Looking for help

I read on a discussion page that there are lists of symtoms checklist for taking to the DR. Can anyone tell me where to find all this info. Thanks

Hello Angela,

Have you tried looking in Fibro 101, on this site? I personally haven't heard of a list of symptoms check list. There are a vast number of symptoms, tho', and every one is different. If you are going for a diagnosis this usually a process of elimination, lots of tests to rule out other conditions. Some docs or rheumatologists do the pressure point test, painful points on the body that many Fibro sufferers have. Good luck

Take care, Anne

thanks Anne

That is where I read that there was such a thing. I am waiting to hear from a new Dr so I thought I would get as much info written down as possible

AnneV said:

Hello Angela,

Have you tried looking in Fibro 101, on this site? I personally haven't heard of a list of symptoms check list. There are a vast number of symptoms, tho', and every one is different. If you are going for a diagnosis this usually a process of elimination, lots of tests to rule out other conditions. Some docs or rheumatologists do the pressure point test, painful points on the body that many Fibro sufferers have. Good luck

Take care, Anne

You're very welcome, Angela. Sorry I could not be of more help.

Take care, Anne

Hi Angela, I am glad you are getting prepared for your doctor's appointment. What I have done many times is keep a log of my symptoms, a diary of sorts. I usually document what I was doing at the time and also what did I do to try to feel better (i.e. deep breathing). There are a lot of online tools as well you can use to track your symptoms if you are wanting something more techy. The American Chronic Pain Association is just one website where you can access symptom trackers. Here is a link to one of their online tools, http://theacpa.org/fibroLog/default.aspx. And yes, we plan to add a symptom tracker form here in the Fibro 101 guide, the guide is a continuous work in progress. If you have suggestions of things you would like to see their please feel free to let us know. Please let us know how your appointment goes. Hugs.

Thanks Auburnm, I have started once again to keep track of everything,and I have found a checklist. I find it just makes it easier to keep track of everything ...every different symptom when you see the list...it helps to remember them all.