Migraines and fibro?

How many suffer from migraines? I feel like that’s how my fibromyalgia started and went on down to the rest of my body…started one today just took imatrex dark room and bed. Just was curious? Thanks!


Exactly, I describe it as a body migrane. Usually my sign that I am going to have a bad day. My head, my ears, my teeth on down to my toes. Sometimes I have the symptoms of a migrane without the headache. Nausea, ear whooshing, eye balls hurt... Pretty shitty.


I took in enough time, thank God! Thanks for comments!

Hi Neece,

I feel like I almost always have a headache.... it seems if I over exert myself or stress in anyway then they turn into migraines really quickly.

Hope you feel better


Ohhh the MIGRAINES!!! I have had chronic headaches for a very long time. I ate aleve everyday until my stomach could not handle it anymore. I developed ulcers. I have had migraines on occasions but a dark room and sleep would take care of that. I experienced my worst migraine on july 4th. Never in my life had I had one do that to me...I was so sick from the pain and 2 more like that since. My Dr. prescribed something to prevent them from happening but I am supposed to take them 3 times a day. I am now going to go ahead and give that a try. I certainly do not want to have anymore migraines like those... they are incapacitating!!!! I found myself clenching my jaw so tightly from the pain that my teeth and jaw hurt for days... I was diagnosed with TMJ recently but have had it for a while BUT never caused any issues unless I was chewing gum. NOW I find myself clenching constantly. Maybe this is what is triggering the migraines. I have no idea. This Level of migraine is new to me. I sure hope the med. works to keep them from happening.

Huggs, Belinda

Migraines are terrible! I had almost had it to the point if trying topomax, but didn’t want an extra med if I didn’t have to - so I talked to some of my PED neurology friends who all recommended riboflavin. I’ve been on it since January and went from having at least one migraine per week to a total I can count on one hand. It’s been a godsend. Much cheaper and safer than anti epileptics too!