on thumb & cream on dry hands). Back #2. After all the mask is the focus today. And unhurried is more important than early. :arrow_right: fix mask on rucksack. :arrow_right: put cream-tube-stub in rucksack.

I’ve decided to use :arrow_right: to focus on all solutions.
Perhaps also: :arrow_right_hook: ‘lead(s) to’ :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: ‘comes from’

10am: 20’ talking thru new mask was OK. Colleagues: Standing at one side of a 2m table, talking over the table. :arrow_right: fresh air/ :arrow_right: deep-breathing/ :arrow_right: breath-holding: I’m realizing that actually this is a short sharp way of feeling better, howsoever this works.
11:30: :arrow_right: New mask plus :arrow_right: nose strips plus :arrow_right: breath-holding.
Worked. Breath-holding is turning out to be brilliant. :bangbang: Not the complete Wim Hof exercise, which you have to do sitting or lying down, because you hold your breath with no air in your lungs. Just breathing IN and holding that for - in my case - 15-30’’. It can be done cycling, standing, inside, outside, with mask, without. And I feel better after. I get more oxygen. And with mask on I wait a moment till the CO2 has gone out of the mask (or press it out) and can then get a lungful of fresher air without taking it off.
Distancing: A collleague said she had to stand closer, because she doesn’t hear very well :arrow_right: I stepped back and spoke louder.

1:00 Cramp in left calf :arrow_right: stretch.
1:30 4 games of table tennis with breaks was again the limit, despite keeping the nose strip on. :arrow_right_hook: myosfascial torso-ache :arrow_right: lying down 30mins. at home helped.
Sweating again more now, which is dangerous when I get cold. :arrow_right: Keep calm & slow. :arrow_right: Take hoodies off earlier. But feet are still cold - or even colder I think? :arrow_right: More heat on feet? Transport of heat is not working, dysbalanced, my power of mind is not strong enough for this. :arrow_right: tell acupressurist tomorrow. :arrow_right: Hoodies off earlier, praps they’re not as necessary any more, it’s cold but often sunny.
6:30 Good zoom-singing lesson about improving my new old song, but mainly sitting on my bar stool was OK for my back, but :arrow_right_hook: myofascial pain 5 in torso incl. arms now :arrow_right: lie down. Next time :arrow_right: lie down more or all of the time, it wasn’t necessary at all!
8:00 Damn, not lying down enough, it’s starting to really ache now. :stop_button:

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JSC, so much I would like to comment on, but don’t know if I have the time (much work to do today).
The DANCING! Must try this to “wake up” my body and cause my mind to want to move forward with more stretching exercises and the many exercises I learned in PT for my shoulders (trying to put off a shoulder surgery that my doctor thinks may be necessary in the future).
COLD SHOWERS - Thank you for the explanation of doing one body part at a time. This seems more doable than shocking the body all at once! Also, it is good to know that you only have to start with a few seconds and work up to minutes…
DEPENDENCY on spouse. I SO understand this, and often feel guilty that I rely so much on hubby. I explain to him that work takes almost all of my energy - He understands and does the bulk of the grocery buying (Just going to the store makes me sore the next day - ugh). He often cooks the meals, takes the dogs out (multiple times) at night, and does so much more. I polish furniture, do laundry on weekends, pay the bills, and we both keep the place tidy, but there are so many projects I need to do around the house and not enough energy to do them. I think I must just do a little at a time and congratulate myself for any bit I accomplish (rather than feel bad for not getting it all done at once!).
CONGRATS on keeping distance from the hard of hearing co-worker and speaking more loudly. We must all continue to protect ourselves from Covid as much a possible. It is spreading so quickly right now. I had feared that when the schools opened this would happen. But, I know that it is a combination of many things - Not just the schools. When I see people out and about without a mask, and no mask for their kids, I just don’t understand. Many of the young people (in their 20’s, such as daughter) think it is safe to be around friends with no mask. It isn’t surprising at all that the virus is spreading, and it will continue to spread if things such as masks and social distancing are not taken seriously.
Also, congrats on the new mask but too bad about the smell. :skunk: Would washing it help at all? Or, did you already do this?
Have a beautiful day and thank you for the great ideas! :blush: